24 research outputs found

    Dynamics of oral biofilms associated with mechanical ventilation

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    Critically ill patients often require mechanical ventilation (MV) to facilitate treatment for respiratory failure or airway protection when consciousness is impaired. Whilst the endotracheal tube (ETT) is an essential interface between the patient and ventilator, it may promote VAP by impeding host defence mechanisms and by translocating microorganisms from dental plaque to the lower airways. Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), which may be challenging to diagnose, is the most frequent hospital-acquired infection in critical care. It has been reported that when patients receive MV the composition of dental plaque changes to include respiratory pathogens such as Meticillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The primary aim of this research was to confirm that dental plaque communities altered during MV and to identify the potential causes of these changes. A combination of culture-based microbiology, community profiling molecular techniques and proteomic analysis of saliva was performed to analyse the microbiological content of the oral cavity, and to also quantify changes in dental plaque composition and saliva. For the first time, this study comprehensively analysed the dental plaque of mechanically ventilated patients and documented considerable species richness and diversity. Numerous potential respiratory pathogens were detected including Staphylococcus aureus, P. aeruginosa and Streptococcus pneumoniae in approximately one-third of mechanically ventilated patients. In addition, salivary flow rate was decreased and both the salivary pH and concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokines were significantly elevated during intubation. Dental plaque is a reservoir for VAP, and preventing or reducing respiratory colonisation may play a role in the management of ventilated patients. Interventions to prevent colonisation could include the modulation of salivary parameters such as pH and volume and further work may lead to the identification of specific proteins that are significant. Reducing the incidence of VAP will not only reduce mortality in the ICU, but will also have a great impact on hospital economics by reducing inpatient stay

    Respiratory pathogen colonisation of dental plaque, the lower airways and endotracheal tube biofilms during mechanical ventilation

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    Purpose In mechanically ventilated patients, the endotracheal tube is an essential interface between the patient and ventilator, but inadvertently, it also facilitates the development of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) by subverting pulmonary host defenses. A number of investigations suggest that bacteria colonizing the oral cavity may be important in the etiology of VAP. The present study evaluated microbial changes that occurred in dental plaque and lower airways of 107 critically ill mechanically ventilated patients. Materials and Methods Dental plaque and lower airways fluid was collected during the course of mechanical ventilation, with additional samples of dental plaque obtained during the entirety of patients' hospital stay. Results A “microbial shift” occurred in dental plaque, with colonization by potential VAP pathogens, namely, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in 35 patients. Post-extubation analyses revealed that 70% and 55% of patients whose dental plaque included S aureus and P aeruginosa, respectively, reverted back to having a predominantly normal oral microbiota. Respiratory pathogens were also isolated from the lower airways and within the endotracheal tube biofilms. Conclusions To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest study to date exploring oral microbial changes during both mechanical ventilation and after recovery from critical illness. Based on these findings, it was apparent that during mechanical ventilation, dental plaque represents a source of potential VAP pathogens

    Microbial profiling of dental plaque from mechanically ventilated patients

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    © 2015 The Authors. Micro-organisms isolated from the oral cavity may translocate to the lower airways during mechanical ventilation (MV) leading to ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Changes within the dental plaque microbiome during MV have been documented previously, primarily using culture-based techniques. The aim of this study was to use community profiling by high throughput sequencing to comprehensively analyse suggested microbial changes within dental plaque during MV. Bacterial 16S rDNA gene sequences were obtained from 38 samples of dental plaque sampled from 13 mechanically ventilated patients and sequenced using the Illumina platform. Sequences were processed using Mothur, applying a 97 % gene similarity cut-off for bacterial species level identifications. A significant ‘microbial shift’ occurred in the microbial community of dental plaque during MV for nine out of 13 patients. Following extubation, or removal of the endotracheal tube that facilitates ventilation, sampling revealed a decrease in the relative abundance of potential respiratory pathogens and a compositional change towards a more predominantly (in terms of abundance) oral microbiota including Prevotella spp., and streptococci. The results highlight the need to better understand microbial shifts in the oral microbiome in the development of strategies to reduce VAP, and may have implications for the development of other forms of pneumonia such as community-acquired infection

    Emergence of mobile colistin resistance (mcr-8) in a highly successful Klebsiella pneumoniae sequence type 15 clone from clinical infections in Bangladesh

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    The emergence of mobilized colistin resistance genes (mcr) has become a serious concern in clinical practice, compromising treatment options for life-threatening infections. In this study, colistin-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae harboring mcr-8.1 was recovered from infected patients in the largest public hospital of Bangladesh, with a prevalence of 0.3% (3/1,097). We found mcr-8.1 in an identical highly stable multidrug-resistant IncFIB(pQil) plasmid of ∼113 kb, which belonged to an epidemiologically successful K. pneumoniae clone, ST15. The resistance mechanism was proven to be horizontally transferable, which incurred a fitness cost to the host. The core genome phylogeny suggested the clonal spread of mcr-8.1 in a Bangladeshi hospital. Core genome single-nucleotide polymorphisms among the mcr-8.1-positive K. pneumoniae isolates ranged from 23 to 110. It has been hypothesized that mcr-8.1 was inserted into IncFIB(pQil) with preexisting resistance loci, blaTEM-1b and blaCTX-M-15, by IS903B. Coincidentally, all resistance determinants in the plasmid [mcr-8.1, ampC, sul2, 1d-APH(6), APH(3′′)-Ib, blaTEM-1b, blaCTX-M-15] were bracketed by IS903B, demonstrating the possibility of intra- and interspecies and intra- and intergenus transposition of entire resistance loci. This is the first report of an mcr-like mechanism from human infections in Bangladesh. However, given the acquisition of mcr-8.1 by a sable conjugative plasmid in a successful high-risk clone of K. pneumoniae ST15, there is a serious risk of dissemination of mcr-8.1 in Bangladesh from 2017 onwards

    Defining fluoroquinolone resistance-mediating mutations from non-resistance polymorphisms in Mycoplasma hominis Topoisomerases

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    Often dismissed as a commensal, Mycoplasma hominis is an increasingly prominent target of research due to its role in septic arthritis and organ transplant failure in immunosuppressed patients, particularly lung transplantation. As a mollicute, its highly reductive genome and structure render it refractile to most forms of treatment and growing levels of resistance to the few sources of treatment left, such as fluoroquinolones. We examined antimicrobial susceptibility (AST) to fluoroquinolones on 72 isolates and observed resistance in three (4.1%), with corresponding mutations in the quinolone resistance-determining region (QRDR) of S83L or E87G in gyrA and S81I or E85V in parC. However, there were high levels of polymorphism identified between all isolates outside of the QRDR, indicating caution for a genomics-led approach for resistance screening, particularly as we observed a further two quinolone-susceptible isolates solely containing gyrA mutation S83L. However, both isolates spontaneously developed a second spontaneous E85K parC mutation and resistance following prolonged incubation in 4 mg/L levofloxacin for an extra 24–48 h. Continued AST surveillance and investigation is required to understand how gyrA QRDR mutations predispose M. hominis to rapid spontaneous mutation and fluoroquinolone resistance, absent from other susceptible isolates. The unusually high prevalence of polymorphisms in M. hominis also warrants increased genomics’ surveillance

    Clinical and molecular description of a high-copy IncQ1 KPC-2 plasmid harbored by the international ST15 Klebsiella pneumoniae clone

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    This study provides the genomic characterization and clinical description of bloodstream infections (BSI) cases due to ST15 KPC-2 producer Klebsiella pneumoniae. Six KPC-K. pneumoniae isolates were recovered in 2015 in a tertiary Brazilian hospital and were analyzed by whole-genome sequencing (WGS) (Illumina MiSeq short reads). Of these, two isolates were further analyzed by Nanopore MinION sequencing, allowing complete chromosome and plasmid circularization (hybrid assembly), using Unicycler software. The clinical analysis showed that the 30-day overall mortality for these BSI cases was high (83%). The isolates exhibited meropenem resistance (MICs, 32 to 128 mg/liter), with 3/6 isolates resistant to polymyxin B. The conjugative properties of the blaKPC-2 plasmid and its copy number were assessed by standard conjugation experiments and sequence copy number analysis. We identified in all six isolates a small (8.3-kb), high-copy-number (20 copies/cell) non-self-conjugative IncQ plasmid harboring blaKPC-2 in a non-Tn4401 transposon. This plasmid backbone was previously reported to harbor blaKPC-2 only in Brazil, and it could be comobilized at a high frequency (10−4) into Escherichia coli J53 and into several high-risk K. pneumoniae clones (ST258, ST15, and ST101) by a common IncL/M helper plasmid, suggesting the potential of international spread. This study thus identified the international K. pneumoniae ST15 clone as a carrier of blaKPC-2 in a high-copy-number IncQ1 plasmid that is easily transmissible among other common Klebsiella strains. This finding is of concern since IncQ1 plasmids are efficient antimicrobial resistance determinant carriers across Gram-negative species. The spread of such carbapenemase-encoding IncQ1 plasmids should therefore be closely monitored. IMPORTANCE In many parts of the world, carbapenem resistance is a serious public health concern. In Brazil, carbapenem resistance in Enterobacterales is mostly driven by the dissemination of KPC-2-producing K. pneumoniae clones. Despite being endemic in this country, only a few reports providing both clinical and genomic data are available in Brazil, which limit the understanding of the real clinical impact caused by the dissemination of different clones carrying blaKPC-2 in Brazilian hospitals. Although several of these KPC-2-producer K. pneumoniae isolates belong to the clonal complex 258 and carry Tn4401 transposons located on large plasmids, a concomitant emergence and silent dissemination of small high-copy-number blaKPC-2 plasmids are of importance, as described in this study. Our data identify a small high-copy-number IncQ1 KPC plasmid, its clinical relevance, and the potential for conjugative transfer into several K. pneumoniae isolates, belonging to different international lineages, such as ST258, ST101, and ST15

    Genomic surveillance of multidrug-resistant Klebsiella in Wales reveals persistent spread of Klebsiella pneumoniae ST307 and adaptive evolution of pOXA-48-like plasmids

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    Rising rates of multidrug-resistant Klebsiella infections necessitate a comprehensive understanding of the major strains and plasmids driving spread of resistance elements. Here, we analysed 540 clinical, screen and environmental Klebsiella isolates recovered from across Wales between 2007 and 2020 using combined short- and long-read sequencing approaches. We identified resistant clones that have spread within and between hospitals including the high-risk strain sequence type (ST)307, which acquired the blaOXA-244 carbapenemase gene on a pOXA-48-like plasmid. We found evidence that this strain, which caused an acute outbreak largely centred on a single hospital in 2019, had been circulating undetected across South Wales for several years prior to the outbreak. In addition to clonal transmission, our analyses revealed evidence for substantial plasmid spread, mostly notably involving blaKPC-2 and blaOXA-48-like (including blaOXA-244) carbapenemase genes that were found among many species and strain backgrounds. Two thirds (20/30) of the blaKPC-2 genes were carried on the Tn4401a transposon and associated with IncF plasmids. These were mostly recovered from patients in North Wales, reflecting an outward expansion of the plasmid-driven outbreak of blaKPC-2-producing Enterobacteriaceae in North-West England. A total of 92.1 % (105/114) of isolates with a blaOXA-48-like carbapenemase carried the gene on a pOXA-48-like plasmid. While this plasmid family is highly conserved, our analyses revealed novel accessory variation including integrations of additional resistance genes. We also identified multiple independent deletions involving the tra gene cluster among pOXA-48-like plasmids in the ST307 outbreak lineage. These resulted in loss of conjugative ability and signal adaptation of the plasmids to carriage by the host strain. Altogether, our study provides, to our knowledge, the first high resolution view of the diversity, transmission and evolutionary dynamics of major resistant clones and plasmids of Klebsiella in Wales, and forms an important basis for ongoing surveillance efforts. This article contains data hosted by Microreact

    Effects of antibiotic resistance, drug target attainment, bacterial pathogenicity and virulence, and antibiotic access and affordability on outcomes in neonatal sepsis: an international microbiology and drug evaluation prospective substudy (BARNARDS).

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    BACKGROUND: Sepsis is a major contributor to neonatal mortality, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). WHO advocates ampicillin-gentamicin as first-line therapy for the management of neonatal sepsis. In the BARNARDS observational cohort study of neonatal sepsis and antimicrobial resistance in LMICs, common sepsis pathogens were characterised via whole genome sequencing (WGS) and antimicrobial resistance profiles. In this substudy of BARNARDS, we aimed to assess the use and efficacy of empirical antibiotic therapies commonly used in LMICs for neonatal sepsis. METHODS: In BARNARDS, consenting mother-neonates aged 0-60 days dyads were enrolled on delivery or neonatal presentation with suspected sepsis at 12 BARNARDS clinical sites in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Rwanda, and South Africa. Stillborn babies were excluded from the study. Blood samples were collected from neonates presenting with clinical signs of sepsis, and WGS and minimum inhibitory concentrations for antibiotic treatment were determined for bacterial isolates from culture-confirmed sepsis. Neonatal outcome data were collected following enrolment until 60 days of life. Antibiotic usage and neonatal outcome data were assessed. Survival analyses were adjusted to take into account potential clinical confounding variables related to the birth and pathogen. Additionally, resistance profiles, pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic probability of target attainment, and frequency of resistance (ie, resistance defined by in-vitro growth of isolates when challenged by antibiotics) were assessed. Questionnaires on health structures and antibiotic costs evaluated accessibility and affordability. FINDINGS: Between Nov 12, 2015, and Feb 1, 2018, 36 285 neonates were enrolled into the main BARNARDS study, of whom 9874 had clinically diagnosed sepsis and 5749 had available antibiotic data. The four most commonly prescribed antibiotic combinations given to 4451 neonates (77·42%) of 5749 were ampicillin-gentamicin, ceftazidime-amikacin, piperacillin-tazobactam-amikacin, and amoxicillin clavulanate-amikacin. This dataset assessed 476 prescriptions for 442 neonates treated with one of these antibiotic combinations with WGS data (all BARNARDS countries were represented in this subset except India). Multiple pathogens were isolated, totalling 457 isolates. Reported mortality was lower for neonates treated with ceftazidime-amikacin than for neonates treated with ampicillin-gentamicin (hazard ratio [adjusted for clinical variables considered potential confounders to outcomes] 0·32, 95% CI 0·14-0·72; p=0·0060). Of 390 Gram-negative isolates, 379 (97·2%) were resistant to ampicillin and 274 (70·3%) were resistant to gentamicin. Susceptibility of Gram-negative isolates to at least one antibiotic in a treatment combination was noted in 111 (28·5%) to ampicillin-gentamicin; 286 (73·3%) to amoxicillin clavulanate-amikacin; 301 (77·2%) to ceftazidime-amikacin; and 312 (80·0%) to piperacillin-tazobactam-amikacin. A probability of target attainment of 80% or more was noted in 26 neonates (33·7% [SD 0·59]) of 78 with ampicillin-gentamicin; 15 (68·0% [3·84]) of 27 with amoxicillin clavulanate-amikacin; 93 (92·7% [0·24]) of 109 with ceftazidime-amikacin; and 70 (85·3% [0·47]) of 76 with piperacillin-tazobactam-amikacin. However, antibiotic and country effects could not be distinguished. Frequency of resistance was recorded most frequently with fosfomycin (in 78 isolates [68·4%] of 114), followed by colistin (55 isolates [57·3%] of 96), and gentamicin (62 isolates [53·0%] of 117). Sites in six of the seven countries (excluding South Africa) stated that the cost of antibiotics would influence treatment of neonatal sepsis. INTERPRETATION: Our data raise questions about the empirical use of combined ampicillin-gentamicin for neonatal sepsis in LMICs because of its high resistance and high rates of frequency of resistance and low probability of target attainment. Accessibility and affordability need to be considered when advocating antibiotic treatments with variance in economic health structures across LMICs. FUNDING: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation