137 research outputs found

    Materials and techniques of Art Nouveau architecture in Italy and Portugal: a first insight for an European route to consistent restoration

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    The results of the investigations on building materials and techniques of Casa Major Pessoa, a typical Art Nouveau construction in Aveiro (Portugal), and two coeval Art Nouveau buildings in Bologna (Italy) are presented as a methodological contribution to the restoration of this kind of buildings. This is the first step to ascertain the existence of a common thread between local materials, technologies and architecture in European countries at the same period. A holistic approach was adopted: materials were investigated along with architectural, structural and technological features, in order to achieve a first insight into the Art Nouveau architecture in Europe in particular for its consistent restoration without loss of historical memory

    Materiales y tecnologías en la Arquitectura Modernista: casos de estudio de decoración de fachadas en Italia, Portugal y Polonia persiguiendo una restauración racional

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    The results of a diagnostic survey on the materials of representative Art Nouveau buildings in Italy, Portugal and Poland are here presented and compared, as a contribution to their understanding and, hence, to support compatible restoration. In particular, the facade decorations were investigated for the appraisal of their materials and technologies, often neglected in current maintenance/restoration works and so cancelled, leading to a severe loss in architectural image. The ongoing diagnostic campaign, in collaboration among different universities, is aimed to set up a database on materials and technologies of Art Nouveau facade decorations at a European scale, as a technical-scientific background for the highlighting of preservation guidelines

    FLARE: A Framework for the Finite Element Simulation of Electromagnetic Interference on Buried Metallic Pipelines

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    The functionality of buried metallic pipelines can be compromised by the electrical lines that share the same right-of-way. Given the considerable size of shared corridors, computer simulation is an important tool for performing risk assessment and mitigation design. In this work, we introduce an open-source computational framework for the analysis of electromagnetic interference on large earth-return structures. The developed framework is based on FLARE-an efficient finite element solver developed by the authors in MATLAB((R)). FLARE includes solvers for problems involving static electric and magnetic fields, and DC and time-harmonic AC currents. Quasi-magnetostatic transient problems can be studied through time-marching or-for linear problems-with an efficient inverse-Laplace approach. In this work, we succinctly describe the optimization of time-critical operations in FLARE, as well as the implementation of a transient solver with automatic time-stepping. We validate the numerical results obtained with FLARE via a comparison with the commercial software COMSOL Multiphysics((R)). We then use the validated time-marching analysis results to test the accuracy and efficiency of three numerical inverse-Laplace algorithms. The test problem considered is the assessment of the inductive coupling between a 500 kV transmission line and a metallic pipeline buried in the soil

    Salt-Induced Deterioration on FRP-Brick Masonry Bond

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    In the past decades, several studies have shown how fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites are an effective technique to strengthen unreinforced brick masonry structures. However, very little is known about their durability against environmental aggression such as salt attack and freeze-thaw cycles, or elevated moisture content. This paper presents an investigation on influence of salt attack on the stress transfer between the FRP composite and the masonry substrate. In fact, it is well known that, in certain conditions, soluble salts crystallize within the pores of materials, leading to crystallization pressures that may overcome their tensile strength. To investigate this effect, FRP-masonry joints were subjected to salt crystallization cycles according to a conditioning procedure designed by the authors. After conditioning, direct shear tests were conducted on the masonry joints to investigate the interfacial bond between the substrate and the composite. Materials characterization was carried out in order correlate the results of the direct shear tests with the salt distribution within the specimens. For comparison, direct shear tests were conducted on FRP-masonry joints that were not subjected to any cycle and therefore used as control

    La casa ecologica: intervista di Antonella Ciana

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    Vengono esaminati - sotto forma di intervista - gli aspetti bioecologici dei materiali impiegati nelle abitazioni, sottolineando i punti pi\uf9 rilevanti per medici e ricercatori. Si pone quindi l'accento anche sui falsi miti nel settore, che conducono spesso ad errate o superficiali conclusioni sui problemi, da cui allarmismi ingiustificati o confidenze pericolose per la salute degli utenti, equivoci certamente da rvitar

    Il riciclo di sottoprodotti industriali e di residui da costruzione e demolizione nell\u2019edilizia: una via sostenibile per la salvaguardia del fiume Po

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    La relazione, tenuta su invito del Presidente della Provincia di Mantova, ha riguardato il problema delle sabbie e degli aggregati fini usualmente escavati dal fiume Po per malte e calcestruzzi cementizi (ma di cui attualmente \ue8 proibita l'escavazione per ragioni idrauliche, paesaggistiche e di impatto ambientale), in relazione al suo stato attuale, che ne impedisce una adeguata salvaguardia. Sono state esaminate, nel Convegno, le ragioni di un simile disastro ecologico e le possibilit\ue0 di impiegare sabbie ed aggregati di riciclo, cos\uec come, tra l'altro, prevede anche il recente D. M. "Norme per le Costruzioni" del 14.09.05, senza pregiudicare la qualifica dei materiali

    Stand espositivo delle attività del DICASM (Dipartimento di Chimica Applicata e Scienza dei Materiali della Facoltà di Ingegneria dell'Università di Bologna) nel campo del Restauro Srchitettonico nell'ambito del "Salone dell'arte del Restauro e della Conservazione dei Beni Culturali e Ambientali" di Ferrara

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    Presentazione delle attività diagnostiche e di ricerca per il restauro dei materiali negli edifici storici. Presentazione delle principali attività per il restauro di edifici italiani e non: basilica di S. Marco a Venezia (XI sec.), Palazzo Pio a Carpi (XV sec.), chiesa di Sarria in Malta (XVII sec.), portici di S. Luca a Bologna (XVII secolo), "Fabbrica del Re" a Caserta (XVIII sec.), grattacielo di Rimini (1958). Realizzazione espositiva effettuata in collaborazione con il DAPT della Facolatà di Ingegneria di Bologna