57 research outputs found

    Successful surgical management of an extrahepatic biliary cystadenocarcinoma

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    Extrahepatic bile duct cancer is an uncommon disease, and few cases are curable by surgery. We report a case of extrahepatic biliary cystadenocarcinoma (BCAC) associated with atrophy of the left hepatic lobe. A 54-year old male was admitted with painless obstructive jaundice and a hepatic palpable mass noticed one month before presentation. Liver functions tests were consistent with cholestatic damage and serum carbohydrate antigen 19.9 (CA 19-9) was increased before treatment. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) disclosed dilatation of the left hepatic bile duct with irregular wall thickening close to the hepatic confluence, and atrophy of left hepatic lobe. The patient was submitted to en bloc extended left hepatectomy with resection of caudate lobe, hilar lymphadenectomy, and suprapancreatic biliary tree resection. All surgical margins were grossly negative, and postoperative course was uneventful, except for a minor bile leak. The patient was discharged on the 15th postoperative day; he is alive without tumor recurrence one year after primary therapy. Although technically challenging, extended en bloc resection is feasible in adults with extrahepatic BCAC and can improve survival with acceptable and manageable morbidity

    Fluorescence Spectroscopy Applied in the Identification of Lubricant Oils

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    In this work, we report the use of fluorescence spectroscopy to identify lubricant oils. Optical characterization was performed in four commercial lubricant oils that are used in reciprocating compressors. Mid-infrared absorption of samples indicates the presence of aromatic rings showing bands at 1605 cm-1 (C=C stretching) and 815 cm-1 (C–H stretch out of plane). UV-VIS absorption spectra show bands of di- and polyaromatic rings (around 230 nm and 260 nm, respectively). By exciting the samples at 360 nm, a broad emission band centered at 440 nm is observed, indicating that this excitation is appropriate to be used for the diagnosis of oil presence in the environment. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v10i1.103

    Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Silica Gel Applied as a Tool for Capture and Detection of Compressor Lubricant Oils

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    Here, we report the use of fluorescence spectroscopy for the identification of lubricant oils used in reciprocating compressors, and the use of silica gel as an adsorbent to capture lubricant oil vapors. The silica gel was tested for adsorption of lubricant oil vapors, by heating the samples at 200°C, the emission spectrum of the lubricant oils is observed on the silica gel layer, over 20 min of heating. The spectrum of the lubricant oils over the silica gel layer presents a redshift, an indication of the degradation effect. In order to investigate this effect on the optical properties, we conducted an experiment by heating the samples at (130 ± 4) °C, and collected at different times. The MID-infrared absorption of the samples presents bands of oxygen-containing groups at 1010 and 1050 cm-1, and NIR infrared absorption measurements at 3444 cm-1 show an increase in the hydroperoxide band during the degradation time. These two results indicate that the oxidation process is associated with the observed redshift of the absorption and emission bands in lubricant oils and over the adsorbent layer

    Laparoscopic left lateral segmentectomy for metachronic metastases of small intestine adenocarcinoma: a case report

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    Hepatectomy has been the standard treatment for metachronic metastases of non-colorectal (NCR) origin, mainly when the disease-free interval is more than two years. Laparoscopic hepatectomy has become the golden standard mainly for left side resections, due to lower morbidity, shorter hospital stay, early recovery and good cosmetic outcome. The authors report the case of a female patient with two metachronic metastases (ten years of disease-free survival), of non-colorectal origin (adenocarcinoma of small intestine), treated by laparoscopic left lateral segmentectomy (left hepatic lobectomy) with success. The postoperative progress was satisfactory. To date, the patient has presented no tumoral recurrence (six months of follow-up period). Laparoscopic left lateral segmentectomy can be satisfactorily performed in selected cases of hepatic metastasis. This approach presents low morbidity and good cosmetic result. The lack of alternative treatments and the poor prognosis of untreated cases have justified surgical resection in order to increase overall survival. Nevertheless, this approach should be performed by hepatic surgery expertise teams trained on advanced laparoscopic procedures.A hepatectomia tem sido o tratamento padrão para metástase de origem não colorretal (NCR) metacrônica, principalmente quando o intervalo livre de doença é maior do que dois anos. A hepatectomia por laparoscopia tem se tornado padrão principalmente para as ressecções à esquerda, haja vista a menor morbidade, menor tempo de internação, reabilitação precoce e melhor resultado estético. Os autores relatam um caso de paciente com duas metástases metacrônicas (10 anos de sobrevida livre de doença), de etiologia não colorretal (adenocarcinoma de intestino delgado), tratada com segmentectomia lateral esquerda (lobectomia hepática esquerda) laparoscópica. Paciente apresentou boa evolução pós-operatória sem recidiva (seis meses de seguimento). Segmentectomia lateral esquerda laparoscópica pode ser satisfatoriamente realizada em casos selecionados de metástases hepáticas, acarretando menor morbidade e melhor resultado estético. A falta de tratamentos alternativos e o prognóstico reservado nos casos de metástases NCR não operadas justificam a ressecção com o objetivo de prolongar a sobrevida. No entanto, essa abordagem deve ser realizada por equipe especializada em cirurgia hepática com treinamento em procedimentos laparoscópicos avançados.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Hospital Santa LuciaUniversidade de Brasília (UNB)Hospital de Base do Distrito FederalUniversidade de Brasilia (UNB)UNIFESPSciEL

    Reproductive Status of the social wasp Polistes versicolor (Hymenoptera, Vespidae)

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    A fundamental feature in the evolution of social insects is the separation of castes, and the presence of wide differentiation between castes indicates a more advanced degree of sociability. In this study, we evaluated factors that indicate the reproductive status of females in colonies of the social wasp Polistes versicolor. The reproductive status of each female was examined by measuring nine morphometric characters, by the cuticular chemical profile, insemination and by her relative age. We conclude that in P. versicolor colonies there are 3 female groups that show cuticular chemical profile difference. The first group belong to females with ovarioles filamentous, typical of workers; the second is females with ovarioles intermediates; and the third is a group of queens, which are older females, inseminated and with greater degree of ovarian development found among all females. On the other hand, there was no significant morphological differences between these female groups. Therefore, although no significant morphological differences among females there are other factors such as the cuticular chemical composition that is an indicative of reproductive physiological condition of female in the colony

    Effect of Larval Topical Application of Juvenile Hormone on Cuticular Chemical Composition of Mischocyttarus consimilis (Vespidae: Polistinae) Females

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    Juvenile  Hormone  (JH)  is  considered  the  main  determinant  of  caste  in  social insects, though little is known about how this hormone acts in social wasps, especially the independent-founding species. The known relationship between JH titer and caste in the colony and we suggest a relationship among the effects of JH and the cuticular chemical profile. Therefore, this study aimed to test the hypothesis that topical application of JH to larvae of different instars alters the cuticular chemical composition of newly emerged females of Mischocyttarus consimilis (Zikán), influencing the dynamics of colony. Two techniques were used to evaluate the variation in cuticular chemical composition: Fourier transform infrared photoacoustic spectroscopy and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Indeed, the application of JH did significantly alter the cuticular chemical composition of adult females that received treatment at the larval stage in comparison to control. The effects of JH were instar-dependent in that the results of topical application were significant when performed at third larval instar. Overall, these results add evidence that caste determination may, at least in part may be pre-imaginal in species of independent-founding social wasps

    Fluorescence Spectroscopy Applied in the Identification of Lubricant Oils

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    In this work, we report the use of fluorescence spectroscopy to identify lubricant oils. Optical characterization was performed in four commercial lubricant oils that are used in reciprocating compressors. Mid-infrared absorption of samples indicates the presence of aromatic rings showing bands at 1605 cm-1 (C=C stretching) and 815 cm-1 (C–H stretch out of plane). UV-VIS absorption spectra show bands of di- and polyaromatic rings (around 230 nm and 260 nm, respectively). By exciting the samples at 360 nm, a broad emission band centered at 440 nm is observed, indicating that this excitation is appropriate to be used for the diagnosis of oil presence in the environment. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v10i1.103

    Evaluation of Inter and Intraspecific Differences in the Venom Chemical Compositions of Polybia paulista Wasps and Ectatomma brunneum Ants Using FTIR-PAS

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    Wasps can synthesize chemical compounds called venom whose function is to overcome prey and assist in defense of the colonies. Geographic Parameters such as sex, age, the season of the year, and diet determined the composition of the venom location, genetics, environment. However, studies on the compositional variability of venom are still limited due to the difficulty in obtaining samples and the complexity of these substances. This work describes the use of the Fourier Transform Infrared Photoacoustic Spectroscopy (FTIR-PAS) to investigate inter- and intraspecific variability in the venom chemical composition (VCC) of the social wasp Polybia paulista (Von Ihering 1896) and the ant Ectatomma brunneum (Smith 1858). The results reveal significant differences in VCC among the ant and wasp, even for samples obtained from the same environment. The genetic component, therefore, seemed to be the predominant factor determining the compounds present. The findings also showed that exogenous factors, such as diet, could also be responsible for intraspecific differences, especially in wasps. The FTIR-PAS technique proved to be a reliable way of assessing intra- and interspecific differences in social Hymenoptera VCC

    Linear Alkanes and Reproductive Status of Polistes versicolor (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) Females in Winter Aggregates

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    Female wasps such as Polistes versicolor can form aggregates to face weather conditions that are not suitable to sustain their colonies. The interactions between individuals in these aggregates, just as in other associations, are probably facilitated by chemical signals. Of these compounds some of the most efficient during social interactions of insects are those called contact pheromones or superficial pheromones. This special type of pheromones, known as cuticular hydrocarbons, can be found in insects cuticle. They facilitate the differentiation of caste, species and nestmates, and may be important indicators of dominance as well as fertility. Some studies indicate that linear alkanes are important cuticular compounds for intraspecific recognition and discrimination. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between reproductive physiologic condition and the linear alkanes present in the cuticle of females of P. versicolor in aggregates employing Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID). Females from distinct aggregates were differentiated by the chemical composition of their cuticle. In each aggregate, there was difference in cuticular chemical composition between females with different ovarian development degrees, allowing the distinction between inseminated and non-inseminated females
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