185 research outputs found

    Gains in Power from Structured Two-Sample Tests of Means on Graphs

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    We consider multivariate two-sample tests of means, where the location shift between the two populations is expected to be related to a known graph structure. An important application of such tests is the detection of differentially expressed genes between two patient populations, as shifts in expression levels are expected to be coherent with the structure of graphs reflecting gene properties such as biological process, molecular function, regulation, or metabolism. For a fixed graph of interest, we demonstrate that accounting for graph structure can yield more powerful tests under the assumption of smooth distribution shift on the graph. We also investigate the identification of non-homogeneous subgraphs of a given large graph, which poses both computational and multiple testing problems. The relevance and benefits of the proposed approach are illustrated on synthetic data and on breast cancer gene expression data analyzed in context of KEGG pathways

    Quantification and Visualization of LD Patterns and Identification of Haplotype Blocks

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    Classical measures of linkage disequilibrium (LD) between two loci, based only on the joint distribution of alleles at these loci, present noisy patterns. In this paper, we propose a new distance-based LD measure, R, which takes into account multilocus haplotypes around the two loci in order to exploit information from neighboring loci. The LD measure R yields a matrix of pairwise distances between markers, based on the correlation between the lengths of shared haplotypes among chromosomes around these markers. Data analysis demonstrates that visualization of LD patterns through the R matrix reveals more deterministic patterns, with much less noise, than using classical LD measures. Moreover, the patterns are highly compatible with recently suggested models of haplotype block structure. We propose to apply the new LD measure to define haplotype blocks through cluster analysis. Specifically, we present a distance-based clustering algorithm, DHPBlocker, which performs hierarchical partitioning of an ordered sequence of markers into disjoint and adjacent blocks with a hierarchical structure. The proposed method integrates information on the two main existing criteria in defining haplotype blocks, namely, LD and haplotype diversity, through the use of silhouette width and description length as cluster validity measures, respectively. The new LD measure and clustering procedure are applied to single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) datasets from the human 5q31 region (Daly et al. 2001) and the class II region of the human major histocompatibility complex (Jeffreys et al. 2001). Our results are in good agreement with published results. In addition, analyses performed on different subsets of markers indicate that the method is robust with regards to the allele frequency and density of the genotyped markers. Unlike previously proposed methods, our new cluster-based method can uncover hierarchical relationships among blocks and can be applied to polymorphic DNA markers or amino acid sequence data

    A prediction-based resampling method for estimating the number of clusters in a dataset

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    BACKGROUND: Microarray technology is increasingly being applied in biological and medical research to address a wide range of problems, such as the classification of tumors. An important statistical problem associated with tumor classification is the identification of new tumor classes using gene-expression profiles. Two essential aspects of this clustering problem are: to estimate the number of clusters, if any, in a dataset; and to allocate tumor samples to these clusters, and assess the confidence of cluster assignments for individual samples. Here we address the first of these problems. RESULTS: We have developed a new prediction-based resampling method, Clest, to estimate the number of clusters in a dataset. The performance of the new and existing methods were compared using simulated data and gene-expression data from four recently published cancer microarray studies. Clest was generally found to be more accurate and robust than the six existing methods considered in the study. CONCLUSIONS: Focusing on prediction accuracy in conjunction with resampling produces accurate and robust estimates of the number of clusters

    GenomeGraphs: integrated genomic data visualization with R.

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    BackgroundBiological studies involve a growing number of distinct high-throughput experiments to characterize samples of interest. There is a lack of methods to visualize these different genomic datasets in a versatile manner. In addition, genomic data analysis requires integrated visualization of experimental data along with constantly changing genomic annotation and statistical analyses.ResultsWe developed GenomeGraphs, as an add-on software package for the statistical programming environment R, to facilitate integrated visualization of genomic datasets. GenomeGraphs uses the biomaRt package to perform on-line annotation queries to Ensembl and translates these to gene/transcript structures in viewports of the grid graphics package. This allows genomic annotation to be plotted together with experimental data. GenomeGraphs can also be used to plot custom annotation tracks in combination with different experimental data types together in one plot using the same genomic coordinate system.ConclusionGenomeGraphs is a flexible and extensible software package which can be used to visualize a multitude of genomic datasets within the statistical programming environment R

    IBD Configuration Transition Matrices and Linkage Score Tests for Unilineal Relative Pairs

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    Properties of transition matrices between IBD configurations are derived for four general classes of unilineal relative pairs obtained from the grand-parent/ grand-child, half-sib, avuncular, and cousin relationships. In this setting, IBD configurations are defined as orbits of groups acting on a set of inheritance vectors. Properties of the transition matrix between IBD configurations at two linked loci are derived by relating its infinitesimal generator to the adjacency matrix of a quotient graph. The second largest eigenvalue of the infinitesimal generator and its multiplicity are key in determining the form of the transition matrix and of likelihood-based linkage tests such as score tests

    Prognosis of Stage II Colon Cancer by Non-Neoplastic Mucosa Gene Expresssion Profiling

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    Aims. This study assessed the possibility to build a prognosis predictor, based on non-neoplastic mucosa microarray gene expression measures, in stage II colon cancer patients. Materials and Methods. Non-neoplastic colonic mucosa mRNA samples from 24 patients (10 with a metachronous metastasis, 14 with no recurrence) were profiled using the Affymetrix HGU133A GeneChip. The k-nearest neighbor method was used for prognosis prediction using microarray gene expression measures. Leave-one-out cross-validation was used to select the number of neighbors and number of informative genes to include in the predictor. Based on this information, a prognosis predictor was proposed and its accuracy estimated by double cross-validation. Results. In leave-one-out cross-validation, the lowest number of informative genes giving the lowest number of false predictions (3 out of 24) was 65. A 65-gene prognosis predictor was then built, with an estimated accuracy of 79%. Genes included in this predictor suggested branching signal transduction pathways with possible extensive networks between individual pathways. It also included genes coding for proteins involved in immune surveillance. Conclusion. This study suggests that one can build an accurate prognosis predictor for stage II colon cancer patients, based on non-neoplastic mucosa microarray gene expression measures

    Colon Cancer Prognosis Prediction by Gene Expression Profiling

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    Aims. This study assessed the possibility to build a prognosis predictor, based on microarray gene expression measures, in stage II and III colon cancer patients. Materials and Methods. Tumour (T) and non-neoplastic mucosa (NM) mRNA samples from 18 patients (9 with a recurrence, 9 with no recurrence) were profiled using the Affymetrix HGU133A GeneChip. The k-nearest neighbour method was used for prognosis prediction using T and NM gene expression measures. Six-fold cross-validation was applied to select the number of neighbours and the number of informative genes to include in the predictors. Based on this information, one T-based and one NM-based predictor were proposed and their accuracies estimated by double cross-validation. Results. In 6-fold cross-validation, the lowest numbers of informative genes giving the lowest numbers of false predictions (2 out of 18) were 30 and 70 with the T and NM gene expression measures, respectively. A 30-gene T-based predictor and a 70-gene NM-based predictor were then built, with estimated accuracies of 78 and 83%, respectively. Conclusion. This study suggests that one can build an accurate prognosis predictor for stage II and III colon cancer patients, based on gene expression measures, and one can use either tumour or non-neoplastic mucosa for this purpose

    Guidance on Individualized Treatment Rule Estimation in High Dimensions

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    Individualized treatment rules, cornerstones of precision medicine, inform patient treatment decisions with the goal of optimizing patient outcomes. These rules are generally unknown functions of patients' pre-treatment covariates, meaning they must be estimated from clinical or observational study data. Myriad methods have been developed to learn these rules, and these procedures are demonstrably successful in traditional asymptotic settings with moderate number of covariates. The finite-sample performance of these methods in high-dimensional covariate settings, which are increasingly the norm in modern clinical trials, has not been well characterized, however. We perform a comprehensive comparison of state-of-the-art individualized treatment rule estimators, assessing performance on the basis of the estimators' accuracy, interpretability, and computational efficacy. Sixteen data-generating processes with continuous outcomes and binary treatment assignments are considered, reflecting a diversity of randomized and observational studies. We summarize our findings and provide succinct advice to practitioners needing to estimate individualized treatment rules in high dimensions. All code is made publicly available, facilitating modifications and extensions to our simulation study. A novel pre-treatment covariate filtering procedure is also proposed and is shown to improve estimators' accuracy and interpretability

    Asymptotics of Cross-Validated Risk Estimation in Estimator Selection and Performance Assessment

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    Risk estimation is an important statistical question for the purposes of selecting a good estimator (i.e., model selection) and assessing its performance (i.e., estimating generalization error). This article introduces a general framework for cross-validation and derives distributional properties of cross-validated risk estimators in the context of estimator selection and performance assessment. Arbitrary classes of estimators are considered, including density estimators and predictors for both continuous and polychotomous outcomes. Results are provided for general full data loss functions (e.g., absolute and squared error, indicator, negative log density). A broad definition of cross-validation is used in order to cover leave-one-out cross-validation, V-fold cross-validation, Monte Carlo cross-validation, and bootstrap procedures. For estimator selection, finite sample risk bounds are derived and applied to establish the asymptotic optimality of cross-validation, in the sense that a selector based on a cross-validated risk estimator performs asymptotically as well as an optimal oracle selector based on the risk under the true, unknown data generating distribution. The asymptotic results are derived under the assumption that the size of the validation sets converges to infinity and hence do not cover leave-one-out cross-validation. For performance assessment, cross-validated risk estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically linear for the risk under the true data generating distribution and confidence intervals are derived for this unknown risk. Unlike previously published results, the theorems derived in this and our related articles apply to general data generating distributions, loss functions (i.e., parameters), estimators, and cross-validation procedures
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