140 research outputs found

    Magnetic anisotropy and spin-spiral wave in V, Cr and Mn atomic chains on Cu(001) surface: First principles calculations

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    Recent ab intio studies of the magnetic properties of all 3d transition metal(TM) freestanding atomic chains predicted that these nanowires could have a giant magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE) and might support a spin-spiral structure, thereby suggesting that these nanowires would have technological applicationsin, e.g., high density magnetic data storages. In order to investigate how the substrates may affect the magnetic properties of the nanowires, here we systematically study the V, Cr and Mn linear atomic chains on the Cu(001) surface based on the density functional theory with the generalized gradient approximation. We find that V, Cr, and Mn linear chains on the Cu(001) surface still have a stable or metastable ferromagnetic state. However, the ferromagnetic state is unstable against formation of a noncollinear spin-spiral structure in the Mn linear chains and also the V linear chain on the atop sites on the Cu(001) surface, due to the frustrated magnetic interactions in these systems. Nonetheless, the presence of the Cu(001) substrate does destabilize the spin-spiral state already present in the freestanding V linear chain and stabilizes the ferromagnetic state in the V linear chain on the hollow sites on Cu(001). When spin-orbit coupling (SOC) is included, the spin magnetic moments remain almost unchanged, due to the weakness of SOC in 3d TM chains. Furthermore, both the orbital magnetic moments and MAEs for the V, Cr and Mn are small, in comparison with both the corresponding freestanding nanowires and also the Fe, Co and Ni linear chains on the Cu (001) surface.Comment: Accepted for publication in J. Phys. D: Applied Physic

    Above-room-temperature ferromagnetism in half-metallic Heusler compounds NiCrP, NiCrSe, NiCrTe and NiVAs: A first-principles study

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    We study the interatomic exchange interactions and Curie temperatures in half-metallic semi Heusler compounds NiCrZ (Z=P, Se, Te) and NiVAs. The study is performed within the framework of density functional theory. The calculation of exchange parameters is based on the frozen-magnon approach. It is shown that the exchange interactions in NiCrZ vary strongly depending on the Z constituent. The Curie temperature, Tc, is calculated within the mean field and random phase approximations. The difference between two estimations is related to the properties of the exchange interactions. The predicted Curie temperatures of all four systems are considerably higher than room temperature. The relation between the half-metallicity and the value of the Curie temperature is discussed. The combination of a high spin-polarization of charge carriers and a high Curie temperature makes these Heusler alloys interesting candidates for spintronics applications.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Microscopic nature of drastic influence of hydrogen on the magnetic anisotropy of 5f-electron systems: The case of U<sub>2</sub>Ni<sub>2</sub>Sn

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    Recent experiments showed that hydrogenation of U2Ni2Sn leads to a dramatic change of the magnetic anisotropy (MA) from strongly uniaxial type to easy-plane type with easy axis and easy plane orthogonal to each other. We applied first-principles calculations aiming to understand the microscopic origin of the drastic MA change and distinguish between discontinuous and continuous scenarios of the transformation. The calculations combined with symmetry analysis revealed that the hydrogenation leads to the instability of both uniaxial and easy-plane states caused by the reduced symmetry of the atomic lattice. The obtained noncollinear noncoplanar magnetic states have the features of both apparently competing magnetic structures, which indicates the validity of the continuous scenario of the transformation. An insight into the active interatomic interactions shows that Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction contributes to magnetic transformations and must be taken into account on the same footing as MA

    Stability of ferromagnetism in the half-metallic pnictides and similar compounds: A first-principles study

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    Based on first-principles electron structure calculations and employing the frozen-magnon approximation we study the exchange interactions in a series of transition-metal binary alloys crystallizing in the zinc-blende structure and calculate the Curie temperature within both the mean-field approximation (MFA) and random-phase approximation (RPA). We study two Cr compounds, CrAs and CrSe, and four Mn compounds: MnSi, MnGe, MnAs and MnC. MnC, MnSi and MnGe are isovalent to CrAs and MnAs is isoelectronic with CrSe. Ferromagnetism is particular stable for CrAs, MnSi and MnGe: All three compounds show Curie temperatures around 1000 K. On the other hand, CrSe and MnAs show a tendency to antiferromagnetism when compressing the lattice. In MnC the half-metallic gap is located in the majority-spin channel contrary to the other five compounds. The large half-metallic gaps, very high Curie temperatures, the stability of the ferromagnetism with respect to the variation of the lattice parameter and a coherent growth on semiconductors make MnSi and CrAs most promising candidates for the use in spintronics devises.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Magnetic Exchange Couplings from Noncollinear Spin Density Functional Perturbation Theory

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    We propose a method for the evaluation of magnetic exchange couplings based on noncollinear spin-density functional calculations. The method employs the second derivative of the total Kohn-Sham energy of a single reference state, in contrast to approximations based on Kohn-Sham total energy differences. The advantage of our approach is twofold: It provides a physically motivated picture of the transition from a low-spin to a high-spin state, and it utilizes a perturbation scheme for the evaluation of magnetic exchange couplings. The latter simplifies the way these parameters are predicted using first-principles: It avoids the non-trivial search for different spin-states that needs to be carried out in energy difference methods and it opens the possibility of "black-boxifying" the extraction of exchange couplings from density functional theory calculations. We present proof of concept calculations of magnetic exchange couplings in the H--He--H model system and in an oxovanadium bimetallic complex where the results can be intuitively rationalized.Comment: J.Chem. Phys. (accepted

    First-principles calculation of the intersublattice exchange interactions and Curie temperatures of full Heusler alloys Ni2MnX (X=Ga, In, Sn, Sb)

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    The interatomic exchange interactions and Curie temperatures in Ni-based full Heusler alloys Ni2MnX with X=Ga, In, Sn and Sb are studied within the framework of the density-functional theory. The calculation of the exchange parameters is based on the frozen-magnon approach. Despite closeness of the experimental Curie temperatures for all four systems their magnetism appeared to differ strongly. This difference involves both the Mn-Mn and Mn-Ni exchange interactions. The Curie temperatures, Tc, are calculated within the mean-field approximation by solving a matrix equation for a multi-sublattice system. Good agreement with experiment for all four systems is obtained. The role of different exchange interactions in the formation of Tc of the systems is discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Heisenberg Hamiltonian description of multiple-sublattice itinerant-electron systems: General considerations and applications to NiMnSb and MnAs

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    We consider magnetic systems where the magnetic sublattices can be unambiguously separated into sublattices of inducing and induced moments. The concrete numerical calculations are performed for half-metallic ferromagnetic Heusler compound NiMnSb and hexagonal phase of MnAs. In both systems, Mn atoms possess a robust atomic moment that is much larger than the induced moments of other atoms. It is shown that the treatment of the induced moments as independent variables of the Heisenberg Hamiltonian leads to artificial features in the spin-wave spectrum. We show that the artificial features of the model do not have a dramatic influence on the estimated value of the Curie temperature. This is demonstrated within both mean-field approximation and random-phase approximation. It is shown that the calculational scheme where the induced moments are assumed to fully adjust their values and directions to the adiabatic magnetic configurations of the inducing moments is free from the artificial feature in the spin-wave spectra. In this scheme, the exchange interaction between the inducing and induced moments appears as renormalization of the exchange interactions between inducing moments. It is shown that the redistribution of the exchange interactions has strong influence on the estimated value of the Curie temperature because of the decreased number of the degrees of freedom in the thermodynamic model. Different schemes of the mapping of the systems on the Heisenberg Hamiltonian are examined. The similarities and differences in the properties of NiMnSb and MnAs are discussed

    Electronic structure, exchange interactions and Curie temperature in diluted III-V magnetic semiconductors: (GaCr)As, (GaMn)As, (GaFe)As

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    We complete our earlier (Phys. Rev. B, {\bf 66}, 134435 (2002)) study of the electronic structure, exchange interactions and Curie temperature in (GaMn)As and extend the study to two other diluted magnetic semiconductors (GaCr)As and (GaFe)As. Four concentrations of the 3d impurities are studied: 25%, 12.5%, 6.25%, 3.125%. (GaCr)As and (GaMn)As are found to possess a number of similar features. Both are semi-metallic and ferromagnetic, with similar properties of the interatomic exchange interactions and the same scale of the Curie temperature. In both systems the presence of the charge carriers is crucial for establishing the ferromagnetic order. An important difference between two systems is in the character of the dependence on the variation of the number of carriers. The ferromagnetism in (GaMn)As is found to be very sensitive to the presence of the donor defects, like AsGa_{\rm Ga} antisites. On the other hand, the Curie temperature of (GaCr)As depends rather weakly on the presence of this type of defects but decreases strongly with decreasing number of electrons. We find the exchange interactions between 3d atoms that make a major contribution into the ferromagnetism of (GaCr)As and (GaMn)As and propose an exchange path responsible for these interactions. The properties of (GaFe)As are found to differ crucially from the properties of (GaCr)As and (GaMn)As. (GaFe)As does not show a trend to ferromagnetism and is not half-metallic that makes this system unsuitable for the use in spintronic semiconductor devices

    On-site Coulomb interaction and the magnetism of (GaMn)N and (GaMn)As

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    We use the local density approximation (LDA) and LDA+U schemes to study the magnetism of (GaMn)As and (GaMn)N for a number of Mn concentrations and varying number of holes. We show that for both systems and both calculational schemes the presence of holes is crucial for establishing ferromagnetism. For both systems, the introduction of UU increases delocalization of the holes and, simultaneously, decreases the p-d interaction. Since these two trends exert opposite influences on the Mn-Mn exchange interaction the character of the variation of the Curie temperature (TC_C) cannot be predicted without direct calculation. We show that the variation of TC_C is different for two systems. For low Mn concentrations we obtain the tendency to increasing TC_C in the case of (GaMn)N whereas an opposite tendency to decreasing TC_C is obtained for (GaMn)As. We reveal the origin of this difference by inspecting the properties of the densities of states and holes for both systems. The main body of calculations is performed within a supercell approach. The Curie temperatures calculated within the coherent potential approximation to atomic disorder are reported for comparison. Both approaches give similar qualitative behavior. The results of calculations are related to the experimental data.Comment: to appear in Physical Review
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