26 research outputs found


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    U ovom radu istražuju se stavovi i uvjerenja prema učenju tri strana jezika kao jezika struke u formalnome obrazovnom kontekstu. Cilj rada bio je istražiti razlike u stavovima učenika prema jeziku koji uče s obzirom na spol i dob. U uvodnom dijelu dan je uvid u važnost stavova i uvjerenja kao bitnih individualnih čimbenika u procesu ovladavanja stranim jezicima, a u nastavku je opisano istraživanje provedeno među učenicima srednje strukovne škole (N = 321) koji uče engleski, njemački i španjolski kao strani jezik. Podaci su prikupljeni s pomoću upitnika BALLI (Beliefs About Language Learning Inventory) autorice Horwitz (1987.) a za potrebe ovog istraživanja preuzet je hrvatski prijevod upitnika autorice Mihaljević Djigunović (1998.). Analiza podataka provedena je metodom deskriptivne i inferencijalne statistike koristeći se programskim paketom SPSS. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na važnost afektivnih čimbenika u procesu učenja stranih jezika, pa mogu imati i praktične implikacije u nastavi

    Injuries in the primary dentition

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    Traumatske ozljede mliječnih zuba zbog svoje visoke pojavnosti počele su predstavljati stvaran i relativno čest javnozdravstveni problem. Većina trauma zuba događa se u dobi između druge i treće godine života. Kao razlog tome navodi se pojačano razvijanje motorike u tom razdoblju života, kretnje djeteta postaju sve samostalnije, ali zbog još uvijek neusklađene motoričke koordinacije povećava se učestalost padova, a time i mogućnost ozljeda. U usporedbi s dječacima, djevojčice su za otprilike 50 % manje izložene ozljedama mliječnih zuba. Pregledom razne literature još se uvijek nailazi na podatke i na poražavajuću statistiku da se za traume mliječnih zuba puno rjeđe traži pravovremena, odgovarajuća stomatološka skrb nego kada se radi o traumama trajnih zuba, te je upravo stoga vrlo važno govoriti i o traumama mliječnih zuba. Njihove ozljede mogu imati ne samo negativnu psihološku i emotivnu komponentu, već mogu dovesti i do oštećenja zametka trajnog zuba, pa se takve ozljede mogu reflektirati tijekom čitavog života. Kako bi se to izbjeglo vrlo je važno znati koje sve ozljede mliječnih zuba postoje te kako ih liječiti.Due to their high incidence, traumatic injuries of primary teeth begin to pose a real and relatively common public health problem. Most dental traumas occur between the ages two and three because this is the period when motor coordination develops, children are increasingly begin to move independently, so falls are quite common. Girls experience approximately twice as less traumatic injuries of primary teeth than boys. An extensive literature review reveals that the timely and adequate dental care of primary teeth traumas is still much less often sought after when compared to permanent teeth traumas, and it is for this very reason important to talk about the traumas of primary teeth, especially because they do not only cause psychological and emotional distress , but can also lead to damage of developing permanent tooth, which can have lifelong consequences. In order to aviod this, it is essential to closely familiarise with different types of primary teeth traumas and timely treatment methods, so that even extensive traumas may have a positive outcome and prognosis

    Child behavior types in dental office

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    Djeca se pri stomatološkim zahvatima ponašaju na najrazličitije načine te svaki lije nik dentalne medicine mora poznavati djetetov emocionalni, mentalni i tjelesni razvoj. U dječjoj stomatologiji najvažnije mjesto zauzima psihološki aspekt rada, a razumijevanje i po- znavanje doživljaja djeteta liječniku olakšava rad. Liječnik mora biti profesionalno spretan i emocionalno angažiran, jer se njegov posao svodi na rad s jako osjetljivim i emocionalno ranjivim pacijentom koji ne može percipirati liječnika kao osobu koja mu želi pomoći. Emocionalni i tjelesni razvoj djeteta dijeli se na dojenačku dob, mlađu predškolsku, predškolsku i školsku dob te adolescenciju. U svakoj od tih životnih faza djeca pokazuju specifična ponašanja u ordinaciji dentalne medicine te zahtijevaju poseban pristup. Za lakše prepoznavanje tipova ponašanja djece u ordinaciji dentalne medicine koristimo Franklovu ljestvicu ponašanja i kategorije ponašanja po Wrightu.Children, as patients in dental office, behave in different ways so every doctor of dental medicine should know the child’s emotional, mental and physical development. In pediatric dentistry, the psychological moment is the most important aspect of the work. The physician must be professionally deft and emotionally engaged, because he works with a very sensitive and emotionally vulnerable patient who cannot perceive the doctor as a person who wants to help him. Emotional and physical development of children is divided into infancy, young preschool, preschool, school age and adolescence. Each of these life phases is characterized by specific children behavior in the dental office and requires a special approach. To facilitate the identification of types of children behavior in the dental office we use Frankl scale and Wright behavior categories

    Molecular insights into the premature aging disease progeria

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    This dataset contains data used to generate panel S3B for GRP78 and PDI in a preprint manuscript from the Misteli Lab at the National Cancer Institute/NIH. Title: Activation of endoplasmic reticulum stress in premature aging via the inner nuclear membrane protein SUN2 Authors: Vidak, Sandra; Serebryannyy, Leonid A.; Pegoraro, Gianluca; Misteli, Tom Link: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.09.14.460295v2 DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.09.14.460295 </p


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    This dataset contains data used to generate panel S3C in a preprint manuscript from the Misteli Lab at the National Cancer Institute/NIH. Title: Activation of endoplasmic reticulum stress in premature aging via the inner nuclear membrane protein SUN2 Authors: Vidak, Sandra; Serebryannyy, Leonid A.; Pegoraro, Gianluca; Misteli, Tom Link: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.09.14.460295v2 DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.09.14.460295 </p


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    This dataset contains data used to generate panel S5D in a preprint manuscript from the Misteli Lab at the National Cancer Institute/NIH. Title: Activation of endoplasmic reticulum stress in premature aging via the inner nuclear membrane protein SUN2 Authors: Vidak, Sandra; Serebryannyy, Leonid A.; Pegoraro, Gianluca; Misteli, Tom Link: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.09.14.460295v2 DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.09.14.460295 </p


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    This dataset contains data used to generate panel S2A for GRP94, GRP78 and PDI in a preprint manuscript from the Misteli Lab at the National Cancer Institute/NIH. Title:Activation of endoplasmic reticulum stress in premature aging via the inner nuclear membrane protein SUN2 Authors: Vidak, Sandra; Serebryannyy, Leonid A.; Pegoraro, Gianluca; Misteli, Tom Link: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.09.14.460295v2 DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.09.14.460295 </p


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    This dataset contains data used to generate panels 1C, 1D and S4A for GRP78,PDI and SUN2 in a preprint manuscript from the Misteli Lab at the National Cancer Institute/NIH. Title: Activation of endoplasmic reticulum stress in premature aging via the inner nuclear membrane protein SUN2 Authors: Vidak, Sandra; Serebryannyy, Leonid A.; Pegoraro, Gianluca; Misteli, Tom Link: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.09.14.460295v2 DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.09.14.460295 </p


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    This dataset contains data used to generate panel S4D in a preprint manuscript from the Misteli Lab at the National Cancer Institute/NIH. Title: Activation of endoplasmic reticulum stress in premature aging via the inner nuclear membrane protein SUN2 Authors: Vidak, Sandra; Serebryannyy, Leonid A.; Pegoraro, Gianluca; Misteli, Tom Link: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.09.14.460295v2 DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.09.14.460295 </p