4,836 research outputs found

    dLipin-A Link between Lipid Metabolism, Glucose Homeostasis and Growth in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Lipins are a family of highly conserved proteins found from yeasts to humans. Lipins have dual functions, serving as phosphatidate phosphatase enzymes (PAP) in the synthesis of neutral fats (triacylglycerols, TAG) and as transcriptional co-regulators that affect the expression of genes involved in lipid and fatty acid metabolism. Thus, they play central roles in metabolic control. Disruption of Lipin function has been implicated in lipodystrophy, obesity and insulin resistance. Using dLipin, the Drosophila homolog of Lipin, as a model, I aimed to elucidate the relationship between the two biochemical functions of Lipin and metabolic homeostasis. I discovered there is a strong interconnection between TAG synthesis and insulin pathway activity. Reduced activity of dLipin and other enzymes involved in TAG synthesis disrupted insulin pathway activity by interfereing with phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-trisphosphate (PIP3) synthesis. Mosaic analysis revealed that cell-autonomous loss of dLipin activity in fat the body negatively affects cell growth. Genetic interaction experiments indicated that dLipin and the insulin pathway regulate adipogenesis in an interdependent fashion. Furthermore, I found that the nutrient sensing complex TORC1 regulates dLipin activity in lipid metabolism by controlling dLipin\u27s subcellular localization. Hence, the insulin pathway as well as the TORC1 pathway each appears to be a central regulator of dLipin activity and its functions in lipid metabolism. Nuclear functions of dLipin did not seem to have an effect on insulin pathway activity. Thus, metabolic disturbances observed after dLipin knockdown seem to be primarily caused by reduced PAP activity provided by dLipin. Taken together, the results position dLipin as a central target to further study the link between TAG synthesis and insulin and TORC1 pathway activity

    Opinion on moderate/low cancer genetic risk markers in medical practice including comment on the article Genetic contribution to all cancers: the first demonstration using the model of breast cancers from Poland stratified by age at diagnosis and tumour pathology by Lubinski et al., Breast Cancer Res Treat 2008 Apr 15

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    [Excerpt] Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease characterized by a widely variable morphological appearance, many risk factors and distinct gene expression profiles [1, 2]. Common genetic alterations (e.g. polymorphisms), with possible effects on protein function and/or expression, within genes involved in essential cellular pathways, such as carcinogen metabolism, DNA repair, cell cycle control and cell proliferation, can predispose individuals to various tumours, including breast cancer [3-7]. [...

    Stakeholder-Management im Politiknetzwerk der Energiewende : Herausforderungen für die Führung öffentlicher Organisationen

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    Die Erfolgsvoraussetzungen für das strategische Management öffentlicher Organisationen haben sich grundlegend verändert. Im Gewährleistungsstaat der vernetzten Kommunikationsgesellschaft sind die Grenzen zwischen einer öffentlichen Organisation und ihrer Umwelt nicht mehr klar zu ziehen: Zahlreiche Akteure mit unterschiedlichsten Interessen bestimmen über die Handlungs- und Entscheidungsspielräume öffentlicher Organisationen massgeblich mit. Dies zeigt sich am Beispiel des dynamischen Politikfeldes der Energiewende: Gerade in Zeiten grundlegender Veränderungen wird für die Führung öffentlicher Organisationen das strategische Stakeholder-Management zu einem Schlüsselfaktor des Erfolgs. Allerdings ist dieses für Führungskräfte öffentlicher Organisationen mit grossen Herausforderungen verbunden: Wie können sie den langfristigen Erfolg ihrer Organisationen in einem Umfeld unzähliger heterogener Stakeholder, die miteinander vernetzt sowie in Interessen- und Zielkonflikten gefangen sind, auf strategischer Ebene sicherstellen? Wie können in einer komplexen und dynamischen Stakeholder-Umwelt, deren Akteure allgegenwärtig und permanent auf verschiedensten medialen Plattformen kommunizieren, die öffentlichen Aufgaben und Zielsetzungen im Spannungsfeld von unternehmerischen und gesellschaftlichen Interessen erfüllt werden? Und wie kann die dazu notwendige Legitimation in demokratischen Prozessen laufend sichergestellt werden? Dieses Working Paper erläutert die genannte Stakeholder-Problemstellung am Beispiel öffentlicher Organisationen im Politikfeld der Energiewende: Es reflektiert unterschiedliche Konzepte des Stakeholder-Managements, verortet diese in Theorien der Betriebswirtschaftslehre wie auch der Verwaltungs-, Politik- und Kommunikationswissenschaften und dokumentiert anhand einer explorativen, nicht repräsentativen Online-Umfrage die Herausforderungen des Stakeholder-Managements in der Energiewende aus Sicht von Führungskräften öffentlicher Organisationen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Umfrage deuten darauf hin, dass es in der Management-Praxis an angemessenen Modellen für die Bewältigung der Herausforderungen fehlt. Dieses Working Paper plädiert entsprechend für eine transdisziplinäre Forschung auf diesem Gebiet

    Stakeholder-Management im Netzwerk politischer Kommunikation : Forschung für ein integriertes Führungsmodell im öffentlichen Sektor

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    Die Voraussetzungen für das Management der Beziehungen zwischen öffentlichen Organisationen und ihren Stakeholdern haben sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten tiefgreifend verändert. In der «Welt-Kommunikationsgesellschaft» und ihrer Public Governance ist vernetzte Kommunikation zum Schlüssel des Erfolgs im Stakeholder-Management geworden. Praktische Verfahrensweisen halten mit den Herausforderungen aber nicht Schritt. Zugänge der transdisziplinären Forschung könnten genutzt werden, um ein integriertes Führungsmodell in diesem Bereich zu entwickeln.The conditions for the management of relations between public organizations and their stakeholders have changed profoundly in recent decades. Within the framework of the communicatively constituted "world society" and its public governance, network communication has become a key factor for future success in stakeholder management. However, practical procedures do not keep up with these challenges. Features of transdisciplinary research could be used to develop an integrated management model for the field

    Adverse events after cervical spinal manipulative therapy: consensus based classification and definitions

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    Cervical spinal manipulations (CSM) are frequently employed techniques to alleviate neck pain and headache. Minor and major complications following CSM have been described, though clear consensus on definition and the classification of the complications had not yet been achieved. As a result, incidence rates may be underestimated. The aim of this study was to develop a consensus-based classification of adverse events following cervical spinal manipulations which has good feasibility in clinical practice and research. Design: A three round Delphi-study. Medical specialists, manual therapists, and patients (n=30) participated in an online survey. In Round 1, participants were invited to select a classification system of adverse events. Potential complications were inventoried and detailed in accordance with the ICF and the ICD-10. In Round 2, panel members categorized the potential complications in their selected classification. During the third round, it was inquired of the participants whether they concurred with the answer of the majority of participants. Results: Thirty four complications were defined. Consensus was achieved for 29 complications for all durations [hours, days, weeks]. For the remaining five complications, consensus was reached for two of the three durations [hours, days, weeks]. Conclusions: A consensus-based classification system of adverse events after cervical spinal manipulation was developed which comprises patients’ and clinicians’ perspectives and has only a small number of categories. The classification system includes a precise description of potential adverse events and is based on international accepted classifications (ICD-10 and ICF). This classification system may be useful for utilization in both clinical practice and research

    Folcloreando com a matemática

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    Tem-se buscado inúmeras alternativas, em sala de aula, para que as crianças aprendam sempre mais, de maneira mais prazerosa e significativa. Destas alternativas já aplicadas, a brincadeira destaca-se como uma das maneiras mais eficazes de envolver o aluno nas atividades realizadas, sem abandonar a seriedade e a importância dos conteúdos a serem trabalhados. O projeto, ora apresentado, foi escolhido, porque as crianças estavam perdendo suas origens, tradições e costumes. Ele tem por objetivo resgatar, vivenciar e valorizar as manifestações da cultura popular timboense e catarinense, além de desenvolver conceitos matemáticos e enfatizar a importância da atividade lúdica na Educação Infantil. As atividades lúdicas proporcionadas estão livres de pressões e avaliações, por isso criam um clima de liberdade e proporcionam a aprendizagem, estimulando o interesse, a descoberta e a reflexão, além de ajudar as crianças com dificuldade de aprendizagem a se tornarem mais pensantes, participantes e, principalmente, felizes

    VEGFR-3 expression in breast cancer tissue is not restricted to lymphatic vessels

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    We examined the immunohistochemical reactivity for vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 (VEGFR-3), a protein playing an important role in lymphangiogenesis, in breast cancer. A retrospective series of 77 invasive ductal breast carcinomas was investigated. The relationship between VEGFR-3 expression and clinicopathologic parameters was examined for statistical significance using Pearson’s chi-square ðw2Þ test and Fisher’s exact test (when no5). Threshold for significance was po0:05: Patient age ranged from 31 to 77 years (mean: 55 years). The VEGFR-3 immunoreactivity was as follows: 5 cases were negative (6.5%), 35+(45.4%), 27++ (35.1%), and 10+++ (13.0%). Reactions were positive for both lymphatic and blood vessels in several cases. VEGFR-3-positive reactions were more frequent in the tumor periphery than within the tumor. Immunoreactivity was also observed in myoepithelial cells surrounding both normal ducts and ducts with ductal carcinoma in situ. Statistical analysis of VEGFR-3 reactions was not significantly related to node status, microvessel density, and tumor grade. Ploidy showed a tendency towards significance (p=0.063); however, owing to the limited number of cases, statistical significance was not reached. VEGFR-3 lacks lymphatic vessel specificity and is also expressed in blood vessels, myoepithelial cells, and neoplastic cells

    iPatrimônio: Georeferencing the Brazilian Cultural Heritage

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    According to Federal Constitution, Public Power must join forces with community for the promotion and protection of the national cultural heritage. Therefore, channels of information and communication between these agents should be constructed. This paper aims to discuss about the importance of centralizing information on the assets listed by the various preservation bodies and about the role of georeferencing in this context. Through an extensive collection of lists and information on official websites, an online platform called iPatrimônio was organized to assist in the dissemination of Brazilian cultural heritage. During the collection of information, it was verified that, when it comes to the dissemination of information by the various preservation bodies: 1. several sectors do not have their own sites; 2. Sectors that own websites do not always provide the list of assets or information about listed assets; and 3. the communication channels of these sectors do not work. Furthermore, iPatrimônio platform is compared to INDE and SICG.De acordo com a Constituição Federal, cabe unir esforços entre Poder Público e comunidade para a promoção e a proteção do patrimônio cultural nacional. Para tanto, é necessário que existam canais de informação e comunicação entre os agentes mencionados. O presente artigo busca mostrar a importância da centralização da informação sobre os bens tombados e registrados pelos vários órgãos de preservação e o papel do georreferenciamento nesse contexto. Por meio de ampla coleta de listas e informações em websites oficiais, foi organizada uma plataforma online chamada iPatrimônio para auxiliar na divulgação do patrimônio cultural brasileiro. Durante a coleta de informações, constatou-se que, quando se trata da divulgação de informação pelos diversos órgãos de preservação: 1. vários órgãos não possuem sites próprios; 2. órgãos que possuem sites próprios nem sempre disponibilizam a lista de bens tombados ou informação sobre eles; e 3. os canais de comunicação com os órgãos não funcionam. Além disso, a plataforma iPatrimônio será analisada em comparação com o INDE e o SICG

    Documentação Digital do Patrimônio Arquitetônico: Antiga Estação Ferroviária de São Carlos-SP

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    Este artigo compara técnicas de levantamento e representação arquitetônica (manual e fotogramétrica), com especial interesse em seu uso em edificações históricas. O artigo trata de três grandes assuntos: 1. Uma breve apresentação histórica da cidade e da edificação; 2. Descrição dos processos manual e fotogramétrico; e 3. Avaliação crítica sobre os produtos gerados. Ao final do trabalho, apresentamos as dificuldades para a aplicação da metodologia e outras questões pertinentes

    Documentação Digital do Patrimônio Arquitetônico: Antiga Estação Ferroviária de São Carlos-SP

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    Este artigo compara técnicas de levantamento e representação arquitetônica (manual e fotogramétrica), com especial interesse em seu uso em edificações históricas. O artigo trata de três grandes assuntos: 1. Uma breve apresentação histórica da cidade e da edificação; 2. Descrição dos processos manual e fotogramétrico; e 3. Avaliação crítica sobre os produtos gerados. Ao final do trabalho, apresentamos as dificuldades para a aplicação da metodologia e outras questões pertinentes