213 research outputs found

    Pesticide Use and Degradation Strategies: Food Safety, Challenges and Perspectives

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    While recognizing the gaps in pesticide regulations that impact consumer safety, public health concerns associated with pesticide contamination of foods are pointed out. The strategies and research directions proposed to prevent and/or reduce pesticide adverse effects on human health and the environment are discussed. Special attention is paid to organophosphate pesticides, as widely applied insecticides in agriculture, veterinary practices, and urban areas. Biotic and abiotic strategies for organophosphate pesticide degradation are discussed from a food safety perspective, indicating associated challenges and potential for further improvements. As food systems are endangered globally by unprecedented challenges, there is an urgent need to globally harmonize pesticide regulations and improve methodologies in the area of food safety to protect human health

    Flux of Ca2+ ions in the synaptosomal mitochondrial membrane

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    In the present study, the flux of Ca2+ ions in the synaptosomal mitochondrial membrane isolated from the whole brain and hippocampus of chronically ovariectomized female rats was examined. Under basal conditions no significant difference was found. Addition of estradiol (0.5 nmol/l) in the preincubation mixture decreased significantly (25%) Na-dependent Ca2+ efflux in mitochondria from both sources which may be the way that it exerts its role in nerve cell homeostasis.Physical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200

    Effects of metal ions on ecto-ATPase activity in plasma membrane isolated from the rat ovary

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    Effects of increasing concentrations of metal salts SrCl2, CsCl, CrCl3, CdCl2, and HgCl2 on rat ovarian plasma membrane ecto-ATPase activity were investigated. CrCl3, CdCl2, and HgCl2 exert total inhibition of enzyme activity in the presence of 0.01 M and 0.1 M respectively. SrCl2 and CsCl exhibit up to 25% of inhibition. According to the IC50, ecto-ATPase possesses greater sensibility to Cd2+ (IC50 is 0.887 mM) > Cr3+ (IC50 is 1.936 mM) > Hg2+ (IC50 is 4.39 mM). All investigated ions exert negative cooperativity (n<1). Physico-chemical properties of the metal are of importance in metal toxicity. Cr3+ and Cd2+ ions, with lower radius may inhibit ecto-ATPase activity by binding to hydrolytic site or by replacing Mg2+ in Mg-ATP, a substrate of the enzyme. Hg2+, as a larger ion probably inhibits the enzyme activity through conformational changing the enzyme by binding to S-S or -SH groups on the site distinct to hydrolytic one. By inhibiting the enzyme activity these metals may affect maturation and release of oocytes as well as synthesis and release of gonadal hormones and decrease the fertility of mammalsPhysical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200

    Positive correlation between micronuclei and necrosis of lymphocytes in medical personnel occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation

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    BACKGROUND: Current radiation protection standards are based on premise that any radiation dose may result in detrimental health effects. The aim of this study was to evaluate extent of the DNA damages (measured by induction of micronuclei) and interphase cell death in circulating lymphocytes of medical personnel exposed to ionizing radiation. METHODS: Baseline micronuclei were assessed using the cytokinesis-block micronucleus test. Cytotoxicity was analyzed by flow cytometry for human white blood cells to identify cells that displayed apoptosis-associated DNA condensation. Necrotic cells were analyzed simultaneously. All parameters were compared with corresponding controls. RESULTS: A statistically significant difference (t = 4.54, p = 0.002) was found between exposed and control group in the yield of baseline micronuclei. The level of baseline micronuclei correlated positively with necrosis of leucocytes (r=0.09, p=0.68 in exposed group, r=0.02, p=0.97 in controls). An inverse correlation between baseline micronuclei and apoptosis was noted in both groups of examinees (r = -0.26, p = 0.27 in exposed group, r = -0.09, p=0.80 in controls). The data obtained also suggested an inverse correlation between necrosis and apoptosis (r = -0.37, p = 0.11 in exposed group, r = -0.89, p = 0.001 in controls). CONCLUSION: Flow cytometry being a rapid, fast, and accurate method is strongly recommended in evaluation of radiation injuries. The integration of apoptosis and necrosis into micronucleus assay could be very important in the assessment of cumulative effects of ionizing radiation in occupationally exposed medical personnel

    Voltammetric methods based on carbon electrodes modified with multi walled carbon nanotubes and bismuth and antimony particles based composites for determination of selected target analytes

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    Cilj ove doktorske disertacija  bio je razvoj  novih, osetljivih, selektivnih i ekonomski isplativih  voltametrijskih  radnih  elektroda  za  praćenje  odabranih  analita  kako  u laboratorijskim tako i pri terenskim uslovima.  Ispitivana je  mogućnost primene  ovih  radnih  elektroda  primenom  voltametrijskih  metoda  kako  u  model  rastvorima  tako  i  u  pojedinim realnim sistemima. SW-ASV  zasnovana  na  elektrodama  od  staklastog  ugljenika  površinski modifikovanim  Bi-MWCNT  i  BiOCl-MWCNT  je  primenjena  za  određivanje  jona  Pb(II)  i Cd(II)  pri  optimizovanim  uslovima  merenja.  Određivanje  ciljnih  jona  vršeno  je  pri  radnom potencijalu  od  -1,2  V  (izmeren  u  odnosu  na  zasićenu  kalomelovu  elektrodu)  i  vremenu elektrodepozicije jona  od 120 s. Sva merenja su izvršena u rastvoru acetatnog pufera čija je pH-vrednost iznosila  4,0. Primenjeni koncentracioni opseg ciljnih analita iznosio je  od 5 do 50  μg  dm -3 .  Primenom  ovog  tipa  elektrode  dobijene  su  vrednosti  granice  detekcije  za  jone Pb(II) i Cd(II) 0,57  μg dm -3 i 1,2 μg dm-3 , redom. Dobijena RSD iznosila je manje od 10% za oba  jona.  Ova  metoda  je  primenjena  i  za  određivanje  ciljnih  jona  u  realnom  uzorku  porne vode  sedimenta  a  rezultati  dobijeni  optimizovanom  voltametrijskom  metodom  su  u  dobroj saglasnosti sa rezultatima koji su dobijeni primenom komparativne GFAAS metode. Bizmut oksihlorid-višezidne ugljenične nanocevi kompozitni materijal je primenjen za površinsko  modifikovanje  elektrode  od  staklastog  ugljenika  za  brzo  i  jednostavno voltametrijsko  određivanje  tragova  Zn(II)-jona  primenom  SW-ASV  metode.  BiOClMWCNT/GCE je pokazala linearan analitički odgovor u  osegu koncentracija od  2,50 do  80,0 μg  dm -3 sa dobijenom vrednošću GD 0,75 μg  dm-3 pri akumulacionom vremenu od  120 s  i potencijalu  elektrodepozicije  -1,40  V  u  odnosu  na  ZKE.  Merenja  su  vršena  u  acetatnom puferu pH 4,5. Dobijena RSD iznosila je 4,8 %. Upoređene su performanse novodizajnirane BiOCl-MWCNT/GCE elektrode  i  tradicionalne elektrode na bazi bizmut filma (BiF/GCE), MWCNT/GCE,  BiF-MWCNT/GCE  i  nemodifikovane  GC  elektrode.  Novodizajnirana elektroda je primenjena za  detekciju  i određivanje  Zn(II)-jona  u realnim  uzorcima kao što su dijetetski  suplement  i  pekarski  kvasac.  Dobijeni  rezultati  su  uporedivi  sa  deklarisanom vrednošću  u  slučaju  dijetetskog  suplementa  a  u  slučaju  pekarskog  kvasca  sa  rezultatima dobijenih komparativnom FAAS . Elektroda od ugljenične paste je površinski modifikovana pripremljenim kompozitom koji je  izgrađen od višezidnih ugljeničnih nanocevi i čestica  Sb2O3.  Kompozitni  materijal  je okarakterisan  primenom  TEM,  EDS  i  XRD  mernih  tehnika.  Sb2O3-MWCNT/CPE  je okarakterisana primenom ciklične voltametrije a merenja su vršena u rastvoru hlorovodonične kiseline  (pH  2,0).  Primenom  SW-ASV  metode  ova  radna  elektroda  je  upotrebljena  za određivanje  jona Pb(II) i Cd(II)  u  koncentracionom opsegu 2,0-40,0  μg  dm  -3 za  Pb(II)-jon  i 2,0-40,0  μg  dm -3 za  Cd(II)-jon  pri  čemu  su  dobijene  dobre  linearne  zavisnosti  za  oba  ciljna jona.  Optimalna  procedura  uključuje  primenu  Sb2O3-MWCNT/CPE  u  0,01  mol dm -3 hlorovodoničnoj kiselini uz vreme elektrodepozicije jona iz rastvora od 120  s  na  potencijaluod  -1,2  V,  pri  čemu  su  dobijene  vrednosti  za  GD  1,1  μg  dm -3 Cd(II)  i  1,6  μg  dm -3 Pb(II). Optimizovana  metoda  zasnovana  na  ovom  tipu  voltametrijskog  senzora  je  uspešno primenjena  za  određivanje  jona  Cd(II)  u  obogaćenom  uzorku  česmenske  vode,  gde  su  se dobijene vrednosti u  saglasnosti sa očekivanom. Elektroda od ugljenične paste površinski je  modifikovana primenom  Sb2O3-MWCNT nanokompozitnog  materijala  i  primenjena  za  direktno  voltametrijsko  određivanje imidakloprida  u  model  rastvorima.  U  cilju  postizanja  što  boljih  analitičkih  performansi optimizovani su eksperimentalni uslovi merenja kao što su pH-vrednost rastvora pomoćnog elektrolita  i  kondicioniranje  površine  voltametrijskog  senzora.  Kao  optimalna  pH-vrednost pomoćnog elektolita (Britton-Robinsonovog pufera) odabrana je pH 7,0, a ponavljanje ciklusa cikliranja najmanje 4 puta povoljno utiče na stabilnost  voltametrijskih signala. Optimizovana metoda primenjena je za SW direktno katodno određivanje imidakloprida u koncentracionom intervalu od 1,41 do 32,77 μg cm -3 uz dobijeni korelacioni faktor od 0,9995. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da su razvijene analitičke metode pre svega  osetljive,  selektivne,  reproduktivne  i   jednostavne  što  omogućava  njihovu  primenu  za veliki broj uzoraka.  Merenjima u model i realnim rastvorima dokazana je mogućnost njihove primene  u   komplikovanim  matriksima,  pri  različitim  pH  vredostima  pri  čemu  su  dobijeni rezultati koji su u saglasnosti sa rezultatima primenjenih komparativnih metoda. Naravno, za dobijanje  reprezentativnih  rezultata  neohodno  je  izvršiti  optimizaciju  uslova  merenja  što podrazumeva sam odabir supstrat-elektrode, odabir površinskog modifikatora i optimizaciju eksperimentalnih uslova merenja.The  aim of this  Ph.D. thesis  was the development of new, sensitive, selective and economically  viable  voltametric  working  electrode  for  continuous  monitoring  of  different target  analytes.  The  use  of  these  advantaged  working  electrodes  was  investigated  using voltametric methods both in model solutions and in certain real systems.SW-ASV  based on glassy carbon  electrode surface modified with  Bi- MWCNT and BiOCl-MWCNT  were  applied  for  determination  of  Pb(II)  and  Cd(II)  ions.  Voltametric determination  of  Pb(II)  and  Cd(II)  ions  was  performed  at  working  potential  of  -1.2  V (measured against the saturated calomel electrode) and time of electrodeposition of 120 s. All measurements were performed in acetate buffer solution pH 4.0. Concentration range of targetanalites were  5-50 μg  dm -3 . Using this type of electrode,  obtained  detection limits for  Pb(II) and Cd(II) ions  were  0.57  μg  dm -3 and 1.2  μg  dm -3 , respectively, with RSD lower than 10%.This  method  was  applied  for  target  ions  determination  in  sediment  pore  water  sample,  and obtained results are comparable with those who are obtained using GFAAS method. Bismuth oxychloride-multiwalled carbon nanotubes composite material was applied for  surface  modification  of  the  glass-carbon  electrode  for  quick  and  simple  voltametric determination  of  Zn(II)  ions  using  the  SW-ASV  method.  BiOCl-MWCNT/GCE  showed  a linear  analytical  response  in  a   concentration  from  2.50  to  80.0  μg  dm -3 with  a  value  of detection limit 0.75 μg dm -3 at a acumulation time of 120 s and an electrodeposition potential of  -1.40 V vs. saturated  calomel electrode.  Measurements were carried out in acetate buffer pH 4.5. The obtained  value of the RSD  was  4.8%. The performance of the newly designed BiOCl-MWCNT/GCE  electrode,  traditional  bismuth-based  electrode  (BiF/GCE), MWCNT/GCE,  BiF-MWCNT/GCE  and  unmodified  GC  electrodes  were  compared.  The applied electrode shows very good electroanalytic properties when determining this target ion. Obtained results are in good agreement with declared value in case of dietetic suplement, and in the brewer’s yeast sample results were comparable with FAAS results. Carbon  paste  electrode  surface  modified  with  new  composite  material  based  on multiwalled carbon nanotubes and  Sb2O3  particles. The composite is characterized by TEM, EDS and  XRD measurment. Sb2O3- MWCNT/CPE was characterized by cyclic voltammetry and measurements were carried out in a  hydrochloric acid  solution  (pH 2.0). Using the SWASV  method,  this  working  electrode  was  used  to  determine  Pb(II),  Cd(II)  ions  in  the concentration range  from  2.0  to 40.0  μg dm -3 for Pb(II) and 2.0-40.0  μg dm -3 for Cd(II) ions. Newly  designed  sensor  showed  good  linear  dependences  for  both  target  ions.  The  most optimal  procedure  involving  application  of  Sb2O3-MWCNT/CPE  in   .01  mol  dm -3 hydrochloric  acid,  with  electroposition  time  of  target  ions  120  s  at  a  electrodeposition potential  of  -1.2  V.  Obtained   values  of    LOD  1,1  μg  dm -3 for  Cd(II)  and  for  1,6  μg  dm -3 Pb(II)  ions.  An  optimized  method  based  on  this  type  of  voltametric  sensor  has  been successfully  applied  for  determination  of  Cd(II)  ion  in  a  spiked  tap  water  sample.  Results obtained during this measurment were in tune with expected results. CPE  was  surface  modified  using  Sb2O3-MWCNT  nanocomposite  material  and tested  for  direct  voltametric  determination  of  imidacloprid  in  model  solutions.  In  order  to achieve the best analytical performance, experimental conditions of measurement such as the pH value of the supporting electrolyte and conditioning of the voltametric sensor surface havebeen  optimized.  As  an  optimum  pH  value  of  the  supporting  electrolyte  (Britton-Robinson buffer), a pH 7.0 was selected, and the repeating cycles of the cycling process at least 4 times favorably  influenced  the  stability  of  the  voltametric  signals.  The  optimized  method  was applied for the SW direct cathodic determination  of  imidacloprid in the concentration range from 1.41 to 32.77 μg cm -3  with obtained correlation factor of 0.9995. Based on results it can be concluded that developed analytical methods are sensitive, selective, reproducibile and simple, which can enable their application for various number of samples. Measurements in the model and real solutions have demonstrated the possibility of their  application  in  complicated  matrices,  at  different  pH,  whereby  obtained  results  are  in accordance  with  the  results  of  the  applied  comparative  methods.  For  obtainig  of representative  results  it  is  necessary  to  optimize  conditions  of  measurment  which  include: selection of substrat electrode, surface modifier and optimization of experimental condition

    Voltammetric methods based on carbon electrodes modified with multi walled carbon nanotubes and bismuth and antimony particles based composites for determination of selected target analytes

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    Cilj ove doktorske disertacija  bio je razvoj  novih, osetljivih, selektivnih i ekonomski isplativih  voltametrijskih  radnih  elektroda  za  praćenje  odabranih  analita  kako  u laboratorijskim tako i pri terenskim uslovima.  Ispitivana je  mogućnost primene  ovih  radnih  elektroda  primenom  voltametrijskih  metoda  kako  u  model  rastvorima  tako  i  u  pojedinim realnim sistemima. SW-ASV  zasnovana  na  elektrodama  od  staklastog  ugljenika  površinski modifikovanim  Bi-MWCNT  i  BiOCl-MWCNT  je  primenjena  za  određivanje  jona  Pb(II)  i Cd(II)  pri  optimizovanim  uslovima  merenja.  Određivanje  ciljnih  jona  vršeno  je  pri  radnom potencijalu  od  -1,2  V  (izmeren  u  odnosu  na  zasićenu  kalomelovu  elektrodu)  i  vremenu elektrodepozicije jona  od 120 s. Sva merenja su izvršena u rastvoru acetatnog pufera čija je pH-vrednost iznosila  4,0. Primenjeni koncentracioni opseg ciljnih analita iznosio je  od 5 do 50  μg  dm -3 .  Primenom  ovog  tipa  elektrode  dobijene  su  vrednosti  granice  detekcije  za  jone Pb(II) i Cd(II) 0,57  μg dm -3 i 1,2 μg dm-3 , redom. Dobijena RSD iznosila je manje od 10% za oba  jona.  Ova  metoda  je  primenjena  i  za  određivanje  ciljnih  jona  u  realnom  uzorku  porne vode  sedimenta  a  rezultati  dobijeni  optimizovanom  voltametrijskom  metodom  su  u  dobroj saglasnosti sa rezultatima koji su dobijeni primenom komparativne GFAAS metode. Bizmut oksihlorid-višezidne ugljenične nanocevi kompozitni materijal je primenjen za površinsko  modifikovanje  elektrode  od  staklastog  ugljenika  za  brzo  i  jednostavno voltametrijsko  određivanje  tragova  Zn(II)-jona  primenom  SW-ASV  metode.  BiOClMWCNT/GCE je pokazala linearan analitički odgovor u  osegu koncentracija od  2,50 do  80,0 μg  dm -3 sa dobijenom vrednošću GD 0,75 μg  dm-3 pri akumulacionom vremenu od  120 s  i potencijalu  elektrodepozicije  -1,40  V  u  odnosu  na  ZKE.  Merenja  su  vršena  u  acetatnom puferu pH 4,5. Dobijena RSD iznosila je 4,8 %. Upoređene su performanse novodizajnirane BiOCl-MWCNT/GCE elektrode  i  tradicionalne elektrode na bazi bizmut filma (BiF/GCE), MWCNT/GCE,  BiF-MWCNT/GCE  i  nemodifikovane  GC  elektrode.  Novodizajnirana elektroda je primenjena za  detekciju  i određivanje  Zn(II)-jona  u realnim  uzorcima kao što su dijetetski  suplement  i  pekarski  kvasac.  Dobijeni  rezultati  su  uporedivi  sa  deklarisanom vrednošću  u  slučaju  dijetetskog  suplementa  a  u  slučaju  pekarskog  kvasca  sa  rezultatima dobijenih komparativnom FAAS . Elektroda od ugljenične paste je površinski modifikovana pripremljenim kompozitom koji je  izgrađen od višezidnih ugljeničnih nanocevi i čestica  Sb2O3.  Kompozitni  materijal  je okarakterisan  primenom  TEM,  EDS  i  XRD  mernih  tehnika.  Sb2O3-MWCNT/CPE  je okarakterisana primenom ciklične voltametrije a merenja su vršena u rastvoru hlorovodonične kiseline  (pH  2,0).  Primenom  SW-ASV  metode  ova  radna  elektroda  je  upotrebljena  za određivanje  jona Pb(II) i Cd(II)  u  koncentracionom opsegu 2,0-40,0  μg  dm  -3 za  Pb(II)-jon  i 2,0-40,0  μg  dm -3 za  Cd(II)-jon  pri  čemu  su  dobijene  dobre  linearne  zavisnosti  za  oba  ciljna jona.  Optimalna  procedura  uključuje  primenu  Sb2O3-MWCNT/CPE  u  0,01  mol dm -3 hlorovodoničnoj kiselini uz vreme elektrodepozicije jona iz rastvora od 120  s  na  potencijaluod  -1,2  V,  pri  čemu  su  dobijene  vrednosti  za  GD  1,1  μg  dm -3 Cd(II)  i  1,6  μg  dm -3 Pb(II). Optimizovana  metoda  zasnovana  na  ovom  tipu  voltametrijskog  senzora  je  uspešno primenjena  za  određivanje  jona  Cd(II)  u  obogaćenom  uzorku  česmenske  vode,  gde  su  se dobijene vrednosti u  saglasnosti sa očekivanom. Elektroda od ugljenične paste površinski je  modifikovana primenom  Sb2O3-MWCNT nanokompozitnog  materijala  i  primenjena  za  direktno  voltametrijsko  određivanje imidakloprida  u  model  rastvorima.  U  cilju  postizanja  što  boljih  analitičkih  performansi optimizovani su eksperimentalni uslovi merenja kao što su pH-vrednost rastvora pomoćnog elektrolita  i  kondicioniranje  površine  voltametrijskog  senzora.  Kao  optimalna  pH-vrednost pomoćnog elektolita (Britton-Robinsonovog pufera) odabrana je pH 7,0, a ponavljanje ciklusa cikliranja najmanje 4 puta povoljno utiče na stabilnost  voltametrijskih signala. Optimizovana metoda primenjena je za SW direktno katodno određivanje imidakloprida u koncentracionom intervalu od 1,41 do 32,77 μg cm -3 uz dobijeni korelacioni faktor od 0,9995. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da su razvijene analitičke metode pre svega  osetljive,  selektivne,  reproduktivne  i   jednostavne  što  omogućava  njihovu  primenu  za veliki broj uzoraka.  Merenjima u model i realnim rastvorima dokazana je mogućnost njihove primene  u   komplikovanim  matriksima,  pri  različitim  pH  vredostima  pri  čemu  su  dobijeni rezultati koji su u saglasnosti sa rezultatima primenjenih komparativnih metoda. Naravno, za dobijanje  reprezentativnih  rezultata  neohodno  je  izvršiti  optimizaciju  uslova  merenja  što podrazumeva sam odabir supstrat-elektrode, odabir površinskog modifikatora i optimizaciju eksperimentalnih uslova merenja.The  aim of this  Ph.D. thesis  was the development of new, sensitive, selective and economically  viable  voltametric  working  electrode  for  continuous  monitoring  of  different target  analytes.  The  use  of  these  advantaged  working  electrodes  was  investigated  using voltametric methods both in model solutions and in certain real systems.SW-ASV  based on glassy carbon  electrode surface modified with  Bi- MWCNT and BiOCl-MWCNT  were  applied  for  determination  of  Pb(II)  and  Cd(II)  ions.  Voltametric determination  of  Pb(II)  and  Cd(II)  ions  was  performed  at  working  potential  of  -1.2  V (measured against the saturated calomel electrode) and time of electrodeposition of 120 s. All measurements were performed in acetate buffer solution pH 4.0. Concentration range of targetanalites were  5-50 μg  dm -3 . Using this type of electrode,  obtained  detection limits for  Pb(II) and Cd(II) ions  were  0.57  μg  dm -3 and 1.2  μg  dm -3 , respectively, with RSD lower than 10%.This  method  was  applied  for  target  ions  determination  in  sediment  pore  water  sample,  and obtained results are comparable with those who are obtained using GFAAS method. Bismuth oxychloride-multiwalled carbon nanotubes composite material was applied for  surface  modification  of  the  glass-carbon  electrode  for  quick  and  simple  voltametric determination  of  Zn(II)  ions  using  the  SW-ASV  method.  BiOCl-MWCNT/GCE  showed  a linear  analytical  response  in  a   concentration  from  2.50  to  80.0  μg  dm -3 with  a  value  of detection limit 0.75 μg dm -3 at a acumulation time of 120 s and an electrodeposition potential of  -1.40 V vs. saturated  calomel electrode.  Measurements were carried out in acetate buffer pH 4.5. The obtained  value of the RSD  was  4.8%. The performance of the newly designed BiOCl-MWCNT/GCE  electrode,  traditional  bismuth-based  electrode  (BiF/GCE), MWCNT/GCE,  BiF-MWCNT/GCE  and  unmodified  GC  electrodes  were  compared.  The applied electrode shows very good electroanalytic properties when determining this target ion. Obtained results are in good agreement with declared value in case of dietetic suplement, and in the brewer’s yeast sample results were comparable with FAAS results. Carbon  paste  electrode  surface  modified  with  new  composite  material  based  on multiwalled carbon nanotubes and  Sb2O3  particles. The composite is characterized by TEM, EDS and  XRD measurment. Sb2O3- MWCNT/CPE was characterized by cyclic voltammetry and measurements were carried out in a  hydrochloric acid  solution  (pH 2.0). Using the SWASV  method,  this  working  electrode  was  used  to  determine  Pb(II),  Cd(II)  ions  in  the concentration range  from  2.0  to 40.0  μg dm -3 for Pb(II) and 2.0-40.0  μg dm -3 for Cd(II) ions. Newly  designed  sensor  showed  good  linear  dependences  for  both  target  ions.  The  most optimal  procedure  involving  application  of  Sb2O3-MWCNT/CPE  in   .01  mol  dm -3 hydrochloric  acid,  with  electroposition  time  of  target  ions  120  s  at  a  electrodeposition potential  of  -1.2  V.  Obtained   values  of    LOD  1,1  μg  dm -3 for  Cd(II)  and  for  1,6  μg  dm -3 Pb(II)  ions.  An  optimized  method  based  on  this  type  of  voltametric  sensor  has  been successfully  applied  for  determination  of  Cd(II)  ion  in  a  spiked  tap  water  sample.  Results obtained during this measurment were in tune with expected results. CPE  was  surface  modified  using  Sb2O3-MWCNT  nanocomposite  material  and tested  for  direct  voltametric  determination  of  imidacloprid  in  model  solutions.  In  order  to achieve the best analytical performance, experimental conditions of measurement such as the pH value of the supporting electrolyte and conditioning of the voltametric sensor surface havebeen  optimized.  As  an  optimum  pH  value  of  the  supporting  electrolyte  (Britton-Robinson buffer), a pH 7.0 was selected, and the repeating cycles of the cycling process at least 4 times favorably  influenced  the  stability  of  the  voltametric  signals.  The  optimized  method  was applied for the SW direct cathodic determination  of  imidacloprid in the concentration range from 1.41 to 32.77 μg cm -3  with obtained correlation factor of 0.9995. Based on results it can be concluded that developed analytical methods are sensitive, selective, reproducibile and simple, which can enable their application for various number of samples. Measurements in the model and real solutions have demonstrated the possibility of their  application  in  complicated  matrices,  at  different  pH,  whereby  obtained  results  are  in accordance  with  the  results  of  the  applied  comparative  methods.  For  obtainig  of representative  results  it  is  necessary  to  optimize  conditions  of  measurment  which  include: selection of substrat electrode, surface modifier and optimization of experimental condition

    TGFB1 Gene Promoter Polymorphisms in Serbian Asthmatics

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    Background. Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFB1) is a multifunctional cytokine that plays an important role in airway remodeling in asthma. Objectives. The aim of this study was to analyze common TGFB1 gene promoter polymorphisms C-509T and G-800A in Serbian asthmatics and to investigate their association with exacerbations. Material and Methods. The study involved 102 asthmatics and 58 healthy individuals from Serbia, age and gender matched. An analysis of the TGFB1 promoter was performed by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Results. For polymorphism C-509T a significant difference in the allele frequency was observed between the patients and the controls (p = 0.011), while the genotype distribution was similar in the analyzed groups, with statistical significance near the borderline (p = 0.061). For the polymorphism G-800A no difference was observed between the groups. The frequency of the -509TT genotype was higher in patients with exacerbations compared to patients without exacerbations (36.4% vs. 17.0%), with statistical significance near the borderline (p = 0.080). Conclusions. The results suggest that polymorphism C-509T may be associated with asthma and disease exacerbations, while G-800A is not significant for the etiology and clinical course of the disease. These findings should be confirmed in a larger study group, and since the TGFB1 promoter is highly complex and very responsive to environmental factors, future studies should also take other genetic and non-genetic factors into consideration

    Quantitative Determination of Pesticides in Soil by Thin-layer Chromatography and Video Densitometry

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    Reversed phase thin-layer chromatography (RP-TLC) in conjunction with video densitometry has been used for the quantitative determination of a six-component mixture of pesticides. Excellent separation of propham, chlorpropham, atrazine, diflubenzuron, tetramethrin and &alpha;-cypermethrin was achieved using the methanol/water solvent system (volume fraction of methanol, &phi; = 80%). Video densitometric quantification was validated for linearity, precision and detection limit. All results were satisfactory according to the validation requirements. The method was tested for the determination of pesticides from spiked soil using ultrasonic extraction with various solvents

    Different sensibility of ecto-ATPase from brain and ovary to Cu2+ and Zn2+

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    Ions of zinc and cooper represents micro elements present in all organisms but they can be accumulated in various tissues from the environment by food or pollution. In this work we examined the effects of chloride salts of Cu2+ and Zn2+ on the activity of ecto-ATPase, integral plasma membrane protein, in brain and ovarian cells. Both ions exhibit similar effects on brain or ovarian enzyme activity. Cooper in brain and ovary totally inhibits enzyme activity at the concentration of 1 mM and 0.1 M respectively. IC50 for brain is 36 µM while in ovary it is 192 µM. Zinc inhibits in both tissues 50% of the control enzyme activity at concentrations of 1 mM in brain and 0.1 M in ovary with IC50 of 1mM and 14 mM respectively. These metals possess an affinity for -SH groups in the enzyme protein, may replace Mg2+ in enzyme substrate, MgATP or to bind for enzyme substrate site. According to the total inhibition of ecto-ATPase activity by Cu 2+, it may be proposed that its site of action is on the substrate or substrate binding site, while Zn2+ modulates enzyme activity by acting on the –SH or S-S groups of the enzyme. Inhibiting or decreasing ecto-ATPase activity in brain and ovary, these two metal ions may be toxic and seriously disturb the proper functioning of the investigated tissues.Physical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200