21 research outputs found

    Morphological, chemical and optical absorbing characterization of aerosols in the urban atmosphere of Valladolid

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    Samples of atmospheric aerosol particles were collected in Valladolid, Spain, during the winter of 2003–2004. The measurements were made with a Dekati PM10 cascade impactor with four size stages: greater than 10 μm, between 2.5 to 10 μm, 1 to 2.5 μm and less than 1 μm. The size and shape of the particles were analyzed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and elemental analysis was done with an energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDX). We present an evaluation by size, shape and composition of the major particulate species in the Valladolid urban atmosphere. The total aerosol concentration is very variable, ranging from 39.86 μg·m−3 to 184.88 μg·m−3 with the coarse particles as the dominant mass fraction. Emphasis was given to fine particles (<1 μm), for which the visible (400 nm to 650 nm) light absorption coefficients were measured using the integrating plate technique. We have made some enhancements in the illumination system of this measurement system. The absorption coefficient, σa , is highly variable and ranges from 7.33×10−6 m−1 to 1.01×10−4 m−1 at a wavelength of 550 nm. There is an inverse power law relationship between σa and wavelength, with an average exponent of −0.8.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Real-time 2D–3D door detection and state classification on a low-power device

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    In this paper, we propose three methods for door state classifcation with the goal to improve robot navigation in indoor spaces. These methods were also developed to be used in other areas and applications since they are not limited to door detection as other related works are. Our methods work ofine, in low-powered computers as the Jetson Nano, in real-time with the ability to diferentiate between open, closed and semi-open doors. We use the 3D object classifcation, PointNet, real-time semantic segmentation algorithms such as, FastFCN, FC-HarDNet, SegNet and BiSeNet, the object detection algorithm, DetectNet and 2D object classifcation networks, AlexNet and GoogleNet. We built a 3D and RGB door dataset with images from several indoor environments using a 3D Realsense camera D435. This dataset is freely available online. All methods are analysed taking into account their accuracy and the speed of the algorithm in a low powered computer. We conclude that it is possible to have a door classifcation algorithm running in real-time on a low-power device.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Medidas de absorción debida a los aerosoles en la estación subártica ALOMAR

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    The global study of atmospheric aerosol is one of the key factors in regards to climate change and those effects. Over the last 4 years a strong research work on aerosols properties characterization have been carried out into the Atmospheric Optics Group of the University of Valladolid (GOA-UVa) in Spain. We present the results about aerosol absorption coefficient measurements with two different techniques: the “integrating sphere photometer” and the particle soot absorption photometer (PSAP, Radiance Research). This data was acquired into the summer campaign 2008, made at north of Norway, like a result of the participation in-situ of GOA in the POLARCAT project, lead by the Norwegian Institute for Air Research, and included in the Fourth International Polar Year. Both methods are filter based and provide measurements that could be combined with optical column measurements for a better characterization of local aerosol. It contributes especially to the investigation of pollution events and to establishment the effects of the population over any local aerosol climatology. Based on this research background and the affordable and reliable instrumentation described in this work, the research can continue in Colombia in close collaborations with Spanish research groups.El estudio de los aerosoles atmosféricos a nivel mundial, es uno de los factores clave para entender el cambio climático y sus efectos. En los últimos 4 años, el Grupo de Óptica Atmosférica de la Universidad de Valladolid (GOA-UVa, España), ha venido realizando un importante trabajo de investigación respecto de la caracterización de las propiedades de los aerosoles. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de las mediciones del coeficiente de absorción debida a los aerosoles con dos técnicas distintas: el fotómetro de esfera integrante y el fotómetro de absorción PSAP (Radiance Research). Estos datos fueron obtenidos durante la campaña de verano 2008 realizada al norte de Noruega, como resultado de la participación del GOA-UVa en el proyecto POLARCAT, dirigido por el Instituto Noruego para la investigación del aire y que está incluido en el cuarto año Polar Internacional. Los dos métodos utilizados están basados en las medidas sobre filtros y proporcionan medidas in situ que pueden ser combinadas con medidas sobre la columna atmosférica, para una mejor caracterización de los aerosoles locales. Este estudio contribuye especialmente a la investigación de los eventos de polución y en el establecimiento de los efectos de la población sobre la climatología local de aerosoles. Teniendo como base estos antecedentes de investigación y, la posibilidad de adquirir la asequible y fiable instrumentación descrita en este trabajo, la investigación puede continuar en Colombia en estrecha colaboración con los grupos de investigación españoles.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sunlight-Driven AO7 Degradation with Perovskites (La,Ba)(Fe,Ti)O3 as Heterogeneous Photocatalysts

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    Perovskites of the (La,Ba)(Fe,Ti)O3 family were prepared, characterized, and utilized as heterogeneous photocatalysts, activated by natural sunlight, for environmental remediation of Acid Orange 7 (AO7) aqueous solutions. Catalysts were prepared by the ceramic (CM) and the complex polymerization (CP) methods and characterized by XRD, SEM, EDS, and band gap energy. It was found that catalytic properties depend on the synthesis method and annealing conditions. In the photocatalytic assays with sunlight, different AO7 initial concentrations and perovskite amounts were tested. During photocatalytic assays, AO7 and degradation products concentrations were followed by HPLC. Only photocatalysis with BaFeO3 -CM and BaTiO3 -CP presented AO7 removals higher than that observed for photolysis. However, photolysis leads to the formation of almost exclusively amino-naphthol and sulfanilic acid, whereas some of the perovskites utilized form lesstoxic compounds as degradation products, such as carboxylic acids (CA). Partial substitution of Ba by La in BaTiO3 -CM does not produce any change in the photocatalytic properties, but the replacement of Ti by Fe in the La0.1Ba0.9TiO3 leads to reduced AO7 removal rate, but with the formation of CAs. The best AO7 removal (92%) was obtained with BaFeO3 -CM (750 mg L−1 ), after 4 h of photocatalytic degradation with solar radiationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Morphology, Mineralogy, and Chemistry of Atmospheric Aerosols Nearby an Active Mining Area: Aljustrel Mine (SW Portugal)

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    Mining activities increase contaminant levels in the environment, so it is crucial to study the particulate matter in these areas to understand the impacts on nearby urban areas and populations. This work was conducted close to the active mine of Aljustrel (Portugal), where black dust deposition is evident. PM10 samples were collected in two periods: 10–17 July and 1–10 November of 2018. Two different techniques were used: SEM-EDX for the individual characterization of the aerosols and ICP-MS to quantify the elemental concentration of 11 elements (Ca, Na, Fe, Mn, As, Cd, Cu, Sb, Pb, and Zn). In this region, the observed PM10 mass concentration was 20 to 47 g m 3 (July) and 4 to 23 g m3 (November), which is lower than the limit of 50 g m3 established in the European Directive. The individual characterization of 2006 particles by SEM-EDX shows oxides (17%) and sulfides (10%), while Na, Si, Fe, S, Al, and Cu are the elements with the most representativeness in all the analyzed particles. The ICP-MS results indicate that the daily elemental concentration in the samples collected in July is higher than November, and only As exceeds the limit established for European legislation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Measurements of continuous spectra of atmospheric absorption coefficients from UV to NIR via optical method

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    In this study we extend from the visible to the UV a traditional method for studying the radiative properties of black carbon. We apply this measuring possibility to a practical study carried out in the Southern Iberian Peninsula during summer 2004. Using an optical technique based on the integrating sphere method, absorption coefficients, sa, were determined in the visible and in the ultraviolet regions of spectrum. The obtained values are representative of remote areas including during desert episodes that reach this area. To analyse the spectral shape of sa we derived a parameter (aa) which is the slope of the linear fit of the log- log plot of sa versus l. This parameter is similar to the Ångstrom exponent used for extinction. The reported aa values for the UV appear as very original data in the literature.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Síndrome de Muir-Torre : um estudo retrospetivo

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    Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2015A síndrome de Muir-Torre é uma variante da síndrome de Lynch em que os pacientes, para além de tumores colo-retais e ginecológicos, apresentam também neoplasia sebácea. Este trabalho consiste de um estudo retrospetivo que inclui dados de pacientes do Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa. Os pacientes foram selecionados informaticamente conforme apresentassem registo de adenomas sebáceos e/ou carcinoma sebáceo entre os anos de 2000 e 2013. Este estudo debruça-se portanto sobre a patologia sebácea e como um melhor entendimento desta poderá servir de indicador preditivo de futuras neoplasias sebáceas ou viscerais relacionadas com a síndrome de Muir-Torre e, consequentemente, melhorar o acompanhamento e tratamento destes pacientes. Confirmou-se a associação entre adenomas sebáceos e carcinoma sebáceo com a síndrome de Muir-Torre. No entanto, a utilidade de uma lesão sebácea isolada para definir o risco de síndrome de Muir-Torre não é clara, apesar de, por ser uma patologia rara e fortemente associada à síndrome de Muir-Torre, a sua presença deve levantar suspeita da síndrome de Muir-Torre quando pelo menos um dos critérios seguintes é cumprido: história pessoal de neoplasia visceral maligna; surge em idade jovem; lesões múltiplas; lesões localizadas em partes do corpo que não a cabeça e pescoço; ou história familiar de síndrome de Muir-Torre, Lynch ou de neoplasias malignas colo-rectais ou geniturinárias. O diagnóstico de síndrome de Muir-Torre é clínico, no entanto, técnicas de imuno-histoquímica, de análise de instabilidade de Microssatélites e provas genéticas poderão ser úteis para confirmação de diagnóstico. O acompanhamento médico dos pacientes com diagnóstico de síndrome de Muir-Torre e dos seus familiares em primeiro grau deve ser dirigido e adequado, passando por exames, anuais ou bianuais, dermatológicos, gastroenterológicos e geniturinários.The Muir-Torre syndrome is a Lynch Syndrome’s variant where patients also have, in addition to colorectal and genitourinary neoplasms, sebaceous neoplasms. This retrospective study includes patient’s data from the Portuguese Institute of Oncology of Lisbon. The patients were selected through the Institute’s informatics system according to registration of sebaceous adenoma or sebaceous carcinoma between the years 2000 and 2013 (both included). The study is focused on the sebaceous pathology and how a better understanding of it can improve prediction of future visceral and cutaneous tumours and thus enhance treatment and follow-up of these patients Although the study’s conclusions cannot safely ensure the predictive value of sebaceous adenomas and sebaceous carcinomas in the Muir-Torre Syndrome, there is a clear association between them. Also, since sebaceous neoplasms are rare conditions and strongly associated with the Muir-Torre Syndrome, this syndrome should be suspected in the presence of a sebaceous adenoma and/or adenocarcinoma when at least one of the following criteria is presented: personal history of malignant visceral tumours; young age; multiple neoplasms; neoplasms in parts of the body other than head and neck; or family history of Muir-Torre Syndrome, Lynch-Syndrome, or malignant tumours, especially in colorectal or genitourinary areas. The Muir-Torre’s syndrome diagnosis is essentially clinic but immunohistochemistry techniques, microsatellites instability analyses, and genetic analyses can be useful for the diagnosis confirmation. The follow-up of these patients and their first degree related family members must be directed and adequate, annually or biannually, with corresponding dermatologic, gastroenterological, and genitourinary exams

    Absorption coefficients of aerosols obtained from in situ data in Covilhã, central Portugal

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    Since October 2009 an aerosol measurement data set was started at Covilhã, a small town located in the region of Beira Interior (Portugal) ain the interior a of the Iberian Peninsula. a Until July 2010, the ambient light-absorption coefficient, σ (470 nm), σ (522 nm) and σ (660 nm), presented a daily mean value of 14.2Mm-1 (StD=8.6Mm-1), 12.1Mm-1 (StD=7.3Mm-1) and 9.6Mm-1 (StD=5.7Mm-1), respectively. Monthly variations and daily cycle are presented in this work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Absorption Ångström exponents of aerosols and light absorbing carbon (LAC) obtained from in situ data in Covilhã, central Portugal

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    A field campaign was conducted from October 2009 to July 2010 at Covilhã, a small town located in the region of Beira Interior (Portugal) in the interior of the Iberian Peninsula. The ambient light-absorption coefficient, σ(a) (522 nm), obtained from a Particle Soot Absorption Photometer (PSAP), presented a daily mean value of 12.1 Mm⁻¹ (StD = 7.3 Mm⁻¹). The wavelength dependence of aerosol light absorption is investigated through the Ångström parameter, α(a). The α(a) values for the pair of wavelengths 470-660 nm ranged from 0.86 to 1.47 during the period of measurements. The PSAP data were used to infer the mass of light absorbing carbon (LAC) and the daily mean varied from 0.1 to 6.8 μg m⁻³. A detailed study of special events with different aerosol characteristics is carried out and, to support data interpretation, air masses trajectory analysis is performed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Optical and chemical properties of atmospheric PM fractions related with air masses in the central Iberian Peninsula

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    From December 2003 to June 2004 approximately weekly aerosol samples were collected in Valladolid, Spain. Gravimetric measurements were performed on the four particulate matter fractions: TSP, PM10, PM2.5 and PM1. The samples were analyzed for major ions by ion-chromatography. The optical properties of the fine particles are studied through the absorption coefficients, σa, in the visible range and the spectral shape of σa was analyzed by deriving a parameter, αa, similar to the Ångström exponent used for the extinction. Aerosol properties are classified according to their dependence on air mass origin.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio