5,553 research outputs found

    Microbes Stoneflies and Fish: Tophic Interactions in Aquati Ecosystems

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    Study of the Professional Learning Practices of Three Rural Elementary Title I Distinguished Schools in Georgia

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    The research explored the current professional learning practices in place at three elementary schools within the same district to determine what school wide and individual professional learning practices have been implemented and if they have played a role in their success as Title I Distinguished Schools. The research also explored the extent to which the three schools reflect the five dimensions of a professional learning community: 1) shared and supportive leadership, 2) shared vision and values, 3) collective learning and application, 4) shared personal practice and (5) supportive conditions (collegial relationships and structures). A mixed methodology collective case study design was used. Quantitative data was collected from a large sampling utilizing the Professional Learning Community Assessment (PLCA) (Olivier, Hipp & Huffman 2003). Qualitative research methods were utilized using interviews with the Title I Coordinator, principals, and members of the School Improvement Team. The research revealed the school-wide professional learning and individual professional learning resulted from the goals of the School Improvement Plan as well as those that are mandated by district and state initiatives. Other conclusions drawn from the study include; 1) Professional learning is fundamental to school improvement efforts; 2) Developing staff collaboration is an important tool for improving instructional programs in schools through professional learning teams to improve teacher knowledge and teaching skills; 3) Professional learning is an integral component of school and district school improvement initiatives and should support the goals of the district and schools improvement plans; 4) The option to choose professional learning activities is important to teachers; 5) Teachers prefer time for professional learning and collaboration during the regular school day; 6) Professional learning communities provide a context of collegiality to support teachers and administrators as they strive to improve student learning

    Neuropsychological Functioning and Attrition Rates in Outpatient Substance Dependence Treatment

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    Numerous neuropsychological factors have been associated with substance dependence, however, very few studies have evaluated the relationship of the neuropsychological functioning and attrition rates in substance dependence treatment. This study examined the relationship of neuropsychological functioning and attrition rates in 68 homeless, substance dependent men participating in outpatient treatment at the 7C\u27s Community Counseling Clinic located in the Guesthouse of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. A neuropsychological battery including the Delis Kaplan Executive Functioning System, the Conners\u27 Continuous Performance Test II, the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI) and the Wechsler Test of Adult Reading was given to all participants to evaluate neuropsychological function. The neuropsychological functioning was used to predict attrition rates using Survival Analysis and Logistic Regression. The results indicate that the neuropsychological functioning of this group of adult males showed statistically significant impaired functioning on all measures. Of the neuropsychological variables, only the WASI IQ predicated attrition and length of stay which showed a curvilinear relationship to drop out and attrition. Participants with a moderately low WASI IQ score (77-95) were significantly more likely to drop out (p = .012) and more likely to have shorter lengths of stay in treatment (p = .028). In addition, the neuropsychological variables did show a relationship with drop out and length of stay when looking at cases with a median IQ below 94 and those with no prior AODA treatment. Finally, results of calculations on effect size and power analysis show that with a larger sample size (98-170) we could increase the possibility that the neuropsychological variables would predict drop out and attrition and could attain power between .80 and .95


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    The HyFlex model for instruction allows for a student to choose if they will attend class in person, online synchronicity, or asynchronously. The aim of this mixed-method study was to answer the central question “to the central question, “How does the HyFlex delivery method impact faculty self-efficacy regarding teaching?” at Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College (KBOCC). Sixteen members of the leadership at KBOCC completed a Likert scale survey and six participants agreed to be interviewed. Based on the results of this study, the leadership at KBOCC are open to the idea of implementing the HyFlex model. The faculty and administration reported high self-efficacy regarding student learning, performance, and satisfaction regarding their ability to deliver online materials and the use of the HyFlex model. They are forward thinking and consider the needs of not only current students but of future students. Leadership at KBOCC feels that providing online classes and HyFlex opportunities is a way to expand not only the student population, but to diversify the courses that are offered. Given the need to increase education opportunities in healthcare programs, the use of the HyFlex model may create the opportunity for Native American students to gain access to courses and expertise, which may not have otherwise been possible. It is imperative that traditionally underrepresented groups enter the healthcare fields to improve their personal situation and break the cycle of poverty that they have endured for generations and to improve healthcare and healthcare outcomes for members of their communities

    Using Macromedia Director for Multimedia Design on the WWW

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    A SIGCSE sponsored workshop at SIGCSE, the 31st Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, March 8-12, 2000, Austin, Texas. The workshop introduced attendees to the basic components of Director 7.0 software including the use of stage, cast members, score, paint window, and scripting. ACM SIGCSE - Special Interest Group on Computer Science Educatio

    Tri-Trophic Linkages in Disease: Pathogen Transmission to Rainbow Trout Through Stonefly Prey

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    ABSTRACT Relationships between macroinvertebrates and microorganisms in aquatic environments are only poorly understood despite the fact that many aquatic macroinvertebrates feed on microbial biofilms during some life stage. Better understanding of trophic interactions between microbial biofims, macroinvertebrates, and fish may also help control fish diseases and loss of natural resources. It has also been suggested that pollution, habitat fragmentation, and poor water quality may contribute to increased pathogenesis and mortality in fish. Increased disease incidence is difficult to assess, however, in part because of the complexity of pathogen transmission dynamics. Several environmental pathogens exist whose reservoir(s) and means of transmission remain poorly understood, highlighting the need to study pathogen ecology and interactions with organisms other than susceptible hosts. Aeromonas salmonicida is rarely isolated from freshwater sediments. However, stoneĂźynymphswere found to frequently harbor A. salmonicida and were shown to preferentially feed on the bacterium. Rainbow trout juveniles were presented with different feeding regimes to determine the transmission capacity of nymphs, and all fish fed stoneflies harboring A. salmonicida expressed symptoms of disease. Although current rates of furunculosis in freshwater ecosystems are unknown, trout primarily feed on stoneflies when water oxygen levels are high and temperatures are low (winter months), which is presumed to correspond to high resistance to the pathogen. Given that furunculosis is associated with physiological stress and higher water temperatures, its natural incidence may change in response to global or regional climatological effects

    Caring for the Acute Myocardial Infarction Patient: A Nursing Perspective

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    Cardiac nursing is nearly 30 years old. Changes in the rote of cardiac nursing have directly corresponded to the three distinct medical phases of care for the acute myocardial infarction patient—arrhythmia detection, pump failure, and limiting infarct size. Nursing care delivery in the cardiac setting, the cardiac patient, and the role of the cardiac nurse each have undergone changes over the years, which together has provided a challenge to health care delivery. Future effects of technological and pharmacologic advances, social changes, and nursing professional practice issues on cardiac care delivery are imperative to consider as health care moves into the 1990s

    The DAGS Model: Relevance to Environmental Decision Support Systems

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    Environmental decision support systems (EDSS) involve both theoretical and applied concerns. Theoretical in terms of decision making and applied in terms of the development of actual systems to support decision making related to environmental issues. In this paper we describe a general research framework for conducting IS design research (the DAGS model), and show how that model is relevant to EDSS research. We argue that the dual goals of contributing to both theory and practice can at least in part be realized by more emphasis on the use of engineering and architecture as reference disciplines, and the use of Design science, Action research, Grounded theory, and Systems development as the components for this framework. The framework is illustrated with projects related to environmental issues

    El derecho comĂşn: notas sobre una realidad histĂłrico-jurĂ­dica

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    El presente artículo intenta abordar algunas cuestiones referentes al origen y a la concepción técnica-jurídica que desarrollaron los glosadores a la hora de interpretar los textos jurídicos, lo que les permitió crear un método de exégesis del que, en buena parte, somos deudores. En suma, nuestro estudio se adentra dentro del ámbito del “ius commune”This article attempts to address some issues relating to the origin and the technical conception that the commentators when interpreting legal texts, developed which allowed them to create a method of exegesis of that, largely, we are debtors. In summary, our study goes deep within the scope of the “ius commune
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