393 research outputs found

    Angular momentum losses and the orbital period distribution of cataclysmic variables below the period gap: effects of circumbinary disks

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    The population synthesis of cataclysmic variables below the period is investigated. A grid of detailed binary evolutionary sequences has been calculated and included in the simulations to take account of additional angular momentum losses beyond that associated with gravitational radiation and mass loss, due to nova outbursts, from the system. As a specific example, we consider the effect of a circumbinary disk to gain insight into the ingredients necessary to reproduce the observed orbital period distribution. The resulting distributions show that the period minimum lies at about 80 minutes with the number of systems monotonically increasing with increasing orbital period to a maximum near 90 minutes. There is no evidence for an accumulation of systems at the period minimum which is a common feature of simulations in which only gravitational radiation losses are considered. The period distribution is found to be fairly flat for orbital periods ranging from about 85 to 120 minutes. The steepness of the lower edge of the period gap can be reproduced, for example, by an input of systems at periods near 2.25 hrs due to a flow of cataclysmic variable binary systems from orbital periods longer than 2.75 hrs. The good agreement with the cumulated distribution function of observed systems within the framework of our model indicates that the angular momentum loss by a circumbinary disk or a mechanism which mimics its features coupled with a weighting factor to account for selection effects in the discovery of such systems and a flow of systems from above the period gap to below the period gap are important ingredients for understanding the overall period distribution of cataclysmic variable binary systems.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Time-Series Ensemble Photometry and the Search for Variable Stars in the Open Cluster M11

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    This work presents the first large-scale photometric variability survey of the intermediate age (~200 Myr) open cluster M11. Thirteen nights of data over two observing seasons were analyzed (using crowded field and ensemble photometry techniques) to obtain high relative precision photometry. In this study we focus on the detection of candidate member variable stars for follow-up studies. A total of 39 variable stars were detected and can be categorized as follows: 1 irregular (probably pulsating) variable, 6 delta Scuti variables, 14 detached eclipsing binary systems, 17 W UMa variables, and 1 unidentified/candidate variable. While previous proper motion studies allow for cluster membership determination for the brightest stars, we find that membership determination is significantly hampered below V=15,R=15.5 by the large population of field stars overlapping the cluster MS. Of the brightest detected variables that have a high likelihood of cluster membership, we find five systems where further work could help constrain theoretical stellar models, including one potential W UMa member of this young cluster.Comment: 38 pages, 13 figures, accepted for December 2005 AJ, high-resolution version available upon reques

    CCD Photometry of the Globular Cluster M5. I. The Color-Magnitude Diagram and Luminosity Functions

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    We present new BVI photometry for the halo globular cluster M5, and examine the B- and I-band luminosity functions (LFs), based on over 20,000 stars. We do not see evidence in the LF of a ``subgiant excess'' or of a discrepancy in the relative numbers of stars on the red-giant branch and main sequence, both of which have been claimed in more metal-poor clusters. Inclusion of alpha-element enhancements improves the agreement between the observed and predicted positions of the ``red-giant bump''. Using the \Delta V_{TO}^{HB} method, we conclude that the clusters M5, Palomar 5, M4, NGC 288, NGC 362, NGC 1261, NGC 1851 and NGC 2808 are the same age at the level of about 1.5 Gyr, with the possible exception of NGC 288 (older by 3.5\pm 1.5 if the reddest NGC 288 HB stars are on the zero-age horizontal branch). Even with NGC 288 set aside, the large range in HB morphology in the remaining clusters appears to eliminate age as the sole second parameter determining HB morphology in the case of constant mass loss between RGB and HB. We are unable to chose between the two competing values for M5's (absolute) metallicity: [Fe/H] = -1.40 (Zinn & West 1984) and -1.17 (Sneden et al. 1992). This level of discrepancy has a signifcant effect on the derivation of the distance modulus and absolute age of M5. From theoretical isochrones and luminosity functions, we find an absolute age for M5 of 13.5 \pm 1 Gyr (internal error, assuming perfect models and no [M/H] error) for the Zinn & West abundance scale and 11 \pm 1 Gyr for the higher abundance value.Comment: AASTeX, 44 pages, uses amssym.sty, figures and tables only available from http://ucowww.ucsc.edu/~erics/paper.html, ApJ, in pres

    Composition Mixing during Blue Straggler Formation and Evolution

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    We use smoothed-particle hydrodynamics to examine differences between direct collisions of single stars and binary star mergers in their roles as possible blue straggler star formation mechanisms. We find in all cases that core helium in the progenitor stars is largely retained in the core of the remnant, almost independent of the type of interaction or the central concentration of the progenitor stars. We have also modelled the subsequent evolution of the hydrostatic remnants, including mass loss and energy input from the hydrodynamical interaction. The combination of the hydrodynamical and hydrostatic models enables us to predict that little mixing will occur during the merger of two globular cluster stars of equal mass. In contrast to the results of Proctor Sills, Bailyn, & Demarque (1995), we find that neither completely mixed nor unmixed models can match the absolute colors of observed blue stragglers in NGC 6397 at all luminosity levels. We also find that the color distribution is probably the crucial test for explanations of BSS formation - if stellar collisions or mergers are the correct mechanisms, a large fraction of the lifetime of the straggler must be spent away from the main sequence. This constraint appears to rule out the possibility of completely mixed models. For NGC 6397, unmixed models predict blue straggler lifetimes ranging from about 0.1 to 4 Gyr, while completely mixed models predict a range from about 0.6 to 4 Gyr.Comment: AASTeX, 28 pg., accepted for ApJ, also available at http://ucowww.ucsc.edu/~erics/bspaper.htm

    Time-Series Photometry of M67: W UMa Systems, Blue Stragglers, and Related Systems

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    We present an analysis of over 2200 V images taken on 14 nights at the Mt. Laguna 1 m telescope of the open cluster M67. Our observations overlap but extend beyond the field analyzed by Gilliland et al. (1991), and complement data recently published by van den Berg et al. (2002) and Stassun et al. (2002). We show variability in the light curves of all 4 of the known W UMa variables on timescales ranging from a day to decades (for AH Cnc). We have modeled the light curve of AH Cnc, and the total eclipses allow us to determine q = 0.16 +0.03/-0.02 and i = 86 +4/-8 degrees. The position of this system near the turnoff of M67 makes it useful for constraining the turnoff mass for the cluster. We have also detected two unusual features in the light curve of AH Cnc that may be caused by prominences. We have also monitored cluster blue stragglers for variability, and we present evidence hinting at low level variations in the stragglers S752, S968, and S1263, and we place limits on the variability of a number of other cluster blue stragglers. Finally, we provide photometry of the sub-subgiant branch star S1063 showing variability on timescales similar to the orbital period, while the ``red straggler'' S1040 shows evidence of an unexplained drop in brightness at phases corresponding to the passage of the white dwarf in front of the giant.Comment: 44 pages, 16 figures, AASTeX, accepted for A

    Close binary stars in the solar-age Galactic open cluster M67

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    We present multi-colour time-series CCD photometry of the solar-age galactic open cluster M67 (NGC 2682). About 3600 frames spread over 28 nights were obtained with the 1.5 m Russian-Turkish and 1.2 m Mercator telescopes. High-precision observations of the close binary stars AH Cnc, EV Cnc, ES Cnc, the δ\delta Scuti type systems EX Cnc and EW Cnc, and some long-period variables belonging to M67 are presented. Three full multi-colour light curves of the overcontact binary AH Cnc were obtained during three observing seasons. Likewise we gathered three light curves of EV Cnc, an EB-type binary, and two light curves of ES Cnc, a blue straggler binary. Parts of the light change of long-term variables S1024, S1040, S1045, S1063, S1242, and S1264 are obtained. Period variation analysis of AH Cnc, EV Cnc, and ES Cnc were done using all times of mid-eclipse available in the literature and those obtained in this study. In addition, we analyzed multi-colour light curves of the close binaries and also determined new frequencies for the δ\delta Scuti systems. The physical parameters of the close binary stars were determined with simultaneous solutions of multi-colour light and radial velocity curves. Finally we determined the distance of M67 as 857(33) pc via binary star parameters, which is consistent with an independent method from earlier studies.Comment: 12 pages, 9 Figures, 13 Table