5,407 research outputs found

    Orientaciones de lenguaje de estudiantes de secundaria chilenos en relación al estudio de inglés como lengua extranjera

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    Why teach English in Chile? Dominant public discourse claims for economic development, but with limited social mobility, do students from differing socio-economic groups perceive the same need? Recognising the influence of student belief systems on language acquisition, clashing language orientations could be creating unfavourable classroom environments. Thus, this study set out to identify the language orientations that secondary students recognise and hold in relation to the study of English with the purpose of helping English as foreign language (EFL) teachers become aware of the plurality of student perceptions. This was a qualitative multiple-case study which utilised a card-sorting technique paired with hierarchical cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling (MDS) to identify the language orientations and their constructs and semi-structured interviews and classroom observations for verification. Whilst the language orientations students recognise and hold were found to be similar across socio-economic lines, an important issue is the divergence identified between the language orientations associated with the classroom and those that represent student interests, which could be explained due to the lack of intentional and conscious dialogue about the purpose of the classroom curriculum. Vision planning is proposed as a tool for teachers to address this breach between students and classroom curriculum.¿Por qué enseñar inglés en Chile? El discurso público dominante reclama desarrollo económico, pero con movilidad social limitada. ¿Perciben los diferentes grupos socioeconómicos la misma necesidad? Reconociendo la influencia de los sistemas de creencias estudiantiles en la adquisición de lenguaje, las orientaciones de lenguaje contradictorias podrían crear entornos de aula desfavorables. Por ello, este estudio se propuso identificar las orientaciones de lenguaje que los estudiantes de secundaria reconocen y mantienen en relación con el estudio del inglés con el propósito de ayudar a los docentes de inglés como lengua extranjera (EFL) a tomar conciencia de la pluralidad de percepciones estudiantiles. Este estudio cualitativo de caso múltiple utilizó el ordenamiento de tarjetas con análisis jerárquico y escalamiento multidimensional para identificar las orientaciones y sus construcciones, y entrevistas semiestructuradas y observaciones en aula para verificación. Mientras se encontró que las orientaciones que los estudiantes reconocen y mantienen son similares en todos los niveles socioeconómicos, un problema importante es la divergencia entre las orientaciones asociadas con el aula y las que representan el interés estudiantil, lo que podría explicarse debido a la falta de diálogo intencional sobre el propósito del currículo. Se propone la planificación de visión como una herramienta para que los docentes aborden esta brecha entre los estudiantes y el currículo

    Codimension two and three Kneser Transversals

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    Let k,d,λ1k,d,\lambda \geqslant 1 be integers with dλd\geqslant \lambda and let XX be a finite set of points in Rd\mathbb{R}^{d}. A (dλ)(d-\lambda)-plane LL transversal to the convex hulls of all kk-sets of XX is called Kneser transversal. If in addition LL contains (dλ)+1(d-\lambda)+1 points of XX, then LL is called complete Kneser transversal.In this paper, we present various results on the existence of (complete) Kneser transversals for λ=2,3\lambda =2,3. In order to do this, we introduce the notions of stability and instability for (complete) Kneser transversals. We first give a stability result for collections of d+2(kλ)d+2(k-\lambda) points in Rd\mathbb{R}^d with kλ2k-\lambda\geqslant 2 and λ=2,3\lambda =2,3. We then present a description of Kneser transversals LL of collections of d+2(kλ)d+2(k-\lambda) points in Rd\mathbb{R}^d with kλ2k-\lambda\geqslant 2 for λ=2,3\lambda =2,3. We show that either LL is a complete Kneser transversal or it contains d2(λ1)d-2(\lambda-1) points and the remaining 2(k1)2(k-1) points of XX are matched in k1k-1 pairs in such a way that LL intersects the corresponding closed segments determined by them. The latter leads to new upper and lower bounds (in the case when λ=2\lambda =2 and 33) for m(k,d,λ)m(k,d,\lambda) defined as the maximum positive integer nn such that every set of nn points (not necessarily in general position) in Rd\mathbb{R}^{d} admit a Kneser transversal.Finally, by using oriented matroid machinery, we present some computational results (closely related to the stability and unstability notions). We determine the existence of (complete) Kneser transversals for each of the 246246 different order types of configurations of 77 points in R3\mathbb{R}^3

    JPEG Compressed Images Can Bypass Protections Against AI Editing

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    Recently developed text-to-image diffusion models make it easy to edit or create high-quality images. Their ease of use has raised concerns about the potential for malicious editing or deepfake creation. Imperceptible perturbations have been proposed as a means of protecting images from malicious editing by preventing diffusion models from generating realistic images. However, we find that the aforementioned perturbations are not robust to JPEG compression, which poses a major weakness because of the common usage and availability of JPEG. We discuss the importance of robustness for additive imperceptible perturbations and encourage alternative approaches to protect images against editing.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    The educational success in a small province of Ecuador

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    Exitus: Factores de éxito escolar en la Provincia de Carchi, Ecuador”, Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE), Ecuador. El equipo de investigación está integrado por los PhD: Marielsa López (IP), Silverio González, Marco Vinicio Vázquez, Ana Rosa Di Gravia y Stafos Efstathios. Y los bachilleres Kellly Loaiza, Michelle Arias y Pedro SandovalEn la Provincia de Carchi, Ecuador, se encuentran las escuelas primarias con los mejores docentes y los resultados académicos del país (INEVAL, 2015). En contra de lo que podría esperarse es una provincia agrícola, pobre y fronteriza. El objetivo de la investigación es estudiar los factores que explican estos resultados. La metodología que se utilizó fue cualitativa. Los resultados indican que los docentes son la clave del éxito de la provincia: dominan el contenido de la materia que dictan, utilizan una metodología de “preguntas/respuestas”, enfocados en un solo tema, con actividades de dificultad progresiva y que llevan a los alumnos de lo concreto a lo simbólico y a lo abstracto. Utilizan cierres parciales para ayudar a los alumnos a fijar el conocimiento. Mantienen relaciones afectivas con los alumnos y utilizan refuerzos positivos focalizados. Usan la repetición como medio para fijar los aprendizajes. Los alumnos son respetuosos y ordenados. El clima de las escuelas es altamente positivoIn the Province of Carchi, Ecuador, there are primary schools with the best teachers performances and the best students learning achievement of the country (INEVAL, 2015). Contrary to what one might expect is an agricultural province, poor and frontier. The objective of the research is to study the factors that explain these results. The methodology used was qualitative. The results indicate that teachers are the key to the success of the province: they master the content of the subject they teach, they use a methodology of "questions / answers", focused on a single subject, with activities of progressive difficulty and that lead from the concrete to the symbolic and the abstract thought. They use partial closures of the lessons to help students set the knowledge. They maintain affective relationships with students and use focused positive reinforcements. They use repetition as a means to fix learning. Students are respectful and orderly. The climate of schools is highly positiv

    Theoretical and practical validation tests for a near-field to far-field transformation algorithm using spherical wave expansion

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    The use of spherical wave expansion of the solution of the wave equation to predict Far-Field values from data measured in the Near-Field region is a well known technique, typically used to perform antenna measurements in compact anechoic chambers. However, when designing the computing algorithm it is fundamental to validate the results and to quantify the numerical error of the method. In this regard, a computer application that samples the electric Near-Field and calculates the values of the electric Far-Field region using spherical wave expansion was developed to measure antenna radiation patterns in the Fresnel zone inside a fully anechoic chamber. In order to validate the code, this paper describes three validation methods: firstly, using the theoretical electric Near-Field values of an infinitesimal dipole as the input to the algorithm to compare the output with the response analytically expected; secondly, using a Far-Field electric field data of a calibrated half wavelength dipole measured in an anechoic chamber and finally, using an electric Near-Field data of a calibrated half wavelength dipole measured in the same chamber. These methods provide simple procedures to calculate the error introduced by the code in different scenarios that should be considered to estimate the measurement uncertainty.Postprint (published version

    ATLAS. De musica spirituali

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    ATLAS de los autores de la Semana de Música Religiosa de Cuenc