72 research outputs found

    Think laterally: horizontal gene transfer from symbiotic microbes may extend the phenotype of marine sessile hosts

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    Since the origin of the animal kingdom, marine animals have lived in association with viruses, prokaryotes and unicellular eukaryotes, often as symbionts. This long and continuous interaction has provided ample opportunity not only for the evolution of intimate interactions such as sharing of metabolic pathways, but also for horizontal gene transfer (HGT) of non-metazoan genes into metazoan genomes.The number of demonstrated cases of inter-kingdom HGT is currently small, such that it is not yet widely appreciated as a significant player in animal evolution. Sessile marine invertebrates that vertically inherit bacterial symbionts, that have no dedicated germ line, or that bud or excise pluripotent somatic cells during their life history may be particularly receptive to HGT from their symbionts. Closer scrutiny of the growing number of genomes being accrued for these animals may thus reveal HGT as a regular source of novel variation that can function to extend the host phenotype metabolically, morphologically, or even behaviorally. Taxonomic identification of symbionts will help to address the intriguing question of whether past HGT events may constrain contemporary symbioses

    Variation in rates of early development in Haliotis asinina generate competent larvae of different ages

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Inter-specific comparisons of metazoan developmental mechanisms have provided a wealth of data concerning the evolution of body form and the generation of morphological novelty. Conversely, studies of intra-specific variation in developmental programs are far fewer. Variation in the rate of development may be an advantage to the many marine invertebrates that posses a biphasic life cycle, where fitness commonly requires the recruitment of planktonically dispersing larvae to patchily distributed benthic environments.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have characterised differences in the rate of development between individuals originating from a synchronised fertilisation event in the tropical abalone <it>Haliotis asinina</it>, a broadcast spawning lecithotrophic vetigastropod. We observed significant differences in the time taken to complete early developmental events (time taken to complete third cleavage and to hatch from the vitelline envelope), mid-larval events (variation in larval shell development) and late larval events (the acquisition of competence to respond to a metamorphosis inducing cue). We also provide estimates of the variation in maternally provided energy reserves that suggest maternal provisioning is unlikely to explain the majority of the variation in developmental rate we report here.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Significant differences in the rates of development exist both within and between cohorts of synchronously fertilised <it>H. asinina </it>gametes. These differences can be detected shortly after fertilisation and generate larvae of increasingly divergent development states. We discuss the significance of our results within an ecological context, the adaptive significance of mechanisms that might maintain this variation, and potential sources of this variation.</p

    A unique horizontal gene transfer event has provided the octocoral mitochondrial genome with an active mismatch repair gene that has potential for an unusual self-contained function

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    Background: The mitochondrial genome of the Octocorallia has several characteristics atypical for metazoans, including a novel gene suggested to function in DNA repair. This mtMutS gene is favored for octocoral molecular systematics, due to its high information content. Several hypotheses concerning the origins of mtMutS have been proposed, and remain equivocal, although current weight of support is for a horizontal gene transfer from either an epsilonproteobacterium or a large DNA virus. Here we present new and compelling evidence on the evolutionary origin of mtMutS, and provide the very first data on its activity, functional capacity and stability within the octocoral mitochondrial genome

    Pluripotency and the origin of animal multicellularity

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    Funding: This study was supported by funds from the Australian Research Council (B.M.D. and S.M.D.).A widely held—but rarely tested—hypothesis for the origin of animals is that they evolved from a unicellular ancestor, with an apical cilium surrounded by a microvillar collar, that structurally resembled modern sponge choanocytes and choanoflagellates1,2,3,4. Here we test this view of animal origins by comparing the transcriptomes, fates and behaviours of the three primary sponge cell types—choanocytes, pluripotent mesenchymal archaeocytes and epithelial pinacocytes—with choanoflagellates and other unicellular holozoans. Unexpectedly, we find that the transcriptome of sponge choanocytes is the least similar to the transcriptomes of choanoflagellates and is significantly enriched in genes unique to either animals or sponges alone. By contrast, pluripotent archaeocytes upregulate genes that control cell proliferation and gene expression, as in other metazoan stem cells and in the proliferating stages of two unicellular holozoans, including a colonial choanoflagellate. Choanocytes in the sponge Amphimedon queenslandica exist in a transient metastable state and readily transdifferentiate into archaeocytes, which can differentiate into a range of other cell types. These sponge cell-type conversions are similar to the temporal cell-state changes that occur in unicellular holozoans5. Together, these analyses argue against homology of sponge choanocytes and choanoflagellates, and the view that the first multicellular animals were simple balls of cells with limited capacity to differentiate. Instead, our results are consistent with the first animal cell being able to transition between multiple states in a manner similar to modern transdifferentiating and stem cells.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Genetic variability and population differentiation inferred from DNA finger-printing in silvereyes (Aves: Zosteropidae)

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    This study evaluated DNA fingerprinting as a tool for estimating population genetic diversity and differentiation by comparing minisatellite variation in island and mainland popu- lations of silvereyes (Aves: Zosterops lateralis). Three populations with different recent histories were compared: (1) Heron Island and neighbonng islands, colonized 3000 to 4000 yr ago; (2) Lady Elliot Island, colonized within the past two decades; and (3) an adjacent mainland population, which presumably has existed for thousands of years. The degree of genetic variability within the three populations reflected both their size and the time since their colonization. Minisatellite diversity was highest in the mainland population, intermediate in the Capricorn Island group (which was shown to represent a single admixture), and lowest in the Lady Elliot Island population, possibly because of a recent population bottleneck during colonization. Mean band sharing between any two populations was less than the mean within either of those populations, and four fingerprint bands common to island birds were rare or absent in the fingerprints of mainland birds. In the absence of significant gene flow between the mainland and the islands, the populations have apparently become distinct at minisatellite loci, as evidenced by differences in both allelic diversity and in the frequencies of specific fragments. Within the Heron Island population, cohort analyses demonstrated the temporal stability of the fingerprint profile over 6 yr. This study demonstrates that length polymorphisms at minisatellite loci may be stable enough over time to retain information about recent historical and demographic effects on the relative genetic variability and differentiation of small, closely related populations

    The surprisingly complex immune gene repertoire of a simple sponge, exemplified by the NLR genes: a capacity for specificity?

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    Most bacteria are not pathogenic to animals, and may instead serve beneficial functions. The requisite need for animals to differentiate between microbial friend and foe is likely borne from a deep evolutionary imperative to recognise self from non-self, a service ably provided by the innate immune system. Recent findings from an ancient lineage of simple animals - marine sponges - have revealed an unexpectedly large and diverse suite of genes belonging to one family of pattern recognition receptors, namely the NLR genes. Because NLRs can recognise a broad spectrum of microbial ligands, they may play a critical role in mediating the animal-bacterial crosstalk needed for sophisticated discrimination between microbes of various relationships. The building blocks for an advanced NLR-based immune specificity encoded in the genome of the coral reef sponge Amphimedon queenslandica may provide a specialisation and diversity of responses that equals, or even exceeds, that of vertebrate NLRs. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Genotyping individual Amphimedon embryos, larvae, and adults

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    INTRODUCTIONThe distribution of Amphimedon queenslandica is patchy on coral reefs in the Great Barrier Reef, with small, localized populations detected in shallow, still water reef-flat environments. A. queenslandica is a spermcast spawner, in which fertilization occurs internally. Sperm presumably originate from neighboring reproductive individuals within the population. The ability to genotype individual embryos within a single brood chamber has the potential to shed light on the fertilization biology and generation/maintenance of genetic diversity in this sessile invertebrate. Here, we describe a protocol for rapidly genotyping individuals using polymorphic microsatellite loci. The loci are amplified by PCR using a pair of primers specifically designed for the region of interest with a fluorescent dye attached to the 5'-end to enable easy detection of the amplified product. An advantage of this procedure is that fluorescently labeled PCR products can be combined (i.e., multiplexed) to reduce time and cost when using the genotyping machine. The dye label and size of the product must be taken into consideration when multiplexing. For example, three differently labeled PCR products can be multiplexed, or PCR products with the same label can be multiplexed as long as the allelic size ranges do not overlap. The amount of each cleaned, labeled PCR product added to the multiplex must be optimized depending on the dye and the PCR efficiency

    The first identification of complete Eph-ephrin signalling in ctenophores and sponges reveals a role for neofunctionalization in the emergence of signalling domains

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    Animals have a greater diversity of signalling pathways than their unicellular relatives, consistent with the evolution and expansion of these pathways occurring in parallel with the origin of animal multicellularity. However, the genomes of sponges and ctenophores - non-bilaterian basal animals - typically encode no, or far fewer, recognisable signalling ligands compared to bilaterians and cnidarians. For instance, the largest subclass of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) in bilaterians, the Eph receptors (Ephs), are present in sponges and ctenophores, but their cognate ligands, the ephrins, have not yet been detected.Here, we use an iterative HMM analysis to identify for the first time membrane-bound ephrins in sponges and ctenophores. We also expand the number of Eph-receptor subtypes identified in these animals and in cnidarians. Both sequence and structural analyses are consistent with the Eph ligand binding domain (LBD) and the ephrin receptor binding domain (RBD) having evolved via the co-option of ancient galactose-binding (discoidin-domain)-like and monodomain cupredoxin domains, respectively. Although we did not detect a complete Eph-ephrin signalling pathway in closely-related unicellular holozoans or in other non-metazoan eukaryotes, truncated proteins with Eph receptor LBDs and ephrin RBDs are present in some choanoflagellates. Together, these results indicate that Eph-ephrin signalling was present in the last common ancestor of extant metazoans, and perhaps even in the last common ancestor of animals and choanoflagellates. Either scenario pushes the origin of Eph-ephrin signalling back much earlier than previously reported.We propose that the Eph-LBD and ephrin-RBD, which were ancestrally localised in the cytosol, became linked to the extracellular parts of two cell surface proteins before the divergence of sponges and ctenophores from the rest of the animal kingdom. The ephrin-RBD lost the ancestral capacity to bind copper, and the Eph-LBD became linked to an ancient RTK. The identification of divergent ephrin ligands in sponges and ctenophores suggests that these ligands evolve faster than their cognate receptors. As this may be a general phenomena, we propose that the sequence-structure approach used in this study may be usefully applied to other signalling systems where no, or a small number of, ligands have been identified