10 research outputs found

    Efek Variasi Arus Waktu Terhadap Dosis Efektif Radiasi Lensa Mata Pada Penggunaan Bismuth Shielding Pada CT-Scan Kepala

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    A study has been carried out to determine the effect of time current variation on the effective dose of eye lens radiation on head CT scans. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of changing the flow of time on the effective dose of eye lens radiation and to determine the reduction in the effective dose of eye lens radiation when using bismuth shielding. The tools used are CT-scan, head mannequin, thermoliminescence dosimeter (TLD) calcium sulfate CaSO4;Dy, and bismuth shielding. The method used in this study uses the calculation of the effective dose of the 100 kV calibration curve from NuclindoLab and the equivalent dose. The measurement results show an average of each current of 31.540 mSv 100 mAs 43.947 mSv 150 mSv 59.808 msv 200 mAs 64.747 mSv 250 mAs, 137.083 mSv 300 mAs without bismuth and using bismuth 26.883 mSv 100 mAs 100 mAs, 27.847 mSv 27.84 mSv 200 mAs, 50.430 mSv 250 mAs, 81.334 mSv 300 mAs. Based on the results obtained, it is known that the effective dose obtained in the eye lens without bismuth is 67.42 ± 39.41 mSv and using bismuth is 48.85 ± 22.43 mSv with a dose reduction of 27%. As for efforts to reduce the dose received, it must be done by paying attention to the parameter settings on the CT-Scan examination such as voltage, current, slice thinkness, pitch and the use of protective equipment such as bismuth shielding

    Potensi Kanker Usus Besar dan Kandung Kemih Akibat Penyinaran CT Scan Abdomen Merek Siemens Somatom 128 Slice di RSUP Sanglah Denpasar

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    Research has been carried out on the potential for colon and urinery bladder cancer as a result of irradiating a 128 slice Siemens Somatom abdominal CT Scan at Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar. The data used in this study are secondary data from abdominal CT Scan medical records from January 2021 to June 2022, namely, CTDIvol and DLP adult patients who are female and male with an exposure factor of 110 kV X-ray tube voltage and current. Irradiation time starts from 600 mAs to 1200 mAs. This study aims to determine the potential risk of cancer  of the colon and urinery bladder from the results of the CT Scan examination brand Siemens Somatom 128 Slice and to compare the potential risks of colon and bladder cancer in men. and women. The magnitude of is done by calculating the estimated dose equivalent of yang diterima pasien dikalikan dengan faktor risiko kanker organ kritis pada pasien dewasa, sedangkan analisis komparatif dilakukan dengan menggunakan Independent Sample T Test. Hasil perhitungan rata-rata usus besar pada wanita dan pria masing-masing adalah 0,0044 ± 0,00062% dan 0,0045 ± 0,00079% sedangkan rata-rata  kandung kemih pada wanita dan pria masing-masing adalah -0,0034±0,00049% dan 0,0035±0,00061%. Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna potensi kanker usus besar dan kandung kemih antara wanita dan pria dengan nilai P0,050 pada usus besar dan kandung kemih yaitu masing-masing 0,026 dan 0,025. Perbedaan rata-rata kanker usus besar dan kandung kemih antara wanita dan pria adalah masing-masing 0,0001±0,00017% dan 0,0001±0,00012%, dimana potensi terjadinya kanker baru pada pasien pria lebih besar dibandingkan pasien wanita

    Identifikasi Pencemaran Air Lindi pada Kawasan Asrama di Kampus Universitas Udayana dengan Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik Konfigurasi Wenner

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    Dormitory land in the Udayana University area is often used as a place to dispose of garbage. Basically leachate contains metal content such as zinc (Zn) and mercury (Hg) which seep into the soil. Identification to determine the presence of leachate at a certain depth, can use the Wenner Configuration Geoelectrical Method. From the data obtained then processed using Res2dinv it was found that the leachate content in the Udayana University Dormitory Area is found at a distance of 33m, 43m, 63m, 83m, from the pile of garbage and a depth of 1.25 - 3.75m below the surface of the pile of garbage for coordinates 115.165240 BT, 8.798640 LS to 115.164955 BT, 8.799100 LS and a distance of 62m, 72m, 82m, from the garbage pile and a depth of 1.25 – 6.38m below the surface of the garbage pile at coordinates 115.165091 BT, 8.798557 LS to 115.164730 BT, 8.799021 LS

    Effect of relative humidity on expenditure of body fluids and blood pressure when exercise

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    Physical exercise is prolonged at high relative humidity can lead to an increase in expenditure of body fluids (EBF) through perspiration. Excessive discharge can cause changes in body functions such as blood pressure changes in practice. Objective: This study aimed to prove that the relative humidity (RH) 40% inhibiting EBF and does not inhibit the increase in systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) after physical exercise during 2X30 minutes. In addition, it also to prove physical exercise can improve exercise SBP and DBP. The study was conducted on 51 male students Faculty of Physical Education and Health, IKIP PGRI Bali. The samples were divided into three groups, and each group was given a different treatment. Group-1 exercise on the RH of 40%, Group-2 at the 50% RH, and the Group-3 at the RH of 60%. Data EBF, SBP, and DBP are measured before and after treatment. The mean difference EBF, SBP, and DBP between before with after treatment in all groups increased significantly (p < 0.05). The mean EBF after treatment was significantly different between groups with p = 0.009 and significant differences occurred between group-1 with the Group-3 with p = 0.002 (p < 0.05)


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    Has done research on students' Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Negeri-5 Denpasar. This research is connected between the body height (BH), body weight (BW), body mass index (BMI), and age on the resting pulse rate changes. The study was conducted in Cross Sectional Analytic in September 2011 on the class I and II SMK Negeri-5 Denpasar. The selection of a random sample of the group (cluster random sampling) with a simple random draw of the eight classes as a cluster to get the three classes. Of the three classes of 33 students chosen as men who do not have physical abnormalities and are willing as a research subject. Measurements for body height, body weight, body mass index, age, and the resting pulse rate was conducted in o'clock in the afternoon at 5:00 to 19:00 pm at GOR Ngurah Rai Denpasar. Data were analyzed by correlation of Pearson (Pearson Correlation) at the 0.05 significance level. From the analysis found no association between IMT with the resting pulse rate with r = 0.540 and p = 0.001, between the ages of the resting pulse rate with r = 0.460 and p = 0.007 (p ? 0.05) and there is no relationship between body weight and body height with the resting pulse rate with a value of r and p respectively, r = - 0.146 with p = 0.417 and r = 0.190 with p = 0.290 (p &gt; 0.05). Thus, the resting pulse rate is directly influenced by age and BMI with positive correlation.</p


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    Agility is basic movement of physic or activity of human body required to be trained exclusively. Until today, all coaches not yet find excellent type and measurement of training to enhance agility of football player, so study is performed, tried two types and measurement of training, that are, running training with left and right side circuit system to enhance agility. Training is conducted in the morning at Stadium Ngurah Rai Denpasar start from 7.30 am until 9.30 am. Duration is 6 weeks by frequency three times a week. Sample are 24 people chosen randomly simple from student grade II SMK X Denpasar comply terms. Total sample each are 12 people, then each groups are given different training, i.e. group 1 is given running training with left side circuit system and group 2 is given running training with right side circuit system. Data for agility before and after treatment. Data obtained is tested with program SPSS, each with couple T-test to know enhancement result of running of each treatment group and T-test uncouple to know better treatment in increasing agility result. Meaning limit used is 0,05 (p&lt;0,05). Statistic test is obtained meaning increase on running training with left side circuit system (p&lt;0,05) and running training with right side circuit system (p&lt;0,05). Different result of agility can not meaning different (p&gt;0,05) and after training, there are meaning differences (p&lt;0,05). This means that running training with left side circuit system is more giving effect to increase of agility result to football player. Therefore it is expected to all coaches and sport teacher train football in order to apply left side circuit system in giving training.</p


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    A research to increase the speed of the left-right straight punch with the two types of training ie training hit 25 times faster and 25 times slower eight reps (training-A) and the training to hit 50 times faster and 50 times slower four reps (training-B) was conducted a six-week training in Denpasar Hall of SMK-5 starting at 16:00 until 17:30 pm. Samples of each group of nine people picked at random simple from the students SMKN Denpasar. Each group is given different treatment groups are given training-1-A and group-2-B are given training. Data speed of punches taken before and after training. Data were tested by paired t-test to determine the difference between the mean velocity blows before and after training in each group and unpaired t-test to determine the average velocity difference between the two groups of stroke. Limit of significance used was 0.05 (p &lt;0.05). Different rates of speed blows before and after training in group-1 is 60.22 X / mt, which showed a significant difference p = 0.000 and in group-2 is p = 47.22 X / mt, which also showed a significant difference in the p = 0.000. Punch speed after training between groups showed a significant difference, namely p = 0.000. So that the training-A and-B training can increase the speed of a punch. Training-A better than training-B in increasing the speed of the left-right straight punch. For it is expected that the trainers who train speed left-right straight punch to apply the training to hit 25 times faster and 25 times slower three sets of eight reps in training.</p

    Effect of relative humidity on expenditure of body fluids and blood pressure when exercise

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    Physical exercise is prolonged at high relative humidity can lead to an increase in expenditure of body fluids (EBF) through perspiration. Excessive discharge can cause changes in body functions such as blood pressure changes in practice. Objective: This study aimed to prove that the relative humidity (RH) 40% inhibiting EBF and does not inhibit the increase in systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) after physical exercise during 2X30 minutes. In addition, it also to prove physical exercise can improve exercise SBP and DBP. The study was conducted on 51 male students Faculty of Physical Education and Health, IKIP PGRI Bali. The samples were divided into three groups, and each group was given a different treatment. Group-1 exercise on the RH of 40%, Group-2 at the 50% RH, and the Group-3 at the RH of 60%. Data EBF, SBP, and DBP are measured before and after treatment. The mean difference EBF, SBP, and DBP between before with after treatment in all groups increased significantly (p &lt; 0.05). The mean EBF after treatment was significantly different between groups with p = 0.009 and significant differences occurred between group-1 with the Group-3 with p = 0.002 (p &lt; 0.05)