2,238 research outputs found

    Socio-Economic Profile of Handloom Weaving Community: A Case Study of Bargarh District, Odisha

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    Traditional Indian handloom enjoys a global reputation as well as huge demands in the local markets. However, the weavers face a number of challenges which affect their livelihood and overall wellbeing. The study aims to analyse the socio economic condition of the weavers and offer possible recommendations to mitigate their plight. This study is based on primary data collected through interview schedules from 100 weavers residing in Bargarh district of Odisha. The result of the study revealed that the weavers are facing a number of challenges like financial constraint, inability to purchase up-to-date machineries, poor working condition, meagre remuneration and the absence of government support

    Changing Gender Relations and Its Influence on Female Migration Decision in India

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    This paper is an attempt to understand the position of Indian women in the family and its influence on their migration decision. The migration-empowerment relation can be explained through relative measures like intra-household decision making indicators, and age and educational differences. The data for the purpose of the study has been drawn from the various rounds of NSSO and NFHS and it has been analysed at the state level due to data limitations for explanatory variables at the household level. The bi-variate findings show economic decision making related to large household purchases, decisions on mobility and spousal educational differences which exhibit a linear relation with the women’s migration decision. The empirical findings suggest the women’s greater involvement on own health care, spousal age and educational differences significantly influence their migration decision. This suggests that women’s empowerment influences their migration decision. JEL Classification: J10, J16 Keywords: Empowerment, Migration, Women, India, Relative Measure

    Big Data Classification of Ultrasound Doppler Scan Images Using a Decision Tree Classifier Based on Maximally Stable Region Feature Points

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    The classification of ultrasound scan images is important in monitoring the development of prenatal and maternal structures. This paper proposes a big data classification system for ultrasound Doppler scan images that combines the residual of maximally stable extreme regions and speeded up robust features (SURF) with a decision tree classifier. The algorithm first preprocesses the ultrasound scan images before detecting the maximally stable extremal regions (MSER). A few essential regions are chosen from the MSER regions, along with the residual region that provides the best Region of Interest (ROI). SURF features points that best represent the region are detected using the gradient of the estimated cumulative region of interest. To extract the feature from the pixels that surround the SURF feature points, the Triangular Vertex Transform (TVT) transform is used. A decision tree classifier is used to train the extracted TVT features. The proposed ultrasound scan image classification system is validated using performance parameters such as accuracy, specificity, precision, sensitivity, and F1 score. For validation, a large dataset of 12,400 scan images collected from 1792 patients is used. The proposed method has an F1score of 94.12%, sensitivity, specificity, precision, and accuracy of 93.57%, 93.57%, and 97.96%, respectively. The evaluation results show that the proposed algorithm for classifying Doppler scan images is better than other algorithms that have been used in the past.&nbsp


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    E-resources rose in significance throughout the world during COVID-19 pandemic as these were used extensively in teaching, learning and research. Present study was conducted to know about the awareness and use of e-resources by the researchers and faculty members of science and social science faculties in three universities of Haryana, their purpose of using e-resources, levels of satisfaction and problems faced by them. This study is based on primary data collected from the faculty members and researchers using a self-designed questionnaire. It was found that all respondents were aware about e-resources and majority of respondents were using e-resources. The respondents of science faculty were using e-resources more as compared social science faculty. The respondents of science faculty are more satisfied with regard to e-standards/e-patents, subject specific portals and Anti-plagiarism software as compared to social science faculty. The respondents of social science faculty are facing more problems as compared to science faculty

    A Study on PAYTM Usage and Problems Faced among the Employees of XYZ Company Ltd.

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    In today’s-world, Smartphone has become an important part of everyday life. As it has become more affordable, the number of Smartphone users has increased dramatically. Smart phones are able to run a variety of software components, known as “apps”. PayTM, the mobile wallet and e-commerce start-up, became a household name in the last few months. So much so that it has become a generic term associated with any e-wallet and has become an all-pervasive brand with high recall value. Demonetisation gave a fillip to mobile wallet firms like PayTM helping them gain users at exponential rates every day.. The main objective is to study PayTM usage and problems faced by the employees of XYZ company Ltd. Study is analyzed considering 15 alternatives with a sample size of 150. Chi square analysis is done to examine if there is a significant influence of AGE on the usage of the Mobile wallet (PayTM). Study has proved it is

    Effects of the Organophosphorous Malathion on the Branchial Gills of a Freshwater Fish Glossogobius giuris (Ham)

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    Gills are vital structures for fish, since they are the main site for gaseous exchange as well as partially responsible forosmoregulation, acid- basic balance, excretion of nitrogenous compounds and taste. Chemicals in the water may alter the morphology of branchial cells of fish and are the useful model for environmental impact and ecotoxicology studies. In order toinvestigate the effects of an organoph osphorous compound, malathion, on the gills of the fish,Glossogobius giuriswereexposed to sublethal concentration (0.05, 0.25 and 0.5ppm) for 24, 48, 72 and 96 hr. Through light microscopy, shrinking of the branchial epithelium, followed by detachment a nd hyperplasia were observed. Externally, the branchial filaments presented the gradual disappearance of microridges. Even in higher sublethal concentration (0.5ppm), the organophosphorous pesticide reduced the health and fitness of the fish, as consequenc e of secondary effects derived from changes in the secondary epithelium, cellular size of chloride, mucous and pillar cells, cell diameters and significant shape and tissue damage was noticed

    Thyroid function in abnormal uterine bleeding

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    Background: AUB is any abnormal uterine bleeding in the absence of any palpable pelvic pathology and demonstrable extra genital causes. AUB is responsible for 10% of gynaecological complaints. Thyroid hormone is very important to affect the menstrual pattern. The objective of this study was to evaluate thyroid function test in women with AUB and to assess the menstrual pattern in women with thyroid dysfunction.Methods: The present study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Laxmi Narasimha Hospital, Hanamkonda, Hyderabad, Telangana, India 80 women of reproductive age group between 15-45 years women with menstrual disorders like menorrhagia, oligomenorrhea, hypomenorrhea, polymenorrhea, metrorrhagia, and amenorrhea. Quantitative determination of T3, T4, and TSH by CLIA estimated in autoanlyser.Results: About 80 women participated in the study in which Most of the subjects belong to 26-30 years of age group. Maximum patients i.e. 41 (51.2%) patients were para one to 2. Commonest cause bleeding pattern was menorrhagia 41.25%. 15 apparently normal patients with AUB belonged to the category of subclinical hypothyroidism (15%). Hormonal levels revealing profound hypothyroidism in patients without any symptoms was present in only 10% of cases. 2.5% of cases had hyperthyroidism though they were clinically normal. Patients who were sub-clinically hypothyroid were maximally presenting as polymenorrhoea (50%) and menorrhagia (12.1%) and only 6.27% of patients had oligomenorrhoea. Patients who were profound hypothyroid were predominantly having polymenorrhagia (83.3%) and (62.5%) of patients had oligomenorrhoea.Conclusions: So, biochemical evaluation of thyroid functioning should be made mandatory in all provisionally diagnosed cases of AUB to detect thyroid dysfunction


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    It is known that the dierent stages of the Cartan-Whitehead decomposition of a 0-connected space can be obtained as the Adams cocompletions of the space with respect to suitable sets of morphisms. In this note Cartan-Whitehead decomposition is obtained for a nilpotent space, in terms of Adams cocompletion, using the primary homotopy theory developed by Neisendonfer

    Association of hyperlipidaemia in preterm delivery

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    Background: Premature infant is the most important outcome of preterm delivery and is also the cause for infant mortality after congenital abnormality. Around the world, there are 3.6 million per year neonatal deaths, of which in developing countries, 99% deaths are observed. This study was conducted to evaluate the elevated triglycerides and cholesterol relationship on preterm labor risk.Methods: 350 healthy pregnant women were included in the study group in the age group of 18-36 years, their gestational age was confirmed either by last menstrual period or by ultrasound. This study was conducted in Department of Obstetrics  and Gynaecology at Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana India.Results: The good outcomes were observed in mothers with normal cholesterol values and preterm deliveries were observed in 32.14% of mothers with abnormal cholesterol values. 0.3% of mothers with normal triglyceride values and 75% of mothers with abnormal values had preterm delivery. P value difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusions: By measuring serum total cholesterol and triglycerides, along with serum screening of α-fetoprotein and inhibin A, it can be used to predict the preterm labour

    Mining Frequent Item Sets from incremental database: A single pass approach

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    Apriori based Association Rule Mining (ARM) is one of the data mining techniques used to extract hidden knowledge from datasets that can be used by an organization2019;s decision makers to improve overall profit. Performing Existing association mining algorithms requires repeated passes over the entire database. Obviously, for large database, the role of input/output overhead in scanning the database is very significant. We propose a new algorithm, which would mine frequent item sets with vertical format. The new algorithm would need to scan database one time. And in the follow-up data mining process, it can get new frequent item sets through 'and operation' between item sets. The new algorithm needs less storage space, and can improve the efficiency of data mining