11,759 research outputs found

    Interferometric CO observations of the ultraluminous IRAS galaxies ARP 220, IC 694/NGC 3690, NGC 6420 and NGC 7469

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    High resolution CO observations of the IRAS galaxies Arp 220, IC 694/NGC 3690, NGC 6240 and NGC 7469 were made with the Millimeter Wave Interferometer of the Owen Valley Radio Observatory. These yield spatial information on scales of 1 to 5 kpc and allow the separation of compact condensations from the more extended emission in the galaxies. In the case of the obviously interacting system IC 694/NGC 3690 the contributions of each component can be discerned. For that galaxy, and also for Arp 220, the unusually high lumonisities may be produced by nonthermal processes rather than by intense bursts of star formation

    CO aperture synthesis of NGC 4038/9 (ARP 244)

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    Researchers present high-resolution (approx. 6 seconds) CO observations of the merging galaxies NGC 4038/9 made with the Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO) Millimeter Wave Interferometer. The CO observations of Arp 244 were obtained between April and June 1988 using the OVRO Millimeter Wave Interferometer. Two fields with phase centers near the NGC 4039 nucleus and near the NGC 4038 nucleus were observed. The size of the synthesized beam is approximately 6.5 x 7 seconds at PA=72 degrees. The rms in a single cleaned channel map is 0.06 Jy beam(exp -1), corresponding to a brightness temperature of 0.12 K over the synthesized beam. Contour maps of the integrated CO intensity for both interferometer fields are shown. Three CO concentrations are evident. Two are centered near the nuclei of NGC 4038 and NGC 4039, closely correlated with H alpha and radio continuum maxima. A third CO emission region lies about 25 seconds northeast of the NGC 4039 nucleus. A number of radio continuum, H alpha, and 10 micron emission knots appear in this region. The total integrated intensity at the northern nuclear source, 302 K km/s, leads to a molecular mass of 8.3 by 10 to the 8th power solar mass assuming a Galactic CO to H2 conversion factor of 3.0 x 10 to the 20th power H2 cm(-2) (K km/s)(-1). The integrated CO intensity of the southern nuclear source leads to a molecular mass of 2.4 x 10 to the 8th solar mass. The extranuclear CO concentration contains 1.2 x 10 to the 9th power solar mass of molecular gas, extending over 170 km/s, and is resolved in a number of channels. Its large size, mass, and morphology strongly suggest that it is an agglomeration of several clumps

    Optimal states and almost optimal adaptive measurements for quantum interferometry

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    We derive the optimal N-photon two-mode input state for obtaining an estimate \phi of the phase difference between two arms of an interferometer. For an optimal measurement [B. C. Sanders and G. J. Milburn, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 2944 (1995)], it yields a variance (\Delta \phi)^2 \simeq \pi^2/N^2, compared to O(N^{-1}) or O(N^{-1/2}) for states considered by previous authors. Such a measurement cannot be realized by counting photons in the interferometer outputs. However, we introduce an adaptive measurement scheme that can be thus realized, and show that it yields a variance in \phi very close to that from an optimal measurement.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, journal versio

    The galactic distribution (in radius and Z) of interstellar molecular hydrogen

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    Observations of the galactic longitude and latitude distributions of lambda = 2.6 mm CO emission are presented. Analysis of these spectral-line data yields the large-scale distribution of molecular clouds in the galactic disk and their z-distribution out of the disk. Strong maxima in the number of molecular clouds occur in the galactic nucleus and at galactic radii 4 to 8 kpc. The peak at 4 to 8 kpc correlates well with a region of enhanced 100-MeV γ-ray emissivity. This correlation strongly supports the conclusion that the γ-rays are produced as a result of cosmic ray interactions in molecular H_2 clouds rather than in H(I). The width of the cloud layer perpendicular to the galactic plane between half-density points is 105 ± 15 pc near the 5.5-kpc peak. The total mass of molecular gas in the interior of the galaxy exceeds that of atomic hydrogen and is 3·10^9 M⊙ based on these observations

    Arp 299 - Two Interacting Galaxies

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    Arp 299 (Mrk 171), is an interacting system at 42 Mpc, comprising the galaxies IC 694 and NGC 3690. Interferometric CO maps at 6″ resolution (Sargent et al. 1987) showed compact molecular condensations at the nucleus of IC694 and in the overlap region of the galaxy disks [positions A and C – C in the terminology of Gehrz, Sramek, and Weedman (1983)]

    A high resolution coupled hydrologic–hydraulic model (HiResFlood-UCI) for flash flood modeling

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    HiResFlood-UCI was developed by coupling the NWS's hydrologic model (HL-RDHM) with the hydraulic model (BreZo) for flash flood modeling at decameter resolutions. The coupled model uses HL-RDHM as a rainfall-runoff generator and replaces the routing scheme of HL-RDHM with the 2D hydraulic model (BreZo) in order to predict localized flood depths and velocities. A semi-automated technique of unstructured mesh generation was developed to cluster an adequate density of computational cells along river channels such that numerical errors are negligible compared with other sources of error, while ensuring that computational costs of the hydraulic model are kept to a bare minimum. HiResFlood-UCI was implemented for a watershed (ELDO2) in the DMIP2 experiment domain in Oklahoma. Using synthetic precipitation input, the model was tested for various components including HL-RDHM parameters (a priori versus calibrated), channel and floodplain Manning n values, DEM resolution (10 m versus 30 m) and computation mesh resolution (10 m+ versus 30 m+). Simulations with calibrated versus a priori parameters of HL-RDHM show that HiResFlood-UCI produces reasonable results with the a priori parameters from NWS. Sensitivities to hydraulic model resistance parameters, mesh resolution and DEM resolution are also identified, pointing to the importance of model calibration and validation for accurate prediction of localized flood intensities. HiResFlood-UCI performance was examined using 6 measured precipitation events as model input for model calibration and validation of the streamflow at the outlet. The Nash–Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) obtained ranges from 0.588 to 0.905. The model was also validated for the flooded map using USGS observed water level at an interior point. The predicted flood stage error is 0.82 m or less, based on a comparison to measured stage. Validation of stage and discharge predictions builds confidence in model predictions of flood extent and localized velocities, which are fundamental to reliable flash flood warning

    Giant molecular clouds in the galaxy: distribution, mass, size and age

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    Millimeter wave observations of emission from the CO molecule have become, over the past eight years, the dominant method for determining the physical properties of dense interstellar clouds, composed primarily of molecular hydrogen and for exploring the structure and kinematics of the galactic disk. In this paper we briefly review the CO survey results in the literature (Section 2) and then present new results (Section 3-7) of an extensive ^(13)CO and ^(12)CO survey of the galactic distribution, size, mass and age of molecular clouds. The interpretation of this survey leads to a new picture of the interstellar medium dominated by very massive stable long-lived clouds which we refer to as Giant Molecular Clouds. We find that Giant Molecular Clouds (GMC's) with M = 10^5–3 × 10^6 M⊙ are a major constituent of the galactic disk, the dominant component of the interstellar medium in the galaxy interior to the sun and the most massive objects in the galaxy. We find that the interstellar medium and star formation are dominated by massive gravitationally bound clouds in which stars and associations are forming but at a very low rate in comparison to the free fall time. The galactic distribution of the molecules as traced by CO emission is interpreted as the distribution of GMC's. As the most massive objects in the galaxy they are also basic to the dynamics of the disk

    Optical and Near-Infrared Imaging of the IRAS 1-Jy Sample of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies: II. The Analysis

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    The present paper discusses the results from an analysis of the images presented in Paper I (astro-ph/0207373) supplemented with new spectroscopic data obtained at Keck. All but one object in the 1-Jy sample show signs of a strong tidal interaction/merger. Multiple mergers involving more than two galaxies are seen in no more than 5 of the 118 (< 5%) systems. None of the 1-Jy sources is in the first-approach stage of the interaction, and most (56%) of them harbor a single disturbed nucleus and are therefore in the later stages of a merger. Seyfert galaxies (especially those of type 1), warm ULIGs (f_{25}/f_{60} > 0.2) and the more luminous systems (> 10^{12.5} L_sun) all show a strong tendency to be advanced mergers with a single nucleus. An analysis of the surface brightness profiles of the host galaxies in single-nucleus sources reveals that about 73% of the R and K' surface brightness profiles are fit adequately by an elliptical-like R^{1/4}-law. These elliptical-like 1-Jy systems have luminosities, half-light radii, and R-band axial ratio distribution that are similar to those of normal (inactive) intermediate-luminosity ellipticals and follow with some scatter the same mu_e - r_e relation. These elliptical-like hosts are most common among merger remnants with Seyfert 1 nuclei (83%), Seyfert 2 optical characteristics (69%) or mid-infrared (ISO) AGN signatures (80%). In general, the results from the present study are consistent with the merger-driven evolutionary sequence ``cool ULIGs --> warm ULIGs --> quasars,'' although there are many exceptions. (abridged)Comment: Correction to D.-C. Kim's affiliations. 42 pages + 3 tables + 3 multi-page jpeg figures; see http://www.astro.umd.edu/~veilleux/pubs/paper2.tar.gz for original figure