25,075 research outputs found

    Modification of a three-dimensional supersonic nozzle analysis and comparison with experimental data

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    A computer program previously developed to analyze three-dimensional supersonic nozzles by the method of characteristics has been modified to study less restrictive nozzle geometries and nonuniform inlet conditions. An example indicates that a one-dimensional calculation that uses an averaged initial profile may be significantly in error. A comparison between the analysis and the data from a three-dimensional experiment shows generally good agreement between the two

    Numerical methods and calculations for droplet flow, heating and ignition

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    A numerical method was devised and employed to solve a variety of problems related to liquid droplet combustion. The basic transport equations of mass, momentum and energy were formulated in terms of generalized nonorthogonal coordinates, which allows for adaptive griding and arbitrary particle shape. Example problems are solved for internal droplet heating, droplet ignition and high Reynolds number flow over a droplet

    The Geometry Of Modified Newtonian Dynamics

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    Modified Newtonian Dynamics is an empirical modification to Poisson's equation which has had success in accounting for the `gravitational field' Φ\Phi in a variety of astrophysical systems. The field Φ\Phi may be interpreted in terms of the weak field limit of a variety of spacetime geometries. Here we consider three of these geometries in a more comprehensive manner and look at the effect on timelike and null geodesics. In particular we consider the Aquadratic Lagrangian (AQUAL) theory, Tensor-Vector-Scalar (TeVeS) theory and Generalized Einstein-{\AE}ther (GEA) theory. We uncover a number of novel features, some of which are specific to the theory considered while others are generic. In the case of AQUAL and TeVeS theories, the spacetime exhibits an excess (AQUAL) or deficit (TeVeS) solid angle akin to the case of a Barriola-Vilenkin global monopole. In the case of GEA, a disformal symmetry of the action emerges in the limit of \grad\Phi\rightarrow 0. Finally, in all theories studied, massive particles can never reach spatial infinity while photons can do so only after experiencing infinite redshift.Comment: 18 page

    New Results from a Near-Infrared Search for Hidden Broad-Line Regions in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

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    This paper reports the latest results from a near-infrared search for hidden broad-line regions (BLRs: FWHM >~ 2,000 km/s) in ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIGs). The new sample contains thirty-nine ULIGs from the 1-Jy sample selected for their lack of BLRs at optical wavelengths. The results from this new study are combined with those from our previous optical and near-infrared surveys to derive the fraction of all ULIGs with optical or near-infrared signs of genuine AGN activity (either a BLR or [Si VI] emission). Comparisons of the dereddened emission-line luminosities of the optical or obscured BLRs detected in the ULIGs of the 1-Jy sample with those of optical quasars indicate that the obscured AGN/quasar in ULIGs is the main source of energy in at least 15 -- 25% of all ULIGs in the 1-Jy sample. This fraction is 30 -- 50% among ULIGs with L_ir > 10^{12.3} L_sun. These results are compatible with those from recent mid-infrared spectroscopic surveys carried out with ISO. (abridged)Comment: 40 pages including 10 figures and 3 tables (Table 3 should be printed in landscape mode

    Ordered Measurements of Permutationally-Symmetric Qubit Strings

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    We show that any sequence of measurements on a permutationally-symmetric (pure or mixed) multi-qubit string leaves the unmeasured qubit substring also permutationally-symmetric. In addition, we show that the measurement probabilities for an arbitrary sequence of single-qubit measurements are independent of how many unmeasured qubits have been lost prior to the measurement. Our results are valuable for quantum information processing of indistinguishable particles by post-selection, e.g. in cases where the results of an experiment are discarded conditioned upon the occurrence of a given event such as particle loss. Furthermore, our results are important for the design of adaptive-measurement strategies, e.g. a series of measurements where for each measurement instance, the measurement basis is chosen depending on prior measurement results.Comment: 13 page

    Multiphoton Coincidence Spectroscopy

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    We extend the analysis of photon coincidence spectroscopy beyond bichromatic excitation and two-photon coincidence detection to include multichromatic excitation and multiphoton coincidence detection. Trichromatic excitation and three-photon coincidence spectroscopy are studied in detail, and we identify an observable signature of a triple resonance in an atom-cavity system.Comment: 6 page, REVTeXs, 6 Postscript figures. The abstract appeared in the Proceedings of ACOLS9

    Throat stability-by pass systems to increase the stable airflow range of a Mach 2.5 inlet with 60-percent internal contraction

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    The results of an experimental investigation to increase the stable airflow range (without unstart) of a supersonic mixed-compression inlet are presented. Various stability bypass entrances were located on the cowl side of the inlet throat. The types of entrance were distributed porous (normal holes), forward-slanted slot, and distributed educated slots. A large stable airflow range was obtained for each entrance type if a constant pressure was maintained in the stability bypass plenum. The distributed porous entrance provided the largest stable airflow range. Inlet unstart angle of attack was unaffected by the entrances

    MOND and Cosmology

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    I review various ideas on MOND cosmology and structure formation beginning with non-relativistic models in analogy with Newtonian cosmology. I discuss relativistic MOND cosmology in the context of Bekenstein's theory and propose an alternative biscalar effective theory of MOND in which the acceleration parameter is identified with the cosmic time derivative of a matter coupling scalar field. Cosmic CDM appears in this theory as scalar field oscillations of the auxiliary "coupling strength" field.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures, to appear in proceedings of IAP05 in Paris: Mass Profiles and Shapes of Cosmological Structures, G. Mamon, F. Combes, C. Deffayet and B. Fort (eds), (EDP-Sciences 2005

    Distributed porous throat stability bypass to increase the stable airflow range of a Mach 2.5 inlet with 60 percent internal contraction

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    The results of an experimental investigation to increase the stable airflow operating range of a supersonic, mixed-compression inlet with 60-percent internal contraction are presented. Various distributed-porous, throat stability-bypass entrance configurations were tested. In terms of diffuser-exit corrected airflow, a large inlet stable airflow range of about 25 percent was obtained with the optimum configuration if a constant pressure was maintained in the by-pass plenum. The location of the centerbody bleed region had a decided effect on the overall inlet performance. Limited unstart angle-of-attack data are presented