9,324 research outputs found

    Prospects for later-life migration in urban Europe

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    This report discusses the regional population projections and the potential impacts on retirement migration caused by changes in average retirement age, altered lifestyle preferences and the large size of the baby boomer generation. Empirical knowledge about past demographic trends is identified to improve the accuracy of predictions. However, the importance of uncertainty in projecting future retirement migration behaviour has to be acknowledged


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    Оцінено ефективність і прогностичне значення форсованого внутрішньоартеріального введення (ФВАВ) лікарських засобів (ЛЗ) у комплексі лікування хворих з приводу хронічної ішемії тканин нижніх кінцівок (НК). В експерименті при блокаді магістрального кровотоку ФВАВ ЛС сприяло звільненню судин від агрегатів клітин і згортків крові; при ішемії ІІ - ІІІа ступеня - зумовлювало більш виражене клінічне покращення. Поява реактивної гіперемії стопи у строки понад 2 хв свідчила про безперспективність її збереження

    Spectral pattern similarity analysis: Tutorial and application in developmental cognitive neuroscience

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    The human brain encodes information in neural activation patterns. While standard approaches to analyzing neural data focus on brain (de-)activation (e.g., regarding the location, timing, or magnitude of neural responses), multivariate neural pattern similarity analyses target the informational content represented by neural activity. In adults, a number of representational properties have been identified that are linked to cognitive performance, in particular the stability, distinctiveness, and specificity of neural patterns. However, although growing cognitive abilities across childhood suggest advancements in representational quality, developmental studies still rarely utilize information-based pattern similarity approaches, especially in electroencephalography (EEG) research. Here, we provide a comprehensive methodological introduction and step-by-step tutorial for pattern similarity analysis of spectral (frequency-resolved) EEG data including a publicly available pipeline and sample dataset with data from children and adults. We discuss computation of single-subject pattern similarities and their statistical comparison at the within-person to the between-group level as well as the illustration and interpretation of the results. This tutorial targets both novice and more experienced EEG researchers and aims to facilitate the usage of spectral pattern similarity analyses, making these methodologies more readily accessible for (developmental) cognitive neuroscientists

    Vela X-1 as a laboratory for accretion in High-Mass X-ray Binaries

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    Vela X-1 is an eclipsing high mass X-ray binary (HMXB) consisting of a 283s accreting X-ray pulsar in a close orbit of 8.964 days around the B0.5Ib supergiant HD77581 at a distance of just 2.4 kpc. The system is considered a prototype of wind-accreting HMXB and it has been used as a baseline in different theoretical or modelling studies. We discuss the observational properties of the system and the use of the observational data as laboratory to test recent developments in modelling the accretion process in High-Mass X-ray Binaries (e.g., Sander et al. 2018; El Mellah et al. 2018), which range from detailed descriptions of the wind acceleration to modelling of the structure of the flow of matter close to the neutron star and its variations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, proceedings of the 12th INTEGRAL conference "INTEGRAL looks AHEAD to Multimessenger astronomy" in Geneva (Switzerland) on 11-15 February 201

    An integrated genomic analysis of lung cancer reveals loss of DUSP4 in EGFR-mutant tumors.

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    To address the biological heterogeneity of lung cancer, we studied 199 lung adenocarcinomas by integrating genome-wide data on copy number alterations and gene expression with full annotation for major known somatic mutations in this cancer. This showed non-random patterns of copy number alterations significantly linked to EGFR and KRAS mutation status and to distinct clinical outcomes, and led to the discovery of a striking association of EGFR mutations with underexpression of DUSP4, a gene within a broad region of frequent single-copy loss on 8p. DUSP4 is involved in negative feedback control of EGFR signaling, and we provide functional validation for its role as a growth suppressor in EGFR-mutant lung adenocarcinoma. DUSP4 loss also associates with p16/CDKN2A deletion and defines a distinct clinical subset of lung cancer patients. Another novel observation is that of a reciprocal relationship between EGFR and LKB1 mutations. These results highlight the power of integrated genomics to identify candidate driver genes within recurrent broad regions of copy number alteration and to delineate distinct oncogenetic pathways in genetically complex common epithelial cancers