1,019 research outputs found

    Chiral Lagrangian with higher resonances and flavour SU(3) SU(3) breaking

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    A chiral Lagrangian with SU(3) SU(3) breaking and higher resonances is proposed. In this model, the SU(3) SU(3) breaking structure in vector-pseudoscalar sector is realized with the decay constants of pseudoscalar mesons and the masses of vector mesons used as inputs. We examine whether the resulting SU(3) SU(3) breaking effect in the charge radii of pseudoscalar mesons is consistent with the experimental facts.Comment: 29 pages, REVTEX(ver.3), DPNU-93-3

    Large electroweak penguin contribution in B -> K pi and pi pi decay modes

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    We discuss about a possibility of large electroweak penguin contribution in B -> K pi and pi pi from recent experimental data. The experimental data may be suggesting that there are some discrepancies between the data and theoretical estimation in the branching ratios of them. In B -> K pi decays, to explain it, a large electroweak penguin contribution and large strong phase differences seem to be needed. The contributions should appear also in B -> pi pi. We show, as an example, a solution to solve the discrepancies in both B -> K pi and B -> pi pi. However the magnitude of the parameters and the strong phase estimated from experimental data are quite large compared with the theoretical estimations. It may be suggesting some new physics effects are including in these processes. We will have to discuss about the dependence of the new physics. To explain both modes at once, we may need large electroweak penguin contribution with new weak phases and some SU(3) breaking effects by new physics in both QCD and electroweak penguin type processes.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure

    Na/K Pump-Induced [Na]i Gradients in Rat Ventricular Myocytes Measured with Two-Photon Microscopy

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    AbstractVia the Na/Ca and Na/H exchange, intracellular Na concentration ([Na]i) is important in regulating cardiac Ca and contractility. Functional data suggest that [Na]i might be heterogeneous in myocytes that are not in steady state, but little direct spatial information is available. Here we used two-photon microscopy of SBFI to spatially resolve [Na]i in rat ventricular myocytes. In vivo calibration yielded an apparent Kd of 27±2mM Na. Similar resting [Na]i was found using two-photon or single-photon ratiometric measurements with SBFI (10.8±0.7 vs. 11.1±0.7mM). To assess longitudinal [Na]i gradients, Na/K pumps were blocked at one end of the myocyte (locally pipette-applied K-free extracellular solution) and active in the rest of the cell. This led to a marked increase in [Na]i at sites downstream of the pipette (where Na enters the myocyte and Na/K pumps are blocked). [Na]i rise was smaller at upstream sites. This resulted in sustained [Na]i gradients (up to ∼17 mM/120μm cell length). This implies that Na diffusion in cardiac myocytes is slow with respect to trans-sarcolemmal Na transport rates, although the mechanisms responsible are unclear. A simple diffusion model indicated that such gradients require a Na diffusion coefficient of 10–12μm2/s, significantly lower than in aqueous solutions


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    Curah hujan yang sangat bervariasi membentuk pola musiman di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. Angin dan curah hujan merupakan faktor cuaca yang menentukan pengambilan keputusan dalam melakukan kegiatan penangkapan ikan di sekitar Pelabuhan Paotere sebagai pelabuhan terbesar di Kota Makassar. Kegiatan penangkapan memberi peluang bagi nelayan penuh maupun nelayan sambilan untuk mendapatkan hasil tangkapan dan keuntungan, namun juga dapat menyebabkan kerugian karena besarnya biaya operasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh angin dan curah hujan terhadap produksi nelayan yang berbasis di Pelabuhan PPI Paotere Makassar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan metode pengumpulan data sekunder terkait angin serta curah hujan dari Stasiun Meteorologi Maritim Kelas II Paotere. Selain itu, data produksi ikan dikumpulkan dari UPTD PPI Paotere dan Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Kota Makassar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan dalam produksi ikan di PPI Paotere Makassar yang dipengaruhi oleh curah hujan dan angin.The highly variable rainfall forms seasonal patterns in various regions in Indonesia. Wind and rainfall are two weather factors that determine decision making in fishing and other activities around the port, one of which is Paotere Port as the largest port in Makassar City. Fishing activities provide opportunities for fishermen to get catches and profits for fishermen, but can also cause losses due to high operational costs. This study aims to reveal whether seasonal fluctuations in wind and rainfall affect fish production for fishermen based in Pangkalan Landing Fish (PPI) Paotere, Makassar. This research was carried out using secondary data collection methods related to wind and rainfall from the Paotere Class II Maritime Meteorological Station. Fish production data were collected from the UPTD PPI Paotere and the Makassar City Marine and Fisheries Office. The research results indicate a significant difference in fish production at PPI Paotere Makassar influenced by rainfall and wind

    Brown tumor of lumber spint in patient with chronic renal failure

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    Brown tumors are erosive bone lesions caused by increased osteoclastic activity. They usually occur in the severe forms of secondary  hyperparathyroidism, as in patients with hemodialysis-dependent chronic renal disease. Involvement of the lumbar spine with this tumor causing neural compression is extremely rare. We report a 49-year-old man, who had been on haemodialysis for CRF for over 15 years, presented with leg weakness and back pain over the thoracolumbar junction. There were no motor or sensory disturbances. Spinal MRI revealed osteolytic lesions of the ribs and lumbar vertebrae L1. The clinical and radiological abnormalities resolved after parathyroidectomy and spine surgery

    CP asymmetry, branching ratios and isospin breaking effects of B -> K* gamma with the perturbative QCD approach

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    The radiative B -> K* gamma mode is caused by a penguin operator which is a quantum correction. Thus this mode may be useful in the search for physics beyond the standard model. In this paper, we compute the branching ratio, direct CP asymmetry, and isospin breaking effects within the Standard Model in the framework perturbative QCD, and discuss how new physics might show up in this decay.Comment: 20 pages, 44 figure
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