4,033 research outputs found

    Ionized and neutral gas in the peculiar star/cluster complex in NGC 6946

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    The characteristics of ionized and HI gas in the peculiar star/cluster complex in NGC 6946, obtained with the 6-m telescope (BTA) SAO RAS, the Gemini North telescope, and the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT), are presented. The complex is unusual as hosting a super star cluster, the most massive known in an apparently non-interacting giant galaxy. It contains a number of smaller clusters and is bordered by a sharp C-shaped rim. We found that the complex is additionally unusual in having peculiar gas kinematics. The velocity field of the ionized gas reveals a deep oval minimum, ~300 pc in size, centered 7" east of the supercluster. The Vr of the ionized gas in the dip center is 100 km/s lower than in its surroundings, and emission lines within the dip appear to be shock excited. This dip is near the center of an HI hole and a semi-ring of HII regions. The HI (and less certainly, HII) velocity fields reveal expansion, with the velocity reaching ~30 km/s at a distance about 300 pc from the center of expansion, which is near the deep minimum position. The super star cluster is at the western rim of the minimum. The sharp western rim of the whole complex is plausibly a manifestation of a regular dust arc along the complex edge. Different hypotheses about the complex and the Vr depression origins are discussed, including a HVC/dark mini-halo impact, a BCD galaxy merging, and a gas outflow due to release of energy from the supercluster stars.Comment: MN RAS, accepte

    Adaptive Optics Imaging of IRAS 18276-1431: a bipolar pre-planetary nebula with circumstellar "searchlight beams" and "arcs"

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    We present high-angular resolution images of the post-AGB nebula IRAS18276-1431 (also known as OH17.7-2.0) obtained with the Keck II Adaptive Optics (AO) system in its Natural Guide Star (NGS) mode in the Kp, Lp, and Ms near-infrared bands. We also present supporting optical F606W and F814W HST images as well as interferometric observations of the 12CO(J=1-0), 13CO(J=1-0), and 2.6mm continuum emission with OVRO. The envelope of IRAS18276-1431 displays a clear bipolar morphology in our optical and NIR images with two lobes separated by a dark waist and surrounded by a faint 4.5"x3.4" halo. Our Kp-band image reveals two pairs of radial ``searchlight beams'' emerging from the nebula center and several intersecting, arc-like features. From our CO data we derive a mass of M>0.38[D/3kpc]^2 Msun and an expansion velocity v_exp=17km/s for the molecular envelope. The density in the halo follows a radial power-law proportional to r^-3, which is consistent with a mass-loss rate increasing with time. Analysis of the NIR colors indicates the presence of a compact central source of ~300-500K dust illuminating the nebula in addition to the central star. Modeling of the thermal IR suggests a two-shell structure in the dust envelope: 1) an outer shell with inner and outer radius R_in~1.6E16cm and R_out>~1.25E17cm, dust temperature T_d~105-50K, and a mean mass-loss rate of Mdot~1E-3Msun/yr; and 2) an inner shell with R_in~6.3E14cm, T_dust~500-105K, and Mdot~3E-5Msun/yr. An additional population of big dust grains (radius a>~0.4mm) with T_dust=150-20K and mass M_dust=(0.16-1.6)E-3 [D/3kpc]^2 Msun can account for the observed sub-mm and mm flux excess. The mass of the envelope enclosed within R_out=1.25E17cm derived from SED modeling is ~1[D/3kpc]^2 Msun.Comment: 46 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ. Figures 12 & 13 in low resolution. Full resolution versions are available upon request to the first autho

    Effect of phonon scattering by surface roughness on the universal thermal conductance

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    The effect of phonon scattering by surface roughness on the thermal conductance in mesoscopic systems at low temperatures is calculated using full elasticity theory. The low frequency behavior of the scattering shows novel power law dependences arising from the unusual properties of the elastic modes. This leads to new predictions for the low temperature depression of the thermal conductance below the ideal universal value. Comparison with the data of Schwab et al. [Nature 404, 974 (2000)] suggests that surface roughness on a scale of the width of the thermal pathway is important in the experiment.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Stellar Population gradients in galaxy discs from the CALIFA survey

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    While studies of gas-phase metallicity gradients in disc galaxies are common, very little has been done in the acquisition of stellar abundance gradients in the same regions. We present here a comparative study of the stellar metallicity and age distributions in a sample of 62 nearly face-on, spiral galaxies with and without bars, using data from the CALIFA survey. We measure the slopes of the gradients and study their relation with other properties of the galaxies. We find that the mean stellar age and metallicity gradients in the disc are shallow and negative. Furthermore, when normalized to the effective radius of the disc, the slope of the stellar population gradients does not correlate with the mass or with the morphological type of the galaxies. Contrary to this, the values of both age and metallicity at \sim2.5 scale-lengths correlate with the central velocity dispersion in a similar manner to the central values of the bulges, although bulges show, on average, older ages and higher metallicities than the discs. One of the goals of the present paper is to test the theoretical prediction that non-linear coupling between the bar and the spiral arms is an efficient mechanism for producing radial migrations across significant distances within discs. The process of radial migration should flatten the stellar metallicity gradient with time and, therefore, we would expect flatter stellar metallicity gradients in barred galaxies. However, we do not find any difference in the metallicity or age gradients in galaxies with without bars. We discuss possible scenarios that can lead to this absence of difference.Comment: 24 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Electrical properties of bismuth ferrites:Bi2Fe4O9 and Bi25FeO39

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    Bi2Fe4O9 was prepared by solid-state reaction and the electrical properties measured by impedance spectroscopy. After annealing in O2 at 900 °C, Bi2Fe4O9 is an electrically-homogeneous insulator. Its high frequency permittivity is constant (∼14.1) over the temperature range 300–400 °C and shows no evidence of incipient ferroelectricity at lower temperatures. On annealing in N2 at 900 °C, the pellets gradually decompose. Bi25FeO39 was prepared by both solid-state reaction and mechanosynthesis. It showed a modest amount of mixed conduction of both oxide ions and holes. Impedance analysis showed a complex response that best fitted an equivalent circuit consisting of a parallel combination of long-range conduction and short range dielectric relaxation elements. The electrical conductivity of both Bi2Fe4O9 and Bi25FeO39 is less than that of BiFeO3 prepared by solid-state reaction, which indicates that any leakage conductivity of BiFeO3 is not due to the possible presence of small amounts of these secondary phases

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the dwarf galaxy IC 10

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    Infrared observations from the Spitzer Space Telescope archive are used to study the dust component of the interstellar medium in the IC~10 irregular galaxy. Dust distribution in the galaxy is compared to the distributions of Hα\alpha and [SII] emission, neutral hydrogen and CO clouds, and ionizing radiation sources. The distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the galaxy is shown to be highly non-uniform with the mass fraction of these particles in the total dust mass reaching 4%. PAHs tend to avoid bright HII regions and correlate well with atomic and molecular gas. This pattern suggests that PAHs form in the dense interstellar gas. We propose that the significant decrease of the PAH abundance at low metallicity is observed not only globally (at the level of entire galaxies), but also locally (at least, at the level of individual HII regions). We compare the distribution of the PAH mass fraction to the distribution of high-velocity features, that we have detected earlier in wings of Hα\alpha and SII lines, over the entire available galaxy area. No conclusive evidence for shock destruction of PAHs in the IC~10 galaxy could be found.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy Report

    A compact statistical model of the song syntax in Bengalese finch

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    Songs of many songbird species consist of variable sequences of a finite number of syllables. A common approach for characterizing the syntax of these complex syllable sequences is to use transition probabilities between the syllables. This is equivalent to the Markov model, in which each syllable is associated with one state, and the transition probabilities between the states do not depend on the state transition history. Here we analyze the song syntax in a Bengalese finch. We show that the Markov model fails to capture the statistical properties of the syllable sequences. Instead, a state transition model that accurately describes the statistics of the syllable sequences includes adaptation of the self-transition probabilities when states are repeatedly revisited, and allows associations of more than one state to the same syllable. Such a model does not increase the model complexity significantly. Mathematically, the model is a partially observable Markov model with adaptation (POMMA). The success of the POMMA supports the branching chain network hypothesis of how syntax is controlled within the premotor song nucleus HVC, and suggests that adaptation and many-to-one mapping from neural substrates to syllables are important features of the neural control of complex song syntax