3,368 research outputs found

    XMM-Newton and Deep Optical Observations of the OTELO fields: the Groth-Westphal Strip

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    OTELO (OSIRIS Tunable Emission Line Object Survey) will be carried out with the OSIRIS instrument at the 10 m GTC telescope at La Palma, and is aimed to be the deepest and richest survey of emission line objects to date. The deep narrow-band optical data from OSIRIS will be complemented by means of additional observations that include: (i) an exploratory broad-band survey that is already being carried out in the optical domain, (ii) FIR and sub-mm observations to be carried with the Herschel space telescope and the GTM, and (iii) deep X-Ray observations from XMM-Newton and Chandra.Here we present a preliminary analysis of public EPIC data of one of the OTELO targets,the Groth-Westphal strip, gathered from the XMM-Newton Science Archive (XSA). EPIC images are combined with optical BVRI data from our broadband survey carried out with the 4.2m WHT at La Palma. Distance-independent diagnostics (involving X/O ratio, hardness ratios, B/T ratio) are tested.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, uses graphicx package. To appear in proceedings of "The X-Ray Universe 2005", San Lorenzo del Escorial, Spain, September 26-30, 200

    Rentabilidad económica de explotaciones agrarias de secano según tamaño y tipo de laboreo

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    RESUMEN: El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar, desde un punto de vista económico, el efecto que supone pasar de un sistema de laboreo tradicional a uno de laboreo reducido en explotaciones cerealistas de la meseta castellana. Se utilizan datos experimentales de campo para estimar las producciones, así como un sistema de decisión experto para seleccionar el parque de maquinaria que conlleva el menor coste de utilización. La rotación de cultivos que se ha considerado ha sido trigo/leguminosa. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los rendimientos obtenidos en los tres sistemas de laboreo comparados. Los resultados económicos se muestran condicionados por el sistema de laboreo empleado y el tamaño de la explotación.Economic analyses, farm size, rainfed crops, tillage systems, Agricultural and Food Policy, Q12,

    Red quasars not so dusty

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    Webster et al (1995) claimed that up to 80% of QSOs may be obscured by dust. They inferred the presence of this dust from the remarkably broad range of B-K optical-infrared colours of a sample of flat-spectrum PKS radio QSOs. If such dust is typical of QSOs, it will have rendered invisible most of those which would otherwise been have detected by optical surveys. We used the William Herschel Telescope on La Palma to obtain K infrared images of 54 B3 radio quasars selected at low frequency (mainly steep-spectrum), and we find that although several have very red optical-infrared colours, most of these can be attributed to an excess of light in K rather than a dust-induced deficit in B. We present evidence that some of the infrared excess comes from the light of stars in the host galaxy (some, as previously suggested, comes from synchrotron radiation associated with flat-spectrum radio sources). The B-K colours of the B3 QSOs provide no evidence for a large reddened population. Either the Webster et al QSOs are atypical in having such large extinctions, or their reddening is not due to dust; either way, the broad range of their B-K colours does not provide evidence that a large fraction of QSOs has been missed from optical surveys.Comment: 16 pages TeX file + 2 PostScript figures. Accepted in MNRA

    K-band imaging of 52 B3-VLA quasars: Nucleus and host properties

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    We present K-band imaging and photometry of a sample of 52 radio loud quasars (RQs) selected from the B3 survey with flux densities above 0.5 Jy at 408 MHz. The optical completeness of the sample is 90% and the quasars cover the redshift range 0.4 - 2.3. For ~57% of the sources for which the quality of the images allowed a detailed morphological study (16/28) resolved extended emission was detected around the QSO, and its K flux was measured. Interpreting this ``fuzz'' as starlight emission from the host galaxy, its location on the K-z plane at z<1 is consistent with radio quasars being hosted by galaxies similar to radio galaxies (RGs) or giant ellipticals (gEs). At higher redshifts the detected host galaxies of RQs are more luminous than typical RGs and gEs, although some weak detections or upper limits are consistent with a similar fraction of RQs being hosted by galaxies with the expected luminosities for RGs or gEs. We found a significant correlation between radio power and nuclear infrared luminosity indicating a direct link between the radio synchrotron emission and the nuclear emission in K. This correlation is more tight for the steep-spectrum sources (99.97% significance). In addition, a trend is found between radio power and infrared luminosity of the host galaxy (or mass), in the sense that the most powerful quasars inhabit the most luminous galaxies.Comment: tar gzipped file including 1 LaTeX file, 4 latex tables, and 13 PostScript figures. Accepted in AJ (April 1998

    The thromboaspiration with INDIGO system reduces the time and dose of fibrinolysis and improves the results in massive pulmonary embolism in comparison with catheter fragmentation (previous cohort study)

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    Purpose: Determine if thromboaspiration with indigo system improves short- and medium-term outcomes compared with interventional treatment of choice for pulmonary embolism (PE) (mechanical thrombolysis + catheter-directed thrombolytic therapy)

    Early Science with the Large Millimetre Telescope: Molecules in the Extreme Outflow of a proto-Planetary Nebula

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    Extremely high velocity emission likely related to jets is known to occur in some proto-Planetary Nebulae. However, the molecular complexity of this kinematic component is largely unknown. We observed the known extreme outflow from the proto-Planetary Nebula IRAS 16342-3814, a prototype water fountain, in the full frequency range from 73 to 111 GHz with the RSR receiver on the Large Millimetre Telescope. We detected the molecules SiO, HCN, SO, and 13^{13}CO. All molecular transitions, with the exception of the latter are detected for the first time in this source, and all present emission with velocities up to a few hundred km s1^{-1}. IRAS 16342-3814 is therefore the only source of this kind presenting extreme outflow activity simultaneously in all these molecules, with SO and SiO emission showing the highest velocities found of these species in proto-Planetary Nebulae. To be confirmed is a tentative weak SO component with a FWHM \sim 700 km s1^{-1}. The extreme outflow gas consists of dense gas (nH2>_{\rm H_2} > 104.8^{4.8}--105.7^{5.7} cm3^{-3}), with a mass larger than \sim 0.02--0.15 M_{\odot}. The relatively high abundances of SiO and SO may be an indication of an oxygen-rich extreme high velocity gas.Comment: Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letter

    OSIRIS Software: The Mask Designer Tool

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    OSIRIS is a Day One instrument that will be available at the 10m GTC telescope which is being built at La Palma observatory in the Canary Islands. This optical instrument is designed to obtain wide-field narrow-band images using tunable filters and to do low-resolution spectroscopy in both long-slit and multislit modes. For the multislit spectroscopy mode, we have developed a software to assist the observers to design focal plane masks. In this paper we describe the characteristics of this Mask Designer tool. We discuss the main design concepts, the functionality and particular features of the software.Comment: 6 figures; accepted for publication in Experimental Astronom