3,385 research outputs found

    “Welfare Gains and Annuities Demand”

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    This paper extends the annuity demand theory, giving new reasons for the small annuities demand. Regarding this problem, Yaari (1965) claims, under the condition that no one can die in debt, that a selfish consumer will fully annuitized her savings, insofar as annuity asset yield dominate conventional assets yield. However, we demonstrated mathematically that, in a standard life-cycle model, when borrowings are unconstrained and financial markets are complete, a selfish consumer may prefer not to annuitize her savings. In addition, we analyze the desire to purchase annuities according to the risk aversion coefficient and wealth composition.Annuities Demand; Complete Markets; Myopic-selfish Behavior; Life-cycle Model

    Mortality transition and differential incentives for early retirement.

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    Many studies specify human mortality patterns parametrically, with a parameter change affecting mortality rates at different ages simultaneously. Motivated by the stylized fact that a mortality decline affects primarily younger people in the early phase of mortalitytransition but mainly older people in the later phase, we study how a mortality change at an arbitrary age affects optimal retirement age. Using the Volterra derivative for a functional, we show that mortality reductions at older ages delay retirement unambiguously, but that mortality reductions at younger ages may lead to earlierretirement due to a substantial increase in the individualʼs expected lifetime human wealth.incentive for early retirement; lifetime human wealth effect; years-to-consume effect; mortality decline;

    The Impact of Reducing the Pension Generosity on Inequality and Schooling

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    We investigate the impact of a reduction in the pension replacement rate on the schooling choice and on inequality in an overlapping generations model in which individuals differ by their life expectancy and in their cost of attending schooling. Within our framework we illustrate that many pension systems are ex ante regressive due to the difference in life expectancy across skill groups. We then derive the level of progressivity that needs to be implemented to restore an equal treatment of the pension system across skill groups

    Análisis de estabilidad no lineal en reactores BWR con efectos subdifusivos

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    En esta tesis de maestría se presenta el análisis no lineal del modelo de orden reducido (MOR) de reactores nucleares de agua en ebullición (BWRs), con efectos de subdifusión neutrónica. Estos efectos se justifican debido a que el reactor es un sistema heterogéneo que opera en flujo en dos fases, y se incorporan matemáticamente en forma de derivadas de orden fraccional. La contribución de este trabajo es una descripción más detallada del comportamiento de la estabilidad del reactor en el dominio del tiempo durante transitorios y la utilización de herramientas como planos fase y los exponentes largos de Lyapunov del modelo reducido de orden fraccional (MORF). El modelo de orden reducido es un conjunto de ecuaciones no-lineales dependientes en el tiempo para describir el comportamiento de la potencia nuclear con retroalimentación por efecto Doppler y fracción de vacíos. This master's thesis presents the non-linear analysis of the reduced order model (MOR) of boiling water nuclear reactors (BWRs), with neutron subdiffusion effects. These effects are justified because the reactor is a heterogeneous system that operates in two-phase flow, which are presented mathematically in the form of fractional order derivatives. The contribution of this work is a more detailed description of the behavior of the stability of the reactor in the time domain during transients and the use of tools such as phase planes and the long Lyapunov exponents (LLE) of the reduced model of fractional order (MORF). The reduced order model is a set of time-dependent non-linear equations to describe the behavior of nuclear power with feedback, by Doppler effect and fraction of voids.This master's thesis presents the non-linear analysis of the reduced order model (MOR) of boiling water nuclear reactors (BWRs), with neutron subdiffusion effects. These effects are justified because the reactor is a heterogeneous system that operates in two-phase flow, which are presented mathematically in the form of fractional order derivatives. The contribution of this work is a more detailed description of the behavior of the stability of the reactor in the time domain during transients and the use of tools such as phase planes and the long Lyapunov exponents (LLE) of the reduced model of fractional order (MORF). The reduced order model is a set of time-dependent non-linear equations to describe the behavior of nuclear power with feedback, by Doppler effect and fraction of voids

    Tratado de Libre Comercio Perú - China y su relación en la producción del sector textil - confecciones peruano en el periodo 2010 - 2019

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    La investigación realizada, tiene como objetivo poder determinar la correlación del Tratado de Libre Comercio Perú-China en la producción del sector textilconfecciones en el período 2010– 2019. Para realizar el análisis indicado se evaluó la relación del TLC Perú-China en el acceso a mercados, el régimen tributario, acceso a mercados y cooperación económica. Para lograrlo se ha utilizado un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia enfocado en las series históricas de la producción manufacturera del sector textil, por ello con el deseo de obtener un análisis que sea exhaustivo se empleó la serie de información desde 1950 a 2019 en las fuentes de acceso del Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática y el Banco Central de Reserva del Perú, siendo un total de 71 datos de frecuencia anual para la serie de tiempo. Además de una metodología de serie de tiempo, así mismo se empleó una metodología de series de tiempo con una investigación descriptiva, además que el diseño de investigación es aplicada, descriptiva y de enfoque cuantitativo Por todo ello una vez obtenidos los resultados, podemos concluir que la producción manufacturera textil aumentó en un 12.95%, en promedio anual, eso quiere decir que desde la firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Perú y China el año 2010, viene mostrando una elevada correlación y además positiva, en cambio respecto al régimen impositivo tributario si bien es significativa la relación sobre la producción textil, está en un 1%reduce la producción textil en un 3.11%, y respecto al acceso a mercados y la cooperación económica tiene una relación positiva en la producción textil el cual en un 1% aumenta en 5.09% y 10.77% respectivamente

    Mortality transition and differential incentives for early retirement

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    Many studies specify human mortality patterns parametrically, with a parameter change affecting mortality rates at different ages simultaneously. Motivated by the stylized fact that a mortality decline affects primarily younger people in the early phase of mortality transition but mainly older people in the later phase, we study how a mortality change at an arbitrary age affects optimal retirement age. Using the Volterra derivative for a functional, we show that mortality reductions at older ages delay retirement unambiguously, but that mortality reductions at younger ages may lead to earlier retirement due to a substantial increase in the individual's expected lifetime human wealth.mortality decline; incentive for early retirement; years-to-consume effect; lifetime human wealth effect

    Early postoperative complications of transvaginal access in minimally invasive sigmoid colon procedures

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate early (the first 30 days) postoperative complications after transvaginal resection of the sigmoid colon. Material and Methods: A total of 23 laparoscopy-assisted transvaginal resections of the sigmoid colon and 1 NOTES transvaginal sigmoid resection were performed in the course of 3 years. Postoperative complications were recorded in a prospective manner. Results: In the group of 24 patients operated on using the transvaginal approach, 6 (25%) complications were recorded, including 3 urinary tract infections, 2 vaginal bleedings, and 1 abdominal trocar site hernia. Conclusion: Early postoperative complication rate after transvaginal resection of the sigmoid colon is relatively low and the clinical complications are not severe