6 research outputs found

    Efecto de la infusión de Mentha spicata L. en el rendimiento y las características organolépticas de canales de pollos de engorde Cobb 500

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    [ES] El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el efecto de la infusión de Mentha spicata L. sobre el rendimiento y las características organolépticas de los pollos de engorde Cobb 500. Se siguió el manejo, la bioseguridad y el bienestar de las aves para los sistemas de casas abiertas, utilizando un diseño completamente al azar (CRD). Se utilizaron 200 pollos mixtos de 1 día de edad, para evaluar los efectos de los tratamientos durante 35 días. Se distribuyeron en cinco tratamientos, con cuatro réplicas, de 10 aves cada uno a los siguientes grupos: T1 (control), T2 (infusión de M. spicata al 10%), T3 (infusión de M. spicata al 20%), T4 (Infusión de M. spicata al 30%) y T5 (infusión de M. spicata al 40%). Las variables estudiadas fueron el rendimiento de pollos de engorde, el peso de la canal y las características organolépticas. Los datos se procesaron utilizando el programa estadístico Statgraphics Centurión XV.I, realizando un análisis multivariado de la varianza y determinando los factores con efecto, y un ANOVA por semana para las variables productivas; se elaboraron tablas de contingencia con los datos de los indicadores organolépticos para determinar las diferencias (Prueba de Chi-cuadrado). Los resultados muestran que la administración de M. spicata L. al agua de bebida no tiene efecto sobre el rendimiento de los pollos de engorde, con la excepción del consumo de alimento, que disminuye, lo que refleja un efecto similar sobre el peso visceral. La presencia de flavonoides en la planta disminuyó el grosor de la grasa abdominal porque favorece el metabolismo de los lípidos de las aves. No hubo diferencia en el olor de la carne, sin embargo, hubo diferencias significativas en los parámetros de sabor, terneza y jugosidad.[EN] The objective of this research was evaluate the effect of Mentha spicata L. infusion on the productive performance and organoleptic characteristics of Cobb 500 broilers. The management, biosecurity and welfare of birds for open houses systems were followed using a completely random design (CRD). In order to evaluate treatments effects during 35 days, 200 1-day-old mixed chickens were distributed in five treatments, with four réplicas, of 10 birds each in the following groups: T1 (control), T2 (M. spicata infusion at 10%), T3 (M. spicata infusion at 20%), T4 (M. spicata infusion at 30%) and T5 (M. spicata infusion at 40%). The variables studied were broilers productives performance, carcass weight, abdominal fat and organoleptic characteristics. The data was processed using statistical program Statgraphics Centurión XV.I, performing a multivariate analysis of variance and determining the factors with effect, and ANOVA of productive variables per week; contingency tables were prepared with organoleptic indicators data to determine differences (Chi-square test). Results show no effect on productive parameters up to 30% per liter because a decrease in feed consumption in the slaugther week for T5 (40% of infusion) which indicate a limit of infusion use; the principal effects on infusion M. spicata L was on abdominal fat which was lower thickness in T4 (30%) and T5 (40%) maybe due to the presence of flavonoids in the mint plant, which have a positive effect on lipid metabolism, resulting in a lean product. Flavor, tenderness and juiciness showed a favorable acceptance for meat of animals recibing the infusion treatements in relation to the control group due to the tendency of the majority of the Ecuador population to consume products with markables organoleptics characteristiques coming from animals raised in tradicional form.To the Animal Scientist Doctor Dervin Bartolo Dean Gutiérrez, PHD and Veterinary Medicine Doctor Carlos Armando Alvarez Díaz for his collaboration in writing and translation into the English language of this work.Sanchez-Quinche, A.; Solórzano Saldarriaga, J.; Quevedo Guerrero, J.; Paladines Romero, J.; Pérez Baena, I. (2019). Effect of Mentha spicata L. infusión on the productive performance and organoleptic characteristics of Cobb 500 broilers. Acta Agronómica. 68(4):312-318. https://doi.org/10.15446/acag.v68n4.72174S31231868

    Use of Plectranthus amboinicus in Feeding Fattening Pigs

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    [EN] This research was developed at the Hacienda "Los Hermanos" belonging to the company Super Mac, located in Balao canton, Guayas province, coastal region of Ecuador, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of ground dehydrated P. amboinicus in the feed of fattening pigs on their productive parameters and antibacsterial response. Four treatments were distributed, each one with 20 animals, regardless of sex for a total of 80 pigs, starting at 49 days of age and ending the experiment at 105 days, considering each pig as an experimental unit. A Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was used, with the following treatments: Treatment 1, control (T1), to which a commercial diet was administered, T2, T3, T4 to which 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75% of the dehydrated P. amboinicus was added to the commercial diet, respectively. For data analysis, the statistical program Statgraphics Centurion XV.I ® was used, applying a one factor Analysis (ANOVA) and to establish the differences between the means obtained, the procedure of the multiple comparison of Bonferroni was used with a 95% level of confidence, the variables evaluated were: Live weight gain and accumulated feed consumption in kg, feed conversion, mortality in percentage, total microbial flora and total coliforms in CFU. The results showed that, for the variables of productive parameters, there is no statistically significant difference, although there is a difference for the variables of total coliforms and total microbial flora when compared with T1, especially at the end of the experiment. As a conclusion there is an effect at the level of the antibacterial response, showing a positive correlation, the higher the percentage of dehydrated P. amboinicus included the greater efficacy in the control of CFUs. No mortality was found during this experiment.Sanchez-Quinche, A.; Vega Tinoco, MM.; Pimbosa Ortiz, ED.; Cordovilla Loaiza, JD.; Jordán Romero, MM.; Pérez Baena, I. (2021). Use of Plectranthus amboinicus in Feeding Fattening Pigs. American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences. 16(4):303-311. https://doi.org/10.3844/ajavsp.2021.303.311S30331116

    Determinación de residuos de tetraciclinas en muestras de carne bovina destinadas al consumo humano

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    Determination of tetracycline residues in samples of bovine beef used for Human Consumption Resumen La presencia de residuos de antibióticos encontrados en la carne bovina destinada al consumo humano ha incrementado considerablemente en los últimos años, constituyendo un grave problema en salud pública. Para evaluar la presencia de residuos de tetraciclinas se estudió 74 muestras de carne bovina del Camal de Santa Rosa (El Oro), y se aplicó una prueba rápida de detección de tetraciclina (Smarkit). En el análisis se encontraron 24 casos positivos a la presencia de tetraciclinas en la carne representando el 32.4 % del total, y 50 casos negativos a la prueba representando el 67.6%. De los 24 casos positivos a la prueba, el 33.34% correspondían a animales cuya edad estaba entre 3 a 4 años existiendo una diferencia estadística significativa (p< 0.05). Estos hallazgos confirman el incumplimiento de los tiempos de retiro en la práctica pecuaria en nuestro país. Palabras clave: antibiótico; antimicrobiano; ganado bovino; músculo; smarkit. Abstract The presence of antibiotic residues found in beef intended for human consumption has increased considerably in recent years, constituting a serious problem in public health. To evaluate the presence of tetracycline residues, 74 samples of beef from Camal de Santa Rosa (El Oro) were studied, and a rapid tetracycline detection test (Smarkit) was applied. In the analysis we found 24 cases positive to the presence of tetracyclines in the meat representing 32.4% of the total, and 50 negative cases to the test representing 67.6%. Of the 24 positive test cases, 33.34% were animals aged 3 to 4 years, with a statistically significant difference (p <0.05). These findings confirm the non-fulfillment of the withdrawal times in the livestock practice in our country. Keywords: antibiotic; antimicrobial; cattle; muscle; smarkit

    The Effect of Adding Zeolite in the Feed of Chickens Cobb 500

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    [EN] The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the addition of zeolite on the feeding of Cobb 500 chickens in the productive parameters. The work was carried out in an integral farm of Ecuador, adopting the standards of biosafety and animal welfare for the breeding of poultry; no vaccines or drugs were administered. 200 chickens (1-day old) were studied for 42 days and distributed in 5 treatments, each one with 4 replicates (10 chickens per replicate, randomly selected); the treatments were: T1(control), T2(zeolite 2%), T3(zeolite 3%), T4(zeolite 4%) and T5(zeolite 5%). All of the groups were fed with BALMAR, a commercial feed (Pre-initial: 22.56% CP, 3150 Kcal/kg ME; initial: 21% CP, 3200 Kcal/kg ME; grow-out: 19.5% CP, 3250 Kcal/Kg ME), T1 included a commercial toxin trapper, for all other groups zeolite was added as a substitute for the commercial toxin trap. The variables studied were: feed and water consumption, feed conversion ratio, live weight and mortality. The data were processed with the statistical program Stat graphics Centurion XV.I, by means of ANOVA analysis. The results of this experiment showed that there were no significant statistical differences in water consumption, food intake and feed conversion when comparing the treatments with the control, although, the final weight showed statistical difference (p<0.05). The highest mortality was recorded in T1 (12.5%). It is concluded that at higher zeolite increase, better effects, thus the live weight of T5 (1638.9±46.7) was statistically similar to the control (1734.3±49.3); water and feed consumption and feed conversion rate were not affected; possibly the reduction in mortality was due to the toxins trapping action of zeoliteSanchez-Quinche, AR.; Pindo Nagua, FM.; Vargas González, ON.; Alvarez Díaz, CA.; Aguilar Galvez, LF.; Pérez Baena, I. (2017). The Effect of Adding Zeolite in the Feed of Chickens Cobb 500. American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences. 12(3):182-187. doi:10.3844/ajavsp.2017.182.187S18218712

    Effect of Cymbopogon Citratus (DC.) Stapf., Plectra Thus Amboinicus (Lour.), Tilia Cordata (Mill.), Lippia Alba (Mill.) and Ocimun Bacilicum (L.), To Control Escherichia Coli in Broiler Chickens

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    [EN] This study was conducted at both field and laboratory at the College of Agricultural Sciences at the Technical University of Machala (Ecuador). The objective was to demonstrate the effect of the infusions of Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf., Plectra thus amboinicus (Lour.), Tilia cordata (Mill.), in the drinking water of broiler chickens Cobb 500, as well as pure leaf extract of Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.), Lippia alba (Mill.) and Ocimun bacilicum (L.), for the control of E. coli. In base of the results it can be concluded there is an effect on the inoculated E. coli when the infusions were offered to broiler chickens, and that the extracts used in this research were efficient at laboratory level to inhibit bacterial growth in a selective growth medium.Sanchez-Quinche, A.; Ávila Rivas, SD.; Hurtado Flores, LS.; Aguilar Gálvez, LF.; Vargas González, ON.; Zapata Saavedra, ML.; Guerrero López, AE.... (2016). Effect of Cymbopogon Citratus (DC.) Stapf., Plectra Thus Amboinicus (Lour.), Tilia Cordata (Mill.), Lippia Alba (Mill.) and Ocimun Bacilicum (L.), To Control Escherichia Coli in Broiler Chickens. American International Journal of Contemporary Research. 6(5):158-165. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/95424S1581656

    Determinación de residuos de tetraciclinas en muestras de carne bovina destinadas al consumo humano

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    The presence of antibiotic residues found in beef intended for human consumption has increased considerably in recent years, constituting a serious problem in public health. To evaluate the presence of tetracycline residues, 74 samples of beef from Camal de Santa Rosa (El Oro) were studied, and a rapid tetracycline detection test (Smarkit) was applied. In the analysis we found 24 cases positive to the presence of tetracyclines in the meat representing 32.4% of the total, and 50 negative cases to the test representing 67.6%. Of the 24 positive test cases, 33.34% were animals aged 3 to 4 years, with a statistically significant difference (p <0.05). These findings confirm the non-fulfillment of the withdrawal times in the livestock practice in our country.La presencia de residuos de antibióticos encontrados en la carne bovina destinada al consumo humano ha incrementado considerablemente en los últimos años, constituyendo un grave problema en salud pública. Para evaluar la presencia de residuos de tetraciclinas se estudió 74 muestras de carne bovina del Camal de Santa Rosa (El Oro), y se aplicó una prueba rápida de detección de tetraciclina (Smarkit). En el análisis se encontraron 24 casos positivos a la presencia de tetraciclinas en la carne representando el 32.4 % del total, y 50 casos negativos a la prueba representando el 67.6%. De los 24 casos positivos a la prueba, el 33.34% correspondían a animales cuya edad estaba entre 3 a 4 años existiendo una diferencia estadística significativa (p< 0.05). Estos hallazgos confirman el incumplimiento de los tiempos de retiro en la práctica pecuaria en nuestro país