16 research outputs found

    Innovación en Empresas Familiares: Una Visión Bibliométrica Holística del Campo de Investigación

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    This paper presents a bibliometric analysis of innovation in family firms, focusing on aspects that prior literature review studies did not fully understand or evaluate. It is based on the bibliometric evaluation of 207 scientific articles published from 1994 to 2017 with innovation in family firms (IFF) as the title of the subject, keywords, and abstract. The authors discuss the results from the perspective of performance indicators and co-authorship visualization, giving a holistic bibliometric overview of the research topic. Research on IFF has emerged as an important study area, with an increasingly established position. The field has attracted researchers and has led to the development of a wide body of literature. This study provides a synthesis and organization of existing knowledge on IFF research.Este artículo presenta un análisis bibliométrico de la innovación en empresas familiares, enfocándose en aspectos que los estudios previos de revisión de literatura no entendieron o evaluaron completamente. Se basa en la evaluación bibliométrica de 207 artículos científicos publicados de 1994 a 2017 con la innovación en las empresas familiares (IEF) como título del tema, las palabras clave y el resumen. Los autores discuten los resultados desde la perspectiva de los indicadores de rendimiento y la visualización de la coautoría, dando una visión general bibliométrica holística del tema de investigación. La investigación sobre IEF ha surgido como un área de estudio importante, con una posición cada vez más establecida. El campo ha atraído a investigadores y ha llevado al desarrollo de un amplio cuerpo de literatura. Este estudio proporciona una síntesis y organización del conocimiento existente sobre la investigación de IEF

    The Role of Cooperation Agreements in the Internationalization of Spanish Winery and Olive Oil Family Firms

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    Abstract Purpose – This study aims to identify the mediating role of cooperation agreements in the relationship between family involvement in international firms and their level of international commitment. Design/methodology/approach – The study focuses on Spanish international wine and olive oil companies that have varying levels of family involvement. The final sample consists of 263 companies. SmartPLS was used to perform the analysis. Findings – A higher level of family involvement in business implies greater difficulties with cooperation agreements. Additionally, family involvement is negatively associated with the firm’s level of international commitment, and the perceived difficulties of cooperation agreements mediate this relationship. Practical implications – This study is of interest to business managers with different levels of family involvement. The study clarifies their perceptions of cooperation agreements and international business commitment. Managers of firms with a high level of family involvement should emphasize the multiple benefits of cooperation agreements for international strategy performance rather than the drawbacks of cooperation. Additionally, through cooperation, companies can learn about destination markets, which may help them to focus their resources effectively in those markets. Originality/value – This study contributes to the literature on the internationalization strategies of family businesses. This study is the first to address the mediating role of cooperation agreements in the relationship between family involvement and international commitment

    The importance of social capital in family firms

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    [EU]Kapital sozialaren ikuspegian oinarriturik eta kotizatu gabeko 172 familiaenpresa espainiarren lagin bat erabiliz, barne hartuz enpresan kudeaketa-funtzioak betetzen dituzten pertsona elkarrizketatu bi eta guztira 344 galdetegi izanik, uste dugu kapital sozial familiarrak bitartekari gisa balio duela kapital sozial ez-familiarraren eta enpresaren jardueraren artean. Gainera, gure emaitzek kapital sozialaren ulermena familia-enpresatik haratago hedatzen dute, erakundeek talde sozial nagusi baten presentzia ezaugarritzat duten testuinguru batean.[EN]Based on a social capital approach and using a sample of 172 Spanish non-listed family firms, including two respondents with managerial functions per firm and amounting to 344 questionnaires in total, we test the effects of family and non-family social capital on firm performance. We also contend that family social capital serves as a mediator between non-family social capital and firm performance. Results from a structural equation model indicate that both forms of social capital are key tools in family firm performance. In addition, our results e xtend the understanding of social capital beyond family firms in a context where orga nisations are characterised by the presence of a dominant social group

    Antecedentes Relacionales de la Innovación en las Empresas Familiares: El Complejo Papel del Compromiso de los Empleados No Familiares

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    A better understanding of the relational antecedents of innovation in family firms is central to explaining their long-term success and survival. Our study proposes an original model that shows that the internal social capital of non-family members does not always foster innovation directly as existing theory suggests, but through their organizational commitment. These results differ across the different dimensions of organizational commitment. Therefore, our study challenges existing thinking on commitment studies by offering theoretical grounding and empirical evidence that neglected dimensions of commitment have a crucial intermediate role in the relationship between internal social capital and innovation in family firms.Una mejor comprensión de los antecedentes relacionales de la innovación en las empresas familiares es fundamental para explicar su éxito y supervivencia a largo plazo. Nuestro estudio propone un modelo original que muestra que el capital social interno de los no familiares no siempre fomenta la innovación directamente, como sugiere la teoría exis-tente, sino a través de su compromiso organizacional. Estos resultados difieren en las diversas dimensiones del compromiso organizacional. Por lo tanto, nuestro estudio desafía el pensa-miento existente sobre los estudios de compromiso al ofrecer una base teórica y evidencia empírica de que las dimensiones desatendidas del compromiso tienen un papel intermedio crucial en la relación entre el capital social interno y la innovación en las empresas familiares

    The importance of social capital in family firms

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    [EU]Kapital sozialaren ikuspegian oinarriturik eta kotizatu gabeko 172 familiaenpresa espainiarren lagin bat erabiliz, barne hartuz enpresan kudeaketa-funtzioak betetzen dituzten pertsona elkarrizketatu bi eta guztira 344 galdetegi izanik, uste dugu kapital sozial familiarrak bitartekari gisa balio duela kapital sozial ez-familiarraren eta enpresaren jardueraren artean. Gainera, gure emaitzek kapital sozialaren ulermena familia-enpresatik haratago hedatzen dute, erakundeek talde sozial nagusi baten presentzia ezaugarritzat duten testuinguru batean.[EN]Based on a social capital approach and using a sample of 172 Spanish non-listed family firms, including two respondents with managerial functions per firm and amounting to 344 questionnaires in total, we test the effects of family and non-family social capital on firm performance. We also contend that family social capital serves as a mediator between non-family social capital and firm performance. Results from a structural equation model indicate that both forms of social capital are key tools in family firm performance. In addition, our results e xtend the understanding of social capital beyond family firms in a context where orga nisations are characterised by the presence of a dominant social group

    New Insights into Non-Listed Family SMEs in Spain: Board Social Capital, Board Effectiveness, and Sustainable Performance

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    This study proposes an original structural model that analyzes the relationship between sustainable firm performance, and a board of directors’ external and internal social capital. Data collected in 232 non-listed and family-run small and medium-sized enterprises in Spain suggest that the effects of boards’ internal and external social capital on sustainable firm performance were partially transmitted through board effectiveness. However, external social capital influences board effectiveness and sustainable firm performance more than internal social capital. Moreover, interlocks only reinforce the relationship between a board’s external social capital and its effectiveness. Our research offers the following main contributions: (1) A proposed structural theoretical model, (2) a focus on both internal and external social capital, unlike previous literature that emphasized only one perspective, and (3) empirical evidence that supports literature on the interlocking interaction between a boards’ internal and external social capital

    Presentación del Nuevo Equipo Editorial

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    The European Journal of Family Business (EJFB) was founded in 2011 with the name Revista de Empresa Familiar, changing its name to the current EJFB in 2016. As a result, the year 2021 marks the 10th anniversary of this journal, which provides an appropriate occasion to share our vision for the direction of the journal, identifying some priorities for the coming years. We inherit a journal that wants to be a platform through which to explore new perspectives of family business research, enhancing the communication between academia and practice. We aim to support rigorous research with practical interest for family firms and entrepreneurial families while also nurturing new and overlooked lines of research that might deepen our understanding of the family firm field. We envision EJFB as a point of convergence where the rich heterogeneity of the family business realm presents competing perspectives, from which scholars and practitioners can question, enrich and extend the dialogue between academia and practice. We are also committed to fostering conversations in different fields that work in the broad domain of family business, welcoming scholarship from affiliated fields. In addition to research papers and reviews, we encourage the submission of articles that provide new ideas or perspectives by building upon existing or new theories to understand contemporary trends related to enterprises in general and family firms in particular, point/counterpoint debates, articles with a practical orientation and practitioner commentaries. Overall, we look forward to serving and bridging the gap between research and practice by facilitating communication in both directions. The journal will feature a new section entitled Commentary where family business practitioners can write about their experiences. We believe that their comments will help ‘theorists and researchers keep practice in mind when they do their work’ (Vought et al., 2008, p. 1112). The aim of this section is to enhance the research agenda by learning scientifically from practice and also applying ‘the theoretical and empirical research findings back to practice’ (Strike, 2012, p. 168). We believe this new editorial team is particularly well suited to the tasks of supporting research of family firms for its applicability to practice and helping practitioners advance family firms' knowledge from a research perspective. We therefore look forward to working with a global community of family business scholars and practitioners. In concluding this introduction, the Editorial Team of EJFB wants to thank the journal’s founder and outgoing editor, Dr. Vanesa Guzman-Parra, who saw the need for a journal dedicated to advancing research on family firms. We also extend a heartfelt thank you to the Editorial Board for the trust they have placed in us as the new Editorial Team. We would also like to thank our Managing Editor J. Roberto Vila and UMA Editorial for their continued and substantial assistance that has enabled the journal to reach a significant milestone: its 10-year anniversary! We also extend our gratitude to all our reviewers, readers and authors, occasional and regular, whose support of EJFB is acknowledged and greatly appreciated. We look forward to reading your insights in future issues. Editor-in-Chief Dr. Amaia Maseda, University of the Basque Country   Deputy Editors Dr. Vanessa Diaz-Moriana, University of Balearic Islands Dr. Remedios Hernández-Linares, University of Extremadura Dr. Valeriano Sanchez-Famoso, University of the Basque Country    The European Journal of Family Business (EJFB) was founded in 2011 with the name Revista de Empresa Familiar, changing its name to the current EJFB in 2016. As a result, the year 2021 marks the 10th anniversary of this journal, which provides an appropriate occasion to share our vision for the direction of the journal, identifying some priorities for the coming years. We inherit a journal that wants to be a platform through which to explore new perspectives of family business research, enhancing the communication between academia and practice. We aim to support rigorous research with practical interest for family firms and entrepreneurial families while also nurturing new and overlooked lines of research that might deepen our understanding of the family firm field. We envision EJFB as a point of convergence where the rich heterogeneity of the family business realm presents competing perspectives, from which scholars and practitioners can question, enrich and extend the dialogue between academia and practice. We are also committed to fostering conversations in different fields that work in the broad domain of family business, welcoming scholarship from affiliated fields. In addition to research papers and reviews, we encourage the submission of articles that provide new ideas or perspectives by building upon existing or new theories to understand contemporary trends related to enterprises in general and family firms in particular, point/counterpoint debates, articles with a practical orientation and practitioner commentaries. Overall, we look forward to serving and bridging the gap between research and practice by facilitating communication in both directions. The journal will feature a new section entitled Commentary where family business practitioners can write about their experiences. We believe that their comments will help ‘theorists and researchers keep practice in mind when they do their work’ (Vought et al., 2008, p. 1112). The aim of this section is to enhance the research agenda by learning scientifically from practice and also applying ‘the theoretical and empirical research findings back to practice’ (Strike, 2012, p. 168). We believe this new editorial team is particularly well suited to the tasks of supporting research of family firms for its applicability to practice and helping practitioners advance family firms' knowledge from a research perspective. We therefore look forward to working with a global community of family business scholars and practitioners. In concluding this introduction, the Editorial Team of EJFB wants to thank the journal’s founder and outgoing editor, Dr. Vanesa Guzman-Parra, who saw the need for a journal dedicated to advancing research on family firms. We also extend a heartfelt thank you to the Editorial Board for the trust they have placed in us as the new Editorial Team. We would also like to thank our Managing Editor J. Roberto Vila and UMA Editorial for their continued and substantial assistance that has enabled the journal to reach a significant milestone: its 10-year anniversary! We also extend our gratitude to all our reviewers, readers and authors, occasional and regular, whose support of EJFB is acknowledged and greatly appreciated. We look forward to reading your insights in future issues. Editor-in-Chief Dr. Amaia Maseda, University of the Basque Country   Deputy Editors Dr. Vanessa Diaz-Moriana, University of Balearic Islands Dr. Remedios Hernández-Linares, University of Extremadura Dr. Valeriano Sanchez-Famoso, University of the Basque Country             &nbsp