46 research outputs found

    Structural Study of Ag-Ge-S Solid Electrolyte Glass System for Resistive Radiation Sensing

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    Solid electrolytes based on chalcogenide glasses have been one of the most promising candidates for the next generation non-volatile memories. Here we propose a new application of chalcogenide solid electrolytes for low cost, high performance microelectronic radiation sensor that reacts to γ-radiation to produce an easily measurable change in electrical resistance. The active layer material is Ag-doped GeS thin film glasses and several compositions of GeS base glasses were tested for best resistive sensing capability. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was used for elemental analysis and Raman scattering spectroscopy was measured to determine the structural details and radiation induced structural changes. We also present initial electrical measurement results with test devices

    Effect of size and composition on the second harmonic generation from lithium niobate powders at different excitation wavelengths

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    INVESTIGACIÓN DESARROLLADA EN COLABORACIÓN DE RED TEMATICA PRODEP /SEP/MEXICOLiNbO3 microcrystalline systems, possessing almost stoichiometric composition, were produced by varying the temperature and time parameters in the annealing processes following a mechanochemical reaction of raw powders. SHG from these samples, detected for every fundamental wavelength in the range 800-1300 nm, and being maximal at a certain wavelength, λmax, for each sample, has been addressed to a random scattering of the induced nonlinear polarizations. Possible tuning of λmax could be ascribed to control of composition and grain size of the sample. Random orientation of the produced nanocrystallites was verified since no dependence for SHG intensity on incident polarization was observed.PAPIIT-UNAM through grant IN117116 Y “RED PRODEP-SEP Compuestos poliméricos propiedades y aplicaciones 2015-2016

    Comportamiento reproductivo de ovejas F1 (Damara x Merino) sincronizadas con CIDR y dos tiempos de aplicación de GnRH

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    Este experimento se realizó para evaluar el comportamiento reproductivo en ovejas F1 (Damara x Merino) importadas de Australia, sincronizadas con un dispositivo liberador de la hormona (CIDR) y dos tiempos de aplicación de hormona liberadora de gonadotropinas (GnRH). Cuarenta y cinco ovejas F1 de primer parto con 18.08 ± 0.07 meses de edad y 43.3 ± 5.6 kg de peso corporal, fueron asignadas aleatoriamente a uno de tres tratamientos: T1 (n = 15): CIDR por doce días; T2 (n = 15): CIDR por doce días mas 25 µg de GnRH 48 h antes del retiro del dispositivo y T3 (n = 15): CIDR por doce días mas 25 µg de GnRH al momento del retiro del CIDR. El porcentaje de presentación de estros (100 %) fue similar (p > 0.05) para T1, T2 y T3. El intervalo (h) de inicio del estro sincronizado después del retiro del CIDR fue diferente (p 0.05) para T1, T2 y T3 (60, 53.3 y 46.6 %, respectivamente). La prolificidad promedio general fue de 100.8% y fue similar (p > 0.05) entre tratamientos. La concentración de progesterona determinó que las ovejas probadas tuvieron un cuerpo luteo funcional al comienzo del experimento. Se concluye que el uso combinado de CIDR mas GnRH, 48 h antes y al momento del retiro del dispositivo, no tiene efecto sobre el comportamiento reproductivo en ovejas F1 (Damara x Merino)

    Grasa de sobrepaso en ovejas con diferente espesor de grasa dorsal, respuesta hormonal y principales variables reproductivas

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la grasa de sobrepaso en ovejas con bajo (1 a 2 mm) y alto (3 a 4 mm) espesor de grasa dorsal y sincronización de estro (inicio y duración), niveles séricos de hormona luteinizante (LH), estradiol (E2), progesterona (P4 e insulina (INS), porcentaje de gestación y prolificidad. Cincuenta y nueve ovejas, con dos niveles de grasa dorsal determinado mediante ultrasonografía, bajo y alto (GDb, GDa), sin y con la adición de 150 g de grasa de sobrepaso (0 y 150 g), respectivamente, se asignaron a los siguientes grupos: GDb+0 g (n = 16), GDb+150 g (n = 14), GDa+0 g (n = 14) y GDa+150 g (n = 15). Las ovejas se sincronizaron con esponjas de acetato de fluorogesterona (FGA, 20 mg) por 12 d y, dos días antes de su remoción se aplicó 15 mg de PGF2. El diseño fue completamente al azar con un arreglo factorial 2X2, los resultados fueron analizados mediante el paquete estadístico SAS. No se encontraron diferencias (P>0,05) para las variables inicio y duración del estro, inicio y duración del pico pre-ovulatorio de LH y prolificidad, por efecto de la adición de la grasa; sin embargo, la amplitud del pico de LH y el porcentaje de gestación fueron diferentes entre tratamientos (P<0,05). La concentración de P4en suero fue mayor (P<0,05) en ovejas sin la adición de grasa (0 g). Las concentraciones de E2 e INS se incrementaron (P<0,05) en ovejas con GDa. Se concluye que la adición de grasa de sobrepaso no modificó la respuesta en las variables reproductivas, pero si disminuyó la concentración de P4. Por otro lado, las concentraciones de E2 e INS se incrementaron en ovejas con GDa, lo cual se atribuye a un mejor estado metabólico, nutricional y corporal del animal

    Strain Anisotropy Driven Spontaneous Formation of Nanoscrolls from Two-Dimensional Janus Layers

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    Two-dimensional Janus transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have attracted attention due to their emergent properties arising from broken mirror symmetry and self-driven polarisation fields. While it has been proposed that their vdW superlattices hold the key to achieving superior properties in piezoelectricity and photovoltiacs, available synthesis has ultimately limited their realisation. Here, we report the first packed vdW nanoscrolls made from Janus TMDs through a simple one-drop solution technique. Our results, including ab-initio simulations, show that the Bohr radius difference between the top sulphur and the bottom selenium atoms within Janus M_Se^S (M=Mo, W) results in a permanent compressive surface strain that acts as a nanoscroll formation catalyst after small liquid interaction. Unlike classical 2D layers, the surface strain in Janus TMDs can be engineered from compressive to tensile by placing larger Bohr radius atoms on top (M_S^Se) to yield inverted C scrolls. Detailed microscopy studies offer the first insights into their morphology and readily formed Moir\'e lattices. In contrast, spectroscopy and FETs studies establish their excitonic and device properties and highlight significant differences compared to 2D flat Janus TMDs. These results introduce the first polar Janus TMD nanoscrolls and introduce inherent strain-driven scrolling dynamics as a catalyst to create superlattices

    Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) leaves as growth promoter in lambs’ diets

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    Objective: To evaluate the dietary inclusion of neem leaves on the productive and biochemical performance of fattening lambs. Design/methodology: Forty male lambs were assigned according to a completely randomized design. Treatments consisted of dietary inclusion of neem at 0.0, 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 g kg-1 dry matter by 35 days.&nbsp; Results: The inclusion of neem leaf in the diet did not affect productive performance (P&gt;0.05), while protein and energy metabolites were modified (P≤0.05). Study limitations/implications: The bioactive compounds present in neem modified the metabolites related to protein and energy metabolism, although these changes did not reflect improvements in productive performance. Conclusions: The inclusion of dietary neem (2.5-7.5 g kg-1) has no effect on the productive performance, although it modifies some energy and protein metabolites.Objective: To evaluate the dietary inclusion of neem leaves on the productive and biochemical performance of fattening lambs. Design/methodology: Forty male lambs were assigned according to a completely randomized design. Treatments consisted of dietary inclusion of neem at 0.0, 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 g kg-1 DM for 35 days.  Results: The inclusion of neem leaf in the diet did not affect the productive performance (P&gt;0.05), while protein and energy metabolites were modified (P≤0.05). Limitations on study/implications: The bioactive compounds present in neem modified the metabolites related to protein and energy metabolism, although these changes did not reflect improvements in the productive performance. Conclusions: The inclusion of dietary neem (2.5-7.5 g kg-1) has no effect on the productive performance, although it does modify some energy and protein metabolites

    Assessing the process of designing and implementing electronic health records in a statewide public health system: the case of Colima, Mexico

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    The findings of a case study assessing the design and implementation of an electronic health record (EHR) in the public health system of Colima, Mexico, its perceived benefits and limitations, and recommendations for improving the implementation process are presented. In-depth interviews and focus group discussions were used to examine the experience of the actors and stakeholders participating in the design and implementation of EHRs. Results indicate that the main driving force behind the use of EHRs was to improve reporting to the two of the main government health and social development programs. Significant challenges to the success of the EHR include resistance by physicians to use the ICD-10 to code diagnoses, insufficient attention to recurrent resources needed to maintain the system, and pressure from federal programs to establish parallel information systems. Operating funds and more importantly political commitment are required to ensure sustainability of the EHRs in Colimaima

    Regulation of synthesis and secretion of LH and FSH in cows and ewes

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    The effect of synthetic progestins to synchronize time of estrus when the corpus luteum is present in cows and heifers was evaluated in experiment 1. Pregnancy rate as a result of artificial insemination was greater in cows and heifers treated with norgestomet with the corpus luteum present during the treatment period. Greater concentrations of 17β17\beta-estradiol during the treatment period may contribute to the decreased conception of cows treated with the synthetic progestin in the absence of the corpus luteum. Experiment 2 was designed to study if there were doses at which the synthetic progestin norgestomet which could mimic the function of the corpus luteum in heifers. Heifers received one, two, four, or eight norgestomet implants. The fluctuation in the pattern of LH secretion was dependent upon the relative concentration of progestin. There was an increase in frequency but a decrease in amplitude of the pulses as dose of progestin decreased. Dosage of norgestomet influences frequency of release of LH pulses, rate of ovarian follicle growth, secretion of 17β17\beta-estradiol, time to the preovulatory surge of LH after cessation of treatment, and size of the ovulatory follicle. Experiment 3 was designed to determine if synthesis and secretion of LH and FSH were solely dependent on LHRH. Ovariectomized ewes received either a low (10 μ\mug/kg of body weight) or a high (100 μ\mug/kg of body weight) dose of an antagonist to LHRH for either 3 or 6 days. Concentrations of LH in serum were suppressed approximately four hours after the first treatment with LHRH antagonist and remained low throughout the treatment period. Concentrations of FSH decreased by approximately 50% of the initial concentrations after 6 days of treatment. Receptors for LHRH were nondetectable in all the ewes treated with the LHRH antagonist. Relative amounts of mRNA for α\alpha, LHβ\beta, and FHSβ\beta subunits were lower after 6 days of treatment with LHRH antagonist compared to ewes treated with the LHRH antagonist for 3 days. LHRH was required to maintain steady-state amounts of mRNA for FSH and LH over the 6 days of treatment with antagonist. LHRH was required to maintain pituitary stores of FSH but not LH over the treatment period. These data support the hypothesis that differential regulation of LH and FSH secretion occurs in ewes. Synthesis and secretion of LH are dependent on LHRH; however, synthesis but not secretion of FSH appears to be dependent on LHRH