2,776 research outputs found

    Aeroponia e hidroponia para la produccion de semilla de papa

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    Innermost stable circular orbits around magnetized rotating massive stars

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    In 1998, Shibata and Sasaki [Phys. Rev. D 58, 104011 (1998)] presented an approximate analytical formula for the radius of the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) of a neutral test particle around a massive, rotating and deformed source. In the present paper, we generalize their expression by including the magnetic dipole moment. We show that our approximate analytical formulas are accurate enough by comparing them with the six-parametric exact solution calculated by Pach\'on et. al. [Phys. Rev. D 73, 104038 (2006)] along with the numerical data presented by Berti and Stergioulas [MNRAS 350, 1416 (2004)] for realistic neutron stars. As a main result, we find that in general, the radius at ISCO exhibits a decreasing behavior with increasing magnetic field. However, for magnetic fields below 100GT the variation of the radius at ISCO is negligible and hence the non-magnetized approximate expression can be used. In addition, we derive approximate analytical formulas for angular velocity, energy and angular momentum of the test particle at ISCO.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    The Dynamics of Glutathione Species and Ophthalmate Concentrations in Plasma from the VX2 Rabbit Model of Secondary Liver Tumors

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    Purpose. Available tumor markers have low sensitivity/specificity for the diagnosis of liver tumors. The present study was designed to evaluate the oxidoreductive status of the liver as surrogates of tumor subsistence and growth. Methods. Glutathione species (GSH:GSSG), ophthalmate (OA) concentrations, and their turnover were measured in plasma of rabbits (n = 6) in their healthy state and in the state of tumor growth after implantation of the VX2 carcinoma in their liver. Tumors were allowed to grow for a period of 14 days when rabbits were sacrificed. Livers were removed and cysteine concentration was measured in liver tissue. Results. Tumor growth was found in 100% of the rabbits. Concentration and labeling of GSH/GSSG were similar in experimental animals before and after tumor implantation and to sham animals. In contrast, OA concentration increased significantly in experimental animals after tumor implantation when compared to same animals prior to tumor implantation and to sham animals (P < .05). The concentration of cysteine, a precursor of GSH, was found to be significantly lower in the liver tissue adjacent to the tumor (P < .05). Conclusion. Disturbances in the oxidoreductive state of livers appear to be a surrogate of early tumor growth

    Photofission of heavy nuclei at energies up to 4 GeV

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    Total photofission cross sections for 238U, 235U, 233U, 237Np, 232Th, and natPb have been measured simultaneously, using tagged photons in the energy range Egamma=0.17-3.84 GeV. This was the first experiment performed using the Photon Tagging Facility in Hall B at Jefferson Lab. Our results show that the photofission cross section for 238U relative to that for 237Np is about 80%, implying the presence of important processes that compete with fission. We also observe that the relative photofission cross sections do not depend strongly on the incident photon energy over this entire energy range. If we assume that for 237Np the photofission probability is equal to unity, we observe a significant shadowing effect starting below 1.5 GeV.Comment: 4 pages of RevTex, 6 postscript figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Sustainable wastewater management in Indonesia's fish processing industry: Bringing governance into scenario analysis

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    The government of Indonesia has pledged to meet ambitious greenhouse gas mitigation goals in its Nationally Determined Contribution as well as reduce water pollution through its water management policies. A set of technologies could conceivably help achieving these goals simultaneously. However, the installation and widespread application of these technologies will require knowledge on how governance affects the implementation of existing policies as well as cooperation across sectors, administrative levels, and stakeholders. This paper integrates key governance variables--involving enforcement capacity, institutional coordination and multi-actor networks--into an analysis of the potential impacts on greenhouse gases and chemical oxygen demand in seven wastewater treatment scenarios for the fish processing industry in Indonesia. The analysis demonstrates that there is an increase of 24% in both CH4 and CO2 emissions between 2015 and 2030 in the business-as-usual scenario due to growth in production volumes. Interestingly, in scenarios focusing only on strengthening capacities to enforce national water policies, expected total greenhouse gas emissions are about five times higher than in the business-as-usual in 2030; this is due to growth in CH4 emissions during the handling and landfilling of sludge, as well as in CO2 generated from the electricity required for wastewater treatment. In the scenarios where there is significant cooperation across sectors, administrative levels, and stakeholders to integrate climate and water goals, both estimated chemical oxygen demand and CH4 emissions are considerably lower than in the business-as-usual and the national water policy scenarios

    Analysis of cognitive performance and polymorphisms of SORL1, PVRL2, CR1, TOMM40, APOE, PICALM, GWAS_14q, CLU, and BIN1 in patients with mild cognitive impairment and cognitively healthy controls

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    Introduction: Alzheimer disease risk polymorphisms have been studied in patients with dementia, but have not yet been explored in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in our population; nor have they been addressed in relation to cognitive variables, which can be predictive biomarkers of disease. Objective: To evaluate cognitive performance and presence of polymorphisms of the genes SORL1(rs11218304), PVRL2(rs6859), CR1(rs6656401), TOMM40(rs2075650), APOE (isoforms ε2, ε3, ε4), PICALM(rs3851179), GWAS_14q(rs11622883), BIN1(rs744373), and CLU(rs227959 and rs11136000) in patients with MCI and healthy individuals. Methodology: We performed a cross-sectional, exploratory, descriptive study of a prospective cohort of participants selected by non-probabilistic sampling, evaluated with neurological, neuropsychological, and genetic testing, and classified as cognitively healthy individuals and patients with MCI. Cognition was evaluated with the Neuronorma battery and analysed in relation to the polymorphic variants by means of measures of central tendency, confidence intervals, and nonparametric statistics. Results: We found differences in performance in language and memory tasks between carriers and non-carriers of BIN1, CLU, and CR1 variants and a trend towards poor cognitive performance for PICALM, GWAS_14q, SORL1, and PVRL2 variants; the APOE and TOMM40 variants were not associated with poor cognitive performance. Discussion: Differences in cognitive performance associated with these polymorphic variants may suggest that the mechanisms regulating these genes could have an effect on cognition in the absence of dementia; however, this study was exploratory and hypotheses based on these results must be explored in larger samples. Resumen: Introducción: Los polimorfismos de riesgo para el desarrollo de enfermedad de Alzheimer se han estudiado en pacientes con demencia, pero aún no se han explorado en trastorno neurocognitivo leve (TNL) en nuestra población, ni se han considerado en relación con variables cognitivas, las cuales pueden ser biomarcadores predictivos de enfermedad. Objetivo: Evaluar los desempeños cognitivos y los polimorfismos en los genes SORL1(rs11218304), PVRL2(rs6859), CR1(rs6656401), TOMM40(rs2075650), APOE(isoformas ε2, ε3, ε4), PICALM(rs3851179), GWAS_14q(rs11622883), BIN(rs744373), CLU (rs227959 y rs11136000) en pacientes con TNL y en sujetos sanos. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo, exploratorio y transversal, en una cohorte prospectiva de participantes seleccionados mediante muestreo no probabilístico, evaluados por neurología, neuropsicología y genética, y clasificados como cognitivamente sanos y pacientes con TNL, según criterios. La cognición se evaluó por medio de la batería Neuronorma y se analizó en relación con las variantes polimórficas por medio de medidas de tendencia, intervalos de confianza y estadísticos no paramétricos. Resultados: Se identificaron diferencias en los desempeños en tareas de lenguaje y memoria en relación con las variantes de BIN1, CLU y CR1, junto con tendencias en las variantes de PICALM, GWArs, SORL y PVRL2, mientras que en APOE y TOMM40 no se encontraron tendencias. Discusión: Las tendencias en los desempeños cognitivos en relación con variantes polimórficas podrían indicar que, en ausencia de demencia, los mecanismos que regulan estos genes podrían tener un efecto sobre la cognición; sin embargo, esta aproximación tiene un carácter exploratorio y sus resultados permiten generar hipótesis que requieren ser exploradas en muestras de mayor tamaño

    Cyberknife Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Nonresectable Tumors of the Liver: Preliminary Results

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    Purpose. Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) has emerged as a treatment option for local tumor control of primary and secondary malignancies of the liver. We report on our updated experience with SBRT in patients with non-resectable tumors of the liver. Methods. Our first 17 consecutive patients (mean age 58.1 years) receiving SBRT for HCC (n = 6), IHC (n = 3), and LM (n = 8) are presented. Mean radiation dose was 34Gy delivered over 1–3 fractions. Results. Treated patients had a mean decrease in maximum pretreatment tumor diameter from 6.9 ± 4.6 cm to 5.0 ± 2.1 cm at three months after treatment (P < .05). The mean total tumor volume reduction was 44% at six months (P < .05). 82% of all patients (14/17) achieved local control with a median follow-up of 8 months. 100% of patients with HCC (n = 6) achieved local control. Patients with surgically placed fiducial markers had no complications related to marker placement. Conclusion. Our preliminary results showed that SBRT is a safe and effective local treatment modality in selected patients with liver malignancies with minimal adverse events. Further studies are needed to define its role in the management of these malignancies

    Transparent conducting thin films for spacecraft applications

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    Transparent conductive thin films are required for a variety of optoelectronic applications: automotive and aircraft windows, and solar cells for space applications. Transparent conductive coatings of indium-tin-oxide (ITO)-magnesium fluoride (MgF2) and aluminum doped zinc oxide (AZO) at several dopant levels are investigated for electrical resistivity (sheet resistance), carrier concentration, optical properties, and atomic oxygen durability. The sheet resistance values of ITO-MgF2 range from 10(exp 2) to 10(exp 11) ohms/square, with transmittance of 75 to 86 percent. The AZO films sheet resistances range from 10(exp 7) to 10(exp 11) ohms/square with transmittances from 84 to 91 percent. It was found that in general, with respect to the optical properties, the zinc oxide (ZnO), AZO, and the high MgF2 content ITO-MgF2 samples, were all durable to atomic oxygen plasma, while the low MgF2 content of ITO-MgF2 samples were not durable to atomic oxygen plasma exposure


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