138 research outputs found


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    Modelling morphological and physiological responses of tomato introgression lines to drought stress

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    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is a major vegetable crop grown in both outdoor fields and greenhouses. Water shortage is a significant problem in field-grown tomatoes. Genetic variation in the adaptation strategies to water shortage influences the differing water use and agronomic performances, in connection to varying climatic factors. Understanding the mechanisms of the adaptation to water deficit in the context of genetic implications is needed for better management and crop improvement. This work aims at investigating the adaptation mechanism of tomato to water deficit under a set of climatic condition, identifying the associated genome regions involved in the adaption, and predicting and evaluating the agronomic performances of virtual ILs in different climatic scenarios. This study was conducted using 50 tomato introgression lines (ILs) and two parent lines S. pennellii and S. lycopersicum cv. M82, in greenhouse conditions. Terminal drought stress was given at seven 7th leaf stage. There was a high (R2= 0.67 -0.75) causal relationships between unstressed and stressed performances for leaf areas increased, water transpired and shoot dry mass produced. The change in plasticity of shoot dry weight was mainly explained by that of leaf area while plasticity of cumulative transpiration was mainly attributed to that of specific transpiration. With the input of unstressed values and QTL-derived parameters from the response to water shortage of leaf expansion and stomatal conductance, stressed transpiration of all ILs was well predicted with high accuracy within the tested vapour pressure deficit ranges. With the implications of climatic factors, genotype-specific parameters (including drought reaction ones) were incorporated into an eco-physiological model, which consisted of three modules mainly for leaf growth, transpiration and dry matter production. With or without the inputs of leaf area and soil water, model performance was evaluated separately for target agronomic traits. The aggregated model could have well predicted the unstressed performances of leaf area, transpiration, shoot dry matter (accuracy = 0.69 - 0.84) and the fraction of transpirable soil water under stress (accuracy = 0.66). However, there was 20 to 30% of overestimation for the stressed performance (accuracy = 0.55 - 0.77). With the input of leaf area, the model performance was much improved for total water transpired and soil water. The genome-based eco-physiological model worked well as a tool to predict the stressed agronomic performances of tomato introgression lines.Die Tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) ist eine wichtige Gemüsepflanze, die sowohl im Freiland als auch in Gewächshäusern angebaut wird. Wasserknappheit ist ein bedeutendes Problem bei Freiland-Tomaten. Genetische Unterschiede in den Anpassungsstrategien an den Wassermangel beeinflussen den unterschiedlichen Wasserverbrauch und die agronomischen Leistungen in Verbindung mit unterschiedlichen klimatischen Faktoren. Das Verständnis der Mechanismen der Anpassung an Wassermangel im Zusammenhang mit den genetischen Implikationen ist für ein besseres Management und eine Verbesserung der Kulturpflanzen erforderlich. Diese Arbeit zielte darauf ab, den Anpassungsmechanismus von Tomaten an Wassermangel unter einer Reihe von klimatischen Bedingungen zu untersuchen, die damit verbundenen Genomregionen , die in die Anpassung einbezogen sind zu identifizieren, und die agronomischen Leistungen virtueller ILs in verschiedenen klimatischen Szenarien vorherzusagen und auszuwerten. Verwendung von 50 Tomaten-Introgressionslinien (ILs) und zwei Elternlinien: S. pennellii und S. lycopersicum cv. M82, wurde diese Studie unter Gewächshausbedingungen durchgeführt, indem ein terminaler Trockenstress im siebten Blattstadium festgestellt wurde. Es bestand ein hoher (R2= 0,67 -0,75) kausaler Zusammenhang zwischen unbelasteten und belasteten Leistungen für erhöhte Blattflächen, transpirierte Wasser und produzierte Sprosstrockenmasse. Die Änderung der Plastizität des Trockengewichts der Triebe wurde hauptsächlich durch die Blattfläche erklärt, während die Plastizität der kumulativen Transpiration hauptsächlich der spezifischen Transpiration zugeschrieben wurde. Mit der Eingabe von unbelasteten Werten und QTL-abgeleiteten Parametern aus der Reaktion auf Wassermangel von Blattausdehnung und stomatärer Leitfähigkeit wurde die betonte Transpiration aller ILs mit hoher Genauigkeit innerhalb der getesteten Sättigungsdefizit-Bereiche gut vorhergesagt. Um die Auswirkungen der klimatischen Faktoren zu untersuchen, wurden genotypspezifische Parameter (einschließlich der Parameter für die Dürrereaktion) in ein ökophysiologisches Modell integriert, das aus drei Modulen bestand, die hauptsächlich für das Blattwachstum, die Trockenmasseproduktion und die Transpiration bestimmt waren. Mit oder ohne den Input von Blattfläche und Bodenwasser wurde die Modellleistung getrennt nach agronomischen Zielmerkmalen bewertet. Das Modell in aggregierter Form sagte für die bewässerte Pflanze die Blattfläche, die Transpiration und die Sprosstrockensubstanz (Genauigkeit = 0,69 - 0,84) und den transpirierbaren Bodenwasseranteil (Genauigkeit = 0,66) gut voraus. Allerdings gab es eine Überschätzung der gestressten Leistung um 20 bis 30% (Genauigkeit = 0,55 - 0,77). Mit der Eingabe der Blattfläche wurde die Modellleistung für das gesamte transpirierte Wasser und das Bodenwasser deutlich verbessert. Ein genombasiertes ökophysiologisches Modell kann als Werkzeug zur Vorhersage gestresster agronomischer Leistungen in Tomaten-Introgressionslinien verwendet werden

    Are Husbands Involving in Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness for their Wives’ Pregnancies?: A Cross-Sectional Study in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar

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    INTRODUCTION: Husbands’ involvement in birth preparedness and complication readiness (BP/CR) has been encouraged as a new approach to improve maternal health for safe motherhood since 2000. However, Myanmar is a patriarchy society and despite the strong domination of husbands on the health of their families, their role and involvement in maternal health are still limited. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess husbands’ involvement in BP/CR for their pregnant wives in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The research was a cross sectional study which was carried out through a structured questionnaire among 198 husbands of pregnant women aged 18 years and above in Nay Pyi Taw. RESULTS: The results showed that 42.4% of husbands included in the study had poor involvement in BP/CR for safe motherhood. Approximately 38% of husbands failed to plan health facility for delivery, 45% did not plan for a skilled birth attendant, 20% did not save money for the delivery, 43% neglected transportation arrangement and 66% did not identify a blood donor in case of emergency. Husbands having good knowledge and positive attitude were significantly (p-value <0.001) involved in BP/CR as compared to those who did not. In addition, husbands who planned the pregnancy along with wives were involved in BP/CR more than those who did not and association was significant at p<0.001. Conclusion: Level of husbands’ involvement in BP/CR is slightly low for their wives’ pregnancies. It was, therefore, recommended that effective husband involvement intervention programmes should be promoted at all levels of healthcare for safe motherhood


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    The ultimate goal of controlling foodborne hazards is to reduce the risk of disease to consumers, and the economic burden related to foodborne illness. A literature review identified four areas of insufficient data on the epidemiology of Salmonella. A cross-sectional study was used to estimate prevalence of enteric bacterial contamination of plant-based animal feed and milk replacer from Maryland and Northern Virginia. All samples were negative for Campylobacter; 0.6% were positive for Salmonella; 5.7 % for E.coli; and 50.6% for Enterococcus. Samples purchased in summer of 2002 were 38 times more likely to be contaminated with Enterococcus than samples purchased in winter of 2002 (p-value<0.001). Enterococcus positive samples were 8 times more likely to be E.coli positive than Enterococcus negative samples. Another cross-sectional study was used to assess the association between the pattern of airflow and the distribution of fecal coliforms and Salmonella in commercial chicken litter. At moderate relative humidity (about 50%), there was a significant association between regions of reduced airflow and increased coliform and Salmonella contamination within a poultry house. An analysis of a PCR technique to validate sensitivity and specificity relative to culture techniques for detecting Salmonella contamination in retail poultry meat was conducted. When only BPW pre-enrichment was used, the PCR test had a sensitivity of 85%. This increased to 89 - 100% when BPW pre-enrichment was followed by selective enrichment with RV or TT-H broth, respectively when conventional culture is the gold standard. A minimum of 12 hours pre-enrichment and 100 cfu was necessary to achieve 100% sensitivity with PCR. Random poultry meat samples from 10 retail grocery outlets in Maryland were collected in the final cross-sectional study. Overall Salmonella prevalence in poultry meat products was 23% (C.I 15.16 - 30.86). Integrator brand ground chicken meat had an increased Salmonella prevalence compared to non-ground meat products; however this difference was not significant (p=0.0533). Store brand non-ground chicken meat products were 18 times more likely to be contaminated with Salmonella than integrator brands (C.I. 5.41-61.26)

    Determination of Optimal Conditions for Extraction of Alcohol-soluble Eugenol Containing Material from Cloves

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    Clove oleoresin (total soluble extract matter) contains an antioxidant compound eugenol. Extraction of eugenol from cloves was studied using 95% ethanol.Trials varying in particle size, extraction temperature, extraction time and solvent to solid ratio were performed and optimal conditions were evaluated. Refractive index was used to monitor the extraction parameters. Extraction patterns of ground clove fractions with size of 500 pm, 355 pm, 250 pm and less than 250 pm with solvent to solid ratio of 4: 1 at room temperature were studied. Agitation was ensured by a reciprocating shaker. Optimal size for the extraction at room temperature was 250 pm. Trials on extraction temperature were varied from 30°C to 70°C with the same solvent to solid ratio for particle size of 250 pm and 355 pm. Optimal tempel-atures for 250 Fll1 and 355 pm were 50°C and 60°C respectively

    ミヤンマーの文化外交 -バガンの世界文化遺産登録-

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    Prediction of Chromatographic Separation of Eugenol by the Fast Fourier Transform Method

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    The switching time to change from adsorption to desorption in liquid chromatography, which is the time at which the concentration of the effluent reaches the breakthrough value, is important in the operation, scale-up, and optimisation of chromatographic separation. The switching time can be estimated by computer simulation of the chromatographic adsorption column. In this paper, the theoretical simulation of the chromatographic column of Chen and Hsu (1987) based on the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) method originally proposed for chromatographic systems by Hsu using estimated axial diffusivity, film mass transfer coefficient and pore diffusivity obtained from analytical scale separation, is compared with experimental data of chromatographic separation of eugenol. The use of FIT over more sophisticated techniques such as finite difference or orthogonal collocation methods was dictated by the simpler computation and the availability of better inverting techniques. The model was validated by experimental data on chromatographic separation of eugenol on IBondapak CIS analytical column, mobile phase methanol-water (80:20), and flow rate 0.5 ml/min, at different solution concentration injection at equilibrium condition. Physical property data required for validation such as equilibrium adsorption isotherm data was determined experimentally, and mass transfer data was calculated from normal correlations and from analytical scale separation. The simulation agreed with experimental data at a Peclet number of 6000, a bed length parameter of 3.0 and number of samples 90

    Knowledge, attitude and practice towards sexual and reproductive health including comprehensive sexuality education among first year students of university Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Malaysia

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    This study aims to assess knowledge, attitude and behavior in sexual and reproductive health (SRH) including comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) among 439 first year students; 213 sciences and 226 arts students from 5 Faculties of University Malaysia Sabah (2016-2017). Exposure of Malaysian students to sexual education is limited to science subjects which are only being taught at upper elementary and secondary high school levels. Arts students are less exposed to sexual education across Malaysia as it is delivered in Basic Science subject only. It was a university-based, cross-sectional, descriptive study. Pretested self- administered questionnaire was anonymously completed by all participants and was conducted from November 2016 to January 2017. Students’ demographic characteristics from Science and Arts streams were same except females, Sabah ethnics and Malays were more in Arts. Awareness of HIV/AIDS, Condom, Wet dream, COC pills and abortion services were more in Science students and statistically significant. 34.3 % and 81.2% of Science students agreed that CSE should be introduced in primary and secondary school but not statistically significant. 22 out of 439 students were sexually active. Science students had more knowledge about SRH and favourable attitude towards sexuality education but less favourable behaviour of watching and reading pornographic materials. It was concluded that there were gaps in knowledge, attitude and behaviour of SRH and need to remedy these by giving appropriate CSE classes to first-year university students in an elective module according to their culture and religious beliefs in accord with International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education (ITGSE)

    A Case of Cardiac Calcified Amorphous Tumor Presenting with Concomitant ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction and Occipital Stroke and a Brief Review of the Literature

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    Cardiac calcified amorphous tumor (CAT) is an extremely rare benign intracavitary tumor of the heart. It may mimic other cardiac tumors and can present with signs or symptoms of systemic embolization. There are limited data regarding CAT in the literature. We report a case of a 68-year-old woman with a cardiac CAT and mitral annular calcification (MAC), who presented with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and occipital stroke. After extensive review of the literature, we believe that this case is possibly the first description of a cardiac CAT presenting with STEMI. The CAT was surgically removed, and the diagnosis was confirmed by histology. The patient tolerated the surgery and reported no events at 6-month follow-up