20 research outputs found

    Global quieting of high-frequency seismic noise due to COVID-19 pandemic lockdown measures

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    Human activity causes vibrations that propagate into the ground as high-frequency seismic waves. Measures to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic caused widespread changes in human activity, leading to a months-long reduction in seismic noise of up to 50%. The 2020 seismic noise quiet period is the longest and most prominent global anthropogenic seismic noise reduction on record. While the reduction is strongest at surface seismometers in populated areas, this seismic quiescence extends for many kilometers radially and hundreds of meters in depth. This provides an opportunity to detect subtle signals from subsurface seismic sources that would have been concealed in noisier times and to benchmark sources of anthropogenic noise. A strong correlation between seismic noise and independent measurements of human mobility suggests that seismology provides an absolute, real-time estimate of population dynamics

    Triple-Divided Concha Bullosa: A New Anatomic Variation

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    In recent years, with the widespread use of imaging techniques such as paranasal sinus computed tomography (CT), many variations of nasal turbinates have been described. One of these variations known as concha bullosa (CB) is pneumatization of nasal turbinates. CB is the most frequently encountered anatomical variations of the middle turbinate. The term of septated concha bullosa has been described recently and it is an uncommon pneumatization anomaly of the middle turbinate. There has not been any study that correlates the number of septations and the presence of sinonasal pathologies. We hereby present a case of triple septated concha bullosa that has not been reported so far

    1,25(OH)(2)D-3 and specific IgE levels in children with recurrent tonsillitis, and allergic rhinitis

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    WOS: 000324363400024PubMed: 23871269Objectives: We investigated 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3 [1,25(OH)(2)D-3] and specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels in children with recurrent tonsillitis (RT) plus allergic rhinitis (AR). Methods: Thirty children with RT + AR were included in the study group, and 30 healthy children comprised the control group. AR-related symptoms were determined using a symptom scale. 1,25(OH)(2)D-3 and specific IgE measurements were made in both groups. Results: The 1,25(OH)(2)D-3 value was significantly lower in the RT + AR group than in the control group. Specific IgE (mixed) panels were in normal limits in both groups; whereas specific IgE (mixed) grass pollen panel value of RT + AT group was significantly higher than that of the control group. Higher nasal itching, nasal obstruction, and concha edema scores were related to significantly higher specific IgE values for the (mixed) grass pollen panel, whereas higher sneeze scores were related to higher specific IgE values for the (mixed) pediatric panel. Conclusions: Children with grass pollen allergy may not be exposed to sufficient sunlight. With reduced 1,25(OH)(2)D-3, T helper cells may increase, and allergic response also increases. As allergic events increased, these children did not go outside and thus lacked sun exposure. This vicious cycle must be broken, and children with RT + AR should have sunlight exposure to increase 1,25(OH)(2)D-3 levels. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction with Different Hearing Aids: A Study of 107 Patients

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    WOS: 000471779900002PubMed: 28122108We retrospectively investigated patient satisfaction with different types of hearing aids in 107 patients60 males and 47 females, aged 8 to 84 years (mean: 53.8)with unilateral or bilateral hearing loss, each of whom used two different hearing devices for at least 3 years per device. The International Outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids, Turkish edition (IOI-HA-TR) was used to evaluate satisfaction levels; we also calculated our own total individual subjective satisfaction (TISS) scores. We divided 16 different hearing devices into two types: device 1 and device 2; on average, device 2 had more channels, a lower minimum frequency, and a higher maximum frequency. We found that the IOI-HA-TR scores and TISS scores were higher and usage time was greater during device 2 use, and that there was a positive correlation between IOI-HA-TR and TISS scores. A total of 69 patients (64.5%) used device 2 for more than 8 hours per day, while 38 patients (35.5%) used it for 4 to 8 hours per day during the final 2 weeks of the trial. In contrast, 40 patients (37.4%) used device 1 for more than 8 hours, 50 (46.7%) used it for 4 to 8 hours, and the remaining 17 (15.9%) used it for less than 4 hours; the difference in the duration of use of the two devices was statistically significant (p < 0.001). Younger patients and patients with more education were more satisfied with their devices than were older patients and those who were not as well educated. We conclude that devices with good technologic features such as more channels, a lower minimum frequency, and a higher maximum frequency result in better hearing. Also, based on the age difference that we observed, we recommend that psychological support be provided to older patients with aided hearing to enhance their mental health and quality of life

    The effects of air pollutants on nasal functions of outdoor runners

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    WOS: 000332832100011PubMed ID: 23812553Nowadays road running is becoming more and more popular in our country. Road running is mostly done under improper conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of running on nasal response combined with the effects of air pollutants. Twenty road runners were enrolled in the study. All subjects were male and between 20 and 41 years of age. They ran for 60 min on the right side of an avenue in the center of the city. It is in a residential area but has heavy traffic. One week later they were invited to run for 60 min through a running course away from traffic that is located outside the city center. Nasal resistances were measured by active anterior rhinomanometry. Nasal transport time was also measured by saccharin transport method. There was a reduction in nasal resistance, which was statistically significant in city center runners but was not statistically significant in those running outside of the city center after the exercise. Although nasal transport times were statistically shorter in both groups, there were no differences between two groups. Nowadays, everyone is advised to do sports. Due to increase in the number of breaths, the depth of breathing, and the reduction in nasal resistance in outdoor runners during exercise, harmful air pollution particles can easily reach the lower respiratory tract. Exercise is important for our health, but it should be noted that the environment in which we run is as important as doing sports for our health, especially in outdoor runners

    The effect of allergic rhinitis on nasal septal body size Alerjik rinitin nazal septal cisim büyüklü¤ü üzerindeki etkisi ve Bilimsel Araflt›rmalar Derne¤i (SEBAD)

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    The nasal septal body (NSB) is a widened region of anterior nasal septum which is located superior to the inferior, and anterior to the middle turbinate. It consists of mucosa and a marked soft tissue overlying the cartilage and bone. Both cartilage and mucosa is thicker here compared to the other parts of the nasal septum. NSB plays an important role in the regulation of nasal airflow. Because it contains venous sinusoids, it is also called the septal turbinate. Because it contains venous sinusoids, it is also called as septal turbinate. Despite of its important role in the regulation of nasal airflow, it is often ignored and may be confused with a high nasal septal deviation. In published studies, NSB has been mainly investigated histologically. Although there are a limited number of histological and anatomical studies related to NSB, to our best knowledge there are no study on radiological examination of NSB size in patients with allergic rhinitis. Here, our aim was to determine whether there is any radiologically detected effect of allergic rhinitis on NSB size. Yöntem: Daha önce alerjik rinit tan›s› konmufl 40 hasta ve alerjik riniti olmayan randomize yöntemle seçilmifl otuz kontrol dene¤i bu çal›fl-maya dahil edildi. Koronal düzlem paranazal sinüs BT&apos;sinde nazal septal cisim (NSC) boyutlar› ölçüldü. Nazal cerrahi geçirmifl hastalar, nazal polipleri olanlar, halen topikal nazal sprey, oral antihistaminik, oral steroid ve oral lökotriyen kullananlar çal›flmaya al›nmad›. Bulgular: NSC&apos;nin ortalama kal›nl›¤›n›n alerjik rinitli hastalarda 11.2 mm, alerjik riniti olmayanlarda 10.74 mm oldu¤u saptand›. Koronal düzlemde paranazal sinüs BT incelemesinde NSC&apos;nin büyüklü¤ü aç›-s›ndan alerjik riniti olan ve olmayanlar aras›nda anlaml› farkl›l›k yoktu. Sonuç: Sonuçlar›m›z önceki çal›flmalar›n bulgular›n› desteklememifltir. Ancak daha kesin yorumlar için daha fazla randomize, prospektif, kontrollü ve daha genifl serilere gerek vard›r. Anahtar sözcükler: Alerjik rinit, nazal septum, nazal septal cisim, nazal obstrüksiyon, bilgisayarl› tomografi. Abstract Objective: To determine whether there is any radiologically detected effect of allergic rhinitis on nasal septal body (NSB) size. Methods: Forty patients previously diagnosed with allergic rhinitis, and randomly selected thirty controls without allergic rhinitis were included in this study. Measurements of NSB size were performed in coronal plane paranasal sinus CT. Patients who had undergone nasal surgery, those with nasal polyposis, patients still using topical nasal spray, oral antihistamines, oral steroids and oral leukotrienes were excluded from the study. Results: The average width of NSB was found 11.2 mm in patients with allergic rhinitis and 10.74 mm in patients without allergic. There was no significant difference between patients with and without allergic rhinitis in terms of NSB size on coronal plane paranasal sinus CT examination. Conclusion: Our results did not support the findings of previous studies. However, further randomized, prospective, controlled trials on larger series are necessary for making more precise interpretations

    Effects of body mass index and adenotonsillar size on snoring sound intensity levels at highest power

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    WOS: 000329959100011PubMed: 24268721Objectives: Snoring during sleep is a major clinical symptom of adenoid and tonsil hypertrophy in paediatric patients. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of adenoid and tonsil size on snoring sound frequency and intensity in children. Methods: Twenty-seven patients with adenotonsillar hypertrophy were included the study. Adenoid size was graded from 1+ to 4+ by rigid endoscopy. Patients were staged (I-III) according to body mass index (BMI) and tonsil and adenoid size. Snoring was recorded and analysed. The analysis focused on the highest power frequency (Fmax) and snoring sound intensity levels (SSILs). Results: SSIL and Fmax values for Stage III were significantly higher than those for Stages I and II. BMI for Stage III was higher than for Stages land II, and that for Stage II was higher than for Stage I. The BMI, SSIL, and Fmax values increased at each stage and tonsil/adenoid grade. Conclusions: SSIL seems to be related to Adenoid and Tonsils size and BMI. As stage increased, both Fmax and SSILs increased proportionally. Also, Fmax values shifted to higher frequencies. Physicians and parents should be aware of snoring, and be informed that a higher frequency and intensity may be related to obesity and/or adenotonsillar hypertrophy. Snoring analysis may be a useful tool for detecting cases of Adenoid and Tonsils hypertrophy and/or upper airway obstruction during sleep. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Fat-plug myringoplasty of ear lobule vs abdominal donor sites

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    YAZICI, DEMET/0000-0002-5726-1987;WOS: 000351517900012PubMed: 24469028The purpose of this study is to compare the success rates of fat-graft myringoplasties harvesting adipose grafts from different donor sites (ear lobule vs abdomen). The clinical records of 61 patients (24 males and 37 females) who underwent fat-plug myringoplasty (FPM) were reviewed retrospectively. Fat from ear lobule (FEL) and abdominal fat were used as graft materials. The impact of age, gender, systemic diseases, topography of the perforation, utilization of fat graft materials of different origin on the tympanic membrane closure rate and the effect of FPM on hearing gain was analyzed. Our tympanic membrane (TM) closure rate was 82 %. No statistical significant difference was observed regarding age, gender, comorbidities (septal deviation, hypertension and diabetes mellitus) or habits (smoking). Posterior TM perforations had significantly lower healing rate. The change in TM closure rate considering different adipose tissue donor sites was not statistically significant. The hearing gain of the patients was mostly below 20 dB. Fat-plug myringoplasty (FPM) is a safe, cost-effective and easy operation for selected patients. Abdominal fat graft is as effective as ear lobe fat graft on tympanic membrane healing, has cosmetic advantages and should be taken into consideration when planning fat as the graft source

    Nasal septal body and inferior turbinate sizes differ in subjects grouped by sex and age

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    WOS: 000342189600007PubMed: 25271528Objectives: To compare the size of the nasal septal body (SB) and inferior turbinate (IT) of subjects grouped by sex and age. Method: We measured SB and IT areas (in cm(2)) bilaterally in computed tomography (CT) sections of 150 paranasal sinuses from 72 males and 78 females. Results:The right and left SB areas were smaller in females than in males. In the <= 25-year-old group, the right IT (RIT) was significantly smaller in females than in males. In the 26-35 and 46-45 age groups, the right SB (RSB) was significantly smaller in females than in males. Conclusion: The nasal SB may play a role in nasal physiology similar to a turbinate and help support optimal airflow. The vascular and glandular structures of the SB should be investigated in detail, and minimal invasive procedures should be performed in nasal surgery to avoid damaging essential structures.Continuous Education and Scientific Research Association"Except data collection, preparation of this paper including designing and planning was supported by Continuous Education and Scientific Research Association.