4,044 research outputs found

    Uso tópico del cobre y la plata en el tratamiento de heridas : revisión bibliográfica

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    El tratamiento de las heridas es considerado de gran interés en el sistema de salud, tanto por el alto número de pacientes afectados, como por la cantidad del presupuesto que se destina a ello. Las infecciones por microorganismos empeoran y retrasan la cicatrización, por lo que la aplicación de metales como el cobre y la plata que demuestran ser efectivos contra infecciones multirresistentes, se convierten en una gran alternativa al tratamiento tradicional. En esta revisión bibliográfica se recogen algunos de los últimos estudios que analizan los efectos del cobre y la plata en la curación de heridas. También se analizan sus principales ventajas e inconvenientes y se estudian distintos productos que los tienen en su composición. El cobre destaca por sus características angiogénicas que aceleran la cicatrización de la herida, su poder antimicrobiano y la baja prevalencia de complicaciones y reacciones adversas que produce. La plata es considerada como el antiséptico ideal, siendo efectiva contra toda clase de microorganismos infecciosos. Aunque presenta mayor número de reacciones adversas que el cobre y sus productos únicamente son rentables en tratamientos prolongados en el tiempo, es un elemento muy eficaz en la prevención y tratamiento de infecciones y su uso es muy recomendable.OtroGrado en Enfermerí

    Community-oriented Service-Learning: A university experience for preventing cannabis abuse in vulnerable adolescents and young people

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    Learning integrated into community action promotes a more active citizenry. More specifically, service-learning (S-L) embedded into higher education can represent a big challenge yet also an opportunity to involve the whole university community in social and community development. This paper addresses this teaching method by identifiying and reviewing the different components that define S-L, that is: civic engagement, social responsibility, civic education, partnership, and reflection. The ways in which S-L can be introduced into the curriculum are explained, through detailing experiences already carried out in the teaching of psychology. Current available data on its efficacy in university education are analyzed. The focus now turns to a university experience involving Community Psychology students across Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. During this experience, students on both programmes make their final-year projects to develop a prevention resource aimed at young people at high risk of problematic cannabis use. Ultimately, this program not only teaches students the principles of Community Psychology but also give them an opportunity to put them into practice

    La eliminación de la función agraria en Tegueste (Tenerife) por proximidad del área metropolitana Santa Cruz-La Laguna

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    La estructura económica del municipio de Tegueste, al noreste de la isla de Tenerife ha estado vinculada históricamente al sector agrario. Sin embargo, a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, este municipio inicia un progresivo proceso de pérdida de suelo destinado a labores agrarias, vinculado a la necesidad de espacio residencial que absorba la demanda del área metropolitana Santa Cruz – La Laguna. Esta pérdida de suelo, ha estado condicionada por una serie de agentes: el planeamiento municipal, a través de los distintos planes ejecutadas sobre el territorio, las infraestructuras viales, mediante las mejoras de conectividad y la propia ejecución de las mismas sobre el suelo agrario, y en tercer lugar, el precio del suelo, cambiante en función de su clasificación y sus perspectivas de futuro planeamiento. Mediante estos tres agentes se ha tratado de explicar la pérdida espacios agrarios en Tegueste, relacionada con la cercanía al área metropolitana insular y la demanda de suelo residencial que ella genera en su proximidad.Tegueste economy, northeast of the island of Tenerife, has been historically linked to the agricultural sector. However, from the second half of the twentieth century, this town started a gradual process of loss of land for agricultural, linked to the need for residential space to absorb the demand of the metropolitan area Santa Cruz - La Laguna. This loss of soil has been conditioned by a range of actors: municipal planning, through the various planning figures executed on the territory. The road infrastructure through improved connectivity and the proper execution of the same on the agricultural land, and thirdly, the price of land itself, changing depending on their classification and their prospects for future planning. Through these three agents, has tried to explain the loss in agricultural areas Tegueste related to the proximity to the insular metropolitan area and the demand for residential land it generates in its proximity

    Analysis of a tourist destination

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    Treball Final de Grau en Turisme. Codi: TU0944. Curs acadèmic: 2019/2020My proposal for this project is the management analysis of Peñíscola in the tourist aspects of the village and suggest some improvements. The first part of the analysis is to develop a complete and deep description of the town in all the appropriate areas for this analysis, including the history, the location, the access, the segmentation, the characteristics (dividing them between the Old Town and the New Town), the demography, the local festivities, the gastronomy, the climate and the recognitions and prizes. The next step is the fixation of the strategy and the objectives that are going to be followed to provide adequate solutions to the detected problems. The following point to deal with, is the elaboration of a marketing plan, dividing it into the internal or external factors. The external analysis will have the PESTLE analysis and an investigation of the potential competitors. The internal analysis will be composed by the identification and qualification of the tourist resources and the SWOT analysis. Lastly, some suggestions and solutions to the town’s weak points and elaborate an improvement plan to be taken into consideration for the future. The scope of action will be at the local level, so the investigation will be specially focused only to the town in question but the study of the external factors that could affect the town will be at a wider level

    A new Eliomys from the Upper Miocene of Spain and its implications for the phylogeny of genus

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    In this paper, we describe a previously unknown species of the glirid Eliomys from the Late Miocene and Early Pliocene Cabriel, Alcoy and Granada basins of southeastern Spain. Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. is characterized by its relative small size, narrow lingual wall and common presence of two centrolophs in the upper molars, and well-developed centrolophids in the lower molars. The new species is the probable ancestor of E. intermedius, which in turn represents the ancestor of the extant E. quercinus. According to its morphologic and biometric features, the origin of E. yevesi sp. nov. is likely to be found in some population of E. truci from the Late Miocene. Based on these affinities, we propose the lineage E. truci–E. yevesi sp. nov.–E. intermedius–E. quercinus, in which there is a trend towards the development of centrolophs, as well as the reduction of accessory crests

    Earnings Mobility in Argentina, Mexico, and Venezuela: Testing the Divergence of Earnings and the Symmetry of Mobility Hypotheses

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    This paper examines changes in individual earnings during positive and negative growth periods in three Latin American economies: Argentina, Mexico, and Venezuela. We ask whether those individuals who start in the best economic position are those who experience the largest earnings gains or the smallest earnings losses; this is the “divergent mobility” hypothesis. We also compare periods of positive economic growth with those of negative economic growth, asking whether those groups of individuals that experience large positive earnings gains when the economy is growing are the same as those that experience large earnings losses when the economy is contracting; this is the “symmetry of mobility” hypothesis. We find very occasional support for the divergent mobility hypothesis in scattered years in the cases of Mexico and Venezuela, and no support at all in the case of Argentina. Rather, earnings mobility is most frequently convergent or neutral in all three countries. As for the symmetry of mobility hypothesis, we find that it is rejected in most cases; rather, those groups that gain the most when the economy is growing are also the ones that gain the most when the economy is contracting. Furthermore, we explain how the absence of divergence is compatible with rising inequality in the countries under study

    Income Mobility in Latin America

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    [Excerpt] In the last decades Latin American countries have experienced substantial macroeconomic instability. While the region as a whole experienced economic growth during most of the 1990’s and 2000’s, there were also years of stagnation as well as economic decline

    A New Method for Attributing Changes in Life Expectancy to Various Causes of Death, with Application to the United States

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    This article focuses on decomposition of changes in life expectancy by cause of death. We propose an alternative to Arriaga\u27s (1984) method for performing such decompositions. We apply our method to changes in life expectancy in the United States between 1970 and 2000 and compare results to those produced using Arriaga\u27s formulation. The major difference between the approaches pertains to diseases prominent at older ages such as cardiovascular disease. For applications where causes of death are the central focus, our technique appears to have a modest advantage because of its conceptual clarity and attractive byproducts in the form of cause-deleted life tables