2,431 research outputs found

    Evaluating strategic periodization in team sport

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    Strategic Thinking and Performance of Small and Medium-Sized Dairy Processing Firms in Kenya

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    The dairy sector plays a crucial role in economic growth and development of Kenya. However, many firms in the sector, especially the small and medium-sized, continue to face performance challenges such as competition from unregulated informal milk market, accessing markets and high industry barriers among others. A review of literature shows that the effect of strategic thinking on the performance of small and medium-sized dairy processing firms remains uncertain. This study sought to determine the effect of strategic thinking and performance of small and medium-sized dairy processing firms in Kenya. The study was anchored on the Leidtka Model. Positivism research philosophy was adopted. Descriptive and explanatory research designs were used. A census survey was conducted on all the small and medium-sized dairy processing firms in Kenya and primary data was collected. Descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation were used to explain data characteristics, while multiple regression was used to test the effect of the study variables on firm performance. The results showed that strategic thinking has a positive significant effect on the performance of small and medium-sized dairy processing firms in Kenya, thus it was perceived that strategic thinking aids creation of a path for what the firm wants to become through focusing on their intent, systems, timely thinking, intelligent opportunism, and hypothesis-driven research. The study contributes to the body of knowledge by filling contextual, empirical, and conceptual gaps identified earlier in literature and establishing a nexus of strategic thinking and performance of small and medium-sized dairy processing firms in Kenya. The study recommends that strategic thinking should be enhanced particularly by using research to inform their decision-making and practice quick decision-making to mitigate or exploit opportunities while thinking of possible solutions to unexpected challenges

    Fieldwork Practicum as Perceived by Social Work Students with Special Reference to Madurai

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    In the scholarly world Social Work is viewed as a practice-oriented discipline. Social work education comprises of a theoretical component taught in the classroom and field- based education involving integration of the academic aspect and practice. Fieldwork practicum is the hallmark of Social Work. Fieldwork, which is also known as field instruction6, field placement, field education, practicum or internship is therefore an integral component of social work education. The perception of students about Field Work program was studied by adopting a qualitative technique called Focused Group Discussion (FGD) with three groups of final year Social Work Postgraduate students at a particular college in Madurai, to find meaningful insights. An Explanatory Research Design was adopted for the study. Student’s perception on three broad areas such as (i) Training at Fieldwork agency, (ii) Faculty guidance and (iii) Practical application of theories were studied. Students perceived certain fieldwork agencies with wider scope to practice the methods of Social Work but there were also fieldwork agencies, where the scope for social work practices was low due to lack of Social work professionals. It was found that Fieldwork enables students to come in contact with needy people, their problems, their reactions to the problems and their attitude towards social workers and thus the students discovered their ability to help. Students perceived fieldwork as a supervised social work practice that provides opportunities for them to match theory and practice. Thus Fieldwork enabled Social work student trainees to develop their knowledge, skills through practical application. Keywords: Field Work, practical application, student perception, Social Wor

    Knowledge and practice of condom use as well as perceived barriers among street adolescents in Cameroon

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    Introduction: Street children in Cameroon are adolescents, vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV and/or AIDS. The level of knowledge and practice of condom use among this population is unknown.Objective of the study: To assess the knowledge, practice and barriers to condom use in Cameroon.Materials and methods: The study was an analytical cross-sectional survey conducted in 2015. Questionnaires were administered to street children in a quiet location. Recruitment was made using the snowball technique with the help of peers.Results: More than 90% of participants knew of condoms, but only about 6% reported to have used a condom during their last sexual encounter. Most of the participants did not know that condoms could prevent HIV; only a few (15.5%) knew about this.Conclusion: Street adolescents in Cameroon seem to know about condoms, but have insufficient information on the importance of their regular use. The main barriers for the low practice of condom use reported by this population were the following: condoms hinder sexual pleasure; are costly; and it is embarrassing to buy, use or propose to use a condom

    Executive function in first-episode schizophrenia

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    BACKGROUND: We tested the hypothesis that schizophrenia is primarily a frontostriatal disorder by examining executive function in first-episode patients. Previous studies have shown either equal decrements in many cognitive domains or specific deficits in memory. Such studies have grouped test results or have used few executive measures, thus, possibly losing information. We, therefore, measured a range of executive ability with tests known to be sensitive to frontal lobe function. METHODS: Thirty first-episode schizophrenic patients and 30 normal volunteers, matched for age and NART IQ, were tested on computerized test of planning, spatial working memory and attentional set shifting from the Cambridge Automated Neuropsychological Test Battery. Computerized and traditional tests of memory were also administered for comparison. RESULTS: Patients were worse on all tests but the profile was non-uniform. A componential analysis indicated that the patients were characterized by a poor ability to think ahead and organize responses but an intact ability to switch attention and inhibit prepotent responses. Patients also demonstrated poor memory, especially for free recall of a story and associate learning of unrelated word pairs. CONCLUSIONS: In contradistinction to previous studies, schizophrenic patients do have profound executive impairments at the beginning of the illness. However, these concern planning and strategy use rather than attentional set shifting, which is generally unimpaired. Previous findings in more chronic patients, of severe attentional set shifting impairment, suggest that executive cognitive deficits are progressive during the course of schizophrenia. The finding of severe mnemonic impairment at first episode suggests that cognitive deficits are not restricted to one cognitive domain

    Contraceptive use and associated factors among sexually active female adolescents in Atwima Kwanwoma District, Ashanti region-Ghana

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    Introduction: unintended pregnancies and adolescent childbearing are on the increase in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Ghana, 14% of adolescents aged 15-19 are already mothers or pregnant with their first child. Most of these pregnancies are associated with poor outcomes such as miscarriages, stillbirths, unsafe abortions and other complications that might result in infant or mortality. In addition, sexually-active adolescents (16-19 years) are at higher risk of contracting STIs. Evidence suggest that contraceptive use help reduce fertility rate and adolescent reproductive health. This study therefore sought to understand the magnitude and associated factors that influence female adolescents' use of contraceptive in the Atwima Kwanwoma District, Ghana. Methods: a descriptive and analytic cross-sectional study design was used for this study. Using a structured questionnaire, data were collected from randomly sampled 200 sexually active female adolescents; aged 16-19 for a three month period; June to September 2017. The questionnaire elicited data on the socio-demographic characteristics of respondents, their knowledge and perception, use of contraceptives and factors influencing their contraceptive use. Data were analyzed using STATA version 12.1 software. Results: ninety-five percent of the respondents exhibited some knowledge about contraceptives, but this high knowledge did not translate into its use as the prevalence rate was 18%. Condom was the most widely used contraceptive (33%) and perceived side effects of contraceptives was found to be the main reason for not using the contraceptives (53.66%). Marital status and the participants who were staying with both parents were found to be associated with contraceptive use with their p-values of 0.023 and 0.002 respectively. Conclusion: considering the fact that contraceptive knowledge does not necessarily translate into use, further studies (qualitative), are needed to understand why high knowledge levels are not associated with high usage patterns

    Collaborative research:: A paradigm shift in architectural education?

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    The 2009 ARCC Spring Research Conference question, ". . . how can we foster a more integrated research culture between academia and the profession?” is an opportunity to examine the curriculum development at one School and stimulate discussion for expanded application. Since 1993 our School has endeavored to develop mutually valued connections with international professional leaders to meaningfully engage practicing professionals as teachers in a professional degree program. The concept of ‘leaders teaching leaders' with practitioners as teachers and research as a major component of the learning collaboration is one unique program focus. The strategic location of the School coupled with technological advances in the built environment process offer opportunities for students to experience global cultural influences, a second distinct program focus. The innovative approaches undertaken for over a decade were in part necessitated by the School's overarching goal to institute a new accredited doctoral first professional degree program which was accomplished in 2002. The effort to sustain credibility as a Doctor of Architecture (D. Arch.) program continues today. Innovations bring successes and risks. This paper examines the curriculum evolution to date and plans for future development from the viewpoint of the current Professional Practice Coordinator [Introduction, Professional Practice Curriculum, Program Evolution, Assessment, Conclusion] and the Doctorate Project Coordinator [Introduction, Program Evolution, Other D. Arch. Projects]. Reflections of the impact of our curriculum on one student's professional advancement relative to opportunities and challenges encountered while engaging in research collaboration with practicing architects is discussed by a graduate of the program, who is now a practicing intern. In addition, the paper offers an overview of other elucidating D. Arch. projects exemplifying the diversity of research topics and foci of the program on collaborative research, global culture, mentoring, and technology

    The key to simplified management of an undescended parathyroid adenoma [La clave para el manejo simplificado de un adenoma paratiroideo no descendido]

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    Undescended parathyroid adenoma is a rare cause of primary hyperparathyroidism that happens \u3c 1% of cases. If not suspected, it can lead to a negative bilateral parathyroid exploration and extensive iatrogenic trauma. We propose that with proper imaging the correct diagnosis can be established to simplify surgical management. We describe two cases of patients who underwent a targeted neck exploration due to an undescended parathyroid adenoma diagnosed with an appropriate preoperative imaging protocol. With an appropriate imaging protocol for primary hyperparathyroidism and parathyroid hormone aspirates, an undescended parathyroid adenoma can be primarily diagnosed to guide a focused parathyroidectomy - El adenoma paratiroideo no descendido ocasiona hiperparatiroidismo primario en \u3c1% de los casos. Si no se sospecha, puede llevar a exploraciones negativas y trauma iatrogénico extenso. Proponemos que, con un protocolo imagenológico adecuado, se puede realizar un diagnóstico correcto, simplificando el abordaje quirúrgico. Describimos dos casos en que se realizó una exploración de cuello dirigida debido a un adenoma paratiroideo no descendido diagnosticado con un protocolo de imagen preoperatorio apropiado. Un protocolo de imagen apropiado para hiperparatiroidismo primario y aspirados de PTH pueden diagnosticar de manera inicial un adenoma paratiroideo no descendido para guiar una paratiroidectomía dirigida

    Migration related malnutrition among war-instigated refugee children in the northern part of Cameroon

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    Migration is interwoven with the problems of health and nutrition. When people migrate, they are still in need of the most basic human needs including nutrition and health care. These two again are inter-related since they affect one another. The quality of nutrition which an individual receives has a lot to play on his/her health. This paper seeks to discuss the malnourished situation of the children of refugees and internally displaced persons in the northern part of Cameroon resulting from Boko Haram insurgencies in boarder countries (Nigeria in particular) and within Cameroon itself. The study also shows that the number of refugees in the Northern part of Cameroon has been on a progressive increase since 2013. The most alarming aspect of the presence of these refugees driven out of their homes by Boko Haram attacks is the large number of children who suffer from severe acute malnutrition.Keywords: Boko Haram, children, malnutrition, migration, refugee

    Determinants of an Effective Solid Wastes Collection at the Workplace: the Experience of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research-Institute of Industrial Research, Accra, Ghana

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    The inefficient collection of solid wastes is a global phenomenon that has received attention in recent years for the ever-increasing annual waste generation records. However, indicators to the effective application of the amassing routs are missing. Hence, the generally accepted source-sorting model was explored to identify the determinants that will enhance source separation of wastes at the workplace. This paper presents a foremost report on the indicators to an effective operation of solid wastes source segregation. A quantitatively examined data was collected in sixty-six working days during a monitoring and evaluation process of twenty sets of twin-dustbins that were located at the study area. The generated solid wastes were commonly sorted (65%) in comparison with the mixed collection. Most of the wastes were separated on the third month (80%) of education compared to the first (54%) and second months (61%). Wednesday displayed the working day with the utmost sorted wastes (73%) compared to the other days. All dustbins recorded impressive sorting at the different locations in the Institute. A little over one thousand Ghana cedis savings was made in the first year. Tested null hypothesis showed that, duration and timing of continuous education were significant determinants of the efficient source segregation, relative to the dustbin locations. Therefore, the daily education of waste generators on how to separate wastes at source and the economic benefits will enhance source separation irrespective of the location