30 research outputs found

    Postural impairments in unilateral and bilateral vestibulopathy

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    Chronic imbalance is a major complaint of patients suffering from bilateral vestibulopathy (BV) and is often reported by patients with chronic unilateral vestibulopathy (UV), leading to increased risk of falling. We used the Central SensoriMotor Integration (CSMI) test, which evaluates sensory integration, time delay, and motor activation contributions to standing balance control, to determine whether CSMI measures could distinguish between healthy control (HC), UV, and BV subjects and to characterize vestibular, proprioceptive, and visual contributions expressed as sensory weights. We also hypothesized that sensory weight values would be associated with the results of vestibular assessments (vestibulo ocular reflex tests and Dizziness Handicap Inventory scores). Twenty HCs, 15 UVs and 17 BVs performed three CSMI conditions evoking sway in response to pseudorandom (1) surface tilts with eyes open or, (2) surface tilts with eyes closed, and (3) visual surround tilts. Proprioceptive weights were identified in surface tilt conditions and visual weights were identified in the visual tilt condition. BVs relied significantly more on proprioception. There was no overlap in proprioceptive weights between BV and HC subjects and minimal overlap between UV and BV subjects in the eyes-closed surface-tilt condition. Additionally, visual sensory weights were greater in BVs and were similarly able to distinguish BV from HC and UV subjects. We found no significant correlations between sensory weights and the results of vestibular assessments. Sensory weights from CSMI testing could provide a useful measure for diagnosing and for objectively evaluating the effectiveness of rehabilitation efforts and future treatments designed to restore vestibular function such as hair cell regeneration and vestibular implants

    Syndrome du mal de débarquement

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    Le syndrome du mal de débarquement (MdDS) est caractérisé par la persistance d’une sensation de mouvement (> 1 mois), souvent suite à un déplacement en moyen de transport. Les symptômes sont nettement diminués lors d’une nouvelle exposition à un mouvement passif. Les femmes sont plus fréquemment atteintes. Le bilan fonctionnel vestibulaire et l’imagerie cérébrale sont normaux. La fatigue chronique, les céphalées, l’hypersensibilité aux stimuli visuels sont également caractéristiques du MdDS. L’impact sur la qualité de vie est significatif. Une mauvaise adaptation du réflexe vestibulo-oculaire, un trouble de la connectivité fonctionnelle ainsi qu’un dérèglement des hormones gonadiques pourraient être à l’origine du mdDS. L’exposition à des stimulations optocinétiques et la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne ouvrent des perspectives thérapeutiques

    Speech perception with novel stimulation strategies for combined cochleo-vestibular systems

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    Cochlear implants are very well established in the rehabilitation of hearing loss and are regarded as the most successful neuroprostheses to date. While a lot of progress has also been made in the neighboring field of specific vestibular implants, some diseases affect the entire inner ear, leading to both hearing and vestibular hypo-or dysfunction. The proximity of the cochlear and vestibular organs suggests a single combined implant as a means to alleviate the associated impairments. While both organs can be stimulated in a similar way with electric pulses applied through implanted electrodes, the typical phase durations needed in the vestibular system seem to be substantially larger than those typically needed in the cochlear system. Therefore, when using sequential stimulation in a combined implant, the pulse stream to the cochlea is interrupted by comparatively large gaps in which vestibular stimulation can occur. We investigate the impact of these gaps in the auditory stream on speech perception. Specifically, we compare a number of stimulation strategies with different gap lengths and distributions and evaluate whether it is feasible to use them without having a noticeable decline in perception and quality of speech. This is a prerequisite for any practicable stimulation strategy of a combined system and can be investigated even in recipients of a normal cochlear implant. Our results show that there is no significant deterioration in speech perception for the different strategies examined in this paper, leaving the strategies as viable candidates for prospective combined cochleo-vestibular implants

    Simultaneous activation of multiple vestibular pathways upon electrical stimulation of semicircular canal afferents

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    Vestibular implants seem to be a promising treatment for patients suffering from severe bilateral vestibulopathy. To optimize outcomes, we need to investigate how, and to which extent, the different vestibular pathways are activated. Here we characterized the simultaneous responses to electrical stimuli of three different vestibular pathways

    Stimulation vestibulaire et visuelle : perception simultanée ou pas ?

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    The human brain is able to consider that two sensory stimuli are synchronous while they activate the cortex with some delay because they follow different neurological pathways. This process is only possible if the time interval between the two stimuli does not exceed a certain limit, called "Temporal Binding Window" (TBW). Studies of this parameter, involving the vestibular perception, are difficult because subjects must be moved, which generates parasitic proprioceptive information. By cons, in patients equipped with a vestibular implant, it is possible to generate a vestibular perception selectively by electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerve. These patients are therefore an unique model to study the TBW between visual and vestibular perception

    Cervical myogenic potentials and controlled postural responses elicited by a prototype vestibular implant

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    Gaze stabilization and postural control are two key functions of the vestibular system. In consequence, oscillopsia and chronic imbalance are the two main complaints of patients presenting with a severe bilateral vestibular function loss. The vestibular implant is emerging as a promising treatment for this group of patients whose quality of life is significantly impaired. Although the final aim of the vestibular implant should be to restore vestibular function as a whole, until now the research has focused mainly on the restoration of the vestibulo-ocular reflex to improve gaze stabilization. In this study, we aimed to explore whether the vestibulo-collic and vestibulo-spinal pathways could be activated and controlled with the electrical stimuli provided by our vestibular implant prototype. This was first explored and demonstrated with recordings of electrically elicited cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (ecVEMPs). ecVEMPs with characteristics similar to the classical acoustically elicited cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (cVEMPs) were successfully evoked in five out of the eight tested patients. Amplitudes of the electrically elicited N–P complex varied, ranging from 44 to 120 μV. Mean latencies of the N and P waves were of 9.71(± 1.17) ms and 17.24 ms (± 1.74), respectively. We also evaluated the possibility of generating controlled postural responses using a stepping test. Here, we showed that controlled and consistent whole-body postural responses can be effectively obtained with rapid changes in the “baseline” (constant rate and amplitude) electrical activity delivered by the vestibular implant in two out of the three tested subjects. Furthermore, obtained amplitude of body rotations was significantly correlated with the intensity of stimulation and direction of body rotations correlated with the side of the delivered stimulus (implanted side). Altogether, these data suggest that the vestibular implant could also be used to improve postural control in patients with bilateral vestibulopathy

    The Video Head Impulse Test to Assess the Efficacy of Vestibular Implants in Humans

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether it is possible to restore the highfrequency angular vestibulo-ocular reflex (aVOR) in patients suffering from a severe bilateral vestibulopathy (BV) and implanted with a vestibular implant prototype. Three patients (S1–3) participated in the study. They received a prototype vestibular implant with one to three electrode branches implanted in the proximity of the ampullary branches of the vestibular nerve. Five electrodes were available for electrical stimulation: one implanted in proximity of the left posterior ampullary nerve in S1, one in the left lateral and another one in the superior ampullary nerves in S2, and one in the right lateral and another one in the superior ampullary nerves in S3. The high-frequency aVOR was assessed using the video head impulse test (EyeSeeCam; EyeSeeTec, Munich, Germany), while motion-modulated electrical stimulation was delivered via one of the implanted vestibular electrodes at a time. aVOR gains were compared to control measurements obtained in the same patients when the device was not activated. In three out of the five tested electrodes the aVOR gain increased monotonically with increased stimulation strength when head impulses were delivered in the plane of the implanted canal. In these cases, gains ranging from 0.4 to values above 1 were measured. A “reversed” aVOR could also be generated when inversed stimulation paradigms were used. In most cases, the gain for excitatory head impulses was superior to that recorded for inhibitory head impulses, consistent with unilateral vestibular stimulation. Improvements of aVOR gain were generally accompanied by a concomitant decrease of corrective saccades, providing additional evidence of an effective aVOR. High inter-electrode and inter-subject variability were observed. These results, together with previous research, demonstrate that it is possible to restore the aVOR in a broad frequency range using motion-modulated electrical stimulation of the vestibular afferents. This provides additional encouraging evidence of the possibility of achieving a useful rehabilitation alternative for patients with BV in the near future

    The vestibular implant:A probe in orbit around the human balance system

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    The primary goal of the vestibular implant is to restore the vestibular function in patients with a disabling bilateral vestibular loss for whom there is currently no available treatment. The prototype developed by our team is a hybrid system consisting of a modified cochlear implant incorporating additional vestibular electrodes. Therefore, in addition of delivering sound information it is also capable of delivering motion information to the central nervous system using electrical stimulation. To date, thirteen patients have been implanted with such vestibular implant prototypes. For ethical reasons, only deaf ears were implanted and all patients experienced a clinical benefit from the hearing rehabilitation. The recent demonstration of partial restoration of the vestibulo-ocular and the vestibulo-collic reflexes in implanted patients suggests that gaze stabilization and postural control, fundamental functions of the balance system, can be artificially restored using a vestibular implant. This allows us to glimpse a useful clinical application in a near future. In parallel, we show how the vestibular implant provides a unique opportunity to explore the integration of the vestibular sensory input into the multisensory, multimodal balance system in humans, since it is able to selectively stimulate the vestibular system

    Vestibular implants: 8 years of experience with electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerve in 11 patients with bilateral vestibular loss

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    BACKGROUND:The concept of the vestibular implant is primarily to artificially restore the vestibular function in patients with a bilateral vestibular loss (BVL) by providing the central nervous system with motion information using electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerve. Our group initiated human trials about 10 years ago

    Vestibular Implants: 8 Years of Experience with Electrical Stimulation of the Vestibular Nerve in 11 Patients with Bilateral Vestibular Loss

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    The concept of the vestibular implant is primarily to artificially restore the vestibular function in patients with a bilateral vestibular loss (BVL) by providing the central nervous system with motion information using electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerve. Our group initiated human trials about 10 years ago. Methods: Between 2007 and 2013, 11 patients with a BVL received a vestibular implant prototype providing electrodes to stimulate the ampullary branches of the vestibular nerve. Eye movements were recorded and analyzed to assess the effects of the electrical stimulation. Perception induced by electrical stimulation was documented. Results: Smooth, controlled eye movements were obtained in all patients showing that electrical stimulation successfully activated the vestibulo-ocular pathway. However, both the electrical dynamic range and the amplitude of the eye movements were variable from patient to patient. The axis of the response was consistent with the stimulated nerve branch in 17 out of the 24 tested electrodes. Furthermore, in at least 1 case, the elicited eye movements showed characteristics similar to those of compensatory eye movements observed during natural activities such as walking. Finally, diverse percepts were reported upon electrical stimulation (i.e., rotatory sensations, sound, tickling or pressure) with intensity increasing as the stimulation current increased. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that electrical stimulation is a safe and effective means to activate the vestibular system, even in a heterogeneous patient population with very different etiologies and disease durations. Successful tuning of this information could turn this vestibular implant prototype into a successful artificial balance organ