2,741 research outputs found

    Chemoenzymatic Labeling of Proteins for Imaging in Bacterial Cells

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    Reliable methods to determine the subcellular localization of bacterial proteins are needed for the study of prokaryotic cell biology. We describe here a simple and general technique for imaging of bacterial proteins in situ by fluorescence microscopy. The method uses the eukaryotic enzyme N-myristoyltransferase to modify the N-terminus of the protein of interest with an azido fatty acid. Subsequent strain-promoted azide–alkyne cycloaddition allows conjugation of dyes and imaging of tagged proteins by confocal fluorescence microscopy. We demonstrate the method by labeling the chemotaxis proteins Tar and CheA and the cell division proteins FtsZ and FtsA in Escherichia coli. We observe distinct spatial patterns for each of these proteins in both fixed and live cells. The method should prove broadly useful for protein imaging in bacteria

    Northern spotted owl nesting habitat under high potential wildfire threats along the California Coastal Redwood Forest

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    Large and severe wildfires, exacerbated by climate change and human behavior, are occurring more frequently in many forests across the western United States. While wildfire is a natural part of most terrestrial ecosystems, rapidly changing fire regimes have the potential to alter habitat beyond the adaptive capabilities of species. Spatial assessments of wildfire risks to species habitat may allow managers to pinpoint locations for management activities. To illustrate this, we spatially assessed wildfire risk within habitat that supports the nesting activity of the federally threatened northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) in the California redwood coast ecoregion. To accomplish this, we built a scale-optimized ensemble nesting habitat suitability model and identified habitat with the highest wildfire hazard potential. Percent canopy cover at 100-m scale, slope at 400-m scale, and January precipitation at 800-m scale were the most influential environmental covariates for predicting northern spotted owl nesting habitat. Nearly 60% of nesting habitat was predicted to be at high or very high (>1986 index value) wildfire risks. We identified three areas in the Maple Creek Area of Humboldt County, Jackson State Demonstration Forest in Mendocino County, and Point Reyes National Seashore in Marin County, California with a high concentration of nesting habitat that are at a very high risk of experiencing high severity wildfires. We recommend these areas be targeted for future research to understand the impact of wildfire on northern spotted owl as well as management attention

    A millimeter-wave kinetic inductance detector camera for long-range imaging through optical obscurants

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    Millimeter-wave imaging provides a promising option for long-range target detection through optical obscurants such as fog, which often occur in marine environments. Given this motivation, we are currently developing a 150 GHz polarization-sensitive imager using a relatively new type of superconducting pair-breaking detector, the kinetic inductance detector (KID). This imager will be paired with a 1.5 m telescope to obtain an angular resolution of 0.09° over a 3.5° field of view using 3,840 KIDs. We have fully characterized a prototype KID array, which shows excellent performance with noise strongly limited by the irreducible fluctuations from the ambient temperature background. Full-scale KID arrays are now being fabricated and characterized for a planned demonstration in a maritime environment later this year

    Moyal Representation of the String Field Star Product in the Presence of a B-background

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    In this paper we show that in the presence of an anti-symmetric tensor BB-background, Witten's star algebra for open string fields persists to possess the structure of a direct product of commuting Moyal pairs. The interplay between the noncommutativity due to three-string overlap and that due to the BB-background is our main concern. In each pair of noncommutative directions parallel to the BB-background, the Moyal pairs mix string modes in the two directions and are labeled, in addition to a continuous parameter, by {\it two} discrete values as well. However, the Moyal parameters are BB-dependent only for discrete pairs. We have also demonstrated the large-BB contraction of the star algebra, with one of the discrete Moyal pairs dropping out while the other giving rise to the center-of-mass noncommutative function algebra.Comment: minor notation chang

    Preliminary Study of Acute Changes in Emotion Processing in Trauma Survivors with PTSD Symptoms

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    Accumulating evidence suggests traumatic experience can rapidly alter brain activation associated with emotion processing. However, little is known about acute changes in emotion neurocircuits that underlie PTSD symptom development. To examine acute alterations in emotion circuit activation and structure that may be linked to PTSD symptoms, thirty-eight subjects performed a task of appraisal of emotional faces as their brains were functionally and structurally studied with MRI at both two weeks and three months after motor vehicle collision (MVC). As determined by symptoms reported in the PTSD Checklist at three months, sixteen survivors developed probable PTSD, whereas the remaining 22 did not meet criteria for PTSD diagnosis (non-PTSD). The probable PTSD group had greater activation than the non-PTSD group in dorsal and ventral medial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC and vmPFC) while appraising fearful faces within two weeks after MVC and in left insular cortex (IC) three months after MVC. dmPFC activation at two weeks significantly positively correlated with PTSD symptom severity at two weeks (R = 0.462, P = 0.006) and three months (R = 0.418, p = 0.012). Changes over time in dmPFC activation and in PTSD symptom severity were also significantly positively correlated in the probable PTSD group (R = 0.641, P = 0.018). A significant time by group interaction was found for volume changes in left superior frontal gyrus (SFG, F = 6.048, p = 0.019) that partially overlapped dmPFC active region. Between two weeks and three months, left SFG volume decreased in probable PTSD survivors. These findings identify alterations in frontal cortical activity and structure during the early post-trauma period that appear to be associated with development of PTSD symptoms

    Intestinal fungi contribute to development of alcoholic liver disease

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    This study was supported in part by NIH grants R01 AA020703, U01 AA021856 and by Award Number I01BX002213 from the Biomedical Laboratory Research & Development Service of the VA Office of Research and Development (to B.S.). K.H. was supported by a DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) fellowship (HO/ 5690/1-1). S.B. was supported by a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation (P2SKP3_158649). G.G. received funding from the Yale Liver Center NIH P30 DK34989 and R.B. from NIAAA grant U01 AA021908. A.K. received support from NIH grants RC2 AA019405, R01 AA020216 and R01 AA023417. G.D.B. is supported by funds from the Wellcome Trust. We acknowledge the Human Tissue and Cell Research (HTCR) Foundation for making human tissue available for research and Hepacult GmbH (Munich, Germany) for providing primary human hepatocytes for in vitro analyses. We thank Dr. Chien-Yu Lin Department of Medicine, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan for statistical analysis.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    A millimeter-wave kinetic inductance detector camera for long-range imaging through optical obscurants

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    Millimeter-wave imaging provides a promising option for long-range target detection through optical obscurants such as fog, which often occur in marine environments. Given this motivation, we are currently developing a 150 GHz polarization-sensitive imager using a relatively new type of superconducting pair-breaking detector, the kinetic inductance detector (KID). This imager will be paired with a 1.5 m telescope to obtain an angular resolution of 0.09° over a 3.5° field of view using 3,840 KIDs. We have fully characterized a prototype KID array, which shows excellent performance with noise strongly limited by the irreducible fluctuations from the ambient temperature background. Full-scale KID arrays are now being fabricated and characterized for a planned demonstration in a maritime environment later this year