30 research outputs found

    Pelayanan Lintas Batas Daerah Pasar Boja di Kawasan Perbatasan Kabupaten Kendal dan Kota Semarang (Studi Kasus: Sekitar Kawasan Pasar Boja Kecamatan Boja)

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    Undang-undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah menjelaskan bahwa pemerintah daerah mempunyai kewenangan yang menjadi urusan wajib. Salah satu kewenangan yang menjadi urusan wajib pemerintahan daerah untuk kabupaten/kota yaitu penyediaan sarana umum. Pasar sebagai salah satu sarana perdagangan bagi masyarakat umum, wajib disediakan oleh masing-masing pemerintah daerah. Pelayanan umum yang diberikan pemerintah daerah harus mampu melayani seluruh wilayah baik yang berada di pusat kota maupun perbatasan. Atikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pelayanan lintas batas daerah Pasar Boja yang terletak di kawasan perbatasan Kabupaten Kendal dan Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan strategi penelitian studi kasus. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi lapangan dan wawancara. Setelah data terkumpul, digunakan teknik analisis berupa teknik tematic analysis (analisis tema) untuk mengolah data. Dari beberapa kajian hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Pasar Boja merupakan pasar lintas batas daerah yang melayani masyarakat di Kabupaten Kendal dan di luar Kabupaten Kendal, didukung oleh barang dagangan yang lengkap, harganya terjangkau, pasarnya ramai, lokasi yang strategis dan aksesibilitas mudah

    The Effect of Concentration and Old Mixing Cider of Bilimbi (Averrhoa Bilimbi L.) on Changes in Quality Waste Cooking Oil From Fried Trader

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    Fried traders tend to use waste cooking oil, a waste cooking oil is without never replaced and only add some new cooking oil in waste cooking oil. Waste cooking oil to frying can lead to the emergence of free radicals that very dangerous for health especially the emergence of various degenerative diseases. To deprive of free radicals, can be used cider of bilimbi that containing active compound terpenoid and vitamin A. Both the compound is an antioxidant soluble in oil, so can be used to absorb free radical contained in the waste cooking oil.The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of various concentration and old mixing cider of bilimbi on changes in quality waste cooking oil from fried trade. Indicators change in quality waste cooking oil seen from numbers acid, numbers lathering, numbers peroxide and levels of FFA.The type of research that used is true experimental reaserch. The design used is factorial design. Design of the research uses random complete design, with the first factor is concentration (25% v/v, 35% v/v, and 45% v/v) and the second factor is old mixing (60 minutes, 90 minutes, and 120 minutes). Data were analyzed by two way Anovaand duncanā€˜s 5%.The research results show that there is the effect of concentration and old mixing cider of bilimbi on quality improvement waste cooking oil. The value of waste cooking oil numbers acid 2,24 mg KOH/g, numbers lathering 92,57 mg/g, numbers peroxide 125 meg O2/Kg, and levels of FFA 1,02%. Best treatment in this research is 45% 120 minutes produce numbers acid 1,12 mg KOH/g, numbers lathering 182,33 mg/g, numbers peroxide 16,7 meg O2/Kg, and levels of FFA 0,51%

    Development of articulate storyline learning media to improve biology learning outcomes for junior high school students

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    Empowerment of Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is often not optimal due to the lack of availability of HOTS-based learning documents. The purpose of this development research was to produce HOTS-based biology learning tools on movement system material for class XI high school. This development research uses the ADDIE model which has five stages: analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate. The product development was validated by learning experts and material experts and then tested on students. The validation sheet was used as a data collection instrument. The validation results from learning experts stated that the learning syllabus was very feasible (84.3%), lesson plans were very feasible (80.2%), student worksheets were feasible (72.2%), and evaluation tool were very feasible (83%). Meanwhile, the validation results from material experts stated that all learning documents were feasible (the percentage of eligibility for syllabus, lesson plans, student worksheets, and evaluation tool were 77%, 70%, 80%, and 80%, respectively). After being tested on students, student responses and the results of their evaluation scores indicate that the learning documents that have been developed are suitable for use. In addition, the HOTS learning documents developed are practical and effective in the learning process, so as to create a student-centered learning process and be able to improve students' HOTS

    Analisis Struktur dan Komposisi Vegetasi Tumbuhan Di Taman Hutan Raya Raden Soerjo Prigen Pasuruan

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    Long drought and uncontrolled human activities resulted in R. Soerjo Prigen Pasuruan Grand Forest Park experiencing fire. Adverse impacts on vegetation can result in vegetation death. Damage caused by fire to vegetation can lead to succession which can be seen from the composition and structure of forest vegetation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of environmental parameters, structure and composition of plant vegetation in Tahura R. Soerjo, which were used as a learning resource for biology. This study used a purposive sampling technique. The method used is a combination of paths and checkered lines. The data analysis technique used is the Importance Value Index (INP), the dominance index, the diversity index, the wealth index, and the evenness index. The results showed that the identification of plant vegetation diversity was found as many as 33 species from 17 families that came from 3 divisions. The highest INP was found at the seedling level. The value of the dominance index is less than 1. The results show that the value of the density index is low, because it has a value of <3.5. The evenness value is at a high value, except at the tree level

    Pengaruh Sari Buah Nanas (Ananas Comosus) Dan Lama Penyimpanan Terhadap Jumlah Koloni Bakteri Dan Kadar Protein Ikan Bandeng (Chanos Chanos) Sebagai Sumber Belajar Dalam Perencanaan Pembelajaran Biologi Materi Kingdom Monera

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    The aims of this research is to know effect of any pineaple extract juice concentration and duration of saving and to determine concentration of the pineaple fruit extract juice and duration of saving which are the most optimal to the sum of bacterial colony and protein degree in bandeng fish. Research type used was True Experiment Design. A scheme used was Complete Random Scheme of factorial pattern. Data was as such the total of bacterial colony and protein contained in bandeng fish. Result of the research shows that concentration of pineaple fruit extract juise and duration of saving effect the bacterial colony total and protein containe in bandeng fish. The total of bacterial colony gets more as the duration of saving gets longer. As for protein contained in the bandeng fish gets lower as the saving duration goes

    The environmental attitude of the prospective biology teachers in Indonesia

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    Environmental attitude should be possessed by students as an effort to manage their relationship with environmental problems. However, there has never been any study on the environmental attitudes of prospective biology teachers in Indonesia. This study aims to discover the environmental attitude of the prospective science teachers throughout Indonesia. This cross-sectional survey study analyzes the aspects of gender, grade point average (GPA), college status, and study status which are positioned as the character of the respondent whose impact on the studentsā€™ environmental attitudes are analyzed in this study. The target population size of this study is 1300 people. Thus, based on Krejcie and Morgan Table, the minimum sample size with a confidence level of 95% and margin error of 5% is 1235 students. The data collection instrument used in this study is the Environmental Attitude Inventory/EAI questionnaire which has been validated by bilingual experts and transformed into an online questionnaire by means of Google Form. SPSS software was used to examine the data. The results indicate that there is no significant difference in EA scores based on gender, GPA factor, and university status background. The difference in EA scores is affected by whether or not students have taken courses related to the environment ownership. The researchers believe that it is critical to ensure that the course materials concerning environmental education are properly planned and implemented. Courses should be supplemented with themes on environmental issues ranging from local to global scope

    Multidimensional Analysis of Environmental Literacy (Sensitivity, Knowledge, Belief, and Behavior of Environment) of Prospective Teachers

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    Sensitivity, knowledge, belief, and behavior to the environment will bring out good behavior that leads to environmental literacy (EL). This study aimed at analyzing the studentsā€™ EL based on the multidimensional perspective. This study comprised of two types, namely library and field research. Questionnaire was developed from The Second Minnesota Report Card on EL. This study was conducted in FKIP-UMM at undergraduate level, from July to October 2020. The types of data were in the form of qualitative and quantitative. The data were obtained from the results of Google Form. The population of this study was the students of FKIP-UMM, in which it consisted of 2.750 students. The subjects were chosen randomly by sharing the link of Google Form thru the WhatsApp group so that 139 students (5%) were obtained. The data and EL findings were analyzed descriptively qualitative analytic. Scaling multidimensional analysis was carried out by using ordination that continued with scaling and percentage processes. The results indicated that (1) Environmental sensitivity tends to show various conditions. (2) Environmental knowledge also tends to vary. (3) Environmental beliefs tend to be good. (4) Environmental behavior in students tends to be good

    Spirituality-based action competence for sustainability among prospective biology teacher in Indonesia

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    As a form of implementing Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in educational institutions, an appropriate learning model is needed, which also accommodates aspects of spirituality. Before developing a model, baseline data is needed, so a broad-scale or national needs analysis is needed. This research aims to determine the profile of spirituality-based action competence for sustainability (ACS) among prospective biology teacher students throughout Indonesia. This research is a cross-sectional survey. The target respondents are students of LPTK biology education study programs in Indonesia. The target population size is 650 people, so based on the Krejcie and Morgan table, the minimum sample size with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 5% is 620 students. The data collection instrument used in this research is the action competence for sustainability instrument based on spirituality (ACSIS). Data on respondent characteristics were analyzed using frequencies and percentages. The mean and standard deviation of scores were calculated for each item. Comparisons of two groups of students were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U Test, while comparisons of more than two groups used the Kruskal-Wallis H Test. We discuss interesting findings in this research, including the aspects of spirituality in ACS among prospective biology teacher in Indonesia