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    Language have an important role in a communication. Every individual can learn a language. Have a many how know a language, both national language or foreign language for communication with other people one of which is language learning in school. One of them learning at school. language learning at school that we have met from elementary to high school. Generally the nationallanguage taught is Indonesian and the foreign is English. German is one of the foreign in High school taught. German language have four skills is reading skill, written skill, speaking skill, and listening skill. Speaking is productive skill because the student express the words directly. Speaking skill is important skill after listening skill. Proved by Rivers (dalam Sutari dkk, 1997:8). that states that most adult use 45% their time for heed, 30% for speaking, 16% for reading, 9% for writing. The purpose of this written scientific article is for to knowing about compatibility speaking exercise in Deutsch ist Einfach 2 books with curriculum 2013. The writing this scientific article make a some qualitative description method. The analysis result is have 13 materie with food and drink theme and with using speaking skills. After analysis with curriculum 2013 there are 2 materi is not accoradance with curriculum 2013 is curriculum 4.2.4 wich should in curriculum there is a discourse have the shape of table with containing daily necessities and a price list while in materie 4.2.4 in this discourse for the item are mentioned and for the prices not mentioned and not in form table. Materie 4.2.8 question and answer is not accordance with curriculum 2013, which should be in curriculum is “was möchten Sie?” “ich hӓtte gern Kartoffeln” while in materie 4.2.8 is “was möchten Sie?” “ichmöchte 1 Kilo Bohnen”. There are some verbs in curriculum 2013 but not in the deutschisteinfach 2 book like a Bestellen, Brauchen, und Lesen and the are some adverb of time in curriculum 2013 but not in the dein the Deutsch istEinfach 2 book like an Abends. but from this findings the materials still can use. can be concluded that Deutsch istEinfach 2 book accoradance with curricule 2013 and can be used in a German learning with food and drink thema, with speaking skills


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    Alat komunikasi yang utama bagi manusia adalah bahasa, dengan bahasa manusia dapat menyampaikan ide, pikiran, dan pesan kepada orang lain, sehingga terjadi komunikasi. Agar komunikasi berjalan dengan baik, diperlukan penguasaan empat keterampilan berbahasa diantaranya keterampilan menyimak, berbicara, membaca dan menulis. Dari keempat keterampilan itu, keterampilan menyimak merupakan keterampilan berbahasa awal yang harus dikuasai. Schumann (dalam Lange, 1998:192) juga berpendapat “Hörverstehen wird eine zentralle Rolle im Kommunikationsprozeẞ zugeschreiben” artinya keterampilan menyimak menjadi peran sentral dalam proses komunikasi. Peran penting penguasaan keterampilan menyimak juga sangat tampak di lingkungan sekolah, contohnya siswa mempergunakan sebagian waktunya untuk menyimak pelajaran yang disampaikan guru. Keberhasilan siswa dalam memahami serta menguasai pelajaran diawali dengan menyimak. Oleh karena itu, keterampilan menyimak perlu dikuasai dengan baik. Perkembangan teknologi pada era moderen yang semakin canggih, seperti halnya internet yang dapat diakses siapa saja dan kapan saja. Ada banyak manfaat yang diperoleh dari internet untuk memperoleh informasi-informasi yang diperlukan dengan cepat dan mudah, Internet juga merupakan salah satu sumber materi ajar yang dapat diakses untuk menunjang keterampilan menyimak bahasa Jerman. salah satunya adalah laman http://www.education.vic.gov.au/LanguagesOnline. Laman ini merupakan sebuah laman pembelajaran bahasa asing khususnya bahasa Jerman yang memiliki tampilan yang sederhana dan cara penyampaian materinya menarik akan memotivasi sisawa untuk belajar bahasa Jerman. Selain itu, laman ini juga memiliki tampilan gambar, suara, animasi gerak dan lagu-lagu agar siswa bersemangat dalam belajar dan mengerjakan soal yang tersedia. Namun, materi ajar yang ada di dalam laman tersebut belum bisa disebut materi ajar, karena harus disesuaikan dengan materi ajar tingkat SMA dengan kurikulum 2013. Oleh karena itu, rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah “bagaimana kesesuaian materi ajar dalam materi ajar pada laman http://www.education.vic.gov/languagesonline dengan kurikulum 2013 untuk keterampilan menyimak bahasa Jerman siswa SMA kelas X Semester 1”. Berdasarkan rumusan masalah di atas, maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah “mengetahui kesesuaian materi ajar dalam laman http://www.education.vic.gov.au/languagesonline dengan kurikulum 2013 untuk keterampilan menyimak siswa SMA kelas X Semester 1”. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif sedangakan metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kulitatif. Setelah melakukaan anlisis kajian, maka hasil kajian materi ajar dari penelitian ini adalah materi ajar dari laman http://www.education.vic.gov.au/LanguagesOnline dapat digunakan sebagai materi ajar pembelajaran menyimak bahasa jerman kelas X semester 1. Hal itu dibuktikan dengan kesesuaian kosakata meliputi kata benda (Nomen), kata kerja (Verben), kata sifat (Adjektiv), dengan kesesuaian 47% termasuk kritertia cukup sesuai, ujaran (Redemittel) dengan kesesuaian 70.8% termasuk kriteria sesuai dan tatabahasa dengan kesesuaian 94% termasuk kriteria sangat sesuai. Analisis dilakukan dengan menyesesuikan isi materi dalam laman dengan materi ajar keterampilan menyimak bahasa Jerman kurikulum 2013 kelas X semseter 1.Kata Kunci : Materi ajar, Laman webiste, keterampilan menyima

    Kesesuaian Bahan Ajar Laman hallodeutschschule.ch untuk Pembelajaran Keterampilan Berbicara Bahasa Jerman Kelas XI Semester 2 SMAN 1 Tarik

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    Speaking is the most important part of learning language skills, especially German at SMAN 1 Tarik. Having the ability to speak qualified and skilled is a must for students. Given the comparasion of the percentage value of speaking skills that students have to achieve is 50% of all skills. In reality, based on a preliminary study through distributing questionnaires to students and teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Tarik, it is assumed that speaking is a difficult skill to achieve. In learning activities, students who are less skilled at speaking tend to be passive. An indicator of someone skilled in speaking is often listening. However, the problem is the lack of availability of teaching materials that can support learning. Therefore, an alternative is needed to add teaching materials for speaking skills. One of them is by using web pages such as hallodeutschschule.ch. The hallodeutschschule.ch page is a site developed by a course institution that specializes in teaching or training of the German language. On this page has a download menu containingGerman language materials from from the A1 – C1 level of language and can be downloaded for free. This scientific article examines the suitability of the teaching materials of the page hallodeutschschule.ch forlearning German speaking skills in class XI semester 2. The aim of this article is to describe the results of an analysis of the suitability of the hallodeutschschule.ch page teaching materials as additional to learning the skills of speaking. This scientific article uses a qualitative approach to the type of literature study. Thedata source from the page hallodeutschschule.ch. The data analysis is audio text on Lehrmittel Hallo A1 in the form of an oral text consists of 19 lessons. The theory used for the analysis is the theory of the selection criteria for teaching materials of Andi Prastowo (Prastowo (2012: 389) and the Ministry of National Education (2006). Then from the both theories used as a reference to make an instrument for analyzing the suitability of the material with the 2013 curriculum. Data analysis used content analysis techniques. The data analysis process refers to the material suitability analysis instruments of several aspects. Some aspects are : 1) Conformity with the theme, 2) suitability of the material with KD 4.4.1, 3) Conformity with both the indicator and the purpose learning, 4) suitability of the type of material based on cognitive aspects of basic competencies. Through a series of analyzes, the results obtained that the entire material on the hallodeutschschule.ch page has conformity with the 2013 curriculum material. So it can be used as teaching material for speaking skills


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    One of the elements of learning basic vocabulary mastery in German is the achievement of four language skills. The four language skills are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In writing skills, vocabulary is the most important element needed to complete and string words into sentences. Mastery of German is not easy because in general students feel bored and less enthusiastic about learning and memorizing a lot of vocabulary. There are several applications or platforms based on android and web as a means of learning. So Educandy is used, which is a web-based educational game application as a learning medium to support the vocabulary learning process in simple German sentence writing skills. Educandy contains 45 Hobby-related vocabularies and their translations in Indonesian. The concept of educational games to learn and play makes learning more interesting so that it can help students remember vocabulary and apply the vocabulary to German writing skills. The purpose of writing this article is to test the feasibility of using the Educandy application in vocabulary learning to support the German writing skills of class XII high school students through the verification of material experts and media experts. The method used in this scientific article is Research and Development (R&D) using the ADDIE development model until the development stage. Based on the data validation results by material experts and media experts, the final results of material validation are obtained with a percentage of 80% which means the material is suitable for use in learning media with revisions in the good category. While the percentage of the final result obtained from the validation of the Educandy media is 90.66%, which means that the Educandy media deserves to be used in the very good category


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    Listening skill that contained in german learning process has a dominance around 45% in daily communication and listening is also complementary skills for other skills (Lesefertigkeit, Schreibfertigkeit, Sprechfertigkeit). Listening skill can develop the abilities of learners and learners are expected to be able to understand information from various contexts in nonverbal media. Youtube is one of the example of media in the digital era that can be accessed online through smartphones and computers. From the observations made by the author at SMAN 1 Taman, most of the students had difficulty in understanding the content in the listening skills video provided by the teacher, it is proven by the under average score of listening skill exercise of the students. Therefore, the need for video listening skills that are easy to understand by learners and in accordance with the 2013 curriculum syllabus is indispensable. In writing this scientific article, the analyzed video as teaching material has a focus on the theme of die Familie in the Learn German Youtube channel with one of the videos titled Meine Familie. Therefore the author wants to know if with the use of Learn German video with the title Meine Familie can be appropriate and whether the material contained in the video is in accordance with the 2013 curriculum as a teaching material for listening skills in German high school students grade XI semester I. Based on the formulation of the above problems, this study aims to find out the suitability of the content of learn german videos with the theme die Familie in the curriculum 2013 as a teaching material for listening skills in German high school students grade XI semester I. The writing of this scientific article uses a qualitative approach. The source of the data in the writing of this scientific article is a video of Meine Familie taken from theYoutube channel Learn German, the data of writing this article is the teaching material in the video Learn German with the title Meine Familie. Data collection techniques in the writing of this scientific article using listen-write technique. The recording technique is done by listening to the material in the video, and then recording each item of material in the video. . Data analysis techniques used are content analysis techniques, after the data is collected, the data will be analyzed based on the suitability of class XI semester I material contained in the 2013 curriculum. Based on the analysis that has been done by the author, The percentage results showed that the content of the material in the video Learn German-Meine Familie as a teaching material for listening skills of grade XI Semester I students is 81% in accordance with the applicable 2013 curriculum.&nbsp


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    Abstrak Keterampilan membaca adalah awal untuk memulai keterampilan lainnya seperti mendengar, menulis, dan berbicara. Oleh karena itu peserta didik banyak diberikan latihan membaca oleh guru. Namun, ketersediaan latihan untuk mata pelajaran bahasa Jerman sangat sedikit, apalagi yang berbentuk Computer Based Test. Padahal saat ini pemerintah telah menetapkan ujian sekolah berbentuk CBT. Bahkan beberapa sekolah juga menggunakan CBT untuk penilaian akhir semester (PAS). Oleh karena itu dalam penelitian ini akan dikembangkan latihan membaca ke dalam game edukasi “Deutsch XII”. Hal ini bertujuan agar peserta didik dapat menggunakan kemajuan teknologi tidak hanya untuk bermain, namun juga belajar. Selain itu, game edukasi “Deutsch XII” dipilih karena karakteristik peserta didik SMA saat ini merupakan peserta didik yang senang bermain dengan ponsel dan laptop mereka (Generasi Z). Latihan ini berbentuk pilihan ganda untuk peserta didik kelas XII semester 1. Pengembangan latihan membaca ke dalam game edukasi “Deutsch XII” menggunakan model pengembangan research and development Borg and Gall. Langkah pengembangan dalam penelitian ini yaitu (1) Pengumpulan data, (2) Perencanaan, (3) Mengembangkan draft produk, (4) Uji coba lapangan awal, (5) Revisi hasil uji coba. Data diperoleh melalui tes. Kemudian, kualitas soal yang dikembangkan dianalisis melalui uji validitas butir soal, reliabilitas soal, daya pembeda soal, dan tingkat kesukaran soal. Uji validitas soal dihitung menggunakan rumus korelasi biserial serta product momment correlation. Sedangkan reliabilitas soal dihitung menggunakan rumus KR 20. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa soal yang memenuhi kriteria berjumlah 10 soal. Jadi soal yang dimasukkan ke dalam game edukasi “Deutsch XII” melalui “GoConqr” berjumlah 10 soal. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, Latihan Membaca, GoConqr Abstract Reading skills are important to start other skills such as listening, writing, and speaking. Therefore the teacher give the students many reading exercises. However, the amount of exercises for German subject is very little, especially in the form of a Computer Based Test. Even though at this time the government has set a CBT exam. Even some schools also use CBT for the final semester assessment. Therefore in this study will be developed reading exercises in the educational game "Deutsch XII". So, the students can use technology not only to play, but also to learn. In addition, the educational game "Deutsch XII" was chosen because the characteristics of high school students nowadays are students who like to play with their cellphones and laptops (Generation Z). This exercise is in the form of multiple choices for students in the XII Grade in first semester. The development of the exercises in the educational game "Deutsch XII" uses the research and development model of Borg and Gall. The development steps in this research are (1) Data collection, (2) Planning, (3) Developing product drafts, (4) Initial field trials, (5) Revision of trial results. Data is obtained through tests. Then, the quality of the questions developed was analyzed through the validity test of the items, the reliability of the questions, the differentiation of the questions, and the level of difficulty of the questions. The validity is calculated using the biserial correlation formula and product moment correlation. While the reliability is calculated using the KR 20 formula. The results of the analysis show that there is 10 questions that meets the specified criteria. So there are 14 questions that inputted in the educational game "Deutsch XII" through "GoConqr". Keywords: Development, Reading exercise, GoConqrAuszug Lesefertigkeit sind wichtig, um andere Fähigkeiten wie Hören, Schreiben und Sprechen zu beginnen. Deshalb gibt die Lehrerin den Schülern viele Übungen zum Lesen. Die Anzahl der Übungen für deutsch ist jedoch wenig, insbesondere in Form eines Computer-basierten Tests. Außerdem haben die Regierung nun eine Abschlussprüfung in Form eines Computer-basierten Tests durchgeführt. Sogar einige Schulen durchführen eine Abschlussprüfung in Form eines Computer-basierten Tests. Deswegen wurde in dieser Untersuchung eine Leseübungen im Lernspiel "Deutsch XII" entwickelt. So können die Schüler die Technologie nicht nur zum Spielen benutzen, sondern auch zum Lernen. Außerdem wurde das Lernspiel "Deutsch XII" gewählt, weil die Schüler von SMA heute gerne mit ihren Handys und Laptops spielen (Generation Z). Diese Übung ist in Form eines Multiple-choice für Schüler der XII-Klasse im 1. Semester. Die Fragenentwicklung orientierte sich am R&D modell von Borg und Gall. Die Entwicklungsschritte dieser Untersuchung sind (1) Datenerfassung, (2) Planung, (3) Entwicklung von Produktentwürfen, (4) erste Feldversuche, (5) Überprüfung der Versuchsergebnisse. Daten werden durch Tests erhalten. Dann wurde die Gütekriterien für entwickelten Fragen durch Tests der Validität, Reliabilität, Differenzierung und des Schwierigkeitsgrades analysiert. Die Validität wird der Biseriale Korrelation Formel und der Produkt Moment Korrelation berechnet. Und die Reliabilität wird mit der Formel KR 20 berechnet. Die Ergebnisse der Analyse zeigen, dass 10 Fragen die Kriterien erfüllen. Also Die Fragen, die im Lernspiel "Deutsch XII" über "GoConqr" eingegeben wurden, sind 10 Fragen. Schlüsselwörter: Entwicklung, Leseübungen, GoConq


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    PUZZLE MEDIA FOR SKILLS WRITING STUDENT CLASS X SMAN 1 GEDANGAN IN GERMAN LEARNING Marselina Lemung German Language Education, Faculty of Language and Art, State University of Surabaya, [email protected] Drs. Suwarno Imam Samsul, M.pd German Language Education, Faculty of Language and Art, State University of Surabaya, Abstract Writing is an activity that people do to produce a writing. A good writing has its distinctly meaningful diantarannya is a one-unit, short and dense and meet the rules of language. Writing can be considered easy when one often practiced writing and can be considered difficult when a new person plunge or practice writing so do not know what to start from. This study uses simple sentences. A simple sentence is a sentence that has a subject element, predicate, and object. At the time of learning to write simple sentences many students have difficulty. The difficulty is caused by several factors namely lack of writing exercise, lack of vocabulary mastery, and ignorance of the meaning of the vocabulary. Therefore one of the learning media used to overcome this is using the media puzzle. The formulation of the problem in this research is "How the response of students of class X Language 1 SMAN 1 Gedangan on learning German language writing skills with the media puzzle" While the purpose of this study is "To Describe Response Students Class X Languages ​​SMAN 1 Gedangan of learning skills writing with puzzle media ". This research is a qualitative research. Subjects in this study were students of grade X Language 1 SMA Negeri 1 Gedangan with a total of 33 students. The study was conducted three times face to face. Data collection techniques used are in the form of tests and questionnaire responses of students. The results of this study can increase student learning activities supported by the increase in the average student test results of the first test meeting 8.8, second meeting 93.93, third meeting 94.84 with good category. Questionnaire filling the response of learners in a very good category learning activity with an average of 5.78%. So it can be concluded that the puzzle media can be used in German writing skills. The success can be seen from the results of student tests and positive responses of students in the questionnaire


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    Textbooks are one of the learning resources used by students or teachers to support the learning process. This study was motivated by a German teacher SMAN 12 Surabaya using Deutsch ist einfach Class XI textbook as the main textbook, but not limited to also adding material / questions for exercises taken from other books and the internet. This shows the lack of variety of material / questions in the textbook Deutsch ist einfach Class XI. Therefore, it is necessary to have a book supporting the main textbook. The researcher used German textbook “Studio d A1 " as the main textbook support. Studio D A1 books are appropriate for high school students with niveau A1 level. In this study, researchers prioritize writing exercises in the Book Studio d A1 in order to be used as additional exercises from the textbook Deutsch ist einfach Class XI. This study is a qualitative research using documentation techniques and literature study techniques based on the 2013 curriculum and Bernd Kast theory. Source data obtained from the textbook Deutsch ist einfach Class XI and Book Studio d A1. The results of this study are as follows: There are 15 exercises that correspond to Bernd Kast's theory of writing exercises. With details of 7 exercises on stage aufbauende Übungen, 6 exercises on stage vorbereitende Übungen, and 2 exercises on strukturierende Übungen. For the stage of Kreatives und freies Schreiben and Kommunikatives Schreiben not used in this study. Because this study aims that writing as a tool

    Analisis Kesalahan Pelafalan Fonem Bahasa Jerman Peserta Didik Kelas XI Semester 2 SMAN 4 Bojonegoro

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti jenis-jenis kesalahan pelafalan peserta didik kelas XI IPA 2 tahun ajaran 2018/2019. Subjek penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas XI IPA 2 sebanyak 33 orang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan melalui random sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui instrumen teks dan rekam suara. Intrumen teks terdiri atas dua bagian yaitu bagian A membaca kosakata dan bagian B membaca kalimat pendek. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode padan fonetis artikulatoris. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peserta didik belum menguasai cara melafalkan fonem-fonem dalam bahasa Jerman. Pada bagian A, kesalahan pelafalan pada fonem vokal antara lain: fonem /e:/ sebanyak 29 responden (87,88%), kesalahan pada fonem /ü/ sebanyak 29 responden (87,88%), dan kesalahan pada fonem /ü:/ sebanyak 26 responden (78,79%). Kesalahan pelafalan pada fonem konsonan antara lain: fonem /v/ sebanyak 33 responden (100%), kesalahan pada fonem /z/ sebanyak 33 responden (100%), dan kesalahan pada fonem /ç/sebanyak 21 responden (63,64%).Pada bagian B kalimat dengan kesalahan terbanyak yaitu “Ich möchte Salat”, “Ich esse Brot mit Butter und Honig”, dan “Ich habe nur Saft und Wasser”. Sedangkan untuk kalilmat yang dilafalkan bervariasi adalah “Mein lieblingsessen ist Müsli”, “ich bin hungrig”, dan “Am liebsten trinke ich Wein”. Dari temuan itu maka dapat diketahui jenis kesalahan pelafalan bahasa Jerman yang dilakukan oleh responden yaitu: Taksonomi Kategori Linguistik, Taksonomi Siasat Permukaan, Taksonomi Komparatif, dan Taksonomi Efek Komunikatif.Hal ini bisa terjadi karena beberapa faktor diantaranya: interfensi bahasa ibu, interfensi dari bahasa Inggris, perbedaan fonem antara Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Jerman, dan ketidakhati-hatian responden. Kata kunci: analisis kesalahan pelafalan, fonem, jenis-jenis kesalaha


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    Listening comprehension skill is the first language learning skill that someone gets by doing communication activity (Gereda, 2020:28). So that there is no misunderstanding between the listener and speaker, exercising listening comprehension skill consistently and periodically is needed. That is considered very necessary because the level of listening abiity of Indonesian students is still 58%, Ayu (inQudus & Yusri, 2017:128). Technology advances offer the teachers an innovative and a creative solution by choosing other teaching materials sources and learning media to support teaching and learning activities in school, one of the learning medias at learngerman.dw.com Nicos Weg A1 Wohnen can be used as an option. Wohnen theme is mentioned on the curriculum as Wohnung, those same themes will be analyzed through literature study to find out whether the learning video is appropriate with the german curriculum materials for eleventh grade first semester. The data sources in this study are 4 learning videos Nicos Weg A1 with the theme Wohnen and the data of this study is the curriculum 2013 which is found in Themen neu Arbeitsbuch (German Textbook) Chapter 5. According to the result of data analysis of this research concludes that the video Nicos Weg A1 Wohnen is not appropriate enough with the materials of curriculum, because of less extensive discussion of the material on the videos so it causes the whole materials listed on the curriculum not to be fulfilled. That is the reason why the teacher should search for supporting teaching materials to fulfil the material needs of the curriculum 2013. This research has found 82 discrepancies of Wortschatz, which includes verbs, adjectives and nouns, in the other hand there is 11discrepancies of Redemittel. On the aspect of suitability has been found 43 suitabilities of Wortschatz and 6 for Redemittel. Apart from suitability and discrepancy, there are also additional vocabularies and utterances on Nicos Weg video, which are not found on curriculum 2013, namely 22 Redemittel and 42Wortschat