26 research outputs found

    Įvairūs mokytojų požiūrio į integruotą neįgaliųjų mokymą aspektai

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    The attitude towards integrative education is explored in the paper. The survey method was used for data collection. The 270 teachers were participating in the research from nine schools in Vilnius. The data analyses revealed that schoolteachers are not prepared to teach disable children; also, they do not want to teach children with mental disability. The authors suggest installing the curse of special education into curricula of educators, to organise the seminars and refresher course.      Straipsnyje įvertinamas mokytojų požiūris į integruotą neįgaliųjų mokymą bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose atsižvelgiant į jų pačių specialiąsias žinias apie neįgaliųjų bei integruoto mokymo problemas, taip pat jų patirtį mokant specialiųjų poreikių vaikus. Duomenų rinkimui buvo naudotas anketinės apklausos metodas. Tyrime dalyvavo 270 mokytojų iš devynių atsitiktinai parinktų Vilniaus bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų. Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų mokytojai nėra parengti mokyti neįgalius vaikus Lietuvoje. Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų mokytojai nėra parengti mokyti neįgalius vaikus Lietuvoje. Visų grupių mokytojai nenori mokyti protiškai atsilikusių vaikų. Galiausiai daroma išvada, kad sistemos pokyčius iššauktų specialiosios pedagogikos kurso visose pedagoginėse institucijose Lietuvoje dėstymas, seminarų rengimas, mokytojų kvalifikacijos tobulinimas

    Teachers’ attitudes toward integrated teaching of disabled students

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    Teachers’ attitudes toward integrated teaching of students with disabilities as well as the attitudes of able-bodied children toward their disabled pears appears to be a key factor or one of the most important variables in a successful integration of the disabled into mainstream education. The research data suggest that the general attitude of teachers from comprehensive schools to the integration of the disabled is positive and that they experience a great need of the knowledge about the problems of the disabled. If teachers’ need to obtain an adequate competence in order to work with disabled schoolchildren were met, favourable conditions for the integration of these schoolchildren into the general education system would be created. The research data reflecting a negative attitude of the teachers from special schools towards the integration of the disabled into the general system are to be considered as an expression of their personal interest. Such teachers would lose their jobs if the segregated special education system were reformed in Lithuania

    Mokytojų požiūriai į neįgaliųjų integruotą ugdymą

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    Teachers’ approach towards learning of the disabled pupils in integrated lessons is of central importance in foreseeing the results of the disabled in the integrated lessons with the non-disabled (Heikinaro-Johansson, Volger 1996). By analysing teachers’ approach towards the integrated education, we tried to establish the fact whether the opinion of teachers from different types of schools about the integrated education is related with general attitudes, personal knowledge on the problems of the disabled or with their personal stance on educating the disabled in mixed ability classes. The findings showed that specific and well-organised experience of the integrated education determines and diminishes the importance of insufficient information in creating preconditions for a positive psychosocial environment for the integrated education of both the disabled and non-disabled pupils which partly depend on teachers; and that constant and exclusive contacts maintained with the disabled pupils in special schools build up a negative attitude towards the integrated education irrespective of the knowledge possessed on this issue

    Socialization of athletes with disabilities in adapted physical activity

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    The aim of this study was to determine the impact of the impairment of the body functions on the participation of people with disabilities in sports activities. Material and methods. The study was carried out in the institutions mostly attended by people with severe physical disabilities. The participants took a modified Kenny test and answered the questions of a questionnaire. The study sample consisted of 35 persons with severe physical disabilities. Results. The findings of this study showed that people with disabilities who were not engaged in sports were of much worse opinion about their health condition (P=0.02) and they needed more help from family or friends (P=0.035) compared to the disabled who were not engaged in sports, but in the group of people with disabilities who were engaged in sports, the correlations of those indicators were statistically significant (r=0.59 and r=0.68, respectively). The main motivation of sports participation of people with disabilities (about 80%) was the need for communication and gaining independence. Health improvement was mentioned by less than half of people with disabilities (about 41%) engaged in sports. Conclusions. The syndrome of movement function impairment, duration of impairment, marital status, the age of persons with disabilities, and objectively determined impairment of biosocial self-service functions did not impact sports participation of people with disabilities. However, subjective sensation of pain and the need of medical aid, which did not match the objective functional impairments, could be the obstacle for people with disabilities to participate in sports

    Psychological adjustment of students in the integrated educational environment

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    The article aims at revealing problems of the socio-psychological adjustment of adolescents in the integrated educational environment in the perspective of successful inclusive education. Theoretical research assumptions were based on the provision of personal self-determination theory maintaining that fulfilment of personal life objectives and psychological well-being depend on the nature of individual perceived control of their own life events. In Lithuania, the process of integration of the disabled started in 1993 after the Ministry of Education and Science launched the first guide for integrated education in mainstream schools. Currently, in accordance with the legal documents aiming to provide access to the same conditions to live a well-balanced and dignified life for the disabled, we should note that Lithuania has not yet developed a model for the disabled to live in the society, which would depend on the political, economic and social interests and the quality of training and education of the disabled. During the study we gathered new data about the problems of socio-psychological adjustment of non-disabled and disabled adolescents in the integrated educational environment at a mainstream school arising in communication in the close educational environment in the aspect of equal opportunities

    Adapted physical activity program of disabled athletes of physical education features

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    Moksliniais tyrimais įrodyta, kad fizinis aktyvumas, nepriklausomai nuo įgalumo, stiprina asmens fizines ypatybes, didina savarankiškumą bei gerina gyvenimo kokybę. Darbo tikslas - įvertinti taikomosios fizinės veiklos programos (TFVP) poveikį sėdimojo tinklinio atletų fizinių ypatybių ugdymui. Tyrimas atliktas Vilniaus mieste 2014 metų vasario – balandžio mėnesiais. Dalyvavo Vilniaus „Fenikso“ neįgaliųjų sėdimojo tinklinio komandos 8 neįgalūs sportininkai. TFVP taikyta neįgaliems tinklininkams 6 savaites. Sėdimojo tinklinio atletai buvo apmokyti taisyklingos pratimų atlikimo technikos. Vėliau treniravosi savarankiškai. Treniruotės vyko 2 kartus per savaitę ne mažesniu nei 72 valandų periodiškumu. Treniruotės trukmė – ne ilgiau nei 45 minutės, neįskaičiuojant apšilimui skirto laiko. Po jėgos lavinimo treniruočių buvo atliekami sėdimojo tinklinio technikos elementai, treniruojamos žaidybinės situacijos. Sportininkų fizinės savybės buvo testuojamos prieš TFVP ir po 6 savaičių. Matematiniai skaičiavimai atlikti standartine Microsoft Windows Exel 2003 operacine programa bei matematinės statistikos SPSS 19.0 programa. Taikomosios fizinės veiklos programa taikyta 6 savaites pagerino neįgaliųjų sportininkų fizinius parametrus bei kompleksinio fizinio pasirengimo rodiklius.Research has shown that physical activity regardless of disabled, enhances a person‘s physical characteristics, increase independence and improve quality of life. The aim - to evaluate the application of physical activities (TFVP) on the sciatic volleyball athletes physical properties development. Analyzes were carried out in 2014 February - April. Participated in Vilnius Phoenix „sheltered seating 8 volleyball team athletes with disabilities. TFVP disabled volleyball applied for 6 weeks. Sciatic volleyball athletes were trained in the techniques of regular exercise. Later, self-trained. Training was held 2 times a week for at least 72 hours intervals. Training time - no longer than 45 minutes, not including the warm-up for the time. After strength training exercise was carried out in the sciatic volleyball technical elements trained to dominate the situation. The physical characteristics of the athletes were tested before and after TFVP 6 weeks. Numerical calculations were performed with standard Microsoft Excel for Windows 2003 operating program and mathematical statistics program SPSS 19.0. Adapted physical activity program from 6 weeks improved disabled athletes and the physical parameters of complex physical fitness indicators

    Research on the peculiarities of students' nutrition

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    Nutrition is the one of the most important factors, determining the human health and life quality. As the young body matures, there are changes in physiological and biochemical processes, i.e. the basic metabolic and energy consumption processes, this nutrition becomes a very important factor directing the organism of a young person favorably as eating habits and nutrition are essential factors assessing the pathogenesis of many diseases in every stage of life. The aim - determine the VU and LUHS students eating habits. In 2011-2012 we conducted anonymous questionnaire survey involving 863 students. 413 students were from LUHS and 450 from VU: 648 girls and 202 boys. (13 student's did not indicate their gender). Respondents were 20-24 years of age. There were investigated students eating habits, attitudes towards eating habits and addictions. The anonymous questionnaire was composed on the basis of Lithuanian and foreign research literature. It consisted of 31 questions aiming at investigating the peculiarities of students’ nutrition. Research data were processed using SPSS 17.0 statistical package. The frequency of risk factors (in percent) was compared between the case and the control groups, the level of significance was chosen at 0.05. The differences in the indices were considered to be significant when p value did not exceed 0.05 (p < 0.05). Hypothesis about the independence of factors were checked calculating chi square (x2) criterion. Our study found that while people are young, some of them are already complaining about having health problems. Most students choose food according to their taste qualities, consume too few vegetables and fish products, consuming too much salt. Most students like to have a snack between main meals. Boys consumed significantly more alcohol, as well as a high percentage of VU students smoke. A review of all test results showed that students LUHS eating habits are more favorable to health than VU among students


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    China - Linhsien, stone-workers, Red Flag CanalThe Red Flag Canal (Hongqi Canal) is a 'canal and irrigation system in northern Henan and in Shanxi provinces, eastern China, constructed in 1960-69 to irrigate the poor and infertile area of Linxian county (now Linzhou municipality) in the foothills of the Taihang Mountains west of Anyang.'Hongqi Canal. (2007). Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.ColorVolume 56, Page