707 research outputs found

    The UX University: Emotionally Situating Student Experience in a Transition between Protest and Post-Protest Marketization

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    This article focuses on the critical role emotions, feelings and affect play in situating student experience during a major transition from rebellion against fees to an apparent capitulation to the marketization of the higher education (HE) sector. The discussion begins by shining a light on the “viscerality” of student fees protests in London in 2010. Through imagery and oral histories, the protests appear to comprise of joyful collective and contagious encounters, disobedient optimism, riotous anger, and eventual violence. Yet, following defeat in Parliament, the visceral intensity of rebellion seems to have been exhausted. Indeed, following a summary of the marketization of the HE sector, the second part of the article introduces the concept of the UX University. As follows, for many universities struggling to survive in an overly competitive marketplace for student numbers, UX is supposed to provide an edge. UX principles have therefore been incorporated throughout the student experience journey, including the tracking of emotional touchpoints that inform managerial metrics and enable the convergence of learning experiences, market design, and employee performance. In short, the UX university is significantly shaped by the emotional branding of student experience. Drawing on the work of Neetu Khanna (2020), the article concludes by defining the shift away from the viscerality of rebellion toward a digitally enhanced fattening of felt affect, as an “evisceration” of the student (user) experience

    De la “Verdad” y otras quimeras

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    Me propongo explorar los orígenes griegos de nuestro modo occidental de pensar y de poner en cuestión algunas de las nociones centrales que rigen nuestros hábitos mentales. Examino el impacto psicológico de algunos de los factores (históricos, sociales, tecnológicos y científicos) más relevantes en este proceso. Al final ofrezco una visión más modesta de la empresa científica que la que a menudo se profesa.I explore the Greek origins of our Western mode of thinking and question some of the central notions that structure our mental habits. I examine the psychological impact of certain factors (historic, social, technological, and scientific). Finally, I offer a more modest vision of the scientific enterprise than that often professed.Proponho-me explorar as origens gregas de nosso modo ocidental de pensar e de questionar algumas das noções centrais que regem nossos hábitos mentais. Examino o impacto psicológico de alguns dos fatores (históricos, sociais, tecnológicos e científicos) mais relevantes neste processo. Ao final, ofereço uma visão modesta da empresa científica que com frequência se professa

    Ética, moral y psicoanálisis

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    La reflexión humana en torno a los problemas del bien y del mal, y de lo que debe constituir el fin de la vida, parece, desde sus inicios mismos en Occidente, situarse de acuerdo con dos coordenadas que podemos cómodamente denominar con los términos de "ética" y de "moral". En ellos salta a la vista la doble herencia, griega (êthos) y romana (moris), de nuestra cultura. Esta duplicidad terminológica es afortunada, en la medida en que nos proporciona dos categorías para dos puntos de vista distintos, pero complementarios. Sería desafortunada sólo si, por error, fuéramos llevados a suponer cada punto de vista como exclusivo de la reflexión griega o de la romana, pues ambos se dieron en las dos culturas

    Freud y la ciencia: un balance epistemológico

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    Este artículo explora las relaciones de Freud con la ciencia de su época. Freud estaba profundamente comprometido con la visión decimonónica de la ciencia. El examen epistemológico de su obra ha estado contaminado por el análisis psicológico de su persona. Pretendo mostrar que la obra no puede ser relegada al campo de la pseudociencia por supuestas falencias personales de Freud. El psicoanálisis se inscribe plenamente en la concepción científica del mundo al cual Freud se adhería. Sostengo que, por ello mismo, el psicoanálisis será esencial para el análisis crítico de los tiempos contemporáneos

    Prioritizing efforts to improve foreign public opinion of America applying a business model to discover and create customer value

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    The U.S. National Security Strategy contains objectives that involve winning the battle for the hearts and minds of the foreign public. A study of literature and polling data reveals worldwide resentment toward America, indicating that America may be losing this battle. Given the reality of fiscal and resource constraints, America could not possibly address all of the concerns of the foreign public; rather, America must focus its efforts on the factors that are likely to make the greatest impact. This study identifies negative factors that interfere with favorable foreign public opinion and suggests an analytic framework for prioritizing those factors. Based on the theoretical output, America's top priorities should consist of minimizing the visible presences of U.S. troops in Arab nations; increasing understanding and consideration of how U.S. activities are perceived to impact Arab-Islamic culture; and readdressing recent unilateralist policy decisions that create a wedge between America and its European allies. Further in-depth research is required in order to establish more operationally realistic and actionable output, which takes into account the variables that this study excludes.http://archive.org/details/prioritizingeffo109453135US Air Force (USAF) author.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Psicología, culturas y valores morales

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    Este texto somete al examen crítico algunos de los supuestos más frecuentes en la psicología académica y que, coincidencialmente, resultan también serlo en el discurso corriente con respecto a los derechos humanos. Estos supuestos corresponden a un legado filosófico e ideológico que ha sido transmitido de generación en generación en el mundo occidental. Cada generación, claro está, se ha apropiado de este legado, modificando progresivamente el dispositivo inicial. Se pueden reconstruir las distintas etapas de esta historia, y comprobar la incidencia de las encrucijadas socio-políticas en la determinación del contenido transmitido a la siguiente generación. En primer lugar, trazamos a grandes rasgos algunas de las mutaciones más cruciales en la constitución de la noción occidental de individuo. Esto es indispensable, porque es esta historia la que es responsable de la categoría de individuo con la cual opera la psicología  académica actual. La psicología tiende a desconocer este desarrollo histórico y, por tanto, su noción de individuo es aceptada sin cuestionamiento ninguno


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    The most important outcome of a guidance and counselling programme is desirable change in students, such as improved school attendance, better study habits, and better scholastic achievement, fewer scholastic failures, lower dropout rate, better educational planning, and better home-school relations. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation of guidance services in senior high schools in Ho the Municipality. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. A sample size of 376 students and 21 counsellors from 7 senior high schools in the Ho Municipality was selected using the multistage sampling procedure comprising proportional stratified sampling, purposive sampling and systematic sampling procedures were used. Data was collected using researcher-made questionnaire with reliability coefficient of was 0.83 and 0.80 for students and counsellors questionnaires respectively. Frequency counts and percentages were used to analyze the five research questions stated for the study. The findings revealed that guidance and counselling units were available even though the facilities were inadequate and the rooms were not well furbished. Again, orientation and counselling services were the most common guidance and counselling services while referral and evaluation services were the least common guidance and counselling services provided in the senior high schools in the Ho Municipality. The headmaster/mistress, housemaster/mistress, class teachers and chaplain were all involved in the provision of guidance and counselling services. Furthermore, it was found that the professional counsellors were comparatively better than the non-professionals in terms of adherence to the right practices. It was recommended that a clear national policy for Guidance and Counselling services in Senior High Schools with adequate funding, allocation of time and role definition of counsellors.  Article visualizations

    Tumour characteristics and survival in familial breast cancer prospectively diagnosed by annual mammography

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    Women from breast cancer families without a demonstrable BRCA1/2 mutation were subjected to annual mammography from age 30 years onwards. One-hundred and ninety-eight patients were diagnosed prospectively with invasive breast cancer and followed for a total of 1513 years. Overall 10-year survival was 88 %. Together with our previous report that women in such kindreds had about twice the population risk of breast cancer, the combined conclusion was that the overall chances of developing breast cancer causing death within 10 years before 50 years of age was 1 % or less when subjected to annual mammography and current treatment. These are empirical prospective observations which may be used for genetic counselling. The majority (160/194 = 84 %) of patients had ER+ and/or low grade tumours with 92 % 10-year survival. One minor group of the patients had ER- tumours, another small group had high grade tumours with nodal spread, both groups were associated with worse prognosis, but the two groups were not mutually associated