89 research outputs found

    Change of the Shape of the Dural Sac in the Laminectomy Model at Different Stages of the Reparation in the Experiment

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    Epidural fibrosis is a dynamic pathological process that develops and progresses over time and is a polyetiological and multifactorial complication in the postoperative period during spinal surgery.Aim of the study. To study the reparative process and the formation of epidural fibrosis and its effect on the shape of the dural sac in the area of laminectomy at different periods of wound healing.Materials and methods. To assess the dynamics of the formation of epidural fibrosis and the involvement of the dura mater in this process, laminectomy was performed at the level of the LVI vertebra in 35 male Wistar rats at the age of 4–5 months. The animals were divided into 5 periods of withdrawal from the experiment on days 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28. The histological material was studied by staining with hematoxylin and eosin. To assess the deformation of the dural sac, the ratio of the diameter to the length of the canal was assessed on histological preparations in the laminectomy zone, and these measurements were carried out in a group of intact animals at the level of the LVI vertebra (n = 7). Results. During the observation process, a change in the ratio of the sizes of the dural sac has been observed. In the period from days 3 to 14, the anterior-posterior size of the dural sac progressively decreases, in parallel, the transverse size increases, which leads to a change in its shape. On follow-up, some form correction occurs. It is possible that the change in the shape of the dural sac in terms of up to 14 days is due to edema, plasma saturation of tissues, as well as the growth of connective tissue. The subsequent decrease in edema and the restructuring of the newly formed connective tissue leads to a correction of the shape of the dural sac.Conclusion. In the work, the dynamics of morphological changes in the zone of formation of epidural fibrosis during laminectomy in the experiment was assessed. The dynamics of changes in the lumen of the dural sac was established. The early involvement of the dura mater in the pathological process, its interest during the entire observation period was noted. Also, histological preparations show the involvement of the nerve fibers of the cauda equina in the pathological process from the early stages after surgery: vacuolization and destruction of nerve fibers, adhesion of fibers to each other and to the dura mater, as well as activation of endotheliocytes in the vasa nervorum

    Characteristic of water of the Lena River and health of the population of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

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    In the article results of sanitary epidemiological characteristics of water of the Lena River, including on indicators of parasitic safety and physiological full value are analysed. It is established that the adverse effect of water of a water source on health of the population is connected with its physiological inferiority which is caused by the low maintenance of a number of biologically active elements. The received value of factor of "utility of water» in 47 times below recommended value

    Professional development of teachers of Ireland higher education institutions and its implementation in the domestic system of pedagogical education

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    Лисенко, О. А. Професійний розвиток викладачів ЗВО Ірландії та його імплементація в систему вітчизняної педагогічної освіти / Лисенко О. А., Самойлова Ю. І. // Інноваційна педагогіка. - 2020. - Вип. 23, т. 1. - С. 145-149. -DOI :https://doi.org/10.32843/2663- 6085/2020/23-1.32.Визначено вимоги до професійного розвитку науково-педагогічних працівників закладів вищої освіти Ірландії, досліджено їхню участь у програмах фахового зростання. Доведено, що ірландський досвід становить значний інтерес, є вагомим джерелом для осмислення й творчого використання позитивних моментів у вітчизняній освітній практиці. Розроблено рекомендації Міністерству освіти та науки, а також закладам вищої освіти України з метою адаптації передового досвіду Ірландії до українських реалій і досягнення світових стандартів якості в підготовці науково-педагогічних працівників вищої кваліфікації.The article deals with one of the most pressing issues in today's education system, namely the professional development of teachers of higher education institutions in Ukraine through the use of advanced foreign ideas, namely the experience of the Irish higher education establishments. The paper covers the requirements for the professional development of scientific and teaching staff in Ireland, defines the basic concepts of scientific search: “professional development”, “scientific and pedagogical staff member”, “Irish higher education system” etc. The participation of the teaching staff of the third-level educational institutions in the programs and activities of professional growth is highlighted. The programs of professional development that are most popular among teachers are underlined. It is proved that the professional growth of teaching staff is facilitated by numerous projects of national scale, their disciplinary associations; programs for certificates, diplomas, master's degrees, Ph.D.'s etc. Recognizing the need to provide the country's higher education system with scientific and pedagogical staff of higher qualification, following the provisions of the National Strategy for the Development of Higher Education by 2030, almost all third-level Irish institutions have established centers of pedagogical practice to improve the teaching skills and methods. At the same time, Irish higher education institutions have updated their existing professional development programs, many of which are currently available online. It is proved that the Irish experience is of great interest and is a significant source for reflection and creative use of the positive aspects in domestic educational practice. In this regard, recommendations have been developed for the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as for the institutions of higher education of Ukraine, with the aim of adapting Ireland's best practices to Ukrainian realities and achieving world quality standards in the training of highly qualified scientific and teaching staff.Определены требования к профессиональному развитию научно-педагогических работников высшего образования Ирландии, исследовано их участие в программах профессионального роста. Доказано, что ирландский опыт представляет значительный интерес, является значимым источником для осмысления и творческого использования положительных моментов в отечественной образовательной практике. Разработаны рекомендации Министерству образования и науки, а также учреждениям высшего образования Украины с целью адаптации передового опыта Ирландии к украинским реалиям и достижения мировых стандартов качества в подготовке научно-педагогических работников высшей квалификации

    The impact of olfactory and gustatory perception on metabolic homeostasis in obese patients

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    Obesity is currently a major global public health problem. As a result, in recent decades there has been a growing interest in studying the impact of this disease on the functioning of the central nervous system. One of the least understood aspects is the impact that obesity has on sensory systems.The olfactory and gustatory systems are closely related to various vital functions, such as the nocifensors activation, the stimulation of digestive reflexes. In addition, these sensory systems are known to play an important role in the mechanisms of food consumption through the regulation of appetite and satiety, influencing food choice and, therefore, they are involved in the development of obesity. A number of clinical studies have shown that obese patients are more likely to suffer from hyposmia compared to lean people of the same age.The reasons why this relationship exists remain largely unclear. The aim of this review is to assess the available data on this topic and to identify new promising areas for further research. The review was conducted in the PubMed databases for 2017–2023

    The effect of A-PRP-therapy on reparative regeneration of bone tissue with acute bone fractures of the limbs

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    Objective. To evaluate the effect of A-PRP-therapy on reparative bone regeneration in acute limb bone fractures. Material and Methods. The study consisted of two parts – in the first part we studied the effect of A-PRP-therapy on the model of a comminuted fracture created in the operating room, an experimental study conducted on 40 Mature rabbits of the Flander breed, all animals were divided according to the principle of analogues into 2 groups (20 animals): in the study group – on the 5th day after osteotomy, platelet-rich plasma was injected into the fracture area, in the comparison group – the fusion occurred without the influence of any drugs. The second part presents the results of clinical testing of A-PRP-therapy, analyzed the results of treatment of 16 women with low-energy fractures of the distal radius metaepiphysis. The study group consisted of 6 patients whose surgical treatment was supplemented by A-PRP-therapy on 7, 14 days after surgery. The control group consisted of 10 patients who underwent surgical treatment without A-PRP-therapy.Results. The use of platelet-rich plasma to stimulate reparative osteogenesis in accute fractures reduces the time of fracture consolidation by 9.5 ± 1.1%.Conclusion. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to stimulate reparative osteogenesis is an inexpensive, easy to perform and effective alternative to the methods considered. The possibilities of application of this technology in traumatology and orthopedics require further research in order to create protocols for the use of PRP-therapy to stimulate the maturation of bone calluses

    Нейровизуализационные методики оценки головного мозга при сахарном диабете (литературный обзор)

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is associated with changes in the structure of the brain and deterioration of cognitive functions from mild to moderate according to neuropsychological testing. With the growing DM epidemic and the increasing number of people living to old age, cognitive dysfunctions associated with DM can have serious consequences for the future of public and practical health. Chronic hyperglycemia, severe episodes of hypoglycemia, and microvascular complications are important risk factors common for type 1 and type 2 diabetes. DM is also associated with structural and functional changes in the brain, which can be diagnosed by various types of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain. In this review, we investigate studies conducted over the past two decades to improve the understanding of how DM effects the brain function and structure. We also describe the changes characteristic of type 1 and type 2 diabetes during standard MRI, functional MRI and proton magnetic-resonance spectroscopy (proton MRS) as well as their features.Сахарный диабет (СД) связан с изменениями в структуре головного мозга и ухудшением когнитивных функций от легкой до умеренной степени по данным нейропсихологического тестирования. В условиях растущей эпидемии СД и увеличения числа людей, доживающих до старости, когнитивная дисфункция, ассоциированная с СД, может иметь серьезные последствия для будущего общественного и практического здравоохранения. Хроническая гипергликемия, тяжелые эпизоды гипогликемии и микрососудистые осложнения являются важными факторами риска, общими для СД 1-го и 2-го типа. Также СД связан со структурными и функциональными изменениями в головном мозге, которые возможно диагностировать посредством различных вариантов магнитно-резонансной томографии (МРТ) головного мозга. В представленном обзоре рассмотрены исследования, проведенные за последние два десятилетия, чтобы улучшить понимание того, как СД влияет на функцию и структуру головного мозга. Также описаны изменения, характерные для СД 1-го и 2-го типа при проведении стандартной,  функциональной МРТ и протонной магнитно-резонансной спектроскопии, и их особенности

    Features of developing SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein population-based seroprevalence during the first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic in the Russian Federation

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    The novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic, dubbed COVID-19, has become one of the most serious challenges for human populations in the vast majority of countries worldwide. Rapid spreading and increased mortality related to it required new approaches to manage epidemic processes on a global scale. One of such approaches was based on analyzing SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence associated with COVID-19. Our aim was to summarize the results on assessing seroprevalence to the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid antigen (Nc) in residents from 26 regions of the Russian Federation, carried out during the first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic.Materials and methods. Seroprevalence distribution was examined in 26 model regions of the Russian Federation according to the unified method developed by the Rospotrebnadzor with the participation of the Federal State Institution Saint Petersburg Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. Such approach implied formation of a group of volunteer subjects in model geographic region who were tested by ELISA for anti-Nc serum antibody level in peripheral blood. Analyzed primary data obtained in separate regions were either accepted for publication or released.Results. The current paper finalizes the data obtained in all 26 regions of the Russian Federation. The total SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence was 19.5 (10.0–25.6)% with the maximum and minimum value found in the Kaliningrad Region and the Republic of Crimea, respectively (50.2% vs. 4.3%). A pattern of age-related seroprevalence distribution indicates insignificant predominance of seroprevalence among subjects of 1–17 years old: 22.1 (13.1–31.8)%. Among COVID-19 convalescents positive for SARS-CoV Nc antibodies it reached 60.0 (40.0–73.3)%. The number of contact persons comprised 6285 subjects or 8.5% of total volunteer cohort, with the level of seroprevalence reaching up to 25.3 (17.95–35.8)%. A direct correlation was revealed between levels of seroprevalence in convalescent and contact volunteers. In addition, the reproductive number for SARS-CoV was calculated comprising 5.8 (4.3–8.5) suggesting that one convalescent subject can infect at least 4 healthy individuals. A high level of asymptomatic forms of COVID-19 among seropositive subjects was confirmed empirically comprising up to 93.6 (87.1–94.9)%.Conclusion. A single cross-sectional study performed during 2020 June–August timeframe allowed to assess pattern of sex- and agerelated COVID-19 seroprevalence for general population in 26 Russian Federation regions. The data obtained may serve as a basis for the longitudinal cohort investigation with serial subject sampling. The timing and duration of study will be determined by dynamics of ongoing COVID-19 epidemic

    Solubility of Rock in Steam Atmospheres of Planets

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    Extensive experimental studies show that all major rock-forming elements (e.g., Si, Mg, Fe, Ca, Al, Na, K) dissolve in steam to a greater or lesser extent. We use these results to compute chemical equilibrium abundances of rocky-element-bearing gases in steam atmospheres equilibrated with silicate magma oceans. Rocky elements partition into steam atmospheres as volatile hydroxide gases (e.g., Si(OH)4, Mg(OH)2, Fe(OH)2, Ni(OH)2, Al(OH)3, Ca(OH)2, NaOH, KOH) and via reaction with HF and HCl as volatile halide gases (e.g., NaCl, KCl, CaFOH, CaClOH, FAl(OH)2) in much larger amounts than expected from their vapor pressures over volatile-free solid or molten rock at high temperatures expected for steam atmospheres on the early Earth and hot rocky exoplanets. We quantitatively compute the extent of fractional vaporization by defining gas/magma distribution coefficients and show that Earth's subsolar Si/Mg ratio may be due to loss of a primordial steam atmosphere. We conclude that hot rocky exoplanets that are undergoing or have undergone escape of steam-bearing atmospheres may experience fractional vaporization and loss of Si, Mg, Fe, Ni, Al, Ca, Na, and K. This loss can modify their bulk composition, density, heat balance, and interior structure

    Содержание sEMMPRIN/CD147 в сыворотке крови больных с опухолями костей и его связь с клинико-морфологическими характеристиками заболевания

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    Introduction. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of biochemical markers is one of the most important methods for diagnosing tumors. One of these markers is an inducer of expression of matrix metalloproteases EMMPRIN/CD147. Changes in its expression are associated with the progression of some tumors. This study is the first work devoted to the study of the content of the soluble form of the transmembrane glycoprotein EMMPRIN (sEMMPRIN)  in the blood serum of patients with various bone tumors.Aim. To study the content of sEMMPRIN in the blood serum of patients with malignant bone tumors, its relationship with the clinical and morphological characteristics of neoplasms and prognosis.Materials and methods. The study included 88 patients with malignant tumors (osteosarcoma – 37 cases, chondrosarcoma – 39, chordoma – 5, Ewing’s sarcoma – 7) and borderline (11 cases) bone neoplasms, of which 14 patients were under the age of 18 years. The control group consisted of 29 healthy donors, 8 of which were under the age of 18 years. The concentration  of EMMPRIN was determined in the serum of patients and donors with reagents for direct enzyme immunoassay “Human EMMPRIN” (R&D, USA) in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and expressed in nanograms (ng) per 1 ml of blood serum. The obtained data were processed using the GraphPad Prizm 9.4 program. When comparing indicators and analyzing their relationships, we used the nonparametric Mann–Whitney and Kruskal–Wallis tests. Overall survival was analyzed using the Kaplan–Meier method.Results. Our analysis of the sEMMPRIN content in the blood serum of patients with bone tumors did not reveal statistically significant differences between the control group and patients with borderline and malignant tumors, both in adults and in children. At the same time, a trend towards a decrease in the level of sEMMPRIN in the blood serum was noted in the presence of a malignant neoplasm of the bone compared with the corresponding control group. Additionally, we found that the content of sEMMPRIN is associated with age and higher in the group of patients under 18 years of age, both among healthy donors and oncological patients. An analysis of the association of sEMMPRIN content with clinical and morphological characteristics did not reveal statistically significant patterns, however, a trend towards an increase in the level of the marker with disease progression in both studied age groups was observed, which is consistent with other studies conducted on other solid tumors.Conclusion. ELISA revealed the marker sEMMPRIN in the blood serum of all examined children and adults with borderline malignant bone tumors and healthy donors. At the same time, the levels of sEMMPRIN did not differ between the above groups, however, there was a tendency for a decrease in the concentration of the marker in patients with bone sarcomas compared with the control group, regardless of age.Введение. Иммуноферментный  анализ биохимических маркеров является одним из важнейших методов диагностики опухолей. в число таких маркеров входит индуктор экспрессии матриксных металлопротеаз EMMPRIN/CD147. изменение его экспрессии связано с прогрессией некоторых опухолей. Настоящее исследование является первой работой, посвященной изучению содержания растворимой формы трансмембранного гликопротеина EMMPRIN (sEMMPRIN) в сыворотке крови пациентов с различными опухолями костей.Цель исследования – изучить содержание sEMMPRIN в сыворотке крови больных со злокачественными опухолями костей, его связь с клинико-морфологическими характеристиками новообразований и прогнозом.Материалы и методы. В исследование включены 88 пациентов со злокачественными опухолями (остеосаркома – 37 случаев, хондросаркома – 39, хордома – 5, саркома Юинга – 7) и пограничными новообразованиями костей (11 случаев), из которых 14 больных – в возрасте до 18 лет. Группу контроля составили 29 здоровых доноров, 8 из которых были в возрасте до 18 лет. концентрацию sEMMPRIN определяли в сыворотке больных и доноров с помощью реактивов для прямого иммуноферментного анализа “Human EммPRIN”  (R&D, СШа) в соответствии с инструкциями производителя и выражали в нанограммах (нг) на 1 мл сыворотки крови. полученные данные обрабатывали с помощью программы GraphPad Prizm 9.4. для сравнения показателей и оценки их взаимосвязей использовали непараметрические критерии манна–Уитни и краскела–Уоллиса. анализ общей выживаемости выполняли по методу каплана–майера.Результаты. Проведенный нами анализ содержания sEMMPRIN в сыворотке крови пациентов с опухолями костей не выявил статистически значимых различий между контрольной группой и пациентами с пограничными и злокачественными опухолями как у взрослых, так и у детей. вместе с тем обнаружена тенденция к снижению уровня sEMMPRIN в сыворотке крови при наличии злокачественного новообразования кости по сравнению с соответствующей контрольной группой. дополнительно нами выявлено, что содержание sEMMPRIN ассоциировано с возрастом и выше в группе обследуемых в возрасте до 18 лет (как здоровых доноров, так и онкологических пациентов). анализ ассоциации содержания sEMMPRIN с клинико-морфологическими характеристиками не выявил статистически значимых закономерностей, однако наблюдалась тенденция к повышению уровня маркера при прогрессировании заболевания в обеих исследованных возрастных группах, что согласуется с другими исследованиями, в которых анализировались иные солидные опухоли.Заключение. С помощью иммуноферментного анализа sEMMPRIN выявлен в сыворотке крови у всех обследованных детей и взрослых пациентов с пограничными, злокачественными опухолями костей и у здоровых доноров. Уровни этого маркера в вышеуказанных группах не различались, однако отмечена тенденция к снижению его концентрации у больных саркомами костей по сравнению с контрольной группой независимо от возраста

    A randomized, open-label, multicentre, phase 2/3 study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of lumiliximab in combination with fludarabine, cyclophosphamide and rituximab versus fludarabine, cyclophosphamide and rituximab alone in subjects with relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukaemia

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