30 research outputs found

    The void in finance

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    There is no proper place within economic thought for the void. It appears nowhere in the canonical texts of political economy, let alone the discourse of conventional economics. Yet one cannot shake the sense that it is implied in most if not all financial commentary. At the very least, the void exerts a magnetic pull on a range of related terms in the lexicon. Could it be that through these it grounds the financial imagination in fundamental ways

    Edges of the financial imagination

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    Neither external nor internal to finance, the financial imagination marks out a space where the theoretical and practical aspects of finance come together in the inner life of the subject. That means there is something about financial subjectivity that escapes a functional view on the imagination. The purpose of this forum is to probe the contours of the financial imagination in terms of its perimeters and blind spots, its fantasies and delusions

    Journal Staff

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    SammanfattningOCS950(Object Controller System 950) Ă€r en av Bombardiers produkter som hanterar sĂ€kerhetssystemet i jĂ€rnvĂ€gstrafiken. Det bestĂ„r av olika delsystem och strömförsörjs mha nĂ€taggregat (PSU – Power Supply Unit). I den hĂ€r rapporten undersöks den befintliga PSU74-modellen samt nya switchade nĂ€taggregat som finns pĂ„ marknaden.Bakgrunden till att Bombardier vill byta ut PSU74 mot ett nytt switchat aggregat Ă€r att PSU74 har en vikt pĂ„ 14 kg och tar stor plats i el-skĂ„p. Ett swichat nĂ€taggregat vĂ€ger ungefĂ€r 1,5 kg och Ă€r sĂ„ pass kompakt att det tar litet utrymme i el-skĂ„pet.Bombardier har medvetet vĂ€ntat med att gĂ„ över till SMPS eftersom tillförlitlighet blir ett problem. Detta problem kan lösas mha redundanta kopplingar. MTBF Ă€r den största utmaningen vid övergĂ„ng till SMPS. MTBF berĂ€kningar för redundanta kopplingar presenteras i rapporten och resultatet visar att ju fler enheter ett system innehĂ„ller desto mindre blir MTBF-vĂ€rdet.I faktainsamlingsdelen beskrivs och förklaras olika viktiga begrepp för att underlĂ€tta förstĂ„else av rapporten. MTBF, linjĂ€ra och switchade nĂ€taggregat Ă€r bara nĂ„gra begrepp som tas upp.En studie av PSU74 och en lista över dess viktiga egenskaper presenteras, det Ă€r en utgĂ„ngspunkt för kravspecifikation för nytt switchade nĂ€taggregat. Vissa egenskaper som prioriteras Ă€r MTBF, in-och utspĂ€nning, vikt och drifttemperatur mm.Ett enkelt kretsschema konstrueras och visar principen för redundant koppling. Kravspecifikationen finns i ett tabellformat. De flesta egenskaper Ă€r definierade men vissa Ă€r ej faststĂ€llta. Bombardier definierar vĂ€rde pĂ„ dessa egenskaper efter diskussion med potentiella tillverkare.En alternativ lösning presenteras dĂ€r ett uppvĂ€rmningsförslag av el-skĂ„p lĂ€ggs fram. Denna metod kan bredda urval av SMPS pĂ„ marknaden. En omfattad undersökning av marknaden genomförs dĂ€r olika modeller analyseras baserade pĂ„ kravspecifikationer. En utmaning Ă€r omgivningstemperaturen eftersom de  flesta SMPS tĂ„l – 25°C minimum drifttemperatur. NĂ„gra modeller som uppfyller kriterierna undersöks noggrant och systematiskt. Analys av utvalda SMPS utförs och slutsatser presenteras dĂ€r för- och nackdelar med respektive modell lyfts fram. Det konstanteras att modell frĂ„n Cosel TUFS300F28 Ă€r ett bra alternativ för ersĂ€ttning av PSU74

    Clickbait Capitalism: A Panel Discussion

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    The Centre for Capitalism Studies is pleased to welcome panellists Carolyn Biltoft (Graduate Institute Geneva), Earl Gammon (Sussex), Emily Rosamond (Goldsmiths) and Amin Samman (City). Chaired by Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou (CCS Director)

    Clickbait capitalism: Economies of desire in the twenty-first century

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    Panel for 14th Annual Critical Finance Studies Conference Organiser ‱ Amin Samman, City, University of London Chair ‱ Elke Schwarz, Queen Mary University of London Panellists ‱ Amin Samman, City, University of London ‱ Earl Gammon, University of Sussex ‱ Sandy Hager, City, University of London ‱ Emily Rosamond, Goldsmiths, University of London Panel abstract The notion of ‘clickbait’ speaks to the intersection of money, technology, and desire, suggesting a cunning ruse to profit from unsavoury inclinations of one kind or another. This panel pursues the idea that the entire contemporary economy is just such a ruse; an elaborate exercise in psychological capture and release. Pushing beyond rationalist accounts of economic life, the papers presented here put psychoanalysis and political economy into conversation with the cutting edges of capitalist development. Perennial questions of death, sex, aggression, enjoyment, despair, hope, and revenge are followed onto the terrain of the contemporary, with discussion devoted to social media, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs. The result will be a unique and compelling portrait of the latest institutions to stage, channel, or reconfigure the psychic energies of political and economic life

    After the boom:Finance and society studies in the 2020s and beyond

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    The crisis of 2008 was a watershed event for the study of finance and society. There was the boom in financial markets that came to a head with the collapse of Lehman Brothers, and there was the boom in financial scholarship that followed in its wake. But what comes after this second boom? After more than decade of rapid expansion under the shadow of 2008, what comes next for the new finance studies? What are the emerging debates that matter most? Where lies the need for further theorisation and for new empirical work? In this editorial, these questions are pursued under three broad headings, each corresponding to an overarching imperative: first, the need to keep a vigilant watch on the core institutions and logics of finance; second, the need to continue expanding and deepening the field; and third, the need to persist with difficult lines of questioning

    Situating Arab women’s writing in a feminist ‘global gothic’ : madness, mothers and ghosts

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    This article sketches a new way of approaching some contemporary Levantine (Egyptian and Lebanese) feminist texts. Extending Glennis Byron’s notion of the ‘global gothic’, I examine Hanan Al-Shaykh’s The Story of Zahra (1986), Mansoura Ez Eldin’s Maryam’s Maze (2007) and Joumana Haddad’s The Seamstress’ Daughter (2019) as examples of an Arab feminist Gothic approach, which serves as a framework to theorise difficult and pressing questions that feminism poses regarding women’s rights. Arab feminist Gothic writers use the jahiliyyah period, or the ‘time of ignorance’, as a folkloric referential backdrop for texts which theorise the female condition under contemporary patriarchal society. The presence of ghosts, madness, doubles in the form of the folkloric qarina spirit-doubles and dreams can be read as part of a local Gothic feminist mode. This as-yet unacknowledged Arab feminist Gothic tradition, while emerging from debates over statehood and postcolonial subjectivities, delves into the intensity of personal traumas through the lens of women’s relationships to other women, especially mothers and daughters. Taking Arab feminist fiction as its focus, this article models how feminist scholarship can use genre, particularly the Gothic, to trace artistic feminist theorising in non-western contexts