516 research outputs found

    The development of plans for a national airport for Ankara, Turkey

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    \u27The present rapid development of general interest in aviation has brought to the front a new field of engineering. Development of the airplane has already reached a stage where the limit of its usefulness seems fixed only by the places which may be provided for taking off and landing. Due to the newness of the problem, not every one on whom responsibility rests recognizes the fact that the selection of the proper site and location for an airport is just as much an engineering problem as are its design and construction.\u27 The Turkish government began construction or the Ankara-Esenboga airport in 1949. The present airport has many disadvantages over the ideal situation. The runways are located about 20 degrees off the prevailing winds of the wind rose, which creates crosswinds on the runways and is very unsatisfactory for a class 4 airport. The location of the runways introduced an uneconomical excavation problem. The taxiways cross the main runways at four locations, which congests the take off and landing traffic. The overall length of the taxiway is great and adds more expense to the airport. The purpose of this thesis is to show that a more economical and advantageous design could have been had for an airport in this locality. The thesis submitted discusses this problem from several points of view as well as the actual location and design of runway and taxiway according to the new and modern specification of U.S. Civil Aeronautics Administration. Not considered in this paper is the design of hangars, administration building and other auxiliaries which is in fact a totally different field. That design is left for structural Engineers to work out --Foreword, pages 1-2

    Analiza učestalosti goveđeg beta-kazeina tipa A1 i A2 u krava holštajnsko-frizijske pasmine PCR-om u stvarnom vremenu s fluorescentnim hibridizacijskim sondama

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    A2 milk popularity is increasing across the world and novel molecular techniques have been evaluated to develop reliable methods. This study aimed to genotype Holstein-Friesian cows concerning their A1/A2 status using Real-time PCR assay with the specifically designed FRET hybridization probes. In this context, DNA samples were obtained from 310 Holstein-Friesian milk samples. Concerning the Real-time PCR assay, the melting temperature of each amplicon was analyzed and the melting data was converted to a derivative plot using the LightCycler 480 System. The sensor probe was designed to match the wild-type sequence in the target DNA. In the Real-time PCR assay, the melting peaks obtained in the Real-time PCR assay were highly decisive and consistent for each genotype regarding CCT→CAT alteration. The results indicated a remarkably high frequency of the A2 allele (68%) and a considerable frequency of heterozygous animals (0.41). Population genetic analysis showed intermediate levels of genetic variability and biodiversity. The A2-herd conversion process is a complex process consisting of genetic testing of both cows and calves, evaluating replacement rates, and the conversion of heterozygotes by using A2-genotyped bull semen. In this sense, the key point is a reliable and rapid genotyping method to produce A1-free milk. This study suggests that Real-time PCR assay with the specifically designed FRET hybridization probes is a preferable method for A2 genotyping, and may be useful for further studies and instructive for companies or breeders who aim to produce A2 milk.Popularnost mlijeka s A2 tipom beta-kazeina sve je veća diljem svijeta što je popraćeno razvojem novih i pouzdanijih metoda za molekularne analize. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bila genotipizacija holštajnsko-frizijskih krava s obzirom na A1/A2 status primjenom PCR-a u stvarnom vremenu (RT-PCR) s posebno dizajniranim FRET hibridizacijskim sondama. DNA je dobivena iz uzoraka mlijeka 310 krava. RT-PCR-om analizirana je temperatura taljenja svakog amplikona te su ti podaci uz upotrebu sustava LightCycler 480 korišteni za iscrtavanje grafičkih prikaza. Senzorska sonda dizajnirana je tako da odgovara divljem tipu sekvencije u ciljnoj DNA. Vršne vrijednosti taljenja dobivene RTPCR-om bile su postojane razlučivosti za svaki genotip s obzirom na promjenu CCT→CAT. Rezultati su pokazali vrlo visoku učestalost alela A2 (68 %) i znakovitu učestalost heterozogotnih životinja (0,41). Genetska analiza u populaciji pokazala je srednje vrijednosti genetske varijabilnosti i bioraznolikosti. Proces usmjeravanja uzgoja prema životinjama s A2 tipom mlijeka složen je proces koji uključuje genetsko testiranje krava i teladi, procjenu stopa zamjene i konverziju heterozigota upotrebom A2-genotipiziranog sjemena bikova. U tom je smislu ključna brza i pouzdana metoda genotipizacije životinja koje proizvode mlijeko bez A1 tipa beta-kazeina. Ovo istraživanje pokazuje da se RT-PCR s posebno dizajniranim hibridizacijskim FRET sondama može preporučiti za A2 genotipizaciju goveda. Navedena metoda mogla bi biti korisna u daljnjim istraživanjima te u industriji i u uzgoju stada za proizvodnju mlijeka s A2 tipom beta-kazeina


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    PT. Riung Mitra Lestari Site Embalut merupakan perusahaan kontraktor pertambangan batubara sebagai penunjang ketersediaan dan pemeliharaan alat berat. Salah satu aktivitas pemeliharaan alat berat yaitu section maintenance tire. Berdasarkan observasi, pada aktivitas section maintenance postur kerja dilakukan secara membungkuk dan berjongkok mengakibatkan keluhan MSDs pada pinggang dan punggung. Berdasarkan permasalahan, dilakukan analisis postur kerja menggunakan metode WERA. Dari 20 aktivitas terdapat 4 aktivitas mendapatkan action high yaitu pelepasan dan pemasangan nut tire dengan score 50 (92,60%), pemasangan tire dengan score 48 (88,90%), dan pemasangan bead seat band, o-ring, dan lockring dengan score 49 (90,70%). Diberikan usulan perbaikan yaitu alat fasilitas kerja dan postur kerja menggunakan simulasi software CATIA V5. Pada pelepasan dan pemasangan nut tire, diperoleh hasil 26 (48,15%) dengan action low. Pada pemasangan tire, diperoleh hasil 25 (46,29%) dengan action low. Dan pada pemasangan bead seat band, o-ring, dan lockring diperoleh hasil dari 31 (57,40%) dengan action medium

    Assessments of Teachers’ Retention Strategies in Public and Private Secondary Schools in Manyara Region

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    This study is aimed to explore the teachers’ retention strategies between the private and public secondary schools in Babati Town council. The study was guided by four research objectives which were (i) To assess the factors affecting the job turnover for teachers in government schools in Babati Town council (ii) To assess the retention strategies used by the community to enhance teachers’ retention (iii) To compare the retention strategies used by private and public schools administrators to enhance teachers’ retention (iv) To assess the role of students in enhancing teachers’ retention. The study used both qualitative and quantitative approach where the sample of 191 respondents of different categories was interviewed and the data of the study was collected through structured questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Simple random sampling was used to select the respondent of the study. The key findings of the study indicated that low salary, distance from home to school, lack of motivation, lack of morale and poor respect of teaching profession as well as lack profession development were the major reasons which cause teachers turnover in many government schools in Babati Town council. Also the study showed that the community have great role of making teachers to remains in schools if they were incorporated. Furthermore, the study showed that the private schools have managed to retain teachers because their administrators motivate them by providing extra duty allowance, giving them housing and rewarding top performers. It was concluded that in order the government schools to perform better they should have good and enough teachers in all teaching subjects. Therefore, this study recommends that if the government wants to retain teachers and to compete with private schools, the government should increase teacher’s salary so as to commensurate with their qualifications


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    Dua hal penting dalam perkembangan kota, yaitu pertama; Menyangkut perubahan yang dikehendaki untuk memenuhi kebutuhan prasarana kota dan fasilitas hidup yang mengikat seiring perkembangan penduduk, kedua; menyangkut perluasan kota, sebab perkembangan ruang kota menuntut adanya ruang yang luas namun keterbatasan ruang yang merupakan kendala yang tak terhindarkan sehingga cenderung dilakukan konsolidasi dan pencadangan lahan serta peremajaan kota.Kota Masohi memiliki potensi yang sangat strategis baik dari segi posisi kewilayahan yang berada pada simpul pergerakan transportasi di daerah Kepulauan Seram yang dapat memicu perkembangan arus penduduk dalam jumlah besar, kemudian dari segi Historis yang merupakan ibukota kabupaten induk dari kedua kabupaten pemekaran yang menghimpit Kota Masohi dengan kondisi perkembangan yang telah ada baik itu ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana wilayah maupun kemampuan dalam mengelola sebuah perkotaan sehingga ketergantungan pada daerah ini masih sangat besar. Dengan melihat potensi-potensi tersebut, maka Kota Masohi memiliki beban yang bukan hanya dari dalam saja akan tetapi mendapat beban dari luar sehingga perkembangan wilayah secara fisik dirasakan sangat meningkat, sementara kondisi fisik wilayah kota memiliki beberapa keterbatasan dan kendala dalam perluasan wilayah kota dengan adanya beberapa faktor pembatas tersebut

    Evaluation of Chemical Processes for Sustainable Optimization

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    Increasing concerns over global climate change due to greater amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere or ozone depletion etc. are leading engineers to address `environmental' impacts of industrial processes. Additionally, the impact on ecosystems on which people depend and consequently the health of people is another growing concern. Furthermore, the `economics' of the industrial processes were dictated as the main constraint in the design of chemical process plants. However, recently health, safety, and public welfare or in other words the `social' concern is included as another important constraint. Addressing environmental, social, and economic concerns falls under the evaluation of sustainability of industrial processes. With all these concerns, engineers are developing novel methods for chemical process design. A methodology for evaluating the sustainability of processes was demonstrated using the SUSTAINABILITY EVALUATOR (SE) in conjunction with Aspen Plus process simulator. The SE is a Microsoft Excel based tool that requires mass and energy flows from Aspen Plus as inputs to the tool. The outputs from the tool include the economic, environmental, social, and overall sustainability impacts. The goal of using this tool is to assist decision makers or processes designers in quantifying the sustainability of processes and providing them with the ability to improve the process' sustainability. The methodology includes simulating a process in Aspen Plus, evaluating the sustainability using the SE, conducting a sensitivity analysis and subsequently optimizing the process in Aspen Plus, and finally re-evaluating the sustainability of the process using the SE. This methodology was demonstrated on a case study involving two different chemistries to produce methyl chloride; hydrochlorination of methanol and thermal chlorination of methane. The different chemistries were chosen to assist a process engineer in making a decision regarding the sustainability of a process e.g. whether one process is more sustainable than another. The SE tool addresses sustainability concerns and quantifies them in order to measure changes in sustainability of a process. The study found the process with the hydrochlorination of methanol chemistry to have a lower overall sustainability impact than the process with the thermal chlorination of methane chemistry. The lower the overall sustainability impact, the more sustainable is the process.School of Chemical Engineerin

    Containing the Future: Modern Identities as Material Negotiation in the Urban Turkish Ceyiz

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    The Turkish trousseau, çeyiz in Turkish, connects contemporary brides to the traditions and responsibilities of women from previous generations while demonstrating how greater access to education shapes young women's choices as consumers, spouses, and daughters. An emotionally laden collection, the çeyiz entails intergenerational negotiations between mothers and daughters who collaborate to organize the bride's future furnishings, crystallizing their respective desires and differences. A variable collection of bedding, tablecloths, curtains, and embellishments, the çeyiz serves as the bride's contribution of domestic furnishings for the new couple's house An analysis of the trousseau engages with the past and the present revealing how young women's lives are being transformed over time. By comparing mothers with daughters, I demonstrate that, within one generation, young women have greater agency over their futures At the same time, however, they are expected to comply with the traditional roles of marriage, suggesting that their gains are not permanent. The trousseau's material and affective contents reveal the shifts--and continuities--in family relationships, marriage, and consumption engendered by Turkish modernity. Drawing on the analytical works of Annette Weiner, who researched Samoans, Trobrianders, and the Maoris, I approach the çeyiz as an "inalienable possession," connecting generations of women, mothers and daughters, who reproduce through it their expectations for marriage (Weiner 1992). This dissertation also considers the subjective implications of the çeyiz; it serves as a technology of self, honing women's skills and tastes in preparation for their future. The urban Turkish çeyiz reveals that young Turkish women desire new subjectivities, which they display through consumption and acquire through education. This research demonstrates that increased education influences how Istanbul brides select the contents of their çeyiz and envision their futures as wives. More than a symbol for marriage, the rapidly changing bridal çeyiz envelops Turkey's participation within the global economy, national identity, and investment in equalizing gender relations