86 research outputs found

    Vulnerability of the mosquito larvae to the guppies (Poecilia reticulata) in the presence of alternative preys

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    Background & objectives: The predatory potential of the larvivorous fishes can be affected by the presence of alternative preys. In the present study the predation pattern of the sewage dwelling Poecilia reticulata (Peters 1872) on the larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus Say 1823 (Diptera: Culicidae) was evaluated in the presence of alternative preys. Methods: The predation of Cx. quinquefasciatus larvae by different size groups of P. reticulata fishes was evaluated. In addition to this, the niche breadth (N) and diet breadth (B) were measured following Manly’s selectivity index (Si) as an indicator of variation of such predation pattern in the presence of alternative prey types, like chironomid larvae and tubificid worms.Results: The consumption of IV instar Cx. quinquefasciatus larvae by individual P. reticulata ranged between 65 and 84 in a 3 h feeding period and varied with the size of fish (F2, 33 = 34.91; p<0.001). The selectivity coefficient revealed a significantly low preference for the Cx. quinquefasciatus larvae (0.16, CL: 0.05 – 0.27; p< 0.05) compared to the chironomid larvae and tubificid worms, when all the three prey types were present. The niche breadth (N) and diet breadth (B) ranged from 0.77 to 0.92 and 0.69 to 0.93, respectively. The total consumption of all the prey types varied with the predator density, but the selectivity index for the mosquito larvae was significantly low in all the instances.Interpretation & conclusion: P. reticulata can consume a good number of mosquito larvae, with the consumption rate varying with the body size. P. reticulata fishes exhibit low preference for mosquito larvae as prey in the presence of alternative controphic preys like chironomid larvae and tubificid worms. Though establishment and sustenance of P. reticulata in new habitats will be favoured by the presence of alternative preys, but vulnerability of mosquito larvae may be reduced with availability of multiple preys in natural conditions

    Unruptured left ventricular pseudoaneurysm following inferior wall myocardial infarction

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    Left ventricular (LV) pseudoaneurysm is a rare but potentially lethal complication of acute myocardial infarction (MI). We report a very rare case of a 60 year-old woman with a ruptured myocardial wall, and a non-ruptured LV pseudoaneurysm. The patient presented with acutely worsening shortness of breath and exertional dyspnea of one month&#8217;s duration, and palpitation. She had an inferior wall MI nine months previously. Coronary angiography showed severe stenosis at right coronary artery. Echocardiography, LV angiography, and computed tomography angiography revealed a large pseudoaneurysm postero-inferior to the LV. Surgical resection of the pseudoaneurysm was performed and repair of the ruptured LV wall done, with good results. (Cardiol J 2012; 19, 5: 539-542

    Enhanced Single-phase Phase Locked Loop based on Complex-Coefficient Filter

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    Appraisal of Noise Level Dissemination Surrounding Mining and Industrial Areas of Keonjhar, Odisha: a Comprehensive Approach Using Noise Mapping

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    Noise mapping is a well-established practice among the European nations, and it has been following for almost two decades. Recently, as per guidelines of the Directorate General of Mines Safety (DGMS), India, noise mapping has made mandatory in the mining expanses. This study is an effort made to map the noise levels in nearby areas of mines in the northern Keonjhar district. The motive of this study is to quantify the existing A-weighted time-average sound level (LAeq,T) in the study area to probe its effects on the human dwellings and noise sensitive areas with the probability of future development of the mines, roads and industrial & commercial zone. The LAeq,T was measured at 39 identified locations, includes industrial, commercial, residential and sensitive zones, 15 open cast mines, 3 major highways and 3 haulage roads. With the utilization of Predictor LimA Software and other GIS tools, the worked out data is mapped and noise contours are developed for the visualization and identification of the extent and distribution of sound levels across the study area. This investigation discloses that the present noise level at 60% of the locations in silence and residential zone are exposed to significantly high noise levels surpasses the prescribed limit of Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), India. The observed day and night time LAeq,T level of both the zone, ranged between 43.2 - 62.2 dB (A) and 30.5 – 53.4 dB (A) respectively whereas, the average Ldn values vary between 32.7 – 51.2 dB (A). The extensive mobility of heavy vehicles adjoining the sensitive areas and a nearby plethora of open cast mines is the leading cause of exceeded noise levels. The study divulges that the delicate establishments like school and hospitals are susceptible to high noise levels throughout the day and night. A correlation between observed and software predicted values gives R2 of 0.605 for Ld; 0.217 for Ln; and 0.524 for Ldn. Finally, the mitigation measure proposed and demonstrated using contour map showing a significant reduction in the noise levels by 0 – 5.3 dB (A)

    Foodborne Outbreak Investigation in a Festival at Panchkhal Municipality of Kavrepalanchok District in Central Nepal

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    Background: On September 2018, cluster of gastrointestinal cases following feast of Teej Festival was reported in Panchkhal Municipality of Kavrepalanchok, Nepal. The outbreak was investigated to identify the possible source of infection, causative agent and guide local control measures for prevention and control of the outbreak. Methods: Demographic and clinical details were collected from the cases, and the outbreak was described by time, place and person. Fourteen key informant interviews were conducted to assess the probable cause of infection, practice of food handling and preparation, source of drinking water. Semi-structured questionnaires were used to collect data from the cases. Blood examination, stool examination and culture and hepatitis serological test were done. Samples from wells and ponds were collected and microbiological tests were done in National Public Health Laboratory. Results: A total of 452 cases were identified with gastrointestinal illness and no reported deaths. All the affected population had taken food from the same place during the festival where children being more affected. Two stool samples detected Entamoeba Histolytica and some showed pus cells with no cyst or ova of organisms. Stool culture was negative. No definitive source of infection detected but was suspected to be due to improper food handling. Conclusion: This investigations confirmed the food borne outbreak in Panchkhal Municipality. The definitive causative agent of the foodborne outbreak was not identified. Proper and timely response to the outbreak is of utmost important, and can reduce the severity of the illness and halt further spread of the epidemics

    The Seroepidemiology of Haemophilus influenzae Type B Prior to Introduction of an Immunization Programme in Kathmandu, Nepal.

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    Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) is now recognized as an important pathogen in Asia. To evaluate disease susceptibility, and as a marker of Hib transmission before routine immunization was introduced in Kathmandu, 71 participants aged 7 months-77 years were recruited and 15 cord blood samples were collected for analysis of anti-polyribosylribitol phosphate antibody levels by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Only 20% of children under 5 years old had levels considered protective (>0.15 µg/ml), rising to 83% of 15-54 year-olds. Prior to introduction of Hib vaccine in Kathmandu, the majority of young children were susceptible to disease

    From Moscow with love

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    One of the less researched aspects of postcolonial India’s “progressive” culture is its Soviet connection. Starting in the 1950s and consolidating in the 1960s, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics invested in building up “committed” networks amongst writers, directors, actors, and other theater- and film-practitioners across India. Thus, an entire generation of cultural professionals was initiated into the anticolonial solidarity of emerging Afro-Asian nations that were seen, and portrayed, by the Soviets as being victims of “Western” imperialism. The aspirational figure of the New Soviet Man was celebrated through the rise of a new form of “transactional sociality” (Westlund 2003). This paper looks at selected cases of cultural diplomacy—through the lens of cultural history—between the USSR and India for two decades after India’s Independence, exploring the possibility of theorizing it from the perspective of an anticolonial cultural solidarity that allowed agency to Indian interlocutors

    आमजन-स्वामित्व के रूप में स्वास्थ्य प्रौद्योगिकी: विश्वसनीय, अनुकूल एवं किफ़ायती

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    निवेशों में वृद्धि होने के बावजूद, अभी तक 10 में से 6 व्यक्ति के पास स्वास्थ्य सेवाओं की पहुँच नहीं है, न ही वे देखभाल के प्रति कर्तव्य का पालन करते हैं। एल्कोहॉल आधारित हाथ सफाई और विकीमेड ने यह दिखाया है कि किस प्रकार से ‘मुक्त पुनरुत्पादनीय उपकरण’ और सॉफ्टवेयर के निर्माण से लाखों लोगों की जान बचायी जा सकती है, वैज्ञानिक प्रमाणिकता में वृद्धि की जा सकती है और लागत को 90% तक कम किया जा सकता है। एजेंडा 2030- ‘सभी के लिए स्वास्थ्य’ को समय से क्रियान्वयन के लिए सहयोगात्मक देखरेख एकमात्र विकल्प है। जिम्मेदार एवं सशक्त समाज के निर्माण हेतु हम नवाचार मॉडल के अतिरिक्त नौ प्रमुख विकल्पों को प्रस्तुत करते हैं: हम बुजुर्गों, सार्वजनिक नीतियों, गुणवत्तापूर्ण प्रणाली एवं क्रिप्टोकरेंसी पर भी चर्चा करते हैं

    Technologies de santé en communs : fiables, abordables, adaptables

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    6 humains sur 10 n'ont pas accès ou n'adhèrent pas aux soins, malgré les investissements. Le désinfectant pour les mains et WikiMed illustrent que la création avec les communautés d'équipements et logiciels librement reproductibles peut : sauver des millions de vies, accroître l'intégrité, réduire les coûts de 90%. Coopérer est le seul moyen de réaliser à temps l'agenda 2030 : la santé pour tou·te·s. Nous présentons neuf alternatives à l'innovation exclusive, pour une société responsable et solidaire. Nous discutons aussi de vieillissement, politiques publiques, systèmes qualité, cryptomonnaies