56 research outputs found


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    R1NGKASAN EKSPLORASI PROTEIN SPESIFIK PREGNANCY ASSOCIATED GLYCOPROTEIN (PAG) AIR SUSU SAPI PERAH SEBAGAI BIOMARKER UNTUK. PENGEMBANGAN DIAGNOSIS KEBUNTINGAN SECARA LABORATORIS Oleh Abdul Samik, Erma Safitri Departemen Reproduksi Veteriner Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Unair Surabaya Diagnosa kebuntingan dini pada sapi dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara yaitu (a) dengan mendeteksi substansi spesifik yang terdapat di dalam darah dan air susu induk seperti Pregnancy Associated Glycoprotein (P AG) dan (b) dengan mendeteksi substansi non spesifik yang ada di dalam darah, urine atau air susu selama kebuntingan seperti progesterone, estrone sulphate. Selama ini yang telah dilakukan untuk mendiagnosa dini kebuntingan sapi adalah dengan mendeteksi adanya substansi non spesifik selama kebuntingan. Pada kenyataannya, deteksi kebuntingan dini dengan menggunakan substansi non spesifik seperti progesterone dan estrone sulphate dengan menggunakan teknik RIA (Nalbandov, 1990) belum dapat dilaksanakan secara cepat dilapangan karena beberapa faktor seperti sulitnya pelaksanaan, mahalnya harga kit dan sulitnya mendapatkan bahan-bahan untuk keperluan RIA. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah : Mengidentifikasi Pregnancy Associated Glycoprotein (P AG) yang merupakan protein awal kebuntingan dari air susu sapi perah bunting, Melakukan isolasi Pregnancy Associated Glycoprotein (PAG) dari air susu sapi perah bunting, Melakukan karakterisasi biokimiawi Pregnancy Associated Glycoprotein (PAG) dari air susu sapi perah bunting. Metode penelitian meliputi : karakterisasi P AG dari sapi perah bunting melalui teknik ekstraksi protein P AG air susu dengan metode Sodium Dodesil Sulfat Poliakrilamid Gel Electrophoresis (SOS-PAGE) ,uji spesifikasi protein j j i P AG dari air susu dengan metode Western Blot dan isolasi protein PAG dengan metode elektroelusi. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah Pegnancy Associated Glycoprotein (PAG) dapat dideteksi dan diisolasi dari air susu sapi perah bunting, Berat molekul Pegnancy Associated Glycoprotein (P AG) yang diperoleh adalah 59,88 kDa. Saran yang dapat diajukan adalah dengan melihat karakter kimiawi dari P AG perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk memproduksi anti-P AG yang dapat digunakan untuk diagnosis kebuntingan sapi perah secara laboratories. I

    Pengaruh Pemberian Hormon Steroid Sitesis Nandrolone Decanoate Terhadap Fertilitas Mus Musculinus

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    Berbagai cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk memperbaiki produktivitas dan reproduktivitas ternak adalah dengan perbaikan mutu pakan ternak, control penyakit dan kesehatan serta penggunaan obat – obatan baik untuk penyembuhan penyakit maupun untuk perangsang pertumbuhan

    Characterization of Pregnancy Specific Protein B (PSPB) from Placenta Foetalis (Cotyledon) Friesian Holstein Cows

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    This research was aimed to find out a substance that was useful in early pregnancy diagnosis of Friesian Holstein cows. Pregnancy Specific Protein B (PSPB) was isolated, purified and partially characterized from cotyledon Friesian Holstein cows. Characterization of PSPB protein was conducted using SDS-PAGE and Western Blot. Antisera were developed against PSPB and by immunohistochemical techniques the protein was localized to the binucleated cells of the cotyledon. The estimated molecular size of Friesian Holstein cows PSPB was 59.88 kDa with the concentration of PSPB protein in cotyledon was 6480 ng/ml. PSPB protein could induce anti-PSPB antibody with the value of optical density (OD) were 0.179±0.0102 (before immunization); 1.466±0.3288 (3rd week after immunization); 1.936±0.4754 (1st week after booster;) and 2.256±0.4842 (2nd week after booster)


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    The sustainability of livestock sources is rdatt:d to hirth rate increase and the shortening or kidding interval. One of the elTorts to shorten the calving interval in dairy cattle is hy conducting early diagnosis of prcgnanc: alter mating. The development of early pregnancy diagnosis method in livcskx:k can he undertakell h~ observing specific substance rresenls in the milk of pregnant livestock. i.c. the Pregnancy Associated Glycoprotein (PAG). The o~jective of this study was to prove that PAG protein was able to induce humoral immune response characterizcu by: the fonnation of anti-PAG and to prove that anti-PAG produced was able to recognize PAG protein from milk of pregnant dairy cow as the base Il)r developing OIlC orearly pregnancy test in dairy cow. This study was conducted by following these stages: I) Characterization or anti-PAG produced from the induction of PAG protein isolate from the milk of pregnant dairy cow and 2) Dairy cow pregnancy diagnosis by PAG microtiter strip and rectal palpation. Anti-PAG titer obtained in this study was found to be low in week 5 after the first and second booster (week 10). i.e .• 44.76 !1g/m1 and 69.76 Jlg/ml, while the highest titer was obtained in week 3 after the first and second booster (week 8), i.e .. 555.00 Jlg/ml and 606.91 ~tg/ml. The results of PAG microtiter strip at 21th day after breeding wilh recti!! palpation revealed sensitivity, specificity. accuracy. positive predictive. and negative predictive values of 39,39 %; 80 %; 58 92,86 % and 44A4 %. 'hi1c tht.: results or 28th PAG microtiter strip at day after breeding with rectal palpation f'Cc'calcd sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive. and negative predictive values 01'93,93 %; 85,71 %; 86 %; 86,11 % and 85,71 Based on the results, it can be concluded that PAG protein is able to '1I1duce humoral immune response by the fonnation of anti-PAG. The anti-PAG produced can be employed for doe pregnancy diagnosis with PAG microliter strip. Dairy cOVv pregnancy diagnosis with PAG microtiter strip at 281h day after hrccding has more reliable validation value as compared at 21th day after breeding

    Mycotoxin Binders Effect on Ovaries of Pregnant Mice Exposed to Zearalenone

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    Mycotoxin, a secondary metabolite produced by mushroom, has proven to cause various cytotoxic effects to animals. Zearalenone is one type of mycotoxin which is produced by Fusarium graminearum mushroom and has a cytotoxic effect to the reproduction system and cattle productivity by inducing apoptosis in the animal's ovaries, uterus, and placenta. This research tested the potentials of mycotoxin binders in eliminating the effect of zearalenone which can be seen from the expression of caspase 3, the content of malondialdehyde (MDA), and the quantity of corpus luteum in the ovaries of pregnant mice (Mus musculus). Twenty mice were grouped into five different treatments, namely K+ (not exposed to zearalenone and mycotoxin binders), K- (0.1 mg/mouse/day of zearalenone dosage), P1 (0.1 mg/mouse/day of zearalenone dosage and 0.5 mg/mouse/day of mycotoxin binder dosage), P2 (0.1 mg/mouse/day of zearalenone dosage and 1 mg/mouse/day of mycotoxin binders), and P3 (0.1 mg/mouse/day of zearalenone and 2 mg/mouse/day of mycotoxin binders), with 10-days treatment time. The results showed that the potentials of mycotoxin binders could be found on the gradual decline in the expression of caspase 3 in P1, P2 and P3 compared to that in K- (negative control). The results also showed a significant difference in the content of malondialdehyde (MDA) in K- compared to that in K+, P1, P2, and P3. Meanwhile, the quantity of corpus luteum in K- was also starkly different to that in K+, P1, P2, and P3. It can then be concluded that mycotoxin binders are very effective in eliminating the exposure of zearalenone.

    Anti Early Embryonic Protein (EEP) for Pregnancy Test by Microtiter Strip in Dairy Cows

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    The purpose of this study was to identify and isolate of EEP from cotyledons of pregnant dairy cow for detecting early pregnancy by microtiter strip method in post-inseminated cows at 28 day, including con rmation by serum progesterone and utrasonography. The EEP with a molecular weight of 59.88 kDa could induce the onset of anti-EEP, which can be used for pregnancy test. The EEP microtiter strip test with blood serum progesterone and optimum USG levels was found sensitivity and speci city, as well as had positive predictive values and negative predictive values of 93.33%, 100%, 100% and 83.33%, respectively


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    The sustainability of livestock sources is rdatt:d to hirth rate increase and the shortening or kidding interval. One of the elTorts to shorten the calving interval in dairy cattle is hy conducting early diagnosis of prcgnanc: alter mating. The development of early pregnancy diagnosis method in livcskx:k can he undertakell h~ observing specific substance rresenls in the milk of pregnant livestock. i.c. the Pregnancy Associated Glycoprotein (PAG). The o~jective of this study was to prove that PAG protein was able to induce humoral immune response characterizcu by: the fonnation of anti-PAG and to prove that anti-PAG produced was able to recognize PAG protein from milk of pregnant dairy cow as the base Il)r developing OIlC orearly pregnancy test in dairy cow. This study was conducted by following these stages: I) Characterization or anti-PAG produced from the induction of PAG protein isolate from the milk of pregnant dairy cow and 2) Dairy cow pregnancy diagnosis by PAG microtiter strip and rectal palpation. Anti-PAG titer obtained in this study was found to be low in week 5 after the first and second booster (week 10). i.e .� 44.76 !1g/m1 and 69.76 Jlg/ml, while the highest titer was obtained in week 3 after the first and second booster (week 8), i.e .. 555.00 Jlg/ml and 606.91 ~tg/ml. The results of PAG microtiter strip at 21th day after breeding wilh recti!! palpation revealed sensitivity, specificity. accuracy. positive predictive. and negative predictive values of 39,39 %; 80 %; 58 92,86 % and 44A4 %. hi1c tht.: results or 28th PAG microtiter strip at day after breeding with rectal palpation fCccalcd sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive. and negative predictive values 0193,93 %; 85,71 %; 86 %; 86,11 % and 85,71 Based on the results, it can be concluded that PAG protein is able to 1I1duce humoral immune response by the fonnation of anti-PAG. The anti-PAG produced can be employed for doe pregnancy diagnosis with PAG microliter strip. Dairy cOVv pregnancy diagnosis with PAG microtiter strip at 281h day after hrccding has more reliable validation value as compared at 21th day after breeding

    Efek Pemberian Anti-Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin (ANTI-PMSG) Terhadap Perolehan Sel Telur Dan Embrio Mencit (Mus musculus)

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    Intisari: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari pengaruh pemberian antibodi polikiona! PMSG terhadap perolehan sel telur dan embrio mencit. Duapuluh lima ekor mencit betina dibagi menjadi lima kelompok, masing-masing kelompok 5 ekor. Kelompok kontrol disuperovulasi dengan PMSG dengan dosis 5 IU dan hCG dengan dosis 5 IL/ yang disuntikkan secara subkutan. Kelompok perlakuan 1, 2, 3 dan 4 semua mencit betina disuntik dengan PMSG dan hCG dengan dosis 5 IU sccara subkutan, setelah sate jam disuntik dengan anti-PMSG dengan dosis 0,1 ml dengan pengenceran untuk masing-masing perlakuan sebesar 1:20, 1:40, 1:80 dan 1:160. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dosis optimal antibodi PMSG untuk menghambat kerja PMSG pada mencit yaitu pada pengenceran 1:20. Antibodi PMSG dengan dosis 1 ml dapat menghambat 1000 IU PMSG dan terjadi peningkatan yang bermakna (r0,05) akibat pemberian anti-PMSG terhadap perolehan sel telur serta peningkatan yang sangat bermakna (

    The Induction of Twinning Birth in Fatty Tail Ewes by Using Low Dose of PMSG

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    The aims of the research were to know the effect of low dose of PMSG for inducing twinning birth in Fatty Tail ewes. Thirty ewes were divided into two groups, each ewe of the first group (control, n=15) was given 5 mg PGF2α by intramuscular injection. Another 15 ewes in the second group were given combination of 100 IU PMSG and 5 mg PGF2α intramuscular each. The results showed that 100% of ewes in second group revealed estrus in 33.95±9.45 hours after injection and had 2-3 lambs twinning pregnancies. The ewes in the first group showed that only 80% revealed estrus in 36.51±10.25 hours after injection and 83.35% of those had 1-2 lambs twinning pregnancies Key words: Fatty tail sheep, PMSG, PGF2α, Estrous, Lam

    Epidemiological Profile of Congenital Heart Disease in a National Referral Hospital

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    Introduction: Sardjito Hospital is the tertiary referral hospital in Yogyakarta and Central Java, Indonesia. There are no reported data measuring epidemiological profi le of congenital heart disease (CHD) in this region. This study was aimed specifi cally to determine the most major lesion and type of CHD in one of an over-populated area in Indonesia. Methods: The retrospective observational study was conducted during January 2014 to December 2014 in Sardjito Hospital. In and outpatients with CHD taken from medical record were noted their clinical data and only patients with transthoracal echocardiographic proof of CHD were included in this study. CHD with more than single lesion was simplifi ed as one lesion which had most major impact on hemodynamic circulation. The denomerator was the sum of all new patients visiting to the hospital at 2014. Data were entered in MS-excel and analyzed by software SPSS version 22.Results: We had total 650 new patients with CHD registered to Sardjito Hospital in 2014. The incidence of CHD was 134/10.000 person-years consisted of adult 22% and children 78% (female 60% and male 40%). Ventricle septal defect (VSD) was the most common lesion among children (30%) followed by atrial septal defect (ASD) 17%, persistent ductus arteriosus (PDA) 16%, andTetralogy of Fallot (TOF) 7%. Meanwhile in adult, ASD was the most frequent CHD (60%), continued by VSD 23%, TOF 8%, and PDA 4%. Secundum, primum, and sinus venosus type were found in 94%, 3%, and 3% of total ASD in children, and 99%, 1%, and 0% of adult respectively. Perimembran outlet (PMO), doubly committed subarterial (DCSA), and inlet were found in 66%, 12%, and 12% of total VSD in children, and 39%, 54%, and 0% of adult respectively. TOF had the highest incidence of cyanotic heart diseases (33 cases, 7%) in children and also in adult (12 cases, 8%). Conclusion: The incidence of CHD was 134/10.000 person-years. The most common lesion among children was VSD and in adult was an ASD. TOF had the highest incidence of cyanotic heart disease among children and adult. Secundum type was the most common fi nding in all ages of ASD population, whereas PMO and DCSA were the most frequent type of VSD in children and adult respectively.Keywords: incidence, congenital heart disease, hospital, cyanotic, typ
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