179 research outputs found

    Random risk aversion and the cost of eliminating the foreign exchange risk of the Euro

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    This paper answers the following questions. If the Euro foreign exchange risk is given, what is the cost of eliminating such a risk? How does risk aversion affect this cost? What is the relation between the insurance premium on the Euro and this cost? Is it possible to find out the level of risk aversion by looking upon actual risk-free yields? If risk aversion is random, how do risk-free yields move with the return on the Euro currency? Economists usually take for granted that preferences are stable. By contrast, business news networks mention frequently changing risk appetite, or changing investor sentiment, in order to explain market behavior. This paper shows that it is worthwhile to presume that risk aversion is random, because such randomness provides direct answers to the questions raised above.The Euro, foreign exchange risk, expected utility, cost of risk, risk aversion, risk compensation, insurance premium, risk-free yields, Monte Carlo simulations, bootstrap sampling, EU financial markets

    The effect of Vitamin D status on lung function and airway inflammation in adults in Saudi Arabia and the UK

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    Vitamin D deficiency is a worldwide health problem and more extensively present in the gulf countries such as Saudi Arabia and in high latitude countries such as the United Kingdom. Many previous cross-sectional studies have investigated the correlation between vitamin D status and lung function, but the effect of vitamin D status on lung function and airway inflammation is still debatable. This project aimed to investigate the effect of vitamin D intervention through pharmacological supplements or dietary intake, on lung function and airway inflammation, among asthmatic adults in Saudi Arabia and in healthy individuals in the United Kingdom. The main findings of the study were; vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent in asthma participants in Saudi Arabia (86%) and in healthy individuals in the UK (81%). Asthma participants with higher serum vitamin D levels had trend of better lung function (FEV1, P 0.287; FVC, P 0.391), slightly lower fractional exhaled nitric oxide levels (P 0.719) and lower blood inflammatory biomarkers, however, did not reach significant levels. Healthy participants with higher vitamin D levels had also better lung function (FEV1, P 0.104, FVC, P 0.158) but no differences in airway inflammation. Vitamin D intervention through oral supplements or dietary intervention for three weeks, significantly increased serum vitamin D levels (Supplement, P <0.001, dietary, P 0.002) and improved lung function, especially the forced vital capacity (P 0.031), but did not have effects on airway inflammation. Dietary vitamin D intake was lower than the recommendation in both groups. During the study sun-exposure was at the minimal level due to hot weather in Saudi and cold and cloudy weather in the UK. Vitamin D intervention did not affect weight or percentage of body fat. Both chemiluminescence immunoassay and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method can be used in measuring serum vitamin D levels but they cannot be used interchangeably due to systematic differences. However, they showed an acceptable agreement levels. Overall, the study found that vitamin D supplement in high dose, low dose or dietary intervention were effective in raising serum vitamin D level and had a trend of positive effect on lung function but not airway inflammation

    The two-sex life table and predation rate of Oenopia conglobata contaminata (Col.: Coccinellidae) feeding on pomegranate green aphid, Aphis punicae (Hem.: Aphididae), under laboratory conditions

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    The ladybird species Oenopia conglobata contaminata (Menetries) is one of the major predators of pests in the orchards across Iran. The life history and predation rate of this predator were studied under laboratory conditions with 27.5 ± 2oC, 55 ± 5 RH and 16: 8 h (L: D) photoperiod to 6-cm petri dishes. To study the demography, a cohort containing about 100 eggs with less than 24h of age was chosen. Ladybeetle larvae were fed daily on the immature stages of pomegranate green aphids, Aphis punicae Pass. The daily fertility, immature developmental time, mortality and predation rate data were analyzed using age-stage, two-sex life table analysis - MSChart software. Means and standard errors of population growth parameters were calculated by bootstrap method. To determine the predation rate, the first-instar beetle larvae were fed on the third and forth developmental stages of A. punicae. The adult ladybirds were grouped in pairs of opposite sexes to investigate their predation rates on daily basis. The intrinsic rate of increase (rm), finite rate of increase(λ) , mean generation time (T0) and net reproductive rate )R0( were 0.181 d-1, 1.198 d-1, 30.58 d and 251.65 offspring per individual respectively. Predation rate of different stages of forth-instar larvae and both adult sexes were 49.56, 95 and 125, aphids respectively, and the average predation rate (C0) was 118 aphids that shows a high rate of predation on the aphid population

    The Use of Geomatic Techniques to Monitor Environmental Deformation

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    Geospatial deformations are very important in some countries and may lead to catastrophes. For this purpose we need to find practical accurate ways to provide continuous monitoring and measurement to allow protection and secure safety. Some countries are suffering great losses such as Jordan where the major high way that connects the north to the middle of the country is closed most of the winter due to landslides that push the road away. In this work we are employing new Geomatics technique to analyze, monitor and measure the landslides. An application of geodetic monitoring of a major landslide on the highway linked Amman to the north (Jerash, Irbid). For the purpose of monitoring the landslide we designed a geodetic network, which consists of 4 points. Measurements were carried out over the period 2007 to 2012 (before and after rainy season) of 12 points within the network. The obtained results are compared to results published previously using different techniques of measurement over the two years period (2002-2004). In the new methodology, GPS receivers and total stations of high precision were used in addition to an orthophoto of two aerial photographs. The observations adjustment and the deformation analysis were executed using locally developed computer programs. The study enabled us to determine a value of 0.26 m/year as an average displacement of the landslide-prone area for the period of 2007-2012. Doi: 10.12777/ijse.4.2.2013.92-96 [How to cite this article: Rawashdeh, S., Ruzouq, R.E., and Qtaishat, K.S.. (2013). The use of geomatic techniques to monitor environmental deformation. International Journal of Science and Engineering, 4(2),92-96. Doi: 10.12777/ijse.4.2.2013.92-96

    ToiMon: W.C. monitoring system

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    The size of public buildings is increasing and the number of visitors also increased as a result. The services in the public building including the toilet facilities face many issues such as lack of maintance and propper hygiene, lack of staff that could constantly follow and check the condition of each toilet. Additionally, the visitors faces some issues such as looking for the closer bathroom and knowing the availability status within a building

    BUSTRACKER: Cloud based bus tracking application

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    Public transportation is a new and facilitated service which enables peoples to reach their desired destination without the need to use their personal vehicles. However, low accuracy of the bus schedules tend to cause many problems for the bus passengers. Moreover, most of the time,the bus will not arrive on the time which has been already provided on the schedule due to many causes such as traffic jam

    Effect of temperature on life table parameters of Diaphania indica (Lep.: Pyralidae) under laboratory conditions

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    The cucumber moth, Diaphania indica (Saunders), is a tropical and sub-tropical pest on cucurbits and a key pest of greenhouse crops in Jiroft region of Iran. The effect of temperature on life table parameters of this pest was investigated in a growth chamber at four constant temperatures i.e. 20, 25, 30 and 35 ºC on Cucumis sativus L. The net reproductive rates (R0) were found to be 68.19, 120.977, 64.05 and 21.23, respectively. The intrinsic rates of increase (rm) were 0.0619, 0.1746, 0.1934 and 0.1491, and mean generation times (T) were 69.063, 27.45, 21.49 and 20.44, respectively. According to the results, for the intrinsic rate of increase (rm), finite rate of increase (λ) and intrinsic birth rate (b), the optimum temperature was 30 ºC and the least suitable temperature was 20 ºC

    Developmental periods of Oenopia conglobata contaminata (Col.: Coccinellidae) reared on eggs of Sitotroga cerealella (Lep.: Gelechiidae) and Ephestia kuehniella (Lep.: Pyralidae) at constant temperatures

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    The coccinellid Oenopia conglobata contaminata (Menteries) is one of the most important predators of orchard pests in Iran. The effect of eggs of Sitotroga cereallela Olivier (Lep.: Gelechiidae) and Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lep.: Pyralidae) on development and survival of this beetle was studied and compared under laboratory conditions (five constant temperatures i.e., 22.5 ± 1, 25 ± 1, 27.5 ± 1, 30 ± 1 and 32.5 ± 1 °C 55 ± 5% relative humidity (R. H.) and a 16:8 h light: dark photoperiod). Total developmental time at the above-mentioned temperatures were 28.83 ± 0.17, 24.52 ± 0.37, 21,39 ± 0.21 17.92 ± 0.16 and 18.22 ± 0.29 days on S. cereallelaand27 ± 0.38, 23.32 ± 0.14, 19.57 ± 0.28, 16.14 ± 0.17 and 16.33 ± 0.05 days on E. kuehniella. The lower developmental thresholds (T0) of egg, larva, pupa and egg to adult on E. kuehniella were estimated15.02, 8.6, 7.48 and 8.55 ºC and the thermal constant for these periods calculated as 38.16, 222.22, 71.9 and 370.37 DD. The lower developmental thresholds on S. cereallela were found to be 13.79, 5.6, 5.82 and 6.54 ºC andthermal constant for the mentioned periods were 41.15, 277.77, 91.7, 454.54 DD, respectively. Although significant differences between developmental times at different temperatures exist, no significant differences was observed between 30 and 32.5 °C for two prey species. The results suggest that E. kuehniella serves as a more effective host than S. cereallela for rearing of coccinellid O. conglobata