12 research outputs found

    Threshold of Preference for Collusion and Interconnection Fees in Different Market Structures : the Tunisian Mobile Market Case

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    We present a Cournot model that compares the critical threshold of collusion in Duopoly and Oligopoly Markets where the actors are private, mixed or public. We assume that the incentive critical threshold for collusion depends on the interconnection fees. The different threshold values calculated in each Market structure are then estimated, using the OLS method, with variables related to the Tunisian market structures and prices. The Econometric estimation of the different threshold values is consistent with our theoretical results. Our findings can be used by the decision makers to control collusion, by acting on the level of interconnection fees for each market structure and by implementing the suitable market liberalization policies in this sector

    Market Power and Collusion on Interconnection Phone Market in Tunisia : What Lessons from International Experiences

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    We try in this paper to characterize the state of mobile phone market in Tunisia. Our study is based on a survey of foreign experience (Europe) in detecting collusive behavior and a comparison of the critical threshold of collusion between operators in developing countries like Tunisia. The market power is estimated based on the work of Parker Roller (1997) and the assumption of "Balanced Calling Pattern". We use then the model of Friedman (1971) to compare the critical threshold of collusion. We show that the "conduct parameter" measuring the intensity of competition is not null during the period 1993-2011. Results show also that collusion is easier on the Tunisian market that on the Algerian, Jordanian, or Moroccan one

    Collusion et structure des coûts dans un marché de duopole mixte vs privé de téléphonie mobile

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    Nous présentons dans ce papier une modélisation du seuil critique de préférence pour la collusion dans un duopole mixte/privé en fonction du tarif d'interconnexion et de son coût marginal, dans un régime de concurrence à la Cournot. L'objectif consiste à comparer la préférence pour la collusion à travers ce seuil dans les deux structures de marché étudiées et dans deux cas de figures : coûts d'interconnexion linéaires et coût d'interconnexion quadratiques. Les résultats montrent que le seuil dépend de deux variables : Le tarif d'interconnexion et un paramètre relatif à la technologie employée par l'opérateur. Les résultats de l'application au cas du marché Tunisien sont conformes aux résultats théoriques


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    Several studies explore the effect of regulation, competition and privatization separately on telecommunication performance industry. Our goal is to study the interaction effect between three indicators on the mobile market performance with the literature through the interaction effect Model, among the panel data analysis methods. Our econometric study involves a sample of 18 countries from Arab World over the time period (1992, 2008). We found a strong positive correlation between regulation and the two performance indicators. This correlation is quite remarkable especially when done estimate both competition and privatization with the regulation and independency

    Market Power and Collusion on Interconnection Phone Market in Tunisia : What Lessons from International Experiences

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    We try in this paper to characterize the state of mobile phone market in Tunisia. Our study is based on a survey of foreign experience (Europe) in detecting collusive behavior and a comparison of the critical threshold of collusion between operators in developing countries like Tunisia. The market power is estimated based on the work of Parker Roller (1997) and the assumption of "Balanced Calling Pattern". We use then the model of Friedman (1971) to compare the critical threshold of collusion. We show that the "conduct parameter" measuring the intensity of competition is not null during the period 1993-2011. Results show also that collusion is easier on the Tunisian market that on the Algerian, Jordanian, or Moroccan one

    Market Power and Collusion on Interconnection Phone Market in Tunisia : What Lessons from International Experiences

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    We try in this paper to characterize the state of mobile phone market in Tunisia. Our study is based on a survey of foreign experience (Europe) in detecting collusive behavior and a comparison of the critical threshold of collusion between operators in developing countries like Tunisia. The market power is estimated based on the work of Parker Roller (1997) and the assumption of "Balanced Calling Pattern". We use then the model of Friedman (1971) to compare the critical threshold of collusion. We show that the "conduct parameter" measuring the intensity of competition is not null during the period 1993-2011. Results show also that collusion is easier on the Tunisian market that on the Algerian, Jordanian, or Moroccan one