13 research outputs found

    Diretrizes da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia sobre Ánalise e Emissão de Laudos Eletrocardiográficos

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    Realizado pelo Grupo de Estudos de Eletrocardiografia da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia, este novo trabalho atualiza a primeira diretriz do eletrocardiograma de repouso, de 2003, com o resultado da reunião de especialistas de todo o Brasil em Pouso Alegre (MG), em novembro de 2008. Visando agregar mais conhecimento a esta centenária e fiel ferramenta, sempre presente nos consultórios dos clínicos e cardiologistas do Brasil e do mundo, são trazidas para esta versão as muitas novidades surgidas desde então. O descobrimento da eletrofisiologia, facilitando o diagnóstico das arritmias mais sofisticadas, o estudo pormenorizado das funções dos canais iônicos e suas repercussões na repolarização ventricular e, finalmente, o papel do ECG na prevenção da morte súbita cardíaca, foram alguns dos ganhos obtidos nestes últimos anos, além da transmissão dos exames eletrocardiológicos (ECG, holter, ergometria) através da internet, que possibilitou a difusão dos exames por todo o país

    Improved relationship between left and right ventricular electrical activation after cardiac resynchronization therapy in heart failure patients can be quantified by body surface potential mapping

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    OBJECTIVES: Few studies have evaluated cardiac electrical activation dynamics after cardiac resynchronization therapy. Although this procedure reduces morbidity and mortality in heart failure patients, many approaches attempting to identify the responders have shown that 30% of patients do not attain clinical or functional improvement. This study sought to quantify and characterize the effect of resynchronization therapy on the ventricular electrical activation of patients using body surface potential mapping, a noninvasive tool. METHODS: This retrospective study included 91 resynchronization patients with a mean age of 61 years, left ventricle ejection fraction of 28%, mean QRS duration of 182 ms, and functional class III/IV (78%/22%); the patients underwent 87-lead body surface mapping with the resynchronization device on and off. Thirty-six patients were excluded. Body surface isochronal maps produced 87 maximal/mean global ventricular activation times with three regions identified. The regional activation times for right and left ventricles and their inter-regional right-to-left ventricle gradients were calculated from these results and analyzed. The Mann-Whitney U-test and Kruskall-Wallis test were used for comparisons, with the level of significance set at p≤0.05. RESULTS: During intrinsic rhythms, regional ventricular activation times were significantly different (54.5 ms vs. 95.9 ms in the right and left ventricle regions, respectively). Regarding cardiac resynchronization, the maximal global value was significantly reduced (138 ms to 131 ms), and a downward variation of 19.4% in regional-left and an upward variation of 44.8% in regional-right ventricular activation times resulted in a significantly reduced inter-regional gradient (43.8 ms to 17 ms). CONCLUSIONS: Body surface potential mapping in resynchronization patients yielded electrical ventricular activation times for two cardiac regions with significantly decreased global and regional-left values but significantly increased regional-right values, thus showing an attenuated inter-regional gradient after the cardiac resynchronization therapy

    Comparison of Electrocardiographic Criteria for Identifying Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Athletes from Different Sports Modalities

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    OBJECTIVES: In athletes, isolated electrocardiogram high voltage criteria are widely used to evaluate left ventricular hypertrophy, but positive findings are thought to represent normal electrocardiogram alterations. However, which electrocardiogram criterion can best detect left ventricular hypertrophy in athletes of various sport modalities remains unknown. METHODS: Five electrocardiogram criteria used to detect left ventricular hypertrophy were tested in 180 male athletes grouped according to their sport modality: 67% low-static and high-dynamic components and 33% high-static and high-dynamic components of exercise. The following echocardiogram parameters are the gold standard for diagnosing left ventricular hypertrophy: left ventricular mass index ≥134 g.m-2, relative wall thickness ≥0.42 mm, left ventricular diastolic diameter index ≥32 mm.m-2, septum wall thickness ≥13 mm, and posterior wall thickness ≥13 mm. Results for the various criteria were compared using the kappa coefficient. Significance was established at