26 research outputs found

    Kolmogorovʼ entropy to investigate variation of forest soil properties in the Czech Republic

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    A measure of variation in values of physico-chemical properties of different soil groups is influenced by deterministic uncertainty. In this study, we assessed variation level of soil horizon properties in the most wide-spread forest soil groups on territory of the Czech Republic in the period 1953-2010. The assessment of variation was based on the selection of potentially correlating grain-size and chemical properties and a regression analysis (p < 0.05) between normal values (1981-2010) and Kolmogorov (K-) entropy of the forest soil quantities. Cambisols (73%), Stagnosols (10%) and Leptosols (4%) were the most frequently sampled soil groups in the database of 15,287 pits from the state pilot forest surveys during the normal period. The K-entropies of clay, Ntot, CaO and MgO indicated the mean contents in the soil groups more significantly than the entropies of loam, pH and Al2O3. The low variable clay content differentiated the series of Cambisols-Podzols (CM-PZ) from other soil groups. On the contrary, the higher stable clay content differentiated the Luvisols-Retisols-Stagnosols (LV-RT-ST) series. The low stable clay content and the higher Ntot and CaO contents were characteristic of Fluvisols and Gleysols. The CM-PZ series varied from LV-RT-ST by more variable contents of finer grain particles, Ntot and CaO. Relationships between soil properties means and K-entropies suggest different development series.O

    Environmental Effects among Differently Located and Fertile Sites on Forest Basal-Area Increment in Temperate Zone

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    Environmental properties differently influence the growth of forest tree species. The antagonistic effects of variable environmental properties classify the forest response according to various tree compositions among different sites. The division of the forest response was assessed in 52 stands arranged into 26 types of 13 site management populations (MPs) in 5 areas in the Czech Republic territory. The assessment was performed using time-series multiple regressions of basal-area increment from pure immature stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), oaks (Quercus sp.), ash (Fraxinus excelsior) and willows (Salix sp.) dependent on the interpolated average temperatures, annual precipitation, atmospheric concentrations of SO2, NOx and O3 and soil properties over the period 1971-2008 at p < 0.05. Site MPs differentiated the forest response to a greater extent than tree species. The response of the forests was significantly distributed by means of the montane, upland and waterlogged sites. The multiple determination index (r2) GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO 0.6 indicated an adaptable tree increment but an interval of r2 between 0.80-0.92 implied forest sensitivity to variability in environmental properties on non-waterlogged sites. The index r2 < 0.6 suggested a fluctuating forest increment that reflects environmental variability inconsistently. The fluctuating increment most affected the spruce and pine stands grown from upland to submontane locations. Montane spruce stands, as well as rock pines, appeared to be one of the most sensitive ones to environmental change. Floodplain forests seemed as adaptable to variable environmental properties.O

    Soil Degradation Processes Linked to Long-Term Forest-Type Damage

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    Forest degradation impairs ability of the whole landscape adaptation to environmental change. The impacts of forest degradation on landscape are caused by a self-organization decline. At the present time, the self-organization decline was largely due to nitrogen deposition and deforestation which exacerbated impacts of climate change. Nevertheless, forest degradation processes are either reversible or irreversible. Irreversible forest degradation begins with soil damage. In this paper, we present processes of forest soil degradation in relation to vulnerability of regulation adaptability on global environmental change. The regulatory forest capabilities were indicated through soil organic matter sequestration dynamics. We devided the degradation processes into quantitative and qualitative damages of physical or chemical soil properties. Quantitative soil degradation includes irreversible loss of an earth’s body after claim, erosion or desertification, while qualitative degradation consists of predominantly reversible consequences after soil disintegration, leaching, acidification, salinization and intoxication. As a result of deforestation, the forest soil vulnerability is spreading through quantitative degradation replacing hitherto predominantly qualitative changes under continuous vegetation cover. Increasing needs to natural resources using and accompanying waste pollution destroy soil self-organization through biodiversity loss, simplification in functional links among living forms and substance losses from ecosystem. We concluded that subsequent irreversible changes in ecosystem self-organization cause a change of biome potential natural vegetation and the land usability decrease


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    Famous intrusive, sub-volcanic and extrusive alkaline rocks of teschenite province in Moravian-Silesian Beskydes are newly study in detail. The set of selected alkaline rocks is characterised by the unussually high volume of apatite (5–10 %). Four types (A1–A4) of the Sr- and REE-enriched fluorapatites were distinguish in these teschenites s.s. Rare unaltered type A1 contains melt inclusions and usually slightly altered type A2 which encloses wide solid inclusions are regarded as magmatic in origin; its remobilization along fractures gave type A3, which is followed by the youngest elongated and capillaceous type A4. On the basis of trace analysis of REE by LA-ICP-MS, chondrite-normalized spectra present different shapes, with a typical enrichement of LREE in magmatic types and metasomatic type A3. Younger type A4 is relatively depleted in all LREE, while its HREE profile is close to both magmatic and metasomatic older types A1–A3. The normalized spectrum of A1 and its melt inclusions have a symmetric shape, without Eu anomaly which is obvious (negative) in younger types A3 and A4

    Forest Soil Water in Landscape Context

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    Forests play an irreplaceable role in linking the water cycle with the functions of soil. Soil water not only enhances the stability of forests, but also its run-off and evaporation affects the growth of plants in different ecosystems. The forest soil water balance is contextualized within the immediate and more global landscapes, in terms of relations of water to the soil environment and bedrock, participation in the local water cycle within a catchment basin and in the global cycle between ecosystems. Modifications by human civilization can have significant impacts, including erosion intensification, eutrophication, salinization, spreading of single-species plantations, and regime shifts. Forests regulate the movement of water in the soil environment by reducing the intensity of run-off. Such moderated run-off prevents the occurrence of flash floods, maintaining continuous availability of water for plant and human use. Participation of soil water in the cycling of elements in forests is modified by soil organic matter balance. The preservation of hydric functions in forest soils depends on prioritization of water balance restoration in every catchment basin enclosing the local element cycle. More fundamentally, the development of a synergistically interlinked system, centered around the soil-forest-water-civilization nexus, must become an urgent priority

    New Testamental Impulses to Prayer

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    Katedra biblických vědDepartment of Biblical SciencesCatholic Theological FacultyKatolická teologická fakult

    Do not be afraid! The Topic of Fear in the Synoptic Gospels

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    UNIVERZITA KARLOVA KATOLICKÁ TEOLOGICKÁ FAKULTA Katedra biblických věd Pavel Samec Nebojte se! Téma strachu v synoptických evangeliích Diplomová práce Vedoucí práce: doc. PhDr. Mireia Ryšková, Dr. theol. Praha 2019 2 Abstract The thesis deals with the topic of the fear in synoptic gospels. Fear is a phenomenon that affects every person and is subject of interest to several scientific disciplines. This thesis is focusing on fear as an emotion. The selection of gospel excerpts is narrowed to those containing call to overcome fear. The pericopes are categorized according to situations causing fear: fear of the future, fear of people, fear of tasks' difficulty, fear during miraculous apparitions, fear of death, and fear of apocalyptic dreads. The last topic of the thesis are general calls to overcome fear. The reactions of the biblical personalities are diverse and can be viewed as model attitudes inspiring modern society. In the introduction, the topic of fear is briefly characterized in perspective of psychology, philosophy and theology. The focus of the thesis is the exegesis of selected pericopes, thematically sorted into seven chapters ending with short recapitulations of the main ideas. After the generalizing conclusion, an overlap into spiritual life is suggested

    Do not be afraid! The Topic of Fear in the Synoptic Gospels

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    UNIVERZITA KARLOVA KATOLICKÁ TEOLOGICKÁ FAKULTA Katedra biblických věd Pavel Samec Nebojte se! Téma strachu v synoptických evangeliích Diplomová práce Vedoucí práce: doc. PhDr. Mireia Ryšková, Dr. theol. Praha 2019 2 Anotace Diplomová práce pojednává o tématu strachu v synoptických evangeliích. Strach je fenomén, který se dotýká každého člověka a je předmětem zájmu řady vědeckých disciplín. V této práci je pozornost zaměřena na strach jako emoci. Vychází se z evangelijních úryvků, jejichž výběr je zúžen na ty, v kterých je obsažena výzva k překonání strachu. Tematicky jsou perikopy rozděleny podle situací a důsledků, které strach vyvolávají: strach z budoucnosti, z lidí a z obtížnosti úkolů, dále strach při zázračných zjeveních, strach ze smrti a z apokalyptických hrůz. Posledním tématem jsou obecné výzvy k překonání strachu. Reakce aktérů biblických příběhů jsou rozličné a mohou být nahlíženy jako modelové postoje inspirující člověka dnešní doby. V úvodu práce je téma strachu stručně charakterizováno pohledem psychologie, filozofie a teologie. Těžištěm práce jsou exegeze vybraných perikop tematicky seřazených do sedmi kapitol zakončené krátkými rekapitulacemi hlavních myšlenek. Po závěrečném zobecňujícím pohledu je u některých témat naznačen spirituální přesah do duchovního života.UNIVERZITA KARLOVA KATOLICKÁ TEOLOGICKÁ FAKULTA Katedra biblických věd Pavel Samec Nebojte se! Téma strachu v synoptických evangeliích Diplomová práce Vedoucí práce: doc. PhDr. Mireia Ryšková, Dr. theol. Praha 2019 2 Abstract The thesis deals with the topic of the fear in synoptic gospels. Fear is a phenomenon that affects every person and is subject of interest to several scientific disciplines. This thesis is focusing on fear as an emotion. The selection of gospel excerpts is narrowed to those containing call to overcome fear. The pericopes are categorized according to situations causing fear: fear of the future, fear of people, fear of tasks' difficulty, fear during miraculous apparitions, fear of death, and fear of apocalyptic dreads. The last topic of the thesis are general calls to overcome fear. The reactions of the biblical personalities are diverse and can be viewed as model attitudes inspiring modern society. In the introduction, the topic of fear is briefly characterized in perspective of psychology, philosophy and theology. The focus of the thesis is the exegesis of selected pericopes, thematically sorted into seven chapters ending with short recapitulations of the main ideas. After the generalizing conclusion, an overlap into spiritual life is suggested.Katedra biblických věd a starých jazykůDepartment of Biblical Sciences and ancient languagesKatolická teologická fakultaCatholic Theological Facult

    Forest Soil Physico-Chemical Sorption Spatial Links in Central-European Systems of Site Geographical Divisions

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    Spatial links among soil property values influence variability of soil sorption. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of geotectonic, soil-and biogeographical divisions on forest soil physicochemical sorption spatial links. The effect was investigated through optimal model selection and its comparison among the soil cover division systems of Central-European Highlands in the Czech Republic. Optimal model was selected through the closest-fitting estimations of linear global and local regressions between sorption and chemical or geomorphological forest soil properties. The optimal model comparison was carried out through linear regression with bedrock type proportion (geodiversity) at units of particular division systems. Chemical properties influenced forest soil sorption more than relief. Soil base saturation (BS) was locally more divided than cation exchange capacity (CEC). Local regression of BS with Al2O3 was divided by geotectonic systems the most, but it was not influenced by geodiversity. Geodiversity influenced local regression of CEC with Al2O3 in soil regions as well as regression with C/N in biogeographical regions. Differences between spatial links of BS and CEC suggest that forest soil sorption is divided into multi-level clusters. Spatial link modelling of soil sorption can optimalize forest growth condition division for effective management use

    Forest Transformation Urgency for Topsoil Diversity Optimization During Environmental Change

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    Combined effect of environmental change and management variability leads to reduced soil diversity in homogenous forest stands. On the other hand, forest soil diversity is maintained with rich tree species composition. In this study, focus has been put on deriving urgency to change forest tree species composition in order to increase soil diversity in biogeographic regions with uneven impact of environmental change. The relation of forest tree species and soil diversities was compared between the periods of dominant sulphur deposition (1985–1994) and the period of regional environmental change (2003–2012) in the Czech Republic (Central Europe; 78 866 km2; 115–1602 m n.m.). Forest tree species and soil diversities were assessed using linear regression, discrimination analysis and geographically weighted regression including residue analysis. The effect of spatial differences of acid deposition on soil properties, though, decreased, still dependencies between the diversity of bedrock, soils and forest tree species increased significantly. Only 12.9 % of forests in the territory of the CR have optimum tree species diversity. The total of 65.9 % of forest require highly or moderately urgent transformation. An increase in spatial dependencies between soil and tree species diversities confirms the importance of site differentiation in forest transformation