10 research outputs found


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    Effects of autologous gingiva-derived cells with myogenic potential on regeneration of skeletal muscle

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    In our recent studies we found for the first time the ability of human multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) derived from alveolar gingiva (alveolar mucosa) to differentiate into myogenic direction. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of autologous gingiva-derived MSCs with myogenic potential on the regeneration of muscular tissue after mechanical damage. The study was conducted on 11 male rabbits. Biopsy of alveolar gingiva was performed at each animal before experiment for autologous MSCs obtainment. Cultures of MSCs were induced in vitro into myogenic direction. To model the damage, the medial heads of the gastrocnemius muscles were intersected on both pelvic limbs of the rabbit. Injection of autologous MSCs was performed on the seventh day after injury into the damaged muscle of one of the extremities, while equal volume of saline (control) was injected into the muscle of the contralateral limb. The animals were sacrificed on 0, 21, and 35 days after the administration of cells. MSCs transplantation led to significant reduction of the area of muscle damage. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed earlier increase in the proportion of MyoD- and myogenin-positive cells, as well as decrease in the expression of Ki-67 in damaged tissue, in experimental group compared to the control. Autologous cells did not significantly affect the composition of muscle fibers. Significant decrease in the proportion of fibrous tissue was also observed in the experimental group. The results indicate the effectiveness of autologous alveolar gingiva-derived MSCs for treatment of mechanical damage of muscle tissue. Local administration of cells accelerated reparative regeneration and prevented fibrosis

    Computer simulation, analy-sis of force and temperature-speed parameters of the pro-cess of combined machining of Al-Mg-Sc alloys

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    The results of studies of the combined processing of alloys of the Al-Mg-Sc system with known rheological properties under various temperature-rate and deformation conditions are presented. A computer model of the combined machining process was created and the DEFORM 3D complex was used to analyze the metal flow, the distribution of the strain rate and the temperature of the metal over the cross section of the workpiece when receiving round bars of various diameters. The results of the research were used to develop the production technology of welding wire from alloys of the Al-Mg-Sc system

    Особливості методу щодо зменшення ускладнень та підвищення ефективності трансуретральної лазерної резекції простати

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    Доброякісна гіперплазія передміхурової залози (ДГПЗ) характеризується виникненням розладів накопичення сечі та спорожнення сечового міхура. Більшість чоловіків у віці старше 60 років страждають певною мірою. Трансуретральна лазерна резекція передміхурової залози (ТУРП) – малоінвазивна, ендоскопічна та одна із сучасних технологій біомедичної інженерії, яка завдає мінімальної шкоди пацієнтам і визнана «золотим» стандартом в урології. Широко використовується для лікування ДГПЗ, ускладненої гострою затримкою сечі. Ведення пацієнтів з ДГПЗ є комплексним. Порушення спорожнення та затримки можна лікувати різними фармакологічними та хірургічними методами. У статті наведено дані про досвід поєднання технології трансуретральної лазерної резекції з медикаментозною післяопераційною терапією для зменшення ускладнень. На прикладі післяопераційного застосування «Левофлоксацину» у 179 пацієнтів доведено ефективність цієї комбінації. Малоінвазивна трансуретральна лазерна резекція передміхурової залози є одним із перспективних методів лікування простати, який значно знижує ризики для пацієнтів і визнаний «золотим» стандартом в урології. Лазерна ендоскопічна резекція передміхурової залози є однією із сучасних технологій біомедичної інженерії. Результат хірургічного лікування хворих на доброякісну гіперплазію передміхурової залози методом лазерної резекції значною мірою залежить від призначення адекватної післяопераційної антибіотикопрофілактики. Поєднання методу лазерної резекції з післяопераційним застосуванням левофлоксацину у хворих на доброякісну гіперплазію передміхурової залози, ускладнену гострою затримкою сечі, дозволяє покращити результати хірургічного лікування за рахунок зменшення розвитку ускладнень у післяопераційному періоді в 1,6 раза.Introduction. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is characterized by the occurrence of disorders of urine storage and bladder emptying. Most men over the age of 60 years are affected to some degree. Transurethral laser resection of the prostate (TURP) is minimally invasive, endoscopic and one of the modern technologies of biomedical engineering, which can cause minimal harm to patients and is recognized as the "gold" standard in urology. It is widely used for the treatment of BPH complicated by acute urinary retention. Main part. The management of patients with BPH is complex. Emptying and retention disorders can be treated by various pharmacological and surgical means. The article provides data on the experience of combining the technology of transurethral laser resection with medical postoperative therapy to reduce complications. Using the example of postoperative use of “Levofloxacin” in 179 patients, the effectiveness of this combination was proven. Conclusions. 1. Minimally invasive transurethral laser resection of the prostate gland is one of the promising methods of prostate treatment, which significantly reduces risks for patients and is recognized as the "gold" standard in urology. Laser endoscopic resection of the prostate is one of the modern technologies of biomedical engineering. 2. The result of surgical treatment of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia by laser resection largely depends on the appointment of adequate postoperative antibiotic prophylaxis. 3. The combination of the laser resection method with the postoperative use of levofloxacin in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia complicated by acute urinary retention allows to improve the results of surgical treatment by reducing the development of complications in the postoperative period by 1.6 times

    Computer simulation, analysis of force and combined machining of Al-Mg-Sc alloys

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    The results of studies of the combined processing of alloys of the Al-Mg-Sc system with known rheological properties under various temperature-rate and deformation conditions are presented. A computer model of the combined machining process was created and the DEFORM 3D complex was used to analyze the metal flow, the distribution of the strain rate and the temperature of the metal over the cross section of the workpiece when receiving round bars of various diameters. The results of the research were used to develop the production technology of welding wire from alloys of the Al-Mg-Sc system

    Computer simulation, analysis of force and temperature-speed parameters of the process of combined machining of Al-Mg-Sc alloys

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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.The results of studies of the combined processing of alloys of the Al-Mg-Sc system with known rheological properties under various temperature-rate and deformation conditions are presented. A computer model of the combined machining process was created and the DEFORM 3D complex was used to analyze the metal flow, the distribution of the strain rate and the temperature of the metal over the cross section of the workpiece when receiving round bars of various diameters. The results of the research were used to develop the production technology of welding wire from alloys of the Al-Mg-Sc system

    Effects of autologous gingiva-derived cells with myogenic potential on regeneration of skeletal muscle

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    In our recent studies we found for the first time the ability of human multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) derived from alveolar gingiva (alveolar mucosa) to differentiate into myogenic direction. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of autologous gingiva-derived MSCs with myogenic potential on the regeneration of muscular tissue after mechanical damage. The study was conducted on 11 male rabbits. Biopsy of alveolar gingiva was performed at each animal before experiment for autologous MSCs obtainment. Cultures of MSCs were induced in vitro into myogenic direction. To model the damage, the medial heads of the gastrocnemius muscles were intersected on both pelvic limbs of the rabbit. Injection of autologous MSCs was performed on the seventh day after injury into the damaged muscle of one of the extremities, while equal volume of saline (control) was injected into the muscle of the contralateral limb. The animals were sacrificed on 0, 21, and 35 days after the administration of cells. MSCs transplantation led to significant reduction of the area of muscle damage. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed earlier increase in the proportion of MyoD- and myogenin-positive cells, as well as decrease in the expression of Ki-67 in damaged tissue, in experimental group compared to the control. Autologous cells did not significantly affect the composition of muscle fibers. Significant decrease in the proportion of fibrous tissue was also observed in the experimental group. The results indicate the effectiveness of autologous alveolar gingiva-derived MSCs for treatment of mechanical damage of muscle tissue. Local administration of cells accelerated reparative regeneration and prevented fibrosis


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    Aim. To develop a safe protocol for cryopreservation of segments of iliac arteries straight after their retrieval from post-mortem donor with the use of polydimethylsiloxane as a coolant and cryoprotectant.Materials and methods. Eleven segments of iliac arteries were retrieved from post-mortem donor and divided into four groups including control. Based on preliminary heat and cold transfer mathematical modeling and tests with tissueequivalent phantom arterial segments were placed on plastic mounts and cryopreserved by following protocol: groups 1 and 2 were immersed in polydimethylsiloxane and cooled rapidly at 180 °С/min to –75 °С. Group 3 segments were cryopreserved at 1,6 °С/min in PDMS – fi lled cryo-container placed in the freezer at –80 °С. All segments were defrosted by immersion in PDMS at +24 °С and then examined for morphology changes by histological methods and SEM. EDS analysis with the use of AzTech software also was performed for Si – content evaluation. Restricted biomechanical tests were conducted for group 2 segments.Results. There were no signifi cant morphological differences between segments of the control and cryopreserved groups except for the segment with slow cooling.Conclusion. Mobile cryopreservation may allow increasing the effi ciency of retrieval of a large number of donor tissues for possible later use in the processing of bioprostheses of blood vessels; or, after decellularization, as well as tissue-specifi c matrices for tissue-engineering blood vessels