16 research outputs found

    Multiplicity Distributions and Charged-neutral Fluctuations

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    Results from the multiplicity distributions of inclusive photons and charged particles, scaling of particle multiplicities, event-by-event multiplicity fluctuations, and charged-neutral fluctuations in 158A\cdot A GeV Pb+Pb collisions are presented and discussed. A scaling of charged particle multiplicity as Npart1.07±0.05N_{part}^{1.07\pm 0.05} and photons as Npart1.12±0.03N_{part}^{1.12\pm 0.03} have been observed, indicating violation of naive wounded nucleon model. The analysis of localized charged-neutral fluctuation indicates a model-independent demonstration of non-statistical fluctuations in both charged particles and photons in limited azimuthal regions. However, no correlated charged-neutral fluctuations are observed.Comment: Talk given at the International Symposium on Nuclear Physics (ISNP-2000), Mumbai, India, 18-22 Dec 2000, Proceedings to be published in Pramana, Journal of Physic

    Azimuthal Anisotropy of Photon and Charged Particle Emission in Pb+Pb Collisions at 158 A GeV/c

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    The azimuthal distributions of photons and charged particles with respect to the event plane are investigated as a function of centrality in Pb + Pb collisions at 158 A GeV/c in the WA98 experiment at the CERN SPS. The anisotropy of the azimuthal distributions is characterized using a Fourier analysis. For both the photon and charged particle distributions the first two Fourier coefficients are observed to decrease with increasing centrality. The observed anisotropies of the photon distributions compare well with the expectations from the charged particle measurements for all centralities.Comment: 8 pages and 6 figures. The manuscript has undergone a major revision. The unwanted correlations were enhanced in the random subdivision method used in the earlier version. The present version uses the more established method of division into subevents separated in rapidity to minimise short range correlations. The observed results for charged particles are in agreement with results from the other experiments. The observed anisotropy in photons is explained using flow results of pions and the correlations arising due to the decay of the neutral pion

    Azimuthal anisotropy in S+Au reactions at 200 A GeV

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    Azimuthal correlations of photons produced at mid-rapidity in 200 A GeV S + Au collisions have been studied using a preshower photon multiplicity detector in the WA93 experiment. The Fourier expansion method has been employed to estimate the event plane via the anisotropy of the event as a function of centrality. The event plane correlation technique has been used to determine the true event anisotropy, beyond the anisotropy which arises due to finite multiplicity. The VENUS event generator with rescattering and proper simulation of the detector response can explain only a portion of the observed anisotropy. The residual anisotropy is found to be of the order of 5% for semi-central collisions. This suggests that directed collective flow of the produced particles is present at SPS energies. (C) 1997 Published by Elsevier Science B.V

    Soft photon production in central 200 GeV nucleon S-32+Au collisions

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    Inclusive photons of low transverse momenta have been measured in 200 GeV/nucleon S-32+Au collisions at the CERN SPS. Data were taken in the WA93 experiment using a small acceptance BGO detector with longitudinal segmentation. The results are compared to WA80 measurements for the same system and results from hadron decay calculations, An excess of soft photons over the expectations from neutral meson decays is observed

    Freeze-out parameters in central 158A (GeVPb)-Pb-208+Pbcollisions

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    Centrality dependence of neutral pion production in 158A GeV Pb-208+Pb-208 collisions

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