2,462 research outputs found

    A Low-Complexity Precoding Scheme for the Downlink of Multi-Cell Multi-User MIMO AF System

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    Because of its simplicity, amplify-and-forward (AF) is one of the most popular cooperative relaying technique. Relays are used in cooperative communication to improve reliability, coverage or spectral efficiency of cell-edge users. However, relays tend to increase the interferences seen by users of adjacent cells, particularly by the cell-edge users, when used in multi-cell systems. In this paper, we propose a low-complexity precoding scheme to mitigate the effect of other-cell interference (OCI) in cooperative communication. The scheme is designed by taking into account the interference plus noise covariance matrix of each user for mitigating the interference at each receiver by means of precoding at the relay node. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, both in terms of sum-rate and computational complexity, when compared to other existing OCI-aware precoding algorithms for AF

    A User Scheduling Scheme for Reducing Electromagnetic (EM) Emission in the Uplink of Mobile Communication Systems

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    The ubiquity and convergence of wireless communication services have contributed to an unprecedented popularity of mobile communications. Given that wireless communication systems operate on radiofrequency waves, the electromagnetic (EM) radiation exposure they generate is also unprecedented and, hence, this could have adverse health effects on both humans and animals according to the World Health Organization. In this paper, we propose a user scheduling/power allocation scheme to minimize the EM exposure of users subject to transmitting a target number of bits. Our user scheduling method is based on assigning priority levels to each user and the user with the lowest priority level is scheduled for transmission. Power allocation, on the other hand, is based on the water-filling approach over time by using the past channel gains of a user to compute its water level. Simulation results show that our proposed scheme performs much better than a spectral efficiency based scheme but has a higher EM emission in comparison with a non-practical ideal scheme

    A survey and tutorial of electromagnetic radiation and reduction in mobile communication systems

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    This paper provides a survey and tutorial of electromagnetic (EM) radiation exposure and reduction in mobile communication systems. EM radiation exposure has received a fair share of interest in the literature; however, this work is one of the first to compile the most interesting results and ideas related to EM exposure in mobile communication systems and present possible ways of reducing it. We provide a comprehensive survey of existing literature and also offer a tutorial on the dosimetry, metrics, international projects as well as guidelines and limits on the exposure from EM radiation in mobile communication systems. Based on this survey and given that EM radiation exposure is closely linked with specific absorption rate (SAR) and transmit power usage, we propose possible techniques for reducing EM radiation exposure in mobile communication systems by exploring known concepts related to SAR and transmit power reduction in mobile systems. Thus, this paper serves as an introductory guide to EM radiation exposure in mobile communication systems and provides insights toward the design of future low-EM exposure mobile communication networks


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    Essential drugs in primary health centres of north central Nigeria; where is Bamako initiative?

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    To assess the availability of essential drugs and the perceptions of clients on drugs situation in the primary health centres of Tafa Local Government Area, north central Nigeria. Checklist consisting ofminimum drugs expected in a generic primary health centre developed by the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) was adopted and used to assess drugs availability, while FocusGroupDiscussionswere conducted to determine the perceptions of clients on drugs situation in the health centres. Results showthat, all the 3 primary health centres in Tafa LGAdo not implement Bamako initiative (BI) and none was operating Drug Revolving Fund (DRF) system. Out of the minimum recommended score of 54 points for the availability and adequacy of drugs and consumables, NewWuse primary health centre in the LGA headquarters scored highest points of 19,while New Bwari and Iku primary health centres scored 13 points each.All these are far below the minimum requirement. Similarly, the results of the FGDs confirmed poor vailability of drugs and clients dissatisfactionswith the drugs situation in the primary health centres. This study has revealed that despite Bamako Initiatives put in place in late 80s essentials drugs are stillmirages inmany of the primary health care facilities in the study area. It is therefore recommended that, any effort aimed at reforming or repositioning primary health care must take into account resuscitating Bamako Initiative by ensuring functional DRF systemin all the primary care facilities.Keywords: Essential drugs;Primary Health Centres; Bamako Initiative Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice Vol. 11 (1) 2008: pp.9-1

    Education, Democracy and National Development: The Way Forward

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    This paper examines the present state of Education, Democracy and National Development in the present Democratic dispensation in Nigeria. It proposes a number of steps for improving and reinforcing the foundations of our educational systems for a sustainable national development. A major tool of development is democracy. It needs to be understood, nurtured and applied appropriately so that majority of Nigerians who are yet to enjoy the dividends of democracy not only in education, but also in other areas of National development can do so. The paper concludes by challenging the present legislators to leave up to their expectations as true representatives of their people in ensuring that education is given the highest priority over and above all other sectors of the economy. It is the writer's believe that once education is funded properly and adequately, other sectors of the economy would have been indirectly funded.The Information Manager Vol. 8 (1) 2008: pp. 1-

    Measuring, monitoring and improving mass dog vaccination programmes to control and eliminate rabies

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    Rabies is an acute viral infection which causes horrifying neurological symptoms that inevitably result in death. Every year at least 59,000 people are estimated to die from rabies and more than 10 million are treated with post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). Over 90% of human rabies deaths occur in Asia and Africa following bites from domestic dogs. Although human rabies deaths are 100% preventable through the delivery of prompt PEP to bite victims following a bite, PEP is not accessible to many poor rural victims, most of whom subsist on less than US$1.25/day. Empirical and theoretical evidence shows that mass dog vaccination that reaches 70% of susceptible dog population can interrupt the transmission cycle. Rabies has been eliminated from industrialized countries through mass dog vaccination, and the continent-wide elimination of canine rabies from the Americas is now within reach. In contrast, no effective large-scale control of dog rabies has been achieved in Africa and information is still needed to optimise and sustain dog vaccination programmes. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the rabies control programme in Tanzania. This thesis is presented as a series of three standalone chapters (Chapters 2-4) that are introduced and then summarised by a general introduction (Chapter 1) and a general discussion (Chapter 5) respectively. Achieving high coverage is the most important aim of any vaccination programme; however, assessing the vaccination coverage achieved is often neglected in rabies endemic countries. In Chapter 2, I compare three methods of measuring vaccination coverage (post-vaccination transects, school-based surveys, and household surveys) across 28 districts in different settings in southeast Tanzania and Pemba island in order to determine which is most precise method. These approaches were explored in detail in a single district in northwest Tanzania (Serengeti), where their performance in producing precise estimates of coverage was compared with a complete dog population census that also recorded dog vaccination status. Our analysis found that transect studies (counting vaccinated and unvaccinated dogs) immediately after the campaign is cheap, quick, and provides precise estimates. Therefore, transects were considered more appropriate for routine monitoring of mass vaccination campaigns than household or school-based surveys. In Chapter 3, I used data from Chapter 2 together with human population census data from Tanzanian Bureau of Statistics to develop a model for estimation of the size of dog populations in Tanzania. Knowledge of the size of the dog population is necessary to adequately plan and achieve the target of vaccinating 70% of susceptible dogs. I demonstrate that estimating dog population size using transect data gave more precise results than either household or school-based surveys. Therefore, transect data were used to develop a predictive model for estimating dog populations in districts lacking transect data. Using this model, I predict a dog population of 2.32 (95% CI 1.57,3.12) million in Tanzania and an average human to dog ratio of 20.7:1. In Chapter 4, I evaluate the implementation and performance of large-scale dog vaccination campaigns against rabies in Tanzania. For an effective rabies control and elimination, it is necessary to conduct vaccination campaigns in every village/street (completeness), achieve coverage of 70% (coverage) and return for dog vaccination within one year (timeliness). Therefore, in this Chapter 4, I assessed vaccination campaigns in terms of completeness, coverage and timeliness; I also investigated factors associated with and potentially causing success or failure of mass dog vaccinations, in terms of completeness and coverage. Overall, this study shows that Tanzania experienced notable challenges in the delivery of mass dog vaccinations. For example, although vaccination completeness improved over time, until the last two rounds of vaccinations, only 25% of districts had 100% campaigns completeness. Additionally, very few districts (27-36% of the study districts) achieved the recommended vaccination coverage of 70% between third and fifth round of vaccinations. Vaccination interval was planned to be annually but vaccinations delayed to more than two years, as a result, vaccinations were conducted in pulsed approach (not annually)

    Role of Treasury Single Account in Enhancing Transparency, Good Governance and Curbing Corrupt Practices in the Nigerian Public Service

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    The Treasury Single Account (TSA) was introduced by the global international financial institutions specifically the World and IMF to help countries block leakages and other wastages that are associated with corrupt practices in the management of the public funds by the public servants. The TSA was embraced by the Nigerian Government with the same objective of blocking leakages and fostering transparency in public services. This has been behind the background of the allegations of corrupt practices, mismanagement, leakages, waste and squandering of public resources by the public servants who dubiously maintained several accounts for one ministry or agency. This study investigated the role played by TSA in the promotion of transparency, good governance, and preventing corrupt practices. The study used documented sources for assembling data involving the existing body of literature after thoroughly identifying the clear gap for contribution to knowledge. The sources obtained were discussed using empiricism where statistical data were analysed on the impact of TSA on preventing leakages and corrupt practices. The study discovered that the introduction of TSA in the Nigerian public service was a good reform and a success in minimising dubious transactions, corrupt practices, and the operation of suspicious redundant accounts by Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) of Government. The study therefore, recommends that there is a need for full automation and digitalisation of governmental processes in Nigeria to reflect in other sectors of governance which can help in preventing leakages, malpractices, corrupt practices, and misgovernance

    Relationship between personality and course of study among tertiary institution students in North Western Nigeria

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    This paper examined the relationship between personality variables and academic performance among higher institution students in north western Nigeria. The study hypothesized that there is no significant difference between personality and course of study among higher institution students. Correlational design was utilized to test the hypotheses formulated in the course of this study and 389 was used as a sample of study. Eysenck Personality Inventory Scale (EPI) was used to collect data from the sample and the academic records of 389 students from eight Colleges of Education were used as sample. The study employed independent t-test at 0.05 level of significance to determine the extent of differences between personality and students‟ course of study. The findings revealed that there is no significant difference between Science and Arts students in their level of personality scores. The study therefore, recommends that personality of student should not be considered as a yardstick for allocating a course to students. Primarily, the interest and aptitude of students should always be given preference, this is with a view to ensuring and predicting better academic outcome on the part of students. Furthermore, Teachers should also ensure that equal treatment is given to without preference to their personality.&nbsp

    Radicchio cultivation under different sprinkler irrigation systems

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    Gun sprinklers were commonly used in Italy to irrigate Radicchio. Although this high-pressure irrigation system allows large areas to be irrigated in a short time, it has some major disadvantages. Disadvantages include the impact of the drops on the soil and crop can be very strong, the high volume of water used tends to increase water use and runoff and water distribution uniformity is low. A 3-year experiment was conducted in North-East Italy in order to evaluate the possibility of using a mini-sprinkler irrigation system with low-volume application rates. The use of mini-sprinkler resulted in a higher distribution uniformity, higher Christiansen uniformity coefficient and a higher water use efficiency. Energy cost was also lower when the mini-sprinkler system was used for irrigation as compared to the irrigation gun system. Radicchio head weight and marketable yield were higher when plants were irrigated with the mini-sprinkler as compared to those irrigated with the irrigation gun. Therefore, the use of mini-sprinklers resulted in not only a reduction in water use and energy cost but also an increase in radicchio production
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