645 research outputs found

    Warehousing of Dangerous Goods. Case: Explosives

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    Dangerous goods are present everywhere in the modern world. They are obtained, processed, manufactured and finally transformed into everyday household commodities such as detergents, glues, paints and even food flavors and dyes. They are irreplaceable part of modern life, because chemicals production and consumption worldwide is constantly rising. However, not everyone is familiar with hidden hazards they possess. This thesis aims at suggesting what is required to have a safe warehousing process of dangerous goods especially of explosives considering the nature of the goods. In order to answer to this question, the author describes first how dangerous goods are defined and classified. Research of this thesis is based on secondary data, which includes various European legislations, relevant literature and internet web-sites. All 9 classes of dangerous goods are briefly introduced with the emphasis on class 1 explosives. Handling of dangerous goods is a rather large topic and therefore the scope is limited to packaging and warehousing. In order to understand what is required from a safe warehouse of dangerous goods, the warehouse layout developed by the United Nations is discussed and real life examples are analyzed based on this model. Examples of accidents caused by explosives helped the author to define the main risks associated with explosives and to make suggestions and predictions for improvement and future of dangerous goods handling. This thesis can be useful for those lacking knowledge about hazardous goods but planning to work in this field and companies considering to start dealing with hazardous goods. Even though the thesis is rather limited and the author was unable to provide primary data, the thesis is valid for those who are interested in dangerous goods in general, but if they require more profound and detailed information, they will need to make further research. The reliability is rather high, because the main sources of information are legislations developed by trustworthy European institutions such as the United Nations and Health and Safety Executive

    Monetary targeting and financial system characteristics:An empirical analysis

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    Monetary targeting and financial system characteristics:An empirical analysis

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    Some Numerical Characteristics of Image Texture

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    Texture classification is one of the basic images processing tasks. In this paper we present some numerical characteristics to the images analysis and processing. It can be used at the solving of images classification problems, their recognition, problems of remote sounding, biomedical images analysis, geological researches

    Debt Shift, Financial Development and Income Inequality in Europe

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    A study of cases of rupture uterus in a tertiary medical college of Jharkhand, India

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    Background: Uterine rupture is a grave condition which is almost fatal for fetus. The most common risk factor for the uterine rupture is previous uterine surgery. Other major factors are obstructed labor, multiparity, use of uterotonic drugs, placenta percreta and rarely intrauterine manipulations such as internal podalic version and breech extraction.Methods: This study was conducted over a period from March 2014 to September 2015, in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, RIMS Ranchi, Jharkhand. All cases of rupture uterus, who were either admitted with or who developed this complication in the hospital, were included in the study.Results: There were 80 cases of rupture uterus out of 10474 deliveries. The incidence of rupture uterus was more (97.5%) in cases who had no previous antenatal checkup at all. Most of cases of previous caesarean section scar rupture during labour was lower segment caesarean section scar (94.11%). The most common causes of traumatic rupture were injudicious use of oxytocics (75%). Majority of cases of rupture uterus were of complete type (96.25%). The most frequent site of rupture was in the anterior wall of lower segment in 68.75% of cases. The maternal mortality rate cases of rupture uterus were 3.75%.Conclusions: Proper antenatal care and updated training courses of health care providers should be stressed to prevent this catastrophic but avoidable complication

    Державне сприяння українській регіональній економіці через розвиток дрібних сільськогосподарських товаровиробників

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    The current trends in national policies for the revitalization of the productive forces, and are some of the results of our research in this area are discussed in this article. The main purpose of the survey is an analysis of legislative proposals for increasing the competitiveness of national agriculture and its products. This article describes the current trends of the national policy on regional economic development, the draft of the Strategy for agriculture and rural areas developing in the 2015-2020, the main strategic priorities for the improvement of rural development, education and advisory services as a tool to achieve their goals. Approaches for improvement the conditions of financial resources concentration in the budgets of local communities and ensure their stable recruitment are analyzed.We propose to use the analysis of statistical data, international and national research for the adaptation of modern legislative initiatives to the international requirements and the realities of today. The survey's results can be applied to the analysis of government initiatives to strengthen rural development and filling of the budget in order to create productive forces within the framework of regional policy.Представлен анализ государственных инициатив, направленных на поддержку развития сельской местности как составляющей государственной региональной политики и развитие продуктивных сил. Рыночная ориентация частных сельских хозяйств будет одним из путей их интеграции в рыночную среду. Таким образом, будет решен вопрос о повышении концентрации финансовых ресурсов в бюджете местных общин, создании стабильных налоговых условий для привлечения инвестиций в сельское хозяйство Украины.Представлено аналіз державних ініціатив, спрямованих на підтримку розвитку сільської місцевості як складової державної регіональної політики та розвиток продуктивних сил. Ринкова орієнтація особистих селянських господарств буде одним із шляхів їх інтеграції до ринкового середовища. Це вирішить питання підвищення концентрації фінансових ресурсів у бюджет місцевих громад, створить стабільні податкові умови для залучення інвестицій в сільське господарство України

    A study of complications in case of unicornuate uterus with rudimentary horn

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    Background: To analyse gynecological and reproductive morbidities associated with unicornuate uterus with noncommunicating rudimentary horn.Methods: This is a retrospective study of 20 cases of unicornuate uterus with noncommunicating rudimentary horn found on laparotomy in a duration of 5 years (Oct 2011-Oct 2016).Results: Out of 20 patients, two teenagers presented with dysmenorrhoea and pain abdomen and had haematometra in the noncommunicating rudimentary horn which was excised. Eight had pregnancy in the noncommunicating rudimentary horn of which all presented after rupture and five were admitted in a state of shock. Ten patients had pregnancy in the hemiuterus with complications inherent to the condition.Conclusions: Unicornuate uterus with noncommunicating rudimentary horn is associated with poorest outcomes among all uterine anomalies and a high index of suspicion is needed to diagnose this condition and thus to save the woman from catastrophic complications

    Factors leading to inflation targeting - the impact of adoption

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    Organization and holding of the Olympic games Village in Ivdel city district

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    The article focuses on the problem of low involvement of rural settlements in the lessons of physical culture and mass sports on the territory of the Ivdel city district. To solve the problem, it seems the project on the organization and holding of the Olympic games Village in this territory. Organizational base of the project is the Department for culture, physical culture, sports and Affairs of youth of administration of the Ivdel city district. To identify the problem of low involvement of rural settlements in physical education classes was carried out the analysis of the office for culture, physical culture, sports and Affairs of youth of administration of the Ivdel city district.В статье акцентируется внимание на проблеме малой вовлеченности жителей сельских поселений в занятиях физической культуры и массовым спортом на территории Ивдельского городского округа. Для решения возникшей проблемы представляется проект по организации и проведении Деревенских олимпийских игр на данной территории. Организационной базой проекта выступает Управление по культуре, физической культуре, спорту и делам молодежи администрации Ивдельского городского округа. Для выявления проблемы малой вовлеченности населения сельских поселений в занятиях физкультуры был проведен анализ деятельности Управления по культуре, физической культуре, спорту и делам молодежи администрации Ивдельского городского округа