118 research outputs found

    Non-viral delivery and optimized optogenetic stimulation of retinal ganglion cells led to behavioral restoration of vision

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    Stimulation of retinal neurons using optogenetics via use of chanelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) has opened up a new direction for restoration of vision for treatment of retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Here, we report non-viral in-vivo electroporation of degenerated retina of adult RP-mice with ChR2-plasmids and subsequent in-vivo imaging of retina to confirm expression. Further, we demonstrate that in addition to efficient non-viral delivery of ChR2 to a specific retinal layer, threshold level of stimulation light needs to be delivered onto the retina for achieving successful behavioral outcome. Measurement of intensity of light reaching the retina of RP-mouse models along with geometrical optics simulation of light propagation in the eye is reported in order to determine the stimulating source position for optimal light delivery to the retina. The light-guided navigation of mice with ChR2 expressing retinal ganglion cells was found to be significantly improved over a long distance in correlation with stimulation intensity

    Optically-driven red blood cell rotor in linearly polarized laser tweezers

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    We have constructed a dual trap optical tweezers set-up around an inverted microscope where both the traps can be independently controlled and manipulated in all the three dimensions. Here we report our observations on rotation of red blood cells (RBCs) in a linearly polarized optical trap. Red blood cells deform and become twisted in hypertonic phosphate buffer saline and when trapped, experience an unbalanced radiation pressure force. The torque generated from the unbalanced force causes the trapped RBC to rotate. Addition of Ca++ ions in the solution, keeping the osmolarity same, makes the cell membranes stiffer and the cells deform less. Thus the speed of rotation of the red blood cells can be controlled, as less deformation and in turn less asymmetry in shape produces less torque under the radiation pressure resulting in slower rotation at the same laser power

    Directing growth cones of optic axons growing with laser scissors and laser tweezers

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    We have combined a laser scissors and a laser tweezers to study, (1) the response of nerve fiber growth cones to laserinduced damage on single axons, and (2) localized microfluidic flow generated by laser-driven spinning birefringent particles. In the laser scissors study, sub-axotomy damage elicits a growth cone response whether damage is on the same or an adjacent axon. In laser tweezers study, the axon growth cones turn in response to the optically driven microfluidic flow. In summary, both the laser scissors and the laser tweezers studies elicit growth cone turning responses

    Comparative analysis of different laser systems to study cellular responses to DNA damage in mammalian cells

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    Proper recognition and repair of DNA damage is critical for the cell to protect its genomic integrity. Laser microirradiation ranging in wavelength from ultraviolet A (UVA) to near-infrared (NIR) can be used to induce damage in a defined region in the cell nucleus, representing an innovative technology to effectively analyze the in vivo DNA double-strand break (DSB) damage recognition process in mammalian cells. However, the damage-inducing characteristics of the different laser systems have not been fully investigated. Here we compare the nanosecond nitrogen 337 nm UVA laser with and without bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), the nanosecond and picosecond 532 nm green second-harmonic Nd:YAG, and the femtosecond NIR 800 nm Ti:sapphire laser with regard to the type(s) of damage and corresponding cellular responses. Crosslinking damage (without significant nucleotide excision repair factor recruitment) and single-strand breaks (with corresponding repair factor recruitment) were common among all three wavelengths. Interestingly, UVA without BrdU uniquely produced base damage and aberrant DSB responses. Furthermore, the total energy required for the threshold H2AX phosphorylation induction was found to vary between the individual laser systems. The results indicate the involvement of different damage mechanisms dictated by wavelength and pulse duration. The advantages and disadvantages of each system are discussed

    Broad-Band Activatable White-Opsin

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    The authors would like to thank C. Cote and K. Dhakal (UTA) for help during initiation of the project. SM would like to thank K. Deisseroth (Stanford University) for ChR2 and C1V1 plasmids, and J. Lin (UCSD) for the ReaChR construct.Currently, the use of optogenetic sensitization of retinal cells combined with activation/inhibition has the potential to be an alternative to retinal implants that would require electrodes inside every single neuron for high visual resolution. However, clinical translation of optogenetic activation for restoration of vision suffers from the drawback that the narrow spectral sensitivity of an opsin requires active stimulation by a blue laser or a light emitting diode with much higher intensities than ambient light. In order to allow an ambient light-based stimulation paradigm, we report the development of a ‘white-opsin’ that has broad spectral excitability in the visible spectrum. The cells sensitized with white-opsin showed excitability at an order of magnitude higher with white light compared to using only narrow-band light components. Further, cells sensitized with white-opsin produced a photocurrent that was five times higher than Channelrhodopsin-2 under similar photo-excitation conditions. The use of fast white-opsin may allow opsin-sensitized neurons in a degenerated retina to exhibit a higher sensitivity to ambient white light. This property, therefore, significantly lowers the activation threshold in contrast to conventional approaches that use intense narrow-band opsins and light to activate cellular stimulation.Yeshttp://www.plosone.org/static/editorial#pee

    RBCs under optical tweezers as cellular motors and rockers: microfluidic applications

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    Recently, we have reported self-rotation of normal red blood cells (RBC), suspended in hypertonic buffer, and trapped in unpolarized laser tweezers. Here, we report use of such an optically driven RBC-motor for microfluidic applications such as pumping/centrifugation of fluids. Since the speed of rotation of the RBC-motor was found to vary with the power of the trapping beam, the flow rate could be controlled by controlling the laser power. In polarized optical tweezers, preferential alignment of trapped RBC was observed. The aligned RBC (simulating a disk) in isotonic buffer, could be rotated in a controlled manner for use as a microfluidic valve by rotation of the plane of polarization of the trapping beam. The thickness of the discotic RBC could be changed by changing the osmolarity of the solution and thus the alignment torque on the RBC due to the polarization of the trapping beam could be varied. Further, in polarized tweezers, the RBCs in hypertonic buffer showed rocking motion while being in rotation. Here, the RBC rotated over a finite angular range, stopped for some time at a particular angle, and then started rotating till it was back to the aligned position and this cycle was found repetitive. This can be attributed to the fact that though the RBCs were found to experience an alignment torque to align with plane of polarization of the tweezers due to its form birefringence, it was smaller in magnitude as compared to the rotational torque due to its structural asymmetry in hypertonic solution. Changes in the laser power caused a transition from/to rocking to/from motor behavior of the RBC in a linearly polarized tweezers. By changing the direction of polarization caused by rotation of an external half wave plate, the stopping angle of rocking could be changed. Further, RBCs suspended in intermediate hypertonic buffer and trapped with polarized tweezers showed fluttering about the vertical plane